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Source code for galaxy.managers.sharable
Superclass Manager and Serializers for Sharable objects.
A sharable Galaxy object:
has an owner/creator User
is sharable with other, specific Users
is importable (copyable) by users that have access
has a slug which can be used as a link to view the resource
can be published effectively making it available to all other Users
can be rated
import logging
from typing import (
from slugify import slugify
from sqlalchemy import (
from galaxy import (
from galaxy.managers import (
from galaxy.managers.base import combine_lists
from galaxy.model import (
from galaxy.model.base import transaction
from galaxy.model.tags import GalaxyTagHandler
from galaxy.schema.schema import (
from galaxy.structured_app import MinimalManagerApp
from galaxy.util import ready_name_for_url
from galaxy.util.hash_util import md5_hash_str
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class SharableModelManager(
# e.g. histories, pages, stored workflows, visualizations
# base.DeleteableModelMixin? (all four are deletable)
#: the model used for UserShareAssociations with this model
user_share_model: Type[UserShareAssociation]
#: the single character abbreviation used in username_and_slug: e.g. 'h' for histories: u/user/h/slug
SINGLE_CHAR_ABBR: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def __init__(self, app: MinimalManagerApp):
# user manager is needed to check access/ownership/admin
self.user_manager = users.UserManager(app)
self.tag_handler = app[GalaxyTagHandler]
# .... has a user
[docs] def by_user(self, user: User, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Any]:
Return list for all items (of model_class type) associated with the given
user_filter = self.model_class.table.c.user_id == user.id
filters = combine_lists(user_filter, kwargs.get("filters", None))
return self.list(filters=filters, **kwargs)
# .... owned/accessible interfaces
[docs] def is_owner(self, item: model.Base, user: Optional[User], **kwargs: Any) -> bool:
Return true if this sharable belongs to `user` (or `user` is an admin).
# ... effectively a good fit to have this here, but not semantically
if self.user_manager.is_admin(user, trans=kwargs.get("trans", None)):
return True
return item.user == user # type:ignore[attr-defined]
[docs] def is_accessible(self, item, user: Optional[User], **kwargs: Any) -> bool:
If the item is importable, is owned by `user`, or (the valid) `user`
is in 'users shared with' list for the item: return True.
if item.importable:
return True
# note: owners always have access - checking for accessible implicitly checks for ownership
if self.is_owner(item, user, **kwargs):
return True
if self.user_manager.is_anonymous(user):
return False
if user in item.users_shared_with_dot_users:
return True
return False
# .... importable
[docs] def make_importable(self, item, flush=True):
Makes item accessible--viewable and importable--and sets item's slug.
Does not flush/commit changes, however. Item must have name, user,
importable, and slug attributes.
self.create_unique_slug(item, flush=False)
return self._session_setattr(item, "importable", True, flush=flush)
[docs] def make_non_importable(self, item, flush=True):
Makes item accessible--viewable and importable--and sets item's slug.
Does not flush/commit changes, however. Item must have name, user,
importable, and slug attributes.
# item must be unpublished if non-importable
if item.published:
self.unpublish(item, flush=False)
return self._session_setattr(item, "importable", False, flush=flush)
# .... published
[docs] def publish(self, item, flush=True):
Set both the importable and published flags on `item` to True.
# item must be importable to be published
if not item.importable:
self.make_importable(item, flush=False)
return self._session_setattr(item, "published", True, flush=flush)
[docs] def unpublish(self, item, flush=True):
Set the published flag on `item` to False.
return self._session_setattr(item, "published", False, flush=flush)
[docs] def list_published(self, filters=None, **kwargs):
Return a list of all published items.
published_filter = self.model_class.table.c.published == true()
filters = combine_lists(published_filter, filters)
return self.list(filters=filters, **kwargs)
# .... user sharing
# sharing is often done via a 3rd table btwn a User and an item -> a <Item>UserShareAssociation
def _create_user_share_assoc(self, item, user, flush=True):
Create a share for the given user.
