
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.tool_util.deps.brew_exts

#!/usr/bin/env python

# % brew vinstall samtools 1.0
# % brew vinstall samtools 0.1.19
# % brew vinstall samtools 1.1
# % brew env samtools 1.1
# PATH=/home/john/.linuxbrew/Cellar/htslib/1.1/bin:/home/john/.linuxbrew/Cellar/samtools/1.1/bin:$PATH
# export PATH
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/john/.linuxbrew/Cellar/htslib/1.1/lib:/home/john/.linuxbrew/Cellar/samtools/1.1/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# % . <(brew env samtools 1.1)
# % which samtools
# /home/john/.linuxbrew/Cellar/samtools/1.1/bin/samtools
# % . <(brew env samtools 0.1.19)
# % which samtools
# /home/john/.linuxbrew/Cellar/samtools/0.1.19/bin/samtools
# % brew vuninstall samtools 1.0
# % brew vdeps samtools 1.1
# htslib@1.1
# % brew vdeps samtools 0.1.19

import argparse
import contextlib
import glob
import json
import os
import re
import string
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import (

WHITESPACE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"[\s]+")

DESCRIPTION = "Script built on top of linuxbrew to operate on isolated, versioned brew installed environments."

if sys.platform == "darwin":
    DEFAULT_HOMEBREW_ROOT = "/usr/local"
    DEFAULT_HOMEBREW_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".linuxbrew")

NO_BREW_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Could not find brew on PATH, please place on path or pass to script with --brew argument."
    "Cannot determine tap of specified recipe - please use fully qualified recipe (e.g. homebrew/science/samtools)."

