Superclass Manager and Serializers for Sharable objects.
A sharable Galaxy object:
has an owner/creator User
is sharable with other, specific Users
is importable (copyable) by users that have access
has a slug which can be used as a link to view the resource
can be published effectively making it available to all other Users
can be rated
import logging
import re
from typing import (
from sqlalchemy import (
from galaxy import (
from galaxy.managers import (
from galaxy.managers.base import combine_lists
from galaxy.model import (
from galaxy.model.base import transaction
from galaxy.model.tags import GalaxyTagHandler
from galaxy.schema.schema import (
from galaxy.structured_app import MinimalManagerApp
from galaxy.util import ready_name_for_url
from galaxy.util.hash_util import md5_hash_str
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class SharableModelManager(
# e.g. histories, pages, stored workflows, visualizations
# base.DeleteableModelMixin? (all four are deletable)
#: the model used for UserShareAssociations with this model
user_share_model: Type[UserShareAssociation]
#: the single character abbreviation used in username_and_slug: e.g. 'h' for histories: u/user/h/slug
SINGLE_CHAR_ABBR: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def __init__(self, app: MinimalManagerApp):
# user manager is needed to check access/ownership/admin
self.user_manager = users.UserManager(app)
self.tag_handler = app[GalaxyTagHandler]
# .... has a user
[docs] def by_user(self, user: User, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Any]:
Return list for all items (of model_class type) associated with the given
user_filter = self.model_class.table.c.user_id == user.id
filters = combine_lists(user_filter, kwargs.get("filters", None))
return self.list(filters=filters, **kwargs)
# .... owned/accessible interfaces
[docs] def is_owner(self, item: model.Base, user: Optional[User], **kwargs: Any) -> bool:
Return true if this sharable belongs to `user` (or `user` is an admin).
# ... effectively a good fit to have this here, but not semantically
if self.user_manager.is_admin(user, trans=kwargs.get("trans", None)):
return True
return item.user == user # type:ignore[attr-defined]
[docs] def is_accessible(self, item, user: Optional[User], **kwargs: Any) -> bool:
If the item is importable, is owned by `user`, or (the valid) `user`
is in 'users shared with' list for the item: return True.
if item.importable:
return True
# note: owners always have access - checking for accessible implicitly checks for ownership
if self.is_owner(item, user, **kwargs):
return True
if self.user_manager.is_anonymous(user):
return False
if user in item.users_shared_with_dot_users:
return True
return False
# .... importable
[docs] def make_importable(self, item, flush=True):
Makes item accessible--viewable and importable--and sets item's slug.
Does not flush/commit changes, however. Item must have name, user,
importable, and slug attributes.
self.create_unique_slug(item, flush=False)
return self._session_setattr(item, "importable", True, flush=flush)
[docs] def make_non_importable(self, item, flush=True):
Makes item accessible--viewable and importable--and sets item's slug.
Does not flush/commit changes, however. Item must have name, user,
importable, and slug attributes.
# item must be unpublished if non-importable
if item.published:
self.unpublish(item, flush=False)
return self._session_setattr(item, "importable", False, flush=flush)
# .... published
[docs] def publish(self, item, flush=True):
Set both the importable and published flags on `item` to True.
# item must be importable to be published
if not item.importable:
self.make_importable(item, flush=False)
return self._session_setattr(item, "published", True, flush=flush)
[docs] def unpublish(self, item, flush=True):
Set the published flag on `item` to False.
return self._session_setattr(item, "published", False, flush=flush)
[docs] def list_published(self, filters=None, **kwargs):
Return a list of all published items.
published_filter = self.model_class.table.c.published == true()
filters = combine_lists(published_filter, filters)
return self.list(filters=filters, **kwargs)
# .... user sharing
# sharing is often done via a 3rd table btwn a User and an item -> a <Item>UserShareAssociation
[docs] def get_share_assocs(self, item, user=None):
Get the UserShareAssociations for the `item`.
Optionally send in `user` to test for a single match.
query = self.query_associated(self.user_share_model, item)
if user is not None:
query = query.filter_by(user=user)
return query.all()
[docs] def share_with(self, item, user: User, flush: bool = True):
Get or create a share for the given user.
# precondition: user has been validated
# get or create
existing = self.get_share_assocs(item, user=user)
if existing:
return existing.pop(0)
return self._create_user_share_assoc(item, user, flush=flush)
def _create_user_share_assoc(self, item, user, flush=True):
Create a share for the given user.
user_share_assoc = self.user_share_model()
self.associate(user_share_assoc, item)
user_share_assoc.user = user
# ensure an item slug so shared users can access
if not item.slug:
if flush:
session = self.session()
with transaction(session):
return user_share_assoc
[docs] def unshare_with(self, item, user: User, flush: bool = True):
Delete a user share from the database.