user_share_assoc = self.user_share_model()
self.associate(user_share_assoc, item)
user_share_assoc.user = user
# ensure an item slug so shared users can access
if not item.slug:
if flush:
session = self.session()
with transaction(session):
return user_share_assoc
def _query_shared_with(self, user, eagerloads=True, **kwargs):
Return a query for this model already filtered to models shared
with a particular user.
query = self.session().query(self.model_class).join(self.model_class.users_shared_with)
if eagerloads is False:
query = query.enable_eagerloads(False)
# TODO: as filter in FilterParser also
query = query.filter(self.user_share_model.user == user)
return self._filter_and_order_query(query, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_sharing_extra_information(
self, trans, item, users: Set[User], errors: Set[str], option: Optional[SharingOptions] = None
) -> Optional[ShareWithExtra]:
"""Returns optional extra information about the shareability of the given item.
This function should be overridden in the particular manager class that wants
to provide the extra information, otherwise, it will be None by default."""
return None
[docs] def make_members_public(self, trans, item):
"""Make potential elements of this item public.
This method must be overridden in managers that need to change permissions of internal elements
contained associated with the given item.
[docs] def update_current_sharing_with_users(self, item, new_users_shared_with: Set[User], flush=True):
"""Updates the currently list of users this item is shared with by adding new
users and removing missing ones."""
current_shares = self.get_share_assocs(item)
currently_shared_with = {share.user for share in current_shares}
needs_adding = new_users_shared_with - currently_shared_with
for user in needs_adding:
current_shares.append(self.share_with(item, user, flush=False))
needs_removing = currently_shared_with - new_users_shared_with
for user in needs_removing:
current_shares.remove(self.unshare_with(item, user, flush=False))
if flush:
session = self.session()
with transaction(session):
return current_shares, needs_adding, needs_removing
# .... slugs
# slugs are human readable strings often used to link to sharable resources (replacing ids)
# TODO: as validator, deserializer, etc. (maybe another object entirely?)
[docs] def set_slug(self, item, new_slug, user, flush=True):
Validate and set the new slug for `item`.
# precondition: has been validated
if not SlugBuilder.is_valid_slug(new_slug):
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Invalid slug", slug=new_slug)
if item.slug == new_slug:
return item
session = self.session()
# error if slug is already in use
if slug_exists(session, item.__class__, user, new_slug):
raise exceptions.Conflict("Slug already exists", slug=new_slug)
item.slug = new_slug
if flush:
with transaction(session):
return item
def _default_slug_base(self, item):
# override in subclasses
if hasattr(item, "title"):
return item.title.lower()
return item.name.lower()
[docs] def get_unique_slug(self, item):
Returns a slug that is unique among user's importable items
for item's class.
cur_slug = item.slug
# Setup slug base.
if cur_slug is None or cur_slug == "":
slug_base = slugify(self._default_slug_base(item), allow_unicode=True)
slug_base = cur_slug
# Using slug base, find a slug that is not taken. If slug is taken,
# add integer to end.
new_slug = slug_base
count = 1
while importable_item_slug_exists(self.session(), item.__class__, item.user, new_slug):
# Slug taken; choose a new slug based on count. This approach can
# handle numerous items with the same name gracefully.
new_slug = f"{slug_base}-{count}"
count += 1
return new_slug
[docs] def create_unique_slug(self, item, flush=True):
Set a new, unique slug on the item.
item.slug = self.get_unique_slug(item)
if flush:
session = self.session()
with transaction(session):
return item
# TODO: def by_slug( self, user, **kwargs ):
[docs]class SharableModelSerializer(
# TODO: stub
SINGLE_CHAR_ABBR: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def __init__(self, app, **kwargs):
super().__init__(app, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_serializers(self):
"id": self.serialize_id,
"title": self.serialize_title,
"username": self.serialize_username,
"username_and_slug": self.serialize_username_and_slug,
"users_shared_with": self.serialize_users_shared_with,
"email_hash": self.serialize_email_hash,
# these use the default serializer but must still be white-listed
self.serializable_keyset.update(["importable", "published", "slug"])
[docs] def serialize_email_hash(self, item, key, **context):
if not (item.user and item.user.email):
return None
return md5_hash_str(item.user.email)
[docs] def serialize_title(self, item, key, **context):
if hasattr(item, "title"):
return item.title
elif hasattr(item, "name"):
return item.name
[docs] def serialize_username_and_slug(self, item, key, **context):
if not (item.user and item.user.username and item.slug and self.SINGLE_CHAR_ABBR):
return None
return ("/").join(("u", item.user.username, self.SINGLE_CHAR_ABBR, item.slug))
