Source code for

import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shlex
import string
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime
from typing import (

from packaging.version import Version

from galaxy import model
from galaxy.authnz.util import provider_name_to_backend
from galaxy.job_execution.compute_environment import ComputeEnvironment
from galaxy.job_execution.setup import ensure_configs_directory
from galaxy.model.deferred import (
from galaxy.model.none_like import NoneDataset
from import wrap_with_safe_string
from galaxy.structured_app import (
from import TabularToolDataTable
from import determine_output_format
from import (
from import (
from import (
from import (
from galaxy.util import (
from galaxy.util.template import (
from galaxy.util.tree_dict import TreeDict
from import WorkRequestContext

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ToolErrorLog:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.error_stack = [] self.max_errors = 100
[docs] def add_error(self, file, phase, exception): self.error_stack.insert( 0, {"file": file, "time": str(, "phase": phase, "error": unicodify(exception)} ) if len(self.error_stack) > self.max_errors: self.error_stack.pop()
global_tool_errors = ToolErrorLog()
[docs]def global_tool_logs(func, config_file, action_str): try: return func() except Exception as e: # capture and log parsing errors global_tool_errors.add_error(config_file, action_str, e) raise e
DeferrableObjectsT = Union[ model.DatasetInstance, model.HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, model.DatasetCollectionElement ]
[docs]class ToolEvaluator: """An abstraction linking together a tool and a job runtime to evaluate tool inputs in an isolated, testable manner. """ app: MinimalToolApp job: model.Job materialize_datasets: bool = True
[docs] def __init__(self, app: MinimalToolApp, tool, job, local_working_directory): = app self.job = job self.tool = tool self.local_working_directory = local_working_directory self.file_sources_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.param_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.extra_filenames: List[str] = [] self.environment_variables: List[Dict[str, str]] = [] self.version_command_line: Optional[str] = None self.command_line: Optional[str] = None self.interactivetools: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
[docs] def set_compute_environment(self, compute_environment: ComputeEnvironment, get_special: Optional[Callable] = None): """ Setup the compute environment and established the outline of the param_dict for evaluating command and config cheetah templates. """ self.compute_environment = compute_environment job = self.job incoming = { p.value for p in job.parameters} incoming = self.tool.params_from_strings(incoming, self.file_sources_dict = compute_environment.get_file_sources_dict() # Full parameter validation self._validate_incoming(incoming) # Restore input / output data lists inp_data, out_data, out_collections = job.io_dicts() # collect deferred datasets and collections. deferred_objects = self._deferred_objects(inp_data, incoming) # materialize deferred datasets materialized_objects = self._materialize_objects(deferred_objects, self.local_working_directory) # replace materialized objects back into tool input parameters self._replaced_deferred_objects(inp_data, incoming, materialized_objects) if get_special: special = get_special() if special: out_data["output_file"] = special # These can be passed on the command line if wanted as $__user_*__ incoming.update(model.User.user_template_environment(self._user)) # Build params, done before hook so hook can use self.param_dict = self.build_param_dict( incoming, inp_data, out_data, output_collections=out_collections, ) # late update of format_source outputs self._eval_format_source(job, inp_data, out_data) self.execute_tool_hooks(inp_data=inp_data, out_data=out_data, incoming=incoming)
[docs] def execute_tool_hooks(self, inp_data, out_data, incoming): # Certain tools require tasks to be completed prior to job execution # ( this used to be performed in the "exec_before_job" hook, but hooks are deprecated ). self.tool.exec_before_job(, inp_data, out_data, self.param_dict) # Run the before queue ("exec_before_job") hook self.tool.call_hook( "exec_before_job",, inp_data=inp_data, out_data=out_data, tool=self.tool, param_dict=incoming )
