import logging
from json import loads
from markupsafe import escape
from paste.httpexceptions import (
from galaxy import (
from galaxy.exceptions import MessageException
from galaxy.managers.hdas import HDAManager
from galaxy.managers.sharable import SlugBuilder
from galaxy.model.base import transaction
from galaxy.model.item_attrs import (
from galaxy.structured_app import StructuredApp
from galaxy.util.sanitize_html import sanitize_html
from galaxy.visualization.genomes import GenomeRegion
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import (
from ..api import depends
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class VisualizationController(
BaseUIController, SharableMixin, UsesVisualizationMixin, UsesAnnotations, UsesItemRatings
hda_manager: HDAManager = depends(HDAManager)
slug_builder: SlugBuilder = depends(SlugBuilder)
[docs] def __init__(self, app: StructuredApp):
# -- Functions for operating on visualizations. --
[docs] @web.expose
def copy(self, trans, id, **kwargs):
visualization = self.get_visualization(trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True)
user = trans.get_user()
owner = visualization.user == user
new_title = f"Copy of '{visualization.title}'"
if not owner:
new_title += f" shared by {}"
copied_viz = visualization.copy(user=trans.user, title=new_title)
# Persist
session = trans.sa_session
with transaction(session):
# Display the management page
trans.set_message(f'Created new visualization with name "{copied_viz.title}"')
[docs] @web.expose
@web.require_login("share Galaxy visualizations")
def imp(self, trans, id, **kwargs):
"""Import a visualization into user's workspace."""
# Set referer message.
referer = trans.request.referer
if referer and not referer.startswith(f"{trans.request.application_url}{web.url_for('/login')}"):
referer_message = f"<a href='{escape(referer)}'>return to the previous page</a>"
referer_message = f"<a href='{web.url_for('/')}'>go to Galaxy's start page</a>"
# Do import.
session = trans.sa_session
visualization = self.get_visualization(trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True)
if visualization.importable is False:
return trans.show_error_message(
f"The owner of this visualization has disabled imports via this link.<br>You can {referer_message}",
elif visualization.deleted:
return trans.show_error_message(
f"You can't import this visualization because it has been deleted.<br>You can {referer_message}",
# Create imported visualization via copy.
# TODO: need to handle custom db keys.
imported_visualization = visualization.copy(user=trans.user, title=f"imported: {visualization.title}")
# Persist
session = trans.sa_session
with transaction(session):
# Redirect to load galaxy frames.
return trans.show_ok_message(
message="""Visualization "{}" has been imported. <br>You can <a href="{}">start using this visualization</a> or {}.""".format(
visualization.title, web.url_for("/visualizations/list"), referer_message
[docs] @web.expose
def display_by_username_and_slug(self, trans, username, slug, **kwargs):
"""Display visualization based on a username and slug."""
# Get visualization.
session = trans.sa_session
user = session.query(model.User).filter_by(username=username).first()
visualization = (
trans.sa_session.query(model.Visualization).filter_by(user=user, slug=slug, deleted=False).first()
if visualization is None:
raise web.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
# Security check raises error if user cannot access visualization.
self.security_check(trans, visualization, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True)
# Encode page identifier.
visualization_id =
# Redirect to client.
return trans.response.send_redirect(
[docs] @web.json
def save(self, trans, vis_json=None, type=None, id=None, title=None, dbkey=None, annotation=None, **kwargs):
Save a visualization; if visualization does not have an ID, a new
visualization is created. Returns JSON of visualization.
# Get visualization attributes from kwargs or from config.
vis_config = loads(vis_json)
vis_type = type or vis_config["type"]
vis_id = id or vis_config.get("id", None)
vis_title = title or vis_config.get("title", None)
vis_dbkey = dbkey or vis_config.get("dbkey", None)
vis_annotation = annotation or vis_config.get("annotation", None)
return self.save_visualization(trans, vis_config, vis_type, vis_id, vis_title, vis_dbkey, vis_annotation)
[docs] @web.legacy_expose_api
@web.require_login("edit visualizations")
def edit(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd):
Edit a visualization's attributes.
id = kwd.get("id")
if not id:
return self.message_exception(trans, "No visualization id received for editing.")
trans_user = trans.get_user()
v = self.get_visualization(trans, id, check_ownership=True)
if trans.request.method == "GET":
if v.slug is None:
self.slug_builder.create_item_slug(trans.sa_session, v)
return {
"title": "Edit visualization attributes",
"inputs": [
{"name": "title", "label": "Name", "value": v.title},
"name": "slug",
"label": "Identifier",
"value": v.slug,
"help": "A unique identifier that will be used for public links to this visualization. This field can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes (-).",
"name": "dbkey",
"label": "Build",
"type": "select",
"optional": True,
"value": v.dbkey,
"options":, chrom_info=True),
"help": "Parameter to associate your visualization with a database key.",
"name": "annotation",
"label": "Annotation",
"value": self.get_item_annotation_str(trans.sa_session, trans.user, v),
"help": "A description of the visualization. The annotation is shown alongside published visualizations.",
v_title = payload.get("title")
v_slug = payload.get("slug")
v_dbkey = payload.get("dbkey")
v_annotation = payload.get("annotation")
if not v_title:
return self.message_exception(trans, "Please provide a visualization name is required.")
elif not v_slug:
return self.message_exception(trans, "Please provide a unique identifier.")
elif not self._is_valid_slug(v_slug):
return self.message_exception(
trans, "Visualization identifier can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes (-)."