# the only ones that needs any fns:
# user/user_id
# username_and_slug?
[docs]class SharableModelDeserializer(
[docs] def __init__(self, app: MinimalManagerApp, **kwargs):
super().__init__(app, **kwargs)
self.tag_handler = app.tag_handler
[docs] def add_deserializers(self):
"published": self.deserialize_published,
"importable": self.deserialize_importable,
"users_shared_with": self.deserialize_users_shared_with,
[docs] def deserialize_published(self, item, key, val, **context):
""" """
val = self.validate.bool(key, val)
if item.published == val:
return val
if val:
self.manager.publish(item, flush=False)
self.manager.unpublish(item, flush=False)
return item.published
[docs] def deserialize_importable(self, item, key, val, **context):
""" """
val = self.validate.bool(key, val)
if item.importable == val:
return val
if val:
self.manager.make_importable(item, flush=False)
self.manager.make_non_importable(item, flush=False)
return item.importable
# TODO: def deserialize_slug( self, item, val, **context ):
[docs]class SharableModelFilters(
base.ModelFilterParser, taggable.TaggableFilterMixin, annotatable.AnnotatableFilterMixin, ratable.RatableFilterMixin
def _add_parsers(self):
"importable": {"op": ("eq"), "val": base.parse_bool},
"published": {"op": ("eq"), "val": base.parse_bool},
"slug": {"op": ("eq", "contains", "like")},
# chose by user should prob. only be available for admin? (most often we'll only need trans.user)
# 'user' : { 'op': ( 'eq' ), 'val': self.parse_id_list },
[docs]class SlugBuilder:
"""Builder for creating slugs out of items."""
[docs] def create_item_slug(self, sa_session, item) -> bool:
"""Create/set item slug.
Slug is unique among user's importable items for item's class.
:param sa_session: Database session context.
:param item: The item to create/update its slug.
:type item: [type]
:return: Returns true if item's slug was set/changed; false otherwise.
:rtype: bool
cur_slug = item.slug
# Setup slug base.
if cur_slug is None or cur_slug == "":
# Item can have either a name or a title.
item_name = ""
if hasattr(item, "name"):
item_name = item.name
elif hasattr(item, "title"):
item_name = item.title
slug_base = ready_name_for_url(item_name.lower())
slug_base = cur_slug
# Using slug base, find a slug that is not taken. If slug is taken,
# add integer to end.
new_slug = slug_base
count = 1
# Ensure unique across model class and user and don't include this item
# in the check in case it has previously been assigned a valid slug.
while another_slug_exists(sa_session, item.__class__, item.user, new_slug, item.id):
# Slug taken; choose a new slug based on count. This approach can
# handle numerous items with the same name gracefully.
new_slug = f"{slug_base}-{count}"
count += 1
# Set slug and return.
item.slug = new_slug
return item.slug == cur_slug
[docs] @classmethod
def is_valid_slug(self, slug):
"""Returns true if slug is valid."""
return slugify(slug, allow_unicode=True) == slug
def slug_exists(session, model_class, user, slug, ignore_deleted=False):
stmt = select(exists().where(model_class.user == user).where(model_class.slug == slug))
if ignore_deleted: # Only check items that are NOT marked as deleted
stmt = stmt.where(model_class.deleted == false())
return session.scalar(stmt)
def importable_item_slug_exists(session, model_class, user, slug):
stmt = select(
exists().where(model_class.user == user).where(model_class.slug == slug).where(model_class.importable == true())
return session.scalar(stmt)
def another_slug_exists(session, model_class, user, slug, id):
stmt = select(exists().where(model_class.user == user).where(model_class.slug == slug).where(model_class.id != id))
return session.scalar(stmt)
__all__ = (