# Look for and delete sharing relation for user.
user_share_assoc = self.get_share_assocs(item, user=user)[0]
if flush:
session = self.session()
with transaction(session):
return user_share_assoc
def _query_shared_with(self, user, eagerloads=True, **kwargs):
Return a query for this model already filtered to models shared
with a particular user.
query = self.session().query(self.model_class).join(self.model_class.users_shared_with)
if eagerloads is False:
query = query.enable_eagerloads(False)
# TODO: as filter in FilterParser also
query = query.filter(self.user_share_model.user == user)
return self._filter_and_order_query(query, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_shared_with(self, user, filters=None, order_by=None, limit=None, offset=None, **kwargs):
Return a list of those models shared with a particular user.
# TODO: refactor out dupl-code btwn base.list
orm_filters, fn_filters = self._split_filters(filters)
if not fn_filters:
# if no fn_filtering required, we can use the 'all orm' version with limit offset
query = self._query_shared_with(
user, filters=orm_filters, order_by=order_by, limit=limit, offset=offset, **kwargs
return self._orm_list(query=query, **kwargs)
# fn filters will change the number of items returnable by limit/offset - remove them here from the orm query
query = self._query_shared_with(user, filters=orm_filters, order_by=order_by, limit=None, offset=None, **kwargs)
# apply limit and offset afterwards
items = self._apply_fn_filters_gen(query.all(), fn_filters)
return list(self._apply_fn_limit_offset_gen(items, limit, offset))
[docs] def make_members_public(self, trans, item):
"""Make potential elements of this item public.
This method must be overridden in managers that need to change permissions of internal elements
contained associated with the given item.
[docs] def update_current_sharing_with_users(self, item, new_users_shared_with: Set[User], flush=True):
"""Updates the currently list of users this item is shared with by adding new
users and removing missing ones."""
current_shares = self.get_share_assocs(item)
currently_shared_with = {share.user for share in current_shares}
needs_adding = new_users_shared_with - currently_shared_with
for user in needs_adding:
current_shares.append(self.share_with(item, user, flush=False))
needs_removing = currently_shared_with - new_users_shared_with
for user in needs_removing:
current_shares.remove(self.unshare_with(item, user, flush=False))
if flush:
session = self.session()
with transaction(session):
return current_shares, needs_adding, needs_removing
# .... slugs
# slugs are human readable strings often used to link to sharable resources (replacing ids)
# TODO: as validator, deserializer, etc. (maybe another object entirely?)
[docs] def set_slug(self, item, new_slug, user, flush=True):
Validate and set the new slug for `item`.
# precondition: has been validated
if not self.is_valid_slug(new_slug):
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Invalid slug", slug=new_slug)
if item.slug == new_slug:
return item
session = self.session()
# error if slug is already in use
if slug_exists(session, item.__class__, user, new_slug):
raise exceptions.Conflict("Slug already exists", slug=new_slug)
item.slug = new_slug
if flush:
with transaction(session):
return item
[docs] def is_valid_slug(self, slug):
Returns true if `slug` is valid.
VALID_SLUG_RE = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9\-]+$")
return VALID_SLUG_RE.match(slug)
def _slugify(self, start_with):
# Replace whitespace with '-'
slug_base = re.sub(r"\s+", "-", start_with)
# Remove all non-alphanumeric characters.
slug_base = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]", "", slug_base)
# Remove trailing '-'.
if slug_base.endswith("-"):
slug_base = slug_base[:-1]
return slug_base
def _default_slug_base(self, item):
# override in subclasses
if hasattr(item, "title"):
return item.title.lower()
return item.name.lower()
[docs] def get_unique_slug(self, item):
Returns a slug that is unique among user's importable items
for item's class.
cur_slug = item.slug
# Setup slug base.
if cur_slug is None or cur_slug == "":
slug_base = self._slugify(self._default_slug_base(item))
slug_base = cur_slug
# Using slug base, find a slug that is not taken. If slug is taken,
# add integer to end.
new_slug = slug_base
count = 1
while importable_item_slug_exists(self.session(), item.__class__, item.user, new_slug):
# Slug taken; choose a new slug based on count. This approach can
# handle numerous items with the same name gracefully.
new_slug = "%s-%i" % (slug_base, count)
count += 1
return new_slug
[docs] def create_unique_slug(self, item, flush=True):
Set a new, unique slug on the item.
item.slug = self.get_unique_slug(item)
if flush:
session = self.session()
with transaction(session):
return item
# TODO: def by_slug( self, user, **kwargs ):
[docs]class SharableModelSerializer(
# TODO: stub
SINGLE_CHAR_ABBR: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def __init__(self, app, **kwargs):
super().__init__(app, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_serializers(self):
"id": self.serialize_id,
"title": self.serialize_title,
"username": self.serialize_username,
"username_and_slug": self.serialize_username_and_slug,
"users_shared_with": self.serialize_users_shared_with,
"email_hash": self.serialize_email_hash,
# these use the default serializer but must still be white-listed
self.serializable_keyset.update(["importable", "published", "slug"])
[docs] def serialize_email_hash(self, item, key, **context):
if not (item.user and item.user.email):
return None
return md5_hash_str(item.user.email)
[docs] def serialize_title(self, item, key, **context):
if hasattr(item, "title"):
return item.title
elif hasattr(item, "name"):
return item.name
[docs] def serialize_username(self, item, key, **context):
return item.user and item.user.username
[docs] def serialize_username_and_slug(self, item, key, **context):
if not (item.user and item.user.username and item.slug and self.SINGLE_CHAR_ABBR):
return None
return ("/").join(("u", item.user.username, self.SINGLE_CHAR_ABBR, item.slug))
# the only ones that needs any fns:
# user/user_id
# username_and_slug?
[docs] def serialize_users_shared_with(self, item, key, user=None, **context):
Returns a list of encoded ids for users the item has been shared.