[docs] def build_param_dict(self, incoming, input_datasets, output_datasets, output_collections): """ Build the dictionary of parameters for substituting into the command line. Each value is wrapped in a `InputValueWrapper`, which allows all the attributes of the value to be used in the template, *but* when the __str__ method is called it actually calls the `to_param_dict_string` method of the associated input. """ compute_environment = self.compute_environment job_working_directory = compute_environment.working_directory() param_dict = TreeDict(self.param_dict) param_dict["__datatypes_config__"] = param_dict["GALAXY_DATATYPES_CONF_FILE"] = os.path.join( job_working_directory, "registry.xml" ) if self._history: param_dict["__history_id__"] = param_dict["__galaxy_url__"] = self.compute_environment.galaxy_url() param_dict.update(self.tool.template_macro_params) # All parameters go into the param_dict param_dict.update(incoming) self.__populate_wrappers(param_dict, input_datasets, job_working_directory) self.__populate_input_dataset_wrappers(param_dict, input_datasets) self.__populate_output_dataset_wrappers(param_dict, output_datasets, job_working_directory) self.__populate_output_collection_wrappers(param_dict, output_collections, job_working_directory) self.__populate_unstructured_path_rewrites(param_dict) # Call param dict sanitizer, before non-job params are added, as we don't want to sanitize filenames. self.__sanitize_param_dict(param_dict) # Parameters added after this line are not sanitized self.__populate_non_job_params(param_dict) # MinimalJobWrapper.__prepare_upload_paramfile copies the paramfile to the job working directory # so we should use it (otherwise the upload tool does not work in real user setups) if self.job.tool_id == "upload1": param_dict["paramfile"] = os.path.join(job_working_directory, "upload_params.json") if "input" not in def input(): raise InputNotFoundSyntaxError( "Unbound variable 'input'." ) # Don't let $input hang Python evaluation process.["input"] = input # Return the dictionary of parameters without injected parameters return param_dict.clean_copy()
def _materialize_objects( self, deferred_objects: Dict[str, DeferrableObjectsT], job_working_directory: str ) -> Dict[str, DeferrableObjectsT]: if not self.materialize_datasets: return {} undeferred_objects: Dict[str, DeferrableObjectsT] = {} transient_directory = os.path.join(job_working_directory, "inputs") safe_makedirs(transient_directory) dataset_materializer = materializer_factory( False, # unattached to a session. transient_directory=transient_directory,, ) for key, value in deferred_objects.items(): if isinstance(value, model.DatasetInstance): if value.state != model.Dataset.states.DEFERRED: continue assert isinstance(value, (model.HistoryDatasetAssociation, model.LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation)) undeferred = dataset_materializer.ensure_materialized(value) undeferred_objects[key] = undeferred else: undeferred_collection = materialize_collection_input(value, dataset_materializer) undeferred_objects[key] = undeferred_collection return undeferred_objects def _eval_format_source( self, job: model.Job, inp_data: Dict[str, Optional[model.DatasetInstance]], out_data: Dict[str, model.DatasetInstance], ): for output_name, output in out_data.items(): if ( (tool_output := self.tool.outputs.get(output_name)) and (tool_output.format_source or tool_output.change_format) and output.extension == "expression.json" ): input_collections = { jtidca.dataset_collection for jtidca in job.input_dataset_collections} ext = determine_output_format(tool_output, self.param_dict, inp_data, input_collections, None) if ext: output.extension = ext def _replaced_deferred_objects( self, inp_data: Dict[str, Optional[model.DatasetInstance]], incoming: dict, materalized_objects: Dict[str, DeferrableObjectsT], ): for key, value in materalized_objects.items(): if isinstance(value, model.DatasetInstance): inp_data[key] = value def replace_deferred(input, value, context, prefixed_name=None, **kwargs): if prefixed_name in materalized_objects: return materalized_objects[prefixed_name] visit_input_values(self.tool.inputs, incoming, replace_deferred) def _validate_incoming(self, incoming: dict): request_context = WorkRequestContext(, user=self._user, history=self._history, galaxy_session=self.job.galaxy_session ) def validate_inputs(input, value, context, **kwargs): value = input.from_json(value, request_context, context) input.validate(value, request_context) visit_input_values(self.tool.inputs, incoming, validate_inputs) def _deferred_objects( self, input_datasets: Dict[str, Optional[model.DatasetInstance]], incoming: dict, ) -> Dict[str, DeferrableObjectsT]: """Collect deferred objects required for execution. Walk input datasets and collections and find inputs that need to be materialized. """ deferred_objects: Dict[str, DeferrableObjectsT] = {} for key, value in input_datasets.items(): if value is not None and value.state == model.Dataset.states.DEFERRED: deferred_objects[key] = value def find_deferred_collections(input, value, context, prefixed_name=None, **kwargs): if ( isinstance(value, (model.HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, model.DatasetCollectionElement)) and value.has_deferred_data ): deferred_objects[prefixed_name] = value visit_input_values(self.tool.inputs, incoming, find_deferred_collections) return deferred_objects def __walk_inputs(self, inputs, input_values, func): def do_walk(inputs, input_values): """ Wraps parameters as neccesary. """ for input in inputs.values(): if isinstance(input, Repeat): for d in input_values[]: do_walk(input.inputs, d) elif