Source code for

import logging
import os
import time
import traceback
from datetime import timedelta

    import pbs

except ImportError as exc:
    pbs = None
        "The Python pbs-python package is required to use "
        "this feature, please install it or correct the "
        f"following error:\nImportError {exc}"

from galaxy import (
from import JobDestination
from import (
from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ("PBSJobRunner",)

CLUSTER_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Job cannot be completed due to a cluster error, please retry it later: %s"

# The last two lines execute the command and then retrieve the command's
# exit code ($?) and write it to a file.
pbs_symlink_template = """
for dataset in %s; do
    dir=`dirname $dataset`
    file=`basename $dataset`
    [ ! -d $dir ] && mkdir -p $dir
    [ ! -e $dataset ] && ln -s %s/$file $dataset
mkdir -p %s

    "destination": "-q",
    "Execution_Time": "-a",
    "Account_Name": "-A",
    "Checkpoint": "-c",
    "Error_Path": "-e",
    "Group_List": "-g",
    "Hold_Types": "-h",
    "Join_Paths": "-j",
    "Keep_Files": "-k",
    "Resource_List": "-l",
    "Mail_Points": "-m",
    "Mail_Users": "-M",
    "Job_Name": "-N",
    "Output_Path": "-o",
    "Priority": "-p",
    "Rerunable": "-r",
    "Shell_Path_List": "-S",
    "job_array_request": "-t",
    "User_List": "-u",
    "Variable_List": "-v",

# From pbs' pbs_job.h
    0: "job exec successful",
    -1: "job exec failed, before files, no retry",
    -2: "job exec failed, after files, no retry",
    -3: "job execution failed, do retry",
    -4: "job aborted on MOM initialization",
    -5: "job aborted on MOM init, chkpt, no migrate",
    -6: "job aborted on MOM init, chkpt, ok migrate",
    -7: "job restart failed",
    -8: "exec() of user command failed",
    -9: "could not create/open stdout stderr files",
    -10: "job exceeded a memory limit",
    -11: "job exceeded a walltime limit",
    -12: "job exceeded a cpu time limit",