Skipped if the requesting user is not the owner.
# TODO: still an open question as to whether key removal based on user
# should be handled here or at a higher level (even if we didn't have to pass user (via thread context, etc.))
if not self.manager.is_owner(item, user):
share_assocs = self.manager.get_share_assocs(item)
return [self.serialize_id(share, "user_id") for share in share_assocs]
[docs]class SharableModelDeserializer(
[docs] def __init__(self, app: MinimalManagerApp, **kwargs):
super().__init__(app, **kwargs)
self.tag_handler = app.tag_handler
[docs] def add_deserializers(self):
"published": self.deserialize_published,
"importable": self.deserialize_importable,
"users_shared_with": self.deserialize_users_shared_with,
[docs] def deserialize_published(self, item, key, val, **context):
""" """
val = self.validate.bool(key, val)
if item.published == val:
return val
if val:
self.manager.publish(item, flush=False)
self.manager.unpublish(item, flush=False)
return item.published
[docs] def deserialize_importable(self, item, key, val, **context):
""" """
val = self.validate.bool(key, val)
if item.importable == val:
return val
if val:
self.manager.make_importable(item, flush=False)
self.manager.make_non_importable(item, flush=False)
return item.importable
# TODO: def deserialize_slug( self, item, val, **context ):
[docs] def deserialize_users_shared_with(self, item, key, val, **context):
Accept a list of encoded user_ids, validate them as users, and then
add or remove user shares in order to update the users_shared_with to
match the given list finally returning the new list of shares.
unencoded_ids = [self.app.security.decode_id(id_) for id_ in val]
new_users_shared_with = set(self.manager.user_manager.by_ids(unencoded_ids))
current_shares, _, _ = self.manager.update_current_sharing_with_users(item, new_users_shared_with)
# TODO: or should this return the list of ids?
return current_shares
[docs]class SharableModelFilters(
base.ModelFilterParser, taggable.TaggableFilterMixin, annotatable.AnnotatableFilterMixin, ratable.RatableFilterMixin
def _add_parsers(self):
"importable": {"op": ("eq"), "val": base.parse_bool},
"published": {"op": ("eq"), "val": base.parse_bool},
"slug": {"op": ("eq", "contains", "like")},
# chose by user should prob. only be available for admin? (most often we'll only need trans.user)
# 'user' : { 'op': ( 'eq' ), 'val': self.parse_id_list },
[docs]class SlugBuilder:
"""Builder for creating slugs out of items."""
[docs] def create_item_slug(self, sa_session, item) -> bool:
"""Create/set item slug.
Slug is unique among user's importable items for item's class.
:param sa_session: Database session context.
:param item: The item to create/update its slug.
:type item: [type]
:return: Returns true if item's slug was set/changed; false otherwise.
:rtype: bool
cur_slug = item.slug
# Setup slug base.
if cur_slug is None or cur_slug == "":
# Item can have either a name or a title.
item_name = ""
if hasattr(item, "name"):
item_name = item.name
elif hasattr(item, "title"):
item_name = item.title
slug_base = ready_name_for_url(item_name.lower())
slug_base = cur_slug
# Using slug base, find a slug that is not taken. If slug is taken,
# add integer to end.
new_slug = slug_base
count = 1
# Ensure unique across model class and user and don't include this item
# in the check in case it has previously been assigned a valid slug.
while another_slug_exists(sa_session, item.__class__, item.user, new_slug, item.id):
# Slug taken; choose a new slug based on count. This approach can
# handle numerous items with the same name gracefully.
new_slug = f"{slug_base}-{count}"
count += 1
# Set slug and return.
item.slug = new_slug
return item.slug == cur_slug
def slug_exists(session, model_class, user, slug, ignore_deleted=False):
stmt = select(exists().where(model_class.user == user).where(model_class.slug == slug))
if ignore_deleted: # Only check items that are NOT marked as deleted
stmt = stmt.where(model_class.deleted == false())
return session.scalar(stmt)
def importable_item_slug_exists(session, model_class, user, slug):
stmt = select(
exists().where(model_class.user == user).where(model_class.slug == slug).where(model_class.importable == true())
return session.scalar(stmt)
def another_slug_exists(session, model_class, user, slug, id):
stmt = select(exists().where(model_class.user == user).where(model_class.slug == slug).where(model_class.id != id))
return session.scalar(stmt)
__all__ = (