Source code for galaxy.tool_util.deps.brew_exts

#!/usr/bin/env python

# % brew vinstall samtools 1.0
# % brew vinstall samtools 0.1.19
# % brew vinstall samtools 1.1
# % brew env samtools 1.1
# PATH=/home/john/.linuxbrew/Cellar/htslib/1.1/bin:/home/john/.linuxbrew/Cellar/samtools/1.1/bin:$PATH
# export PATH
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/john/.linuxbrew/Cellar/htslib/1.1/lib:/home/john/.linuxbrew/Cellar/samtools/1.1/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# % . <(brew env samtools 1.1)
# % which samtools
# /home/john/.linuxbrew/Cellar/samtools/1.1/bin/samtools
# % . <(brew env samtools 0.1.19)
# % which samtools
# /home/john/.linuxbrew/Cellar/samtools/0.1.19/bin/samtools
# % brew vuninstall samtools 1.0
# % brew vdeps samtools 1.1
# htslib@1.1
# % brew vdeps samtools 0.1.19

import argparse
import contextlib
import glob
import json
import os
import re
import string
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import (

WHITESPACE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"[\s]+")

DESCRIPTION = "Script built on top of linuxbrew to operate on isolated, versioned brew installed environments."

if sys.platform == "darwin":
    DEFAULT_HOMEBREW_ROOT = "/usr/local"
    DEFAULT_HOMEBREW_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".linuxbrew")

NO_BREW_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Could not find brew on PATH, please place on path or pass to script with --brew argument."
    "Cannot determine tap of specified recipe - please use fully qualified recipe (e.g. homebrew/science/samtools)."

