Source code for galaxy.objectstore.irods

Object Store plugin for the Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System (iRODS)

import logging
import os
import shutil
import threading
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

    import irods
    import irods.keywords as kw
    from irods.exception import (
    from irods.session import iRODSSession
except ImportError:
    irods = None

from galaxy.util import (
from ._caching_base import CachingConcreteObjectStore

IRODS_IMPORT_MESSAGE = "The Python irods package is required to use this feature, please install it"
# 1 MB
CHUNK_SIZE = 2**20
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.getLogger("irods.connection").setLevel(logging.INFO)  # irods logging generates gigabytes of logs

def _config_xml_error(tag):
    msg = f"No {tag} element in config XML tree"
    raise Exception(msg)

def _config_dict_error(key):
    msg = "No {key} key in config dictionary".forma(key=key)
    raise Exception(msg)

[docs]def parse_config_xml(config_xml): try: a_xml = config_xml.findall("auth") if not a_xml: _config_xml_error("auth") username = a_xml[0].get("username") password = a_xml[0].get("password") r_xml = config_xml.findall("resource") if not r_xml: _config_xml_error("resource") resource_name = r_xml[0].get("name") z_xml = config_xml.findall("zone") if not z_xml: _config_xml_error("zone") zone_name = z_xml[0].get("name") c_xml = config_xml.findall("connection") if not c_xml: _config_xml_error("connection") host = c_xml[0].get("host", None) port = int(c_xml[0].get("port", 0)) timeout = int(c_xml[0].get("timeout", 30)) refresh_time = int(c_xml[0].get("refresh_time", 300)) connection_pool_monitor_interval = int(c_xml[0].get("connection_pool_monitor_interval", -1)) c_xml = config_xml.findall("cache") if not c_xml: _config_xml_error("cache") cache_size = float(c_xml[0].get("size", -1)) staging_path = c_xml[0].get("path", None) cache_updated_data = string_as_bool(c_xml[0].get("cache_updated_data", "True")) attrs = ("type", "path") e_xml = config_xml.findall("extra_dir") if not e_xml: _config_xml_error("extra_dir") extra_dirs = [{k: e.get(k) for k in attrs} for e in e_xml] return { "auth": { "username": username, "password": password, }, "resource": { "name": resource_name, }, "zone": { "name": zone_name, }, "connection": { "host": host, "port": port, "timeout": timeout, "refresh_time": refresh_time, "connection_pool_monitor_interval": connection_pool_monitor_interval, }, "cache": { "size": cache_size, "path": staging_path, "cache_updated_data": cache_updated_data, }, "extra_dirs": extra_dirs, "private": CachingConcreteObjectStore.parse_private_from_config_xml(config_xml), } except Exception: # Toss it back up after logging, we can't continue loading at this point. log.exception("Malformed iRODS ObjectStore Configuration XML -- unable to continue.") raise
[docs]class IRODSObjectStore(CachingConcreteObjectStore): """ Object store that stores files as data objects in an iRODS Zone. A local cache exists that is used as an intermediate location for files between Galaxy and iRODS. """ store_type = "irods"
[docs] def __init__(self, config, config_dict): ipt_timer = ExecutionTimer() super().__init__(config, config_dict) auth_dict = config_dict.get("auth") if auth_dict is None: _config_dict_error("auth") self.username = auth_dict.get("username") if self.username is None: _config_dict_error("auth->username") self.password = auth_dict.get("password") if self.password is None: _config_dict_error("auth->password") resource_dict = config_dict["resource"] if resource_dict is None: _config_dict_error("resource") self.resource = resource_dict.get("name") if self.resource is None: _config_dict_error("resource->name") zone_dict = config_dict["zone"] if zone_dict is None: _config_dict_error("zone") = zone_dict.get("name") if is None: _config_dict_error("zone->name") connection_dict = config_dict["connection"] if connection_dict is None: _config_dict_error("connection") = connection_dict.get("host") if is None: _config_dict_error("connection->host") self.port = connection_dict.get("port") if self.port is None: _config_dict_error("connection->port") self.timeout = connection_dict.get("timeout") if self.timeout is None: _config_dict_error("connection->timeout") self.refresh_time = connection_dict.get("refresh_time") if self.refresh_time is None: _config_dict_error("connection->refresh_time") self.connection_pool_monitor_interval = connection_dict.get("connection_pool_monitor_interval") if self.connection_pool_monitor_interval is None: _config_dict_error("connection->connection_pool_monitor_interval") cache_dict = config_dict.get("cache") or {} self.cache_size = cache_dict.get("size") or self.config.object_store_cache_path if self.cache_size is None: _config_dict_error("cache->size") self.staging_path = cache_dict.get("path") or self.config.object_store_cache_path if self.staging_path is None: _config_dict_error("cache->path") self.cache_updated_data = cache_dict.get("cache_updated_data", True) extra_dirs = {e["type"]: e["path"] for e in config_dict.get("extra_dirs", [])} if not extra_dirs: _config_dict_error("extra_dirs") self.extra_dirs.update(extra_dirs) if irods is None: raise Exception(IRODS_IMPORT_MESSAGE) self.home = f"/{}/home/{self.username}" if irods is None: raise Exception(IRODS_IMPORT_MESSAGE) self.session = iRODSSession(, port=self.port, user=self.username, password=self.password,, refresh_time=self.refresh_time, ) # Set connection timeout self.session.connection_timeout = self.timeout if self.connection_pool_monitor_interval != -1: # This Event object is initialized to False # It is set to True in shutdown(), causing # the connection pool monitor thread to return/terminate self.stop_connection_pool_monitor_event = threading.Event() self.connection_pool_monitor_thread = None log.debug("irods_pt __init__: %s", ipt_timer)
[docs] def shutdown(self): # This call will cleanup all the connections in the connection pool # OSError sometimes happens on GitHub Actions, after the test has successfully completed. Ignore it if it happens. ipt_timer = ExecutionTimer() try: self.session.cleanup() except OSError: pass if self.connection_pool_monitor_interval != -1: # Set to True so the connection pool monitor thread will return/terminate self.stop_connection_pool_monitor_event.set() if self.connection_pool_monitor_thread is not None: self.connection_pool_monitor_thread.join(5) log.debug("irods_pt shutdown: %s", ipt_timer)
[docs] @classmethod def parse_xml(cls, config_xml): return parse_config_xml(config_xml)
[docs] def start_connection_pool_monitor(self): self.connection_pool_monitor_thread = threading.Thread( target=self._connection_pool_monitor, args=(), kwargs={ "refresh_time": self.refresh_time, "connection_pool_monitor_interval": self.connection_pool_monitor_interval, "stop_connection_pool_monitor_event": self.stop_connection_pool_monitor_event, }, name="ConnectionPoolMonitorThread", daemon=True, ) self.connection_pool_monitor_thread.start()"Connection pool monitor started")
[docs] def start(self): if self.connection_pool_monitor_interval != -1: self.start_connection_pool_monitor()
def _connection_pool_monitor(self, *args, **kwargs): refresh_time = kwargs["refresh_time"] connection_pool_monitor_interval = kwargs["connection_pool_monitor_interval"] stop_connection_pool_monitor_event = kwargs["stop_connection_pool_monitor_event"] while not stop_connection_pool_monitor_event.is_set(): curr_time = idle_connection_set = self.session.pool.idle.copy() for conn in idle_connection_set: # If the connection was created more than 'refresh_time' # seconds ago, release the connection (as its stale) if (curr_time - conn.create_time).total_seconds() > refresh_time: log.debug( "Idle connection with id %s was created more than %s seconds ago. Releasing the connection.", id(conn), refresh_time, ) self.session.pool.release_connection(conn, True) stop_connection_pool_monitor_event.wait(connection_pool_monitor_interval)