[docs]class BrewContext:
[docs] def __init__(self, args=None): ensure_brew_on_path(args) raw_config = brew_execute(["config"]) config_lines = [line.strip().split(":", 1) for line in raw_config.split("\n") if line] config = {p[0].strip(): p[1].strip() for p in config_lines} # unset if "/usr/local" -> https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Homebrew/cmd/config.rb homebrew_prefix = config.get("HOMEBREW_PREFIX", "/usr/local") homebrew_cellar = config.get("HOMEBREW_CELLAR", os.path.join(homebrew_prefix, "Cellar")) self.homebrew_prefix = homebrew_prefix self.homebrew_cellar = homebrew_cellar
[docs]class RecipeContext:
[docs] @staticmethod def from_args(args, brew_context=None): return RecipeContext(args.recipe, args.version, brew_context)
[docs] def __init__(self, recipe, version, brew_context=None): self.recipe = recipe self.version = version self.brew_context = brew_context or BrewContext()
@property def cellar_path(self): return recipe_cellar_path(self.brew_context.homebrew_cellar, self.recipe, self.version) @property def tap_path(self) -> str: return os.path.join(self.brew_context.homebrew_prefix, "Library", "Taps", self.__tap_path(self.recipe)) def __tap_path(self, recipe): parts = recipe.split("/") if len(parts) == 1: info = brew_info(self.recipe) from_url = info["from_url"] if not from_url: raise Exception(CANNOT_DETERMINE_TAP_ERROR_MESSAGE) from_url_parts = from_url.split("/") blob_index = from_url_parts.index("blob") # comes right after username and repository if blob_index < 2: raise Exception(CANNOT_DETERMINE_TAP_ERROR_MESSAGE) username = from_url_parts[blob_index - 2] repository = from_url_parts[blob_index - 1] else: assert len(parts) == 3 parts = recipe.split("/") username = parts[0] repository = f"homebrew-{parts[1]}" path = os.path.join(username, repository) return path
[docs]def main(): global VERBOSE global RELAXED global BREW_ARGS parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("--brew", help="Path to linuxbrew 'brew' executable to target") actions = ["vinstall", "vuninstall", "vdeps", "vinfo", "env"] action = __action(sys) if not action: parser.add_argument("action", metavar="action", help="Versioned action to perform.", choices=actions) parser.add_argument( "recipe", metavar="recipe", help="Recipe for action - should be absolute (e.g. homebrew/science/samtools)." ) parser.add_argument("version", metavar="version", help="Version for action (e.g. 0.1.19).") parser.add_argument( "--relaxed", action="store_true", help="Relaxed processing - for instance allow use of env on non-vinstall-ed recipes.", ) parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Verbose output") parser.add_argument("restargs", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: VERBOSE = True if args.relaxed: RELAXED = True BREW_ARGS = args.restargs if not action: action = args.action brew_context = BrewContext(args) recipe_context = RecipeContext.from_args(args, brew_context) if action == "vinstall": versioned_install(recipe_context, args.recipe, args.version) elif action == "vuninstall": brew_execute(["switch", args.recipe, args.version]) brew_execute(["uninstall", args.recipe]) elif action == "vdeps": print_versioned_deps(recipe_context, args.recipe, args.version) elif action == "env": env_statements = build_env_statements_from_recipe_context(recipe_context) print(env_statements) elif action == "vinfo": with brew_head_at_version(recipe_context, args.recipe, args.version): print(brew_info(args.recipe)) else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class CommandLineException(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, command, stdout, stderr): self.command = command self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.message = ( f"Failed to execute command-line {command}, stderr was:\n" "-------->>begin stderr<<--------\n" f"{stderr}\n" "-------->>end stderr<<--------\n" "-------->>begin stdout<<--------\n" f"{stdout}\n" "-------->>end stdout<<--------\n" )
def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs]def versioned_install(recipe_context, package=None, version=None, installed_deps=None): if installed_deps is None: installed_deps = [] if package is None: package = recipe_context.recipe version = recipe_context.version attempt_unlink(package) with brew_head_at_version(recipe_context, package, version): deps = brew_deps(package) deps_metadata = [] dep_to_version = {} for dep in deps: version_info = brew_versions_info(dep, recipe_context.tap_path)[0] dep_version = version_info[0] dep_to_version[dep] = dep_version versioned = version_info[2] if versioned: dep_to_version[dep] = dep_version if dep in installed_deps: continue versioned_install(recipe_context, dep, dep_version) installed_deps.append(dep) else: # Install latest. dep_to_version[dep] = None if dep in installed_deps: continue unversioned_install(dep) try: for dep in deps: dep_version = dep_to_version[dep] if