[docs]class BrewContext:
[docs] def __init__(self, args=None): ensure_brew_on_path(args) raw_config = brew_execute(["config"]) config_lines = [line.strip().split(":", 1) for line in raw_config.split("\n") if line] config = {p[0].strip(): p[1].strip() for p in config_lines} # unset if "/usr/local" -> homebrew_prefix = config.get("HOMEBREW_PREFIX", "/usr/local") homebrew_cellar = config.get("HOMEBREW_CELLAR", os.path.join(homebrew_prefix, "Cellar")) self.homebrew_prefix = homebrew_prefix self.homebrew_cellar = homebrew_cellar
[docs]class RecipeContext:
[docs] @staticmethod def from_args(args, brew_context=None): return RecipeContext(args.recipe, args.version, brew_context)
[docs] def __init__(self, recipe, version, brew_context=None): self.recipe = recipe self.version = version self.brew_context = brew_context or BrewContext()
@property def cellar_path(self): return recipe_cellar_path(self.brew_context.homebrew_cellar, self.recipe, self.version) @property def tap_path(self) -> str: return os.path.join(self.brew_context.homebrew_prefix, "Library", "Taps", self.__tap_path(self.recipe)) def __tap_path(self, recipe): parts = recipe.split("/") if len(parts) == 1: info = brew_info(self.recipe) from_url = info["from_url"] if not from_url: raise Exception(CANNOT_DETERMINE_TAP_ERROR_MESSAGE) from_url_parts = from_url.split("/") blob_index = from_url_parts.index("blob") # comes right after username and repository if blob_index < 2: raise Exception(CANNOT_DETERMINE_TAP_ERROR_MESSAGE) username = from_url_parts[blob_index - 2] repository = from_url_parts[blob_index - 1] else: assert len(parts) == 3 parts = recipe.split("/") username = parts[0] repository = f"homebrew-{parts[1]}" path = os.path.join(username, repository) return path
[docs]def main(): global VERBOSE global RELAXED global BREW_ARGS parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("--brew", help="Path to linuxbrew 'brew' executable to target") actions = ["vinstall", "vuninstall", "vdeps", "vinfo", "env"] action = __action(sys) if not action: parser.add_argument("action", metavar="action", help="Versioned action to perform.", choices=actions) parser.add_argument( "recipe", metavar="recipe", help="Recipe for action - should be absolute (e.g. homebrew/science/samtools)." ) parser.add_argument("version", metavar="version", help="Version for action (e.g. 0.1.19).") parser.add_argument( "--relaxed", action="store_true", help="Relaxed processing - for instance allow use of env on non-vinstall-ed recipes.", ) parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Verbose output") parser.add_argument("restargs", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: VERBOSE = True if args.relaxed: RELAXED = True BREW_ARGS = args.restargs if not action: action = args.action brew_context = BrewContext(args) recipe_context = RecipeContext.from_args(args, brew_context) if action == "vinstall": versioned_install(recipe_context, args.recipe, args.version) elif action == "vuninstall": brew_execute(["switch", args.recipe, args.version]) brew_execute(["uninstall", args.recipe]) elif action == "vdeps": print_versioned_deps(recipe_context, args.recipe, args.version) elif action == "env": env_statements = build_env_statements_from_recipe_context(recipe_context) print(env_statements) elif action == "vinfo": with brew_head_at_version(recipe_context, args.recipe, args.version): print(brew_info(args.recipe)) else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class CommandLineException(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, command, stdout, stderr): self.command = command self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.message = ( f"Failed to execute command-line {command}, stderr was:\n" "-------->>begin stderr<<--------\n" f"{stderr}\n" "-------->>end stderr<<--------\n" "-------->>begin stdout<<--------\n" f"{stdout}\n" "-------->>end stdout<<--------\n" )
def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs]def versioned_install(recipe_context, package=None, version=None, installed_deps=None): if installed_deps is None: installed_deps = [] if package is None: package = recipe_context.recipe version = recipe_context.version attempt_unlink(package) with brew_head_at_version(recipe_context, package, version): deps = brew_deps(package) deps_metadata = [] dep_to_version = {} for dep in deps: version_info = brew_versions_info(dep, recipe_context.tap_path)[0] dep_version = version_info[0] dep_to_version[dep] = dep_version versioned = version_info[2] if versioned: dep_to_version[dep] = dep_version if dep in installed_deps: continue versioned_install(recipe_context, dep, dep_version) installed_deps.append(dep) else: # Install latest. dep_to_version[dep] = None if dep in installed_deps: continue unversioned_install(dep) try: for dep in deps: dep_version = dep_to_version[dep] if