isinstance(input, Conditional): values = input_values[] current = values["__current_case__"] func(values, input.test_param) do_walk(input.cases[current].inputs, values) elif isinstance(input, Section): values = input_values[] do_walk(input.inputs, values) else: func(input_values, input) do_walk(inputs, input_values) def __populate_wrappers(self, param_dict, input_datasets, job_working_directory): def wrap_input(input_values, input): value = input_values[] if isinstance(input, DataToolParameter) and input.multiple: dataset_instances = DatasetListWrapper.to_dataset_instances(value) input_values[] = DatasetListWrapper( job_working_directory, dataset_instances, compute_environment=self.compute_environment,, tool=self.tool,, formats=input.formats, ) elif isinstance(input, DataToolParameter): dataset = input_values[] wrapper_kwds = dict(, tool=self.tool,, compute_environment=self.compute_environment, ) element_identifier = element_identifier_mapper.identifier(dataset, param_dict) if element_identifier: wrapper_kwds["identifier"] = element_identifier wrapper_kwds["formats"] = input.formats input_values[] = DatasetFilenameWrapper(dataset, **wrapper_kwds) elif isinstance(input, DataCollectionToolParameter): dataset_collection = value wrapper_kwds = dict(, compute_environment=self.compute_environment, tool=self.tool,, ) wrapper = DatasetCollectionWrapper(job_working_directory, dataset_collection, **wrapper_kwds) input_values[] = wrapper elif isinstance(input, SelectToolParameter): if input.multiple: value = listify(value) input_values[] = SelectToolParameterWrapper( input, value, other_values=param_dict, compute_environment=self.compute_environment ) else: input_values[] = InputValueWrapper( input, value, param_dict, profile=self.tool and self.tool.profile ) # HACK: only wrap if check_values is not false, this deals with external # tools where the inputs don't even get passed through. These # tools (e.g. UCSC) should really be handled in a special way. if self.tool.check_values: element_identifier_mapper = ElementIdentifierMapper(input_datasets) self.__walk_inputs(self.tool.inputs, param_dict, wrap_input) def __populate_input_dataset_wrappers(self, param_dict, input_datasets): # FIXME: when self.check_values==True, input datasets are being wrapped # twice (above and below, creating 2 separate # DatasetFilenameWrapper objects - first is overwritten by # second), is this necessary? - if we get rid of this way to # access children, can we stop this redundancy, or is there # another reason for this? # - Only necessary when self.check_values is False (==external dataset # tool?: can this be abstracted out as part of being a datasouce tool?) # For now we try to not wrap unnecessarily, but this should be untangled at some point. matches = None for name, data in input_datasets.items(): param_dict_value = param_dict.get(name, None) if data and param_dict_value is None: # We may have a nested parameter that is not fully prefixed. # We try recovering from param_dict, but tool authors should really use fully-qualified # variables if matches is None: matches = find_instance_nested(param_dict, instances=(DatasetFilenameWrapper, DatasetListWrapper)) wrapper = matches.get(name) if wrapper: param_dict[name] = wrapper continue if not isinstance(param_dict_value, ToolParameterValueWrapper): wrapper_kwds = dict(, tool=self.tool, name=name, compute_environment=self.compute_environment, ) param_dict[name] = DatasetFilenameWrapper(data, **wrapper_kwds) def __populate_output_collection_wrappers(self, param_dict, output_collections, job_working_directory): tool = self.tool for name, out_collection in output_collections.items(): if name not in tool.output_collections: continue # message_template = "Name [%s] not found in tool.output_collections %s" # message = message_template % ( name, tool.output_collections ) # raise AssertionError( message ) wrapper_kwds = dict(, compute_environment=self.compute_environment, io_type="output", tool=tool, name=name, ) wrapper = DatasetCollectionWrapper(job_working_directory, out_collection, **wrapper_kwds) param_dict[name] = wrapper # TODO: Handle nested collections... for element_identifier, output_def in tool.output_collections[name].outputs.items(): if not output_def.implicit: dataset_wrapper = wrapper[element_identifier] param_dict[] = dataset_wrapper"Updating param_dict for {} with {dataset_wrapper}") def __populate_output_dataset_wrappers(self, param_dict, output_datasets, job_working_directory): for name, hda in output_datasets.items(): # Write outputs to the working directory (for security purposes) # if desired. param_dict[name] = DatasetFilenameWrapper( hda, compute_environment=self.compute_environment, io_type="output" ) if "|__part__|" in name: unqualified_name = name.split("|__part__|")[-1] if unqualified_name not in param_dict: param_dict[unqualified_name] = param_dict[name] output_path = str(param_dict[name]) # Conditionally create empty output: # - may already exist (e.g. symlink output) # - parent directory might not exist (e.g. Pulsar) # TODO: put