[docs]class PBSJobRunner(AsynchronousJobRunner): """ Job runner backed by a finite pool of worker threads. FIFO scheduling """ runner_name = "PBSRunner"
[docs] def __init__(self, app, nworkers): """Start the job runner""" # Check if PBS was importable, fail if not assert pbs is not None, PBS_IMPORT_MESSAGE if app.config.pbs_application_server and app.config.outputs_to_working_directory: raise Exception( "pbs_application_server (file staging) and outputs_to_working_directory options are mutually exclusive" ) # Set the default server during startup self.__default_pbs_server = None self.default_pbs_server # noqa: B018 this is a method with a property decorator, so this causes the default server to be set # Proceed with general initialization super().__init__(app, nworkers)
@property def default_pbs_server(self): if self.__default_pbs_server is None: self.__default_pbs_server = pbs.pbs_default() log.debug(f"Set default PBS server to {self.default_pbs_server}") return self.__default_pbs_server
[docs] def url_to_destination(self, url): """Convert a legacy URL to a job destination""" if not url: return # Determine the PBS server url_split = url.split("/") server = url_split[2] if server == "": server = self.default_pbs_server if server is None: raise Exception("Could not find TORQUE server") # Determine the queue, set the PBS destination (not the same thing as a Galaxy job destination) pbs_destination = f"@{server}" if (pbs_queue := url_split[3] or None) is not None: pbs_destination = f"{pbs_queue}{pbs_destination}" params = dict(destination=pbs_destination) # Determine the args (long-format args were never supported in URLs so they are not supported here) try: opts = url.split("/")[4].strip().lstrip("-").split(" -") assert opts != [""] # stripping the - comes later (in parse_destination_params) for i, opt in enumerate(opts): opts[i] = f"-{opt}" except Exception: opts = [] for opt in opts: param, value = opt.split(None, 1) params[param] = value log.debug(f"Converted URL '{url}' to destination runner=pbs, params={params}") # Create a dynamic JobDestination return JobDestination(runner="pbs", params=params)
[docs] def parse_destination_params(self, params): """A wrapper method around __args_to_attrs() that allow administrators to define PBS params as either command-line options (as in ``qsub(1B)``) or more human-readable "long" args (as in ``pbs_submit(3B)``). :returns: list of dicts -- The dicts map directly to pbs attropl structs (see ``pbs_submit(3B)``) """ args = {} for arg, value in params.items(): try: if not arg.startswith("-"): arg = PBS_ARGMAP[arg] arg = arg.lstrip("-") args[arg] = value except Exception: log.warning(f"Unrecognized long argument in destination params: {arg}") return self.__args_to_attrs(args)
# Internal stuff def __args_to_attrs(self, args): """Convert a list of PBS command-line args (as in ``qsub(1B)``) to PBS' internal attribute representations. :returns: list of dicts -- The dicts map directly to pbs attropl structs (see ``pbs_submit(3B)``) """ rval = [] for arg, value in args.items(): if arg == "l": resource_attrs = value.split(",") for res, val in [a.split("=", 1) for a in resource_attrs]: rval.append(dict(name=pbs.ATTR_l, value=val, resource=res)) else: try: rval.append(dict(name=getattr(pbs, f"ATTR_{arg}"), value=value)) except AttributeError as e: raise Exception(f"Invalid parameter '{arg}': {e}") return rval def __get_pbs_server(self, job_destination_params): if job_destination_params is None: return None return job_destination_params["destination"].split("@")[-1]
[docs] def queue_job(self, job_wrapper): """Create PBS script for a job and submit it to the PBS queue""" # prepare the job if not self.prepare_job(job_wrapper, include_metadata=not ( return job_destination = job_wrapper.job_destination # Determine the job's PBS destination (server/queue) and options from the job destination definition pbs_queue_name = None pbs_server_name = self.default_pbs_server pbs_options = [] if "-q" in job_destination.params and "destination" not in job_destination.params: job_destination.params["destination"] = job_destination.params.pop("-q") if "destination" in job_destination.params: if "@" in job_destination.params["destination"]: # Destination includes a server pbs_queue_name, pbs_server_name = job_destination.params["destination"].split("@") if pbs_queue_name == "": # e.g. `qsub -q @server` pbs_queue_name = None else: # Destination is just a queue pbs_queue_name = job_destination.params["destination"] job_destination.params.pop("destination") # Parse PBS params pbs_options = self.parse_destination_params(job_destination.params) # Explicitly set the determined PBS destination in the persisted job destination for recovery job_destination.params["destination"] = f"{pbs_queue_name or ''}@{pbs_server_name}" c = pbs.pbs_connect(util.smart_str(pbs_server_name)) if c <= 0: errno, text = pbs.error()"Unable to queue job for execution. Resubmitting the job may succeed.") log.error(f"Connection to PBS server for submit failed: {errno}: {text}") return # define job attributes ofile = f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{job_wrapper.job_id}.o" efile = f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{job_wrapper.job_id}.e" ecfile = f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{job_wrapper.job_id}.ec" output_fnames = job_wrapper.job_io.get_output_fnames() # If an application server is set, we're staging if pbs_ofile = f"{}:{ofile}" pbs_efile = f"{}:{efile}" output_files = [str(o) for o in output_fnames] output_files.append(ecfile) stagein = self.get_stage_in_out(job_wrapper.job_io.get_input_fnames() + output_files, symlink=True) stageout = self.get_stage_in_out(output_files) attrs = [ dict(name=pbs.ATTR_o, value=pbs_ofile), dict(name=pbs.ATTR_e, value=pbs_efile), dict(name=pbs.ATTR_stagein, value=stagein), dict(name=pbs.ATTR_stageout, value=stageout), ] # If not, we're using NFS else: attrs = [ dict(name=pbs.ATTR_o, value=ofile), dict(name=pbs.ATTR_e, value=efile), ] # define PBS job options attrs.append(dict(name=pbs.ATTR_N, value=str(f"{job_wrapper.job_id}_{}_{job_wrapper.user}"))) job_attrs = pbs.new_attropl(len(attrs) + len(pbs_options)) for i, attr