[docs] def to_dict(self): as_dict = super().to_dict() as_dict.update(self._config_to_dict()) return as_dict
def _config_to_dict(self): return { "auth": { "username": self.username, "password": self.password, }, "resource": { "name": self.resource, }, "zone": { "name":, }, "connection": { "host":, "port": self.port, "timeout": self.timeout, "refresh_time": self.refresh_time, "connection_pool_monitor_interval": self.connection_pool_monitor_interval, }, "cache": { "size": self.cache_size, "path": self.staging_path, "cache_updated_data": self.cache_updated_data, }, } # rel_path is file or folder? def _get_remote_size(self, rel_path): ipt_timer = ExecutionTimer() p = Path(rel_path) data_object_name = p.stem + p.suffix subcollection_name = p.parent collection_path = f"{self.home}/{subcollection_name}" data_object_path = f"{collection_path}/{data_object_name}" options = {kw.DEST_RESC_NAME_KW: self.resource} try: data_obj = self.session.data_objects.get(data_object_path, **options) return data_obj.__sizeof__() except (DataObjectDoesNotExist, CollectionDoesNotExist): log.warning("Collection or data object (%s) does not exist", data_object_path) return -1 finally: log.debug("irods_pt _get_remote_size: %s", ipt_timer) # rel_path is file or folder? def _exists_remotely(self, rel_path): ipt_timer = ExecutionTimer() p = Path(rel_path) data_object_name = p.stem + p.suffix subcollection_name = p.parent collection_path = f"{self.home}/{subcollection_name}" data_object_path = f"{collection_path}/{data_object_name}" options = {kw.DEST_RESC_NAME_KW: self.resource} try: self.session.data_objects.get(data_object_path, **options) return True except (DataObjectDoesNotExist, CollectionDoesNotExist): log.debug("Collection or data object (%s) does not exist", data_object_path) return False finally: log.debug("irods_pt _exists_remotely: %s", ipt_timer) def _download(self, rel_path): ipt_timer = ExecutionTimer() cache_path = self._get_cache_path(rel_path) log.debug("Pulling data object '%s' into cache to %s", rel_path, cache_path) p = Path(rel_path) data_object_name = p.stem + p.suffix subcollection_name = p.parent collection_path = f"{self.home}/{subcollection_name}" data_object_path = f"{collection_path}/{data_object_name}" # we need to allow irods to override already existing zero-size output files created # in object store cache during job setup (see also # TODO: get rid of this flag when Galaxy stops pre-creating those output files in cache options = {kw.FORCE_FLAG_KW: "", kw.DEST_RESC_NAME_KW: self.resource} try: self.session.data_objects.get(data_object_path, cache_path, **options) log.debug("Pulled data object '%s' into cache to %s", rel_path, cache_path) return True except (DataObjectDoesNotExist, CollectionDoesNotExist): log.warning("Collection or data object (%s) does not exist", data_object_path) return False finally: log.debug("irods_pt _download: %s", ipt_timer) def _push_to_storage(self, rel_path, source_file=None, from_string=None): """ Push the file pointed to by ``rel_path`` to the iRODS. Extract folder name from rel_path as iRODS collection name, and extract file name from rel_path as iRODS data object name. If ``source_file`` is provided, push that file instead while still using ``rel_path`` for collection and object store names. If ``from_string`` is provided, set contents of the file to the value of the string. """ ipt_timer = ExecutionTimer() p = Path(rel_path) data_object_name = p.stem + p.suffix subcollection_name = p.parent source_file = source_file if source_file else self._get_cache_path(rel_path) options = {kw.FORCE_FLAG_KW: "", kw.DEST_RESC_NAME_KW: self.resource} if not os.path.exists(source_file): log.error( "Tried updating key '%s' from source file '%s', but source file does not exist.", rel_path, source_file ) return False # Check if the data object exists in iRODS collection_path = f"{self.home}/{subcollection_name}" data_object_path = f"{collection_path}/{data_object_name}" exists = False try: exists = self.session.data_objects.exists(data_object_path) if os.path.getsize(source_file) == 0 and exists: log.debug( "Wanted to push file '%s' to iRODS collection '%s' but its size is 0; skipping.", source_file, rel_path, ) return True # Create sub-collection first self.session.collections.create(collection_path, recurse=True, **options) if from_string: # Create data object data_obj = self.session.data_objects.create(data_object_path, self.resource, **options) # Save 'from_string' as a file with"w") as data_obj_fp: data_obj_fp.write(from_string) # Add file containing 'from_string' to the irods collection, since # put() expects a file as input. Get file name from data object's 'desc' field self.session.data_objects.put(data_obj.desc, f"{collection_path}/", **options) log.debug("Pushed data from string '%s' to collection '%s'", from_string, data_object_path) else: start_time = log.debug( "Pushing cache file '%s' of size %s bytes to collection '%s'", source_file, os.path.getsize(source_file), rel_path, ) # Add the source file to the irods collection self.session.data_objects.put(source_file, data_object_path, **options) end_time = log.debug( "Pushed cache file '%s' to collection '%s' (%s bytes transfered in %s sec)", source_file, rel_path, os.path.getsize(source_file), (end_time - start_time).total_seconds(), ) return True finally: log.debug("irods_pt _push_to_storage: %s", ipt_timer) def _delete(self, obj, entire_dir=False, **kwargs): ipt_timer = ExecutionTimer() rel_path = self._construct_path(obj, **kwargs) extra_dir = kwargs.get("extra_dir", None) base_dir = kwargs.get("base_dir", None) dir_only = kwargs.get("dir_only", False) obj_dir = kwargs.get("obj_dir", False) options = {kw.DEST_RESC_NAME_KW: self.resource} try: # Remove temparory data in JOB_WORK directory if base_dir and dir_only and obj_dir: shutil.rmtree(os.path.abspath(rel_path)) return True # For the case of extra_files, because we don't have a reference to # individual files we need to remove the entire directory structure # with all the files in it. This is easy for the local file system, # but requires iterating through each individual key in irods and deleing it. if entire_dir and extra_dir: shutil.rmtree(self._get_cache_path(rel_path), ignore_errors=True) col_path = f"{self.home}/{rel_path}" col = None try: col = self.session.collections.get(col_path) except CollectionDoesNotExist: log.warning("Collection (%s) does not exist!", col_path) return False cols = col.walk() # Traverse the tree only one level deep for _ in range(2): # get next result _, _, data_objects = next(cols) # Delete data objects for data_object in data_objects: data_object.unlink(force=True) return True else: # Delete from cache first unlink(self._get_cache_path(rel_path), ignore_errors=True) # Delete from irods as well p = Path(rel_path) data_object_name = p.stem + p.suffix subcollection_name = p.parent collection_path = f"{self.home}/{subcollection_name}" data_object_path = f"{collection_path}/{data_object_name}" try: data_obj = self.session.data_objects.get(data_object_path, **options) # remove object data_obj.unlink(force=True) return True except (DataObjectDoesNotExist, CollectionDoesNotExist):"Collection or data object (%s) does not exist", data_object_path) return True except OSError: log.exception("%s delete error", self._get_filename(obj, **kwargs)) finally: log.debug("irods_pt _delete: %s", ipt_timer) return False # Unlike S3, url is not really applicable to iRODS def _get_object_url(self, obj, **kwargs): if self._exists(obj, **kwargs): rel_path = self._construct_path(obj, **kwargs) p = Path(rel_path) data_object_name = p.stem + p.suffix subcollection_name = p.parent collection_path = f"{self.home}/{subcollection_name}" data_object_path = f"{collection_path}/{data_object_name}" return data_object_path def _get_store_usage_percent(self): return 0.0