into JobIO, needed for fetch_data tasks if not os.path.exists(output_path) and os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output_path)): open(output_path, "w").close() for out_name, output in self.tool.outputs.items(): if out_name not in param_dict and output.filters: # Assume the reason we lack this output is because a filter # failed to pass; for tool writing convienence, provide a # NoneDataset ext = getattr(output, "format", None) # populate only for output datasets (not collections) param_dict[out_name] = NoneDataset(, ext=ext) def __populate_non_job_params(self, param_dict): # -- Add useful attributes/functions for use in creating command line. # Function for querying a data table. def get_data_table_entry(table_name, query_attr, query_val, return_attr): """ Queries and returns an entry in a data table. """ if table_name in table =[table_name] if not isinstance(table, TabularToolDataTable): raise Exception(f"Expected a TabularToolDataTable but got a {type(table)}: {table}.") return table.get_entry(query_attr, query_val, return_attr) param_dict["__tool_directory__"] = self.compute_environment.tool_directory() param_dict["__get_data_table_entry__"] = get_data_table_entry param_dict["__local_working_directory__"] = self.local_working_directory # We add access to app here, this allows access to app.config, etc param_dict["__app__"] = RawObjectWrapper( # More convienent access to app.config.new_file_path; we don't need to # wrap a string, but this method of generating additional datasets # should be considered DEPRECATED param_dict["__new_file_path__"] = self.compute_environment.new_file_path() # The following points to location (xxx.loc) files which are pointers # to locally cached data param_dict["__tool_data_path__"] = param_dict["GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR"] = # For the upload tool, we need to know the root directory and the # datatypes conf path, so we can load the datatypes registry param_dict["__root_dir__"] = param_dict["GALAXY_ROOT_DIR"] = os.path.abspath( param_dict["__admin_users__"] = param_dict["__user__"] = RawObjectWrapper(param_dict.get("__user__", None)) def __populate_unstructured_path_rewrites(self, param_dict): def rewrite_unstructured_paths(input_values, input): if isinstance(input, SelectToolParameter): input_values[] = SelectToolParameterWrapper( input, input_values[], other_values=param_dict, compute_environment=self.compute_environment, ) if not self.tool.check_values and self.compute_environment: # The tools weren't "wrapped" yet, but need to be in order to get # the paths rewritten. self.__walk_inputs(self.tool.inputs, param_dict, rewrite_unstructured_paths) def _create_interactivetools_entry_points(self): if hasattr(, "interactivetool_manager"): self.interactivetools = self._populate_interactivetools_template(), self.tool, self.interactivetools) def _populate_interactivetools_template(self): """ Populate InteractiveTools templated values. """ it = [] for ep in getattr(self.tool, "ports", []): ep_dict = {} for key in ( "port", "name", "label", "url", "requires_domain", "requires_path_in_url", "requires_path_in_header_named", ): val = ep.get(key, None) if val is not None and not isinstance(val, bool): val = fill_template( val, context=self.param_dict, python_template_version=self.tool.python_template_version ) clean_val = [] for line in val.split("\n"): clean_val.append(line.strip()) val = "\n".join(clean_val) val = val.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ").strip() ep_dict[key] = val it.append(ep_dict) return it def __sanitize_param_dict(self, param_dict): """ Sanitize all values that will be substituted on the command line, with the exception of ToolParameterValueWrappers, which already have their own specific sanitization rules and also exclude special-cased named values. We will only examine the first level for values to skip; the wrapping function will recurse as necessary. Note: this method follows the style of the similar populate calls, in that param_dict is modified in-place. """ # chromInfo is a filename, do not sanitize it. skip = ["chromInfo"] + list(self.tool.template_macro_params.keys()) if not self.tool or not self.tool.options or self.tool.options.sanitize: for key, value in list(param_dict.items()): if key not in skip: # Remove key so that new wrapped object will occupy key slot del param_dict[key] # And replace with new wrapped key param_dict[wrap_with_safe_string(key, no_wrap_classes=ToolParameterValueWrapper)] = ( wrap_with_safe_string(value, no_wrap_classes=ToolParameterValueWrapper) )
[docs] def build(self): """ Build runtime description of job to execute, evaluate command and config templates corresponding to this tool with these inputs on this compute environment. """ config_file = self.tool.config_file global_tool_logs( self._create_interactivetools_entry_points, config_file, "Building Interactive Tool Entry Points" ) global_tool_logs(self._build_config_files, config_file, "Building Config Files") global_tool_logs(self._build_param_file, config_file, "Building Param File") global_tool_logs(self._build_command_line, config_file, "Building Command Line") global_tool_logs(self._build_version_command, config_file, "Building Version Command Line") global_tool_logs(self._build_environment_variables, config_file, "Building Environment Variables") return ( self.command_line, self.version_command_line, self.extra_filenames, self.environment_variables, self.interactivetools, )
