
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.visualization

import logging
from json import loads

from markupsafe import escape
from paste.httpexceptions import (

from galaxy import (
from galaxy.exceptions import MessageException
from galaxy.managers.hdas import HDAManager
from galaxy.managers.sharable import SlugBuilder
from galaxy.model.base import transaction
from galaxy.model.item_attrs import (
from galaxy.structured_app import StructuredApp
from galaxy.util.sanitize_html import sanitize_html
from galaxy.visualization.genomes import GenomeRegion
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import (
from ..api import depends

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VisualizationController( BaseUIController, SharableMixin, UsesVisualizationMixin, UsesAnnotations, UsesItemRatings ): hda_manager: HDAManager = depends(HDAManager) slug_builder: SlugBuilder = depends(SlugBuilder)
[docs] def __init__(self, app: StructuredApp): super().__init__(app)
# # -- Functions for operating on visualizations. -- #
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_login() def copy(self, trans, id, **kwargs): visualization = self.get_visualization(trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True) user = trans.get_user() owner = visualization.user == user new_title = f"Copy of '{visualization.title}'" if not owner: new_title += f" shared by {visualization.user.email}" copied_viz = visualization.copy(user=trans.user, title=new_title) # Persist session = trans.sa_session session.add(copied_viz) with transaction(session): session.commit() # Display the management page trans.set_message(f'Created new visualization with name "{copied_viz.title}"') return
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_login("share Galaxy visualizations") def imp(self, trans, id, **kwargs): """Import a visualization into user's workspace.""" # Set referer message. referer = trans.request.referer if referer and not referer.startswith(f"{trans.request.application_url}{web.url_for('/login')}"): referer_message = f"<a href='{escape(referer)}'>return to the previous page</a>" else: referer_message = f"<a href='{web.url_for('/')}'>go to Galaxy's start page</a>" # Do import. session = trans.sa_session visualization = self.get_visualization(trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True) if visualization.importable is False: return trans.show_error_message( f"The owner of this visualization has disabled imports via this link.<br>You can {referer_message}", use_panels=True, ) elif visualization.deleted: return trans.show_error_message( f"You can't import this visualization because it has been deleted.<br>You can {referer_message}", use_panels=True, ) else: # Create imported visualization via copy. # TODO: need to handle custom db keys. imported_visualization = visualization.copy(user=trans.user, title=f"imported: {visualization.title}") # Persist session = trans.sa_session session.add(imported_visualization) with transaction(session): session.commit() # Redirect to load galaxy frames. return trans.show_ok_message( message="""Visualization "{}" has been imported. <br>You can <a href="{}">start using this visualization</a> or {}.""".format( visualization.title, web.url_for("/visualizations/list"), referer_message ), use_panels=True, )
[docs] @web.expose def display_by_username_and_slug(self, trans, username, slug, **kwargs): """Display visualization based on a username and slug.""" # Get visualization. session = trans.sa_session user = session.query(model.User).filter_by(username=username).first() visualization = ( trans.sa_session.query(model.Visualization).filter_by(user=user, slug=slug, deleted=False).first() ) if visualization is None: raise web.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound() # Security check raises error if user cannot access visualization. self.security_check(trans, visualization, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True) # Encode page identifier. visualization_id = trans.security.encode_id(visualization.id) # Redirect to client. return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller="published", action="visualization", id=visualization_id, ) )
[docs] @web.json def save(self, trans, vis_json=None, type=None, id=None, title=None, dbkey=None, annotation=None, **kwargs): """ Save a visualization; if visualization does not have an ID, a new visualization is created. Returns JSON of visualization. """ # Get visualization attributes from kwargs or from config. vis_config = loads(vis_json) vis_type = type or vis_config["type"] vis_id = id or vis_config.get("id", None) vis_title = title or vis_config.get("title", None) vis_dbkey = dbkey or vis_config.get("dbkey", None) vis_annotation = annotation or vis_config.get("annotation", None) return self.save_visualization(trans, vis_config, vis_type, vis_id, vis_title, vis_dbkey, vis_annotation)
[docs] @web.legacy_expose_api @web.require_login("edit visualizations") def edit(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd): """ Edit a visualization's attributes. """ id = kwd.get("id") if not id: return self.message_exception(trans, "No visualization id received for editing.") trans_user = trans.get_user() v = self.get_visualization(trans, id, check_ownership=True) if trans.request.method == "GET": if v.slug is None: self.slug_builder.create_item_slug(trans.sa_session, v) return { "title": "Edit visualization attributes", "inputs": [ {"name": "title", "label": "Name", "value": v.title}, { "name": "slug", "label": "Identifier", "value": v.slug, "help": "A unique identifier that will be used for public links to this visualization. This field can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes (-).", }, { "name": "dbkey", "label": "Build", "type": "select", "optional": True, "value": v.dbkey, "options": trans.app.genomes.get_dbkeys(trans_user, chrom_info=True), "help": "Parameter to associate your visualization with a database key.", }, { "name": "annotation", "label": "Annotation", "value": self.get_item_annotation_str(trans.sa_session, trans.user, v), "help": "A description of the visualization. The annotation is shown alongside published visualizations.", }, ], } else: v_title = payload.get("title") v_slug = payload.get("slug") v_dbkey = payload.get("dbkey") v_annotation = payload.get("annotation") if not v_title: return self.message_exception(trans, "Please provide a visualization name is required.") elif not v_slug: return self.message_exception(trans, "Please provide a unique identifier.") elif not self._is_valid_slug(v_slug): return self.message_exception( trans, "Visualization identifier can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes (-)." ) elif ( v_slug != v.slug and trans.sa_session.query(model.Visualization) .filter_by(user=v.user, slug=v_slug, deleted=False) .first() ): return self.message_exception(trans, "Visualization id must be unique.") else: v.title = v_title v.slug = v_slug v.dbkey = v_dbkey if v_annotation: v_annotation = sanitize_html(v_annotation) self.add_item_annotation(trans.sa_session, trans_user, v, v_annotation) trans.sa_session.add(v) with transaction(trans.sa_session): trans.sa_session.commit() return {"message": f"Attributes of '{v.title}' successfully saved.", "status": "success"}