dep_version: brew_execute(["switch", dep, dep_version]) else: brew_execute(["link", dep]) # dep_version obtained from brew versions doesn't # include revision. This linked_keg attribute does. keg_verion = brew_info(dep)["linked_keg"] dep_metadata = {"name": dep, "version": keg_verion, "versioned": versioned} deps_metadata.append(dep_metadata) cellar_root = recipe_context.brew_context.homebrew_cellar cellar_path = recipe_context.cellar_path env_actions = build_env_actions(deps_metadata, cellar_root, cellar_path, custom_only=True) env = EnvAction.build_env(env_actions) args = ["install"] if VERBOSE: args.append("--verbose") args.extend(BREW_ARGS) args.append(package) brew_execute(args, env=env) deps = brew_execute(["deps", package]) deps = [d.strip() for d in deps.split("\n") if d] metadata = {"deps": deps_metadata} cellar_root = recipe_context.brew_context.homebrew_cellar cellar_path = recipe_cellar_path(cellar_root, package, version) v_metadata_path = os.path.join(cellar_path, "INSTALL_RECEIPT_VERSIONED.json") with open(v_metadata_path, "w") as f: json.dump(metadata, f) finally: attempt_unlink_all(package, deps)
[docs]def commit_for_version(recipe_context: RecipeContext, package, version): tap_path = recipe_context.tap_path commit = None with brew_head_at_commit("master", tap_path): version_to_commit = brew_versions_info(package, tap_path) if version is None: version = version_to_commit[0][0] commit = version_to_commit[0][1] else: for mapping in version_to_commit: if mapping[0] == version: commit = mapping[1] if commit is None: raise Exception(f"Failed to find commit for version {version}") return commit
[docs]def load_versioned_deps(cellar_path, relaxed=None): if relaxed is None: relaxed = RELAXED v_metadata_path = os.path.join(cellar_path, "INSTALL_RECEIPT_VERSIONED.json") if not os.path.isfile(v_metadata_path): if RELAXED: return [] else: raise OSError(f"Could not locate versioned receipt file: {v_metadata_path}") with open(v_metadata_path) as f: metadata = json.load(f) return metadata["deps"]
[docs]def unversioned_install(package): try: deps = brew_deps(package) for dep in deps: brew_execute(["link", dep]) brew_execute(["install", package]) finally: attempt_unlink_all(package, deps)
[docs]def brew_execute(args, env=None): os.environ["HOMEBREW_NO_EMOJI"] = "1" # simplify brew parsing. cmds = ["brew"] + args return execute(cmds, env=env)
[docs]def build_env_statements_from_recipe_context(recipe_context, **kwds): cellar_root = recipe_context.brew_context.homebrew_cellar env_statements = build_env_statements(cellar_root, recipe_context.cellar_path, **kwds) return env_statements
[docs]def build_env_statements(cellar_root, cellar_path, relaxed=None, custom_only=False): deps = load_versioned_deps(cellar_path, relaxed=relaxed) actions = build_env_actions(deps, cellar_root, cellar_path, relaxed, custom_only) env_statements = [] for action in actions: env_statements.extend(action.to_statements()) return "\n".join(env_statements)
[docs]def build_env_actions(deps, cellar_root, cellar_path, relaxed=None, custom_only=False): path_appends = [] ld_path_appends = [] actions = [] def handle_keg(cellar_path): bin_path = os.path.join(cellar_path, "bin") if os.path.isdir(bin_path): path_appends.append(bin_path) lib_path = os.path.join(cellar_path, "lib") if os.path.isdir(lib_path): ld_path_appends.append(lib_path) env_path = os.path.join(cellar_path, "platform_environment.json") if os.path.exists(env_path): with open(env_path) as f: env_metadata = json.load(f) if "actions" in env_metadata: def to_action(desc): return EnvAction(cellar_path, desc) actions.extend(map(to_action, env_metadata["actions"])) for dep in deps: package = dep["name"] version = dep["version"] dep_cellar_path = recipe_cellar_path(cellar_root, package, version) handle_keg(dep_cellar_path) handle_keg(cellar_path) if not custom_only: if path_appends: actions.append( EnvAction(cellar_path, {"action": "prepend", "variable": "PATH", "value": ":".join(path_appends)}) ) if ld_path_appends: actions.append( EnvAction( cellar_path, {"action": "prepend", "variable": "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "value": ":".join(path_appends)} ) ) return actions
[docs]class EnvAction:
[docs] def __init__(self, keg_root, action_description): self.variable = action_description["variable"] self.action = action_description["action"] self.value = string.Template(action_description["value"]).safe_substitute( { "KEG_ROOT": keg_root, } )
[docs] @staticmethod def build_env(env_actions): new_env = os.environ.copy() (env_action.modify_environ(new_env) for env_action in env_actions) return new_env
[docs] def modify_environ(self, environ): if self.action == "set" or not environ.get(self.variable, ""): environ[self.variable] = self.__eval("${value}") elif self.action == "prepend": environ[self.variable] = self.__eval(f"${{value}}:{environ[self.variable]}") else: environ[self.variable] = self.__eval(f"{environ[self.variable]}:${{value}}")