def _build_command_line(self): """ Build command line to invoke this tool given a populated param_dict """ command = self.tool.command or "" param_dict = self.param_dict interpreter = self.tool.interpreter command_line = None if not command: return try: # Substituting parameters into the command command_line = fill_template( command, context=param_dict, python_template_version=self.tool.python_template_version ) cleaned_command_line = [] # Remove leading and trailing whitespace from each line for readability. for line in command_line.split("\n"): cleaned_command_line.append(line.strip()) command_line = "\n".join(cleaned_command_line) # Remove newlines from command line, and any leading/trailing white space command_line = command_line.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ").strip() except Exception: # Modify exception message to be more clear # e.args = ( 'Error substituting into command line. Params: %r, Command: %s' % ( param_dict, self.command ), ) raise if interpreter: # TODO: path munging for cluster/dataset server relocatability executable = command_line.split()[0] tool_dir = os.path.abspath(self.tool.tool_dir) abs_executable = os.path.join(tool_dir, executable) command_line = command_line.replace(executable, f"{interpreter} {shlex.quote(abs_executable)}", 1) self.command_line = command_line def _build_version_command(self): if version_string_cmd_raw := self.tool.version_string_cmd: version_command_template = string.Template(version_string_cmd_raw) version_command = version_command_template.safe_substitute( {"__tool_directory__": self.compute_environment.tool_directory()} ) self.version_command_line = f"{version_command} > {self.compute_environment.version_path()} 2>&1;\n" def _build_config_files(self): """ Build temporary file for file based parameter transfer if needed """ param_dict = self.param_dict config_filenames = [] for name, filename, content in self.tool.config_files: config_text, is_template = self.__build_config_file_text(content) # If a particular filename was forced by the config use it directory = ensure_configs_directory(self.local_working_directory) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=directory, delete=False) as temp: config_filename = if filename is not None: # Explicit filename was requested, this is implemented as symbolic link # to the actual config file that is placed in tool working directory directory = os.path.join(self.local_working_directory, "working"), os.path.join(directory, filename)) self.__write_workdir_file(config_filename, config_text, param_dict, is_template=is_template) self.__register_extra_file(name, config_filename) config_filenames.append(config_filename) return config_filenames def _build_environment_variables(self): param_dict = self.param_dict environment_variables = self.environment_variables for environment_variable_def in self.tool.environment_variables: directory = self.local_working_directory environment_variable = environment_variable_def.copy() environment_variable_template = environment_variable_def["template"] inject = environment_variable_def.get("inject") if inject == "api_key": if self._user and isinstance(, BasicSharedApp): from galaxy.managers import api_keys environment_variable_template = api_keys.ApiKeyManager( else: environment_variable_template = "" is_template = False elif inject and inject.startswith("oidc_"): environment_variable_template = self.get_oidc_token(inject) is_template = False elif inject and inject == "entry_point_path_for_label" and environment_variable_template: from galaxy.managers.interactivetool import InteractiveToolManager entry_point_label = environment_variable_template matching_eps = [ep for ep in self.job.interactivetool_entry_points if ep.label == entry_point_label] if matching_eps: entry_point = matching_eps[0] entry_point_path = InteractiveToolManager(, entry_point) environment_variable_template = entry_point_path.rstrip("/") else: environment_variable_template = "" is_template = False else: is_template = True with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=directory, prefix="tool_env_", delete=False) as temp: config_filename = self.__write_workdir_file( config_filename, environment_variable_template, param_dict, is_template=is_template, strip=environment_variable_def.get("strip", False), ) config_file_basename = os.path.basename(config_filename) # environment setup in job file template happens before `cd $working_directory` environment_variable["value"] = ( f'`cat "{self.compute_environment.env_config_directory()}/{config_file_basename}"`' ) environment_variable["raw"] = True environment_variable["job_directory_path"] = config_filename environment_variables.append(environment_variable) if home_dir := self.compute_environment.home_directory(): environment_variable = dict(name="HOME", value=f'"{home_dir}"', raw=True) environment_variables.append(environment_variable) if tmp_dir := self.compute_environment.tmp_directory(): for tmp_directory_var in self.tool.tmp_directory_vars: environment_variable = dict(name=tmp_directory_var, value=f'"{tmp_dir}"', raw=True) environment_variables.append(environment_variable)