dep_version: brew_execute(["switch", dep, dep_version]) else: brew_execute(["link", dep]) # dep_version obtained from brew versions doesn't # include revision. This linked_keg attribute does. keg_verion = brew_info(dep)["linked_keg"] dep_metadata = {"name": dep, "version": keg_verion, "versioned": versioned} deps_metadata.append(dep_metadata) cellar_root = recipe_context.brew_context.homebrew_cellar cellar_path = recipe_context.cellar_path env_actions = build_env_actions(deps_metadata, cellar_root, cellar_path, custom_only=True) env = EnvAction.build_env(env_actions) args = ["install"] if VERBOSE: args.append("--verbose") args.extend(BREW_ARGS) args.append(package) brew_execute(args, env=env) deps = brew_execute(["deps", package]) deps = [d.strip() for d in deps.split("\n") if d] metadata = {"deps": deps_metadata} cellar_root = recipe_context.brew_context.homebrew_cellar cellar_path = recipe_cellar_path(cellar_root, package, version) v_metadata_path = os.path.join(cellar_path, "INSTALL_RECEIPT_VERSIONED.json") with open(v_metadata_path, "w") as f: json.dump(metadata, f) finally: attempt_unlink_all(package, deps)
[docs]def commit_for_version(recipe_context: RecipeContext, package, version): tap_path = recipe_context.tap_path commit = None with brew_head_at_commit("master", tap_path): version_to_commit = brew_versions_info(package, tap_path) if version is None: version = version_to_commit[0][0] commit = version_to_commit[0][1] else: for mapping in version_to_commit: if mapping[0] == version: commit = mapping[1] if commit is None: raise Exception(f"Failed to find commit for version {version}") return commit
[docs]def load_versioned_deps(cellar_path, relaxed=None): if relaxed is None: relaxed = RELAXED v_metadata_path = os.path.join(cellar_path, "INSTALL_RECEIPT_VERSIONED.json") if not os.path.isfile(v_metadata_path): if RELAXED: return [] else: raise OSError(f"Could not locate versioned receipt file: {v_metadata_path}") with open(v_metadata_path) as f: metadata = json.load(f) return metadata["deps"]
[docs]def unversioned_install(package): try: deps = brew_deps(package) for dep in deps: brew_execute(["link", dep]) brew_execute(["install", package]) finally: attempt_unlink_all(package, deps)
[docs]def brew_execute(args, env=None): os.environ["HOMEBREW_NO_EMOJI"] = "1" # simplify brew parsing. cmds = ["brew"] + args return execute(cmds, env=env)
[docs]def build_env_statements_from_recipe_context(recipe_context, **kwds): cellar_root = recipe_context.brew_context.homebrew_cellar env_statements = build_env_statements(cellar_root, recipe_context.cellar_path, **kwds) return env_statements
[docs]def build_env_statements(cellar_root, cellar_path, relaxed=None, custom_only=False): deps = load_versioned_deps(cellar_path, relaxed=relaxed) actions = build_env_actions(deps, cellar_root, cellar_path, relaxed, custom_only) env_statements = [] for action in actions: env_statements.extend(action.to_statements()) return "\n".join(env_statements)
[docs]def build_env_actions(deps, cellar_root, cellar_path, relaxed=None, custom_only=False): path_appends = [] ld_path_appends = [] actions = [] def handle_keg(cellar_path): bin_path = os.path.join(cellar_path, "bin") if os.path.isdir(bin_path): path_appends.append(bin_path) lib_path = os.path.join(cellar_path, "lib") if os.path.isdir(lib_path): ld_path_appends.append(lib_path) env_path = os.path.join(cellar_path, "platform_environment.json") if os.path.exists(env_path): with open(env_path) as f: env_metadata = json.load(f) if "actions" in env_metadata: def to_action(desc): return EnvAction(cellar_path, desc) actions.extend(map(to_action, env_metadata["actions"])) for dep in deps: package = dep["name"] version = dep["version"] dep_cellar_path = recipe_cellar_path(cellar_root, package, version) handle_keg(dep_cellar_path) handle_keg(cellar_path) if not custom_only: if path_appends: actions.append( EnvAction(cellar_path, {"action": "prepend", "variable": "PATH", "value": ":".join(path_appends)}) ) if ld_path_appends: actions.append( EnvAction( cellar_path, {"action": "prepend", "variable": "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "value": ":".join(path_appends)} ) ) return actions
[docs]class EnvAction:
[docs] def __init__(self, keg_root, action_description): self.variable = action_description["variable"] self.action = action_description["action"] self.value = string.Template(action_description["value"]).safe_substitute( { "KEG_ROOT": keg_root, } )
[docs] @staticmethod def build_env(env_actions): new_env = os.environ.copy() map(lambda env_action: env_action.modify_environ(new_env), env_actions) return new_env
[docs] def modify_environ(self, environ): if self.action == "set" or not environ.get(self.variable, ""): environ[self.variable] = self.__eval("${value}") elif self.action == "prepend": environ[self.variable] = self.__eval("${value}:%s" % environ[self.variable]) else: environ[self.variable] = self.__eval("%s:${value}" % environ[self.variable])