elif (
v_slug != v.slug
and trans.sa_session.query(model.Visualization)
.filter_by(user=v.user, slug=v_slug, deleted=False)
return self.message_exception(trans, "Visualization id must be unique.")
v.title = v_title
v.slug = v_slug
v.dbkey = v_dbkey
if v_annotation:
v_annotation = sanitize_html(v_annotation)
self.add_item_annotation(trans.sa_session, trans_user, v, v_annotation)
with transaction(trans.sa_session):
return {"message": f"Attributes of '{v.title}' successfully saved.", "status": "success"}
# ------------------------- registry.
[docs] @web.expose
@web.require_login("use Galaxy visualizations", use_panels=True)
def render(self, trans, visualization_name, embedded=None, **kwargs):
Render the appropriate visualization template, parsing the `kwargs`
into appropriate variables and resources (such as ORM models)
based on this visualizations `param` data in visualizations_conf.xml.
URL: /visualization/show/{visualization_name}
plugin = self._get_plugin_from_registry(trans, visualization_name)
return plugin.render(trans=trans, embedded=embedded, **kwargs)
except Exception as exception:
return self._handle_plugin_error(trans, visualization_name, exception)
def _get_plugin_from_registry(self, trans, visualization_name):
Get the named plugin from the registry.
:raises HTTPNotFound: if registry has been turned off in config.
:raises HTTPNotFound: if visualization_name isn't a registered plugin.
if not
raise HTTPNotFound("No visualization registry (possibly disabled in galaxy.ini)")
def _handle_plugin_error(self, trans, visualization_name, exception):
Log, raise if debugging; log and show html message if not.
if isinstance(exception, MessageException):
log.debug("error rendering visualization (%s): %s", visualization_name, exception)
log.exception("error rendering visualization (%s)", visualization_name)
if trans.debug:
raise exception
return trans.show_error_message(
"There was an error rendering the visualization. "
"Contact your Galaxy administrator if the problem persists."
f"<br/>Details: {exception}",
[docs] @web.expose
@web.require_login("use Galaxy visualizations", use_panels=True)
def saved(self, trans, id=None, revision=None, type=None, config=None, title=None, **kwargs):
Save (on POST) or load (on GET) a visualization then render.
# TODO: consider merging saved and render at this point (could break saved URLs, tho)
if trans.request.method == "POST":
self._POST_to_saved(trans, id=id, revision=revision, type=type, config=config, title=title, **kwargs)
# check the id and load the saved visualization
if id is None:
return HTTPBadRequest("A valid visualization id is required to load a visualization")
visualization = self.get_visualization(trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True)
# re-add title to kwargs for passing to render
if title:
kwargs["title"] = title
plugin = self._get_plugin_from_registry(trans, visualization.type)
return plugin.render_saved(visualization, trans=trans, **kwargs)
except Exception as exception:
self._handle_plugin_error(trans, visualization.type, exception)
def _POST_to_saved(self, trans, id=None, revision=None, type=None, config=None, title=None, **kwargs):
Save the visualiztion info (revision, type, config, title, etc.) to
the Visualization at `id` or to a new Visualization if `id` is None.
Uses POST/redirect/GET after a successful save, redirecting to GET.
DEFAULT_VISUALIZATION_NAME = "Unnamed Visualization"
# post to saved in order to save a visualization
if type is None or config is None:
return HTTPBadRequest("A visualization type and config are required to save a visualization")
if isinstance(config, str):
config = loads(config)
# TODO: allow saving to (updating) a specific revision - should be part of UsesVisualization
# TODO: would be easier if this returned the visualization directly
# check security if posting to existing visualization
if id is not None:
self.get_visualization(trans, id, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=False)
# ??: on not owner: error raised, but not returned (status = 200)
# TODO: there's no security check in save visualization (if passed an id)
returned = self.save_visualization(trans, config, type, id, title)
# redirect to GET to prevent annoying 'Do you want to post again?' dialog on page reload
render_url = web.url_for(controller="visualization", action="saved", id=returned.get("vis_id"))
return trans.response.send_redirect(render_url)
# Visualizations.
[docs] @web.expose
def trackster(self, trans, **kwargs):
Display browser for the visualization denoted by id and add the datasets listed in `dataset_ids`.
# define app configuration
app = {"jscript": "trackster"}
# get dataset to add
id = kwargs.get("id", None)
# get dataset to add
new_dataset_id = kwargs.get("dataset_id", None)
# set up new browser if no id provided
if not id:
# use dbkey from dataset to be added or from incoming parameter
dbkey = None
if new_dataset_id:
decoded_id = self.decode_id(new_dataset_id)
hda = self.hda_manager.get_owned(decoded_id, trans.user, current_history=trans.user)
dbkey = hda.dbkey
if dbkey == "?":
dbkey = kwargs.get("dbkey", None)
# save database key
app["default_dbkey"] = dbkey
# load saved visualization
vis = self.get_visualization(trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True)
app["viz_config"] = self.get_visualization_config(trans, vis)
# backup id
app["id"] = id
# add dataset id
app["add_dataset"] = new_dataset_id
# check for gene region
gene_region = GenomeRegion.from_str(kwargs.get("gene_region", ""))
# update gene region of saved visualization if user parses a new gene region in the url
if gene_region.chrom is not None:
app["gene_region"] = {"chrom": gene_region.chrom, "start": gene_region.start, "end": gene_region.end}
# fill template
return trans.fill_template("visualization/trackster.mako", config={"app": app, "bundle": "extended"})