def __eval(self, template): return string.Template(template).safe_substitute( variable=self.variable, value=self.value, )
[docs] def to_statements(self): if self.action == "set": template = '''${variable}="${value}"''' elif self.action == "prepend": template = '''${variable}="${value}:$$${variable}"''' else: template = '''${variable}="$$${variable}:${value}"''' return [self.__eval(template), f"export {self.variable}"]
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def brew_head_at_version(recipe_context, package, version): commit = commit_for_version(recipe_context, package, version) tap_path = recipe_context.tap_path with brew_head_at_commit(commit, tap_path): yield
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def brew_head_at_commit(commit, tap_path): try: os.chdir(tap_path) current_commit = git_execute(["rev-parse", "HEAD"]).strip() try: git_execute(["checkout", commit]) yield finally: git_execute(["checkout", current_commit]) finally: # TODO: restore chdir - or better yet just don't chdir # shouldn't be needed. pass
[docs]def git_execute(args): cmds = ["git"] + args return execute(cmds)
[docs]def execute(cmds, env=None): subprocess_kwds = dict( shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if env: subprocess_kwds["env"] = env p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, **subprocess_kwds) # log = global VERBOSE stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise CommandLineException(" ".join(cmds), stdout, stderr) if VERBOSE: print(stdout) return stdout
[docs]def brew_deps(package): args = ["deps"] args.extend(BREW_ARGS) args.append(package) stdout = brew_execute(args) return [p.strip() for p in stdout.split("\n") if p]
[docs]def brew_info(recipe): info_json = brew_execute(["info", "--json=v1", recipe]) info = json.loads(info_json)[0] info.update(extended_brew_info(recipe)) return info
[docs]def extended_brew_info(recipe): # Extract more info from non-json variant. JSON variant should # include this in a backward compatible way (TODO: Open PR). raw_info = brew_execute(["info", recipe]) extra_info = dict( from_url=None, build_dependencies=[], required_dependencies=[], recommended_dependencies=[], optional_dependencies=[], ) for line in raw_info.split("\n"): if line.startswith("From: "): extra_info["from_url"] = line[len("From: ") :].strip() for dep_type in ["Build", "Required", "Recommended", "Optional"]: if line.startswith(f"{dep_type}: "): key = f"{dep_type.lower()}_dependencies" raw_val = line[len(f"{dep_type}: ") :] extra_info[key].extend(raw_val.split(", ")) return extra_info
[docs]def brew_versions_info(package, tap_path: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str, bool]]: def versioned(recipe_path: str): if not os.path.isabs(recipe_path): recipe_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), recipe_path) # Dependencies in the same repository should be versioned, # core dependencies (presumably in base homebrew) are not # versioned. return tap_path in recipe_path # TODO: Also use tags. stdout = brew_execute(["versions", package]) version_parts = [line for line in stdout.split("\n") if line and "git checkout" in line] version_parts = [WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split(line) for line in version_parts] info = [(p[0], p[3], versioned(p[4])) for p in version_parts] return info
def __action(sys): script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if script_name.startswith("brew-"): return script_name[len("brew-") :] else: return None
[docs]def recipe_cellar_path(cellar_path, recipe, version): recipe_base = recipe.split("/")[-1] recipe_base_path = os.path.join(cellar_path, recipe_base, version) revision_paths = glob.glob(f"{recipe_base_path}_*") if revision_paths: revisions = (int(x.rsplit("_", 1)[-1]) for x in revision_paths) max_revision = max(revisions) recipe_path = "%s_%d" % (recipe_base_path, max_revision) else: recipe_path = recipe_base_path return recipe_path
[docs]def ensure_brew_on_path(args): brew_on_path = which("brew") if brew_on_path: brew_on_path = os.path.abspath(brew_on_path) def ensure_on_path(brew): if brew != brew_on_path: os.environ["PATH"] = f"{os.path.dirname(brew)}:{os.environ['PATH']}" default_brew_path = os.path.join(DEFAULT_HOMEBREW_ROOT, "bin", "brew") if args and args.brew: user_brew_path = os.path.abspath(args.brew) ensure_on_path(user_brew_path) elif brew_on_path: return brew_on_path elif os.path.exists(default_brew_path): ensure_on_path(default_brew_path) else: raise Exception(NO_BREW_ERROR_MESSAGE)
[docs]def which(file): # for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(":"): if os.path.exists(f"{path}/{file}"): return f"{path}/{file}" return None
if __name__ == "__main__": main()