def __eval(self, template): return string.Template(template).safe_substitute( variable=self.variable, value=self.value, )
[docs] def to_statements(self): if self.action == "set": template = '''${variable}="${value}"''' elif self.action == "prepend": template = '''${variable}="${value}:$$${variable}"''' else: template = '''${variable}="$$${variable}:${value}"''' return [self.__eval(template), f"export {self.variable}"]
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def brew_head_at_version(recipe_context, package, version): commit = commit_for_version(recipe_context, package, version) tap_path = recipe_context.tap_path with brew_head_at_commit(commit, tap_path): yield
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def brew_head_at_commit(commit, tap_path): try: os.chdir(tap_path) current_commit = git_execute(["rev-parse", "HEAD"]).strip() try: git_execute(["checkout", commit]) yield finally: git_execute(["checkout", current_commit]) finally: # TODO: restore chdir - or better yet just don't chdir # shouldn't be needed. pass
[docs]def git_execute(args): cmds = ["git"] + args return execute(cmds)
[docs]def execute(cmds, env=None): subprocess_kwds = dict( shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if env: subprocess_kwds["env"] = env p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, **subprocess_kwds) # log = p.stdout.read() global VERBOSE stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise CommandLineException(" ".join(cmds), stdout, stderr) if VERBOSE: print(stdout) return stdout
[docs]def brew_deps(package): args = ["deps"] args.extend(BREW_ARGS) args.append(package) stdout = brew_execute(args) return [p.strip() for p in stdout.split("\n") if p]
[docs]def brew_info(recipe): info_json = brew_execute(["info", "--json=v1", recipe]) info = json.loads(info_json)[0] info.update(extended_brew_info(recipe)) return info
[docs]def extended_brew_info(recipe): # Extract more info from non-json variant. JSON variant should # include this in a backward compatible way (TODO: Open PR). raw_info = brew_execute(["info", recipe]) extra_info = dict( from_url=None, build_dependencies=[], required_dependencies=[], recommended_dependencies=[], optional_dependencies=[], ) for line in raw_info.split("\n"): if line.startswith("From: "): extra_info["from_url"] = line[len("From: ") :].strip() for dep_type in ["Build", "Required", "Recommended", "Optional"]: if line.startswith(f"{dep_type}: "): key = f"{dep_type.lower()}_dependencies" raw_val = line[len(f"{dep_type}: ") :] extra_info[key].extend(raw_val.split(", ")) return extra_info
[docs]def brew_versions_info(package, tap_path: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str, bool]]: def versioned(recipe_path: str): if not os.path.isabs(recipe_path): recipe_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), recipe_path) # Dependencies in the same repository should be versioned, # core dependencies (presumably in base homebrew) are not # versioned. return tap_path in recipe_path # TODO: Also use tags. stdout = brew_execute(["versions", package]) version_parts = [line for line in stdout.split("\n") if line and "git checkout" in line] version_parts = [WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split(line) for line in version_parts] info = [(p[0], p[3], versioned(p[4])) for p in version_parts] return info
def __action(sys): script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if script_name.startswith("brew-"): return script_name[len("brew-") :] else: return None
[docs]def recipe_cellar_path(cellar_path, recipe, version): recipe_base = recipe.split("/")[-1] recipe_base_path = os.path.join(cellar_path, recipe_base, version) revision_paths = glob.glob(f"{recipe_base_path}_*") if revision_paths: revisions = map(lambda x: int(x.rsplit("_", 1)[-1]), revision_paths) max_revision = max(revisions) recipe_path = "%s_%d" % (recipe_base_path, max_revision) else: recipe_path = recipe_base_path return recipe_path
[docs]def ensure_brew_on_path(args): brew_on_path = which("brew") if brew_on_path: brew_on_path = os.path.abspath(brew_on_path) def ensure_on_path(brew): if brew != brew_on_path: os.environ["PATH"] = f"{os.path.dirname(brew)}:{os.environ['PATH']}" default_brew_path = os.path.join(DEFAULT_HOMEBREW_ROOT, "bin", "brew") if args and args.brew: user_brew_path = os.path.abspath(args.brew) ensure_on_path(user_brew_path) elif brew_on_path: return brew_on_path elif os.path.exists(default_brew_path): ensure_on_path(default_brew_path) else: raise Exception(NO_BREW_ERROR_MESSAGE)
[docs]def which(file): # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5226958/which-equivalent-function-in-python for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(":"): if os.path.exists(f"{path}/{file}"): return f"{path}/{file}" return None
if __name__ == "__main__": main()