# ------------------------- registry.
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_login("use Galaxy visualizations", use_panels=True) def render(self, trans, visualization_name, embedded=None, **kwargs): """ Render the appropriate visualization template, parsing the `kwargs` into appropriate variables and resources (such as ORM models) based on this visualizations `param` data in visualizations_conf.xml. URL: /visualization/show/{visualization_name} """ plugin = self._get_plugin_from_registry(trans, visualization_name) try: return plugin.render(trans=trans, embedded=embedded, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: return self._handle_plugin_error(trans, visualization_name, exception)
def _get_plugin_from_registry(self, trans, visualization_name): """ Get the named plugin from the registry. :raises HTTPNotFound: if registry has been turned off in config. :raises HTTPNotFound: if visualization_name isn't a registered plugin. """ if not trans.app.visualizations_registry: raise HTTPNotFound("No visualization registry (possibly disabled in galaxy.ini)") return trans.app.visualizations_registry.get_plugin(visualization_name) def _handle_plugin_error(self, trans, visualization_name, exception): """ Log, raise if debugging; log and show html message if not. """ if isinstance(exception, MessageException): log.debug("error rendering visualization (%s): %s", visualization_name, exception) else: log.exception("error rendering visualization (%s)", visualization_name) if trans.debug: raise exception return trans.show_error_message( "There was an error rendering the visualization. " "Contact your Galaxy administrator if the problem persists." f"<br/>Details: {exception}", use_panels=False, )
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_login("use Galaxy visualizations", use_panels=True) def saved(self, trans, id=None, revision=None, type=None, config=None, title=None, **kwargs): """ Save (on POST) or load (on GET) a visualization then render. """ # TODO: consider merging saved and render at this point (could break saved URLs, tho) if trans.request.method == "POST": self._POST_to_saved(trans, id=id, revision=revision, type=type, config=config, title=title, **kwargs) # check the id and load the saved visualization if id is None: return HTTPBadRequest("A valid visualization id is required to load a visualization") visualization = self.get_visualization(trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True) # re-add title to kwargs for passing to render if title: kwargs["title"] = title plugin = self._get_plugin_from_registry(trans, visualization.type) try: return plugin.render_saved(visualization, trans=trans, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: self._handle_plugin_error(trans, visualization.type, exception)
def _POST_to_saved(self, trans, id=None, revision=None, type=None, config=None, title=None, **kwargs): """ Save the visualiztion info (revision, type, config, title, etc.) to the Visualization at `id` or to a new Visualization if `id` is None. Uses POST/redirect/GET after a successful save, redirecting to GET. """ DEFAULT_VISUALIZATION_NAME = "Unnamed Visualization" # post to saved in order to save a visualization if type is None or config is None: return HTTPBadRequest("A visualization type and config are required to save a visualization") if isinstance(config, str): config = loads(config) title = title or DEFAULT_VISUALIZATION_NAME # TODO: allow saving to (updating) a specific revision - should be part of UsesVisualization # TODO: would be easier if this returned the visualization directly # check security if posting to existing visualization if id is not None: self.get_visualization(trans, id, check_ownership=True, check_accessible=False) # ??: on not owner: error raised, but not returned (status = 200) # TODO: there's no security check in save visualization (if passed an id) returned = self.save_visualization(trans, config, type, id, title) # redirect to GET to prevent annoying 'Do you want to post again?' dialog on page reload render_url = web.url_for(controller="visualization", action="saved", id=returned.get("vis_id")) return trans.response.send_redirect(render_url) # # Visualizations. #
[docs] @web.expose @web.require_login() def trackster(self, trans, **kwargs): """ Display browser for the visualization denoted by id and add the datasets listed in `dataset_ids`. """ # define app configuration app = {"jscript": "trackster"} # get dataset to add id = kwargs.get("id", None) # get dataset to add new_dataset_id = kwargs.get("dataset_id", None) # set up new browser if no id provided if not id: # use dbkey from dataset to be added or from incoming parameter dbkey = None if new_dataset_id: decoded_id = self.decode_id(new_dataset_id) hda = self.hda_manager.get_owned(decoded_id, trans.user, current_history=trans.user) dbkey = hda.dbkey if dbkey == "?": dbkey = kwargs.get("dbkey", None) # save database key app["default_dbkey"] = dbkey else: # load saved visualization vis = self.get_visualization(trans, id, check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True) app["viz_config"] = self.get_visualization_config(trans, vis) # backup id app["id"] = id # add dataset id app["add_dataset"] = new_dataset_id # check for gene region gene_region = GenomeRegion.from_str(kwargs.get("gene_region", "")) # update gene region of saved visualization if user parses a new gene region in the url if gene_region.chrom is not None: app["gene_region"] = {"chrom": gene_region.chrom, "start": gene_region.start, "end": gene_region.end} # fill template return trans.fill_template("visualization/trackster.mako", config={"app": app, "bundle": "extended"})