[docs] def get_oidc_token(self, inject): if not self._user: return "token-unavailable" p = re.compile("^oidc_(id|access|refresh)_token_(.*)$") match = p.match(inject) provider_backend = None if match: token_type = provider_backend = provider_name_to_backend( if not match or not provider_backend: return "token-unavailable" tokens = self._user.get_oidc_tokens(provider_backend) environment_variable_template = tokens[token_type] or "token-unavailable" return environment_variable_template
def _build_param_file(self): """ Build temporary file for file based parameter transfer if needed """ param_dict = self.param_dict directory = self.local_working_directory command = self.tool.command if Version(str(self.tool.profile)) < Version("16.04") and command and "$param_file" in command: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", dir=directory, delete=False) as param: for key, value in param_dict.items(): # parameters can be strings or lists of strings, coerce to list if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] for elem in value: param.write(f"{key}={elem}\n") self.__register_extra_file("param_file", return else: return None def __build_config_file_text(self, content): if isinstance(content, str): return content, True config_type = content.get("type", "inputs") if config_type == "inputs": content_format = content["format"] handle_files = content["handle_files"] if content_format != "json": template = "Galaxy can only currently convert inputs to json, format [%s] is unhandled" message = template % content_format raise Exception(message) elif config_type == "files": file_sources_dict = self.file_sources_dict rval = json.dumps(file_sources_dict) return rval, False else: raise Exception(f"Unknown config file type {config_type}") return ( json.dumps( wrapped_json.json_wrap(self.tool.inputs, self.param_dict, self.tool.profile, handle_files=handle_files) ), False, ) def __write_workdir_file(self, config_filename, content, context, is_template=True, strip=False): parent_dir = os.path.dirname(config_filename) if not os.path.exists(parent_dir): safe_makedirs(parent_dir) if is_template: value = fill_template(content, context=context, python_template_version=self.tool.python_template_version) else: value = unicodify(content) if strip: value = value.strip() with open(config_filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(value) # For running jobs as the actual user, ensure the config file is globally readable os.chmod(config_filename, RW_R__R__) def __register_extra_file(self, name, local_config_path): """ Takes in the local path to a config file and registers the (potentially remote) ultimate path of the config file with the parameter dict. """ self.extra_filenames.append(local_config_path) config_basename = os.path.basename(local_config_path) compute_config_path = self.__join_for_compute(self.compute_environment.config_directory(), config_basename) self.param_dict[name] = compute_config_path def __join_for_compute(self, *args): """ os.path.join but with compute_environment.sep for cross-platform compat. """ return self.compute_environment.sep().join(args) @property def _history(self): return self.job.history @property def _user(self): if history := self._history: return history.user else: return self.job.user
[docs]class PartialToolEvaluator(ToolEvaluator): """ ToolEvaluator that only builds Environment Variables. """ materialize_datasets = False
[docs] def build(self): config_file = self.tool.config_file global_tool_logs(self._build_environment_variables, config_file, "Building Environment Variables") return ( self.command_line, self.version_command_line, self.extra_filenames, self.environment_variables, self.interactivetools, )
[docs]class RemoteToolEvaluator(ToolEvaluator): """ToolEvaluator that skips unnecessary steps already executed during job setup.""" materialize_datasets = True
[docs] def execute_tool_hooks(self, inp_data, out_data, incoming): # These have already run while preparing the job pass
[docs] def build(self): config_file = self.tool.config_file global_tool_logs(self._build_config_files, config_file, "Building Config Files") global_tool_logs(self._build_param_file, config_file, "Building Param File") global_tool_logs(self._build_command_line, config_file, "Building Command Line") global_tool_logs(self._build_version_command, config_file, "Building Version Command Line") return ( self.command_line, self.version_command_line, self.extra_filenames, self.environment_variables, self.interactivetools, )