in enumerate(attrs + pbs_options): job_attrs[i].name = attr["name"] job_attrs[i].value = attr["value"] if "resource" in attr: job_attrs[i].resource = attr["resource"] exec_dir = os.path.abspath(job_wrapper.working_directory) # write the job script if != "": # touch the ecfile so that it gets staged with open(ecfile, "a"): os.utime(ecfile, None) stage_commands = pbs_symlink_template % ( " ".join(job_wrapper.job_io.get_input_fnames() + output_files),, exec_dir, ) else: stage_commands = "" env_setup_commands = [stage_commands] script = self.get_job_file( job_wrapper, exit_code_path=ecfile, env_setup_commands=env_setup_commands, ) job_file = f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{job_wrapper.job_id}.sh" self.write_executable_script(job_file, script, job_io=job_wrapper.job_io) # job was deleted while we were preparing it if job_wrapper.get_state() in (model.Job.states.DELETED, model.Job.states.STOPPED): log.debug(f"Job {job_wrapper.job_id} deleted/stopped by user before it entered the PBS queue") pbs.pbs_disconnect(c) if job_wrapper.cleanup_job in ("always", "onsuccess"): self.cleanup((ofile, efile, ecfile, job_file)) job_wrapper.cleanup() return # submit # The job tag includes the job and the task identifier # (if a TaskWrapper was passed in): galaxy_job_id = job_wrapper.get_id_tag() log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}) submitting file {job_file}") tries = 0 while tries < 5: job_id = pbs.pbs_submit(c, job_attrs, job_file, pbs_queue_name, None) tries += 1 if job_id: pbs.pbs_disconnect(c) break errno, text = pbs.error() log.warning("(%s) pbs_submit failed (try %d/5), PBS error %d: %s" % (galaxy_job_id, tries, errno, text)) time.sleep(2) else: log.error(f"({galaxy_job_id}) All attempts to submit job failed")"Unable to run this job due to a cluster error, please retry it later") return if pbs_queue_name is None: log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}) queued in default queue as {job_id}") else: log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}) queued in {pbs_queue_name} queue as {job_id}") # persist destination job_wrapper.set_job_destination(job_destination, job_id) # Store PBS related state information for job job_state = AsynchronousJobState( job_wrapper=job_wrapper, job_id=job_id, exit_code_file=ecfile, job_destination=job_destination, job_file=job_file, output_file=ofile, error_file=efile, ) job_state.old_state = "N" job_state.running = False # Add to our 'queue' of jobs to monitor self.monitor_queue.put(job_state)
[docs] def check_watched_items(self): """ Called by the monitor thread to look at each watched job and deal with state changes. """ new_watched = [] # reduce pbs load by batching status queries (failures, statuses) = self.check_all_jobs() for pbs_job_state in self.watched: job_id = pbs_job_state.job_id galaxy_job_id = pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.get_id_tag() old_state = pbs_job_state.old_state pbs_server_name = self.__get_pbs_server(pbs_job_state.job_destination.params) if pbs_server_name in failures: log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) Skipping state check because PBS server connection failed") new_watched.append(pbs_job_state) continue try: status = statuses[job_id] except KeyError: if pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.get_state() == model.Job.states.DELETED: continue try: # Recheck to make sure it wasn't a communication problem self.check_single_job(pbs_server_name, job_id) log.warning( f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) PBS job was not in state check list, but was found with individual state check" ) new_watched.append(pbs_job_state) except Exception: errno, text = pbs.error() if errno == 15001: # 15001 == job not in queue log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) PBS job has left queue") self.work_queue.put((self.finish_job, pbs_job_state)) else: # Unhandled error, continue to monitor "(%s/%s) PBS state check resulted in error (%d): %s" % (galaxy_job_id, job_id, errno, text) ) new_watched.append(pbs_job_state) continue if status.job_state != old_state: log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) PBS job state changed from {old_state} to {status.job_state}") if status.job_state == "R" and not pbs_job_state.running: pbs_job_state.running = True pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.change_state(model.Job.states.RUNNING) if status.job_state == "R" and status.get("resources_used", False): # resources_used may not be in the status for new jobs h, m, s = (int(i) for i in status.resources_used.walltime.split(":")) runtime = timedelta(0, s, 0, 0, m, h) if pbs_job_state.check_limits(runtime=runtime): self.work_queue.put((self.fail_job, pbs_job_state)) continue elif status.job_state == "C": # "keep_completed" is enabled in PBS, so try to check exit status try: assert ( int(status.exit_status) == 0 or pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.get_state() == model.Job.states.STOPPED ) log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) PBS job has completed successfully") except AssertionError: exit_status = int(status.exit_status) error_message = JOB_EXIT_STATUS.get(exit_status, f"Unknown error: {status.exit_status}") pbs_job_state.fail_message = CLUSTER_ERROR_MESSAGE % error_message log.error(f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) PBS job failed: {error_message}") pbs_job_state.stop_job = False self.work_queue.put((self.fail_job, pbs_job_state)) continue except AttributeError: # No exit_status, can't verify proper completion so we just have to assume success. log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) PBS job has completed") self.work_queue.put((self.finish_job, pbs_job_state)) continue pbs_job_state.old_state = status.job_state new_watched.append(pbs_job_state) # Replace the watch list with the updated version self.watched = new_watched
[docs] def check_all_jobs(self): """ Returns a list of servers that failed to be contacted and a dict of "job_id : status" pairs (where status is a bunchified version of the API's structure. """ servers = [] failures = [] statuses = {} for pbs_job_state in self.watched: pbs_server_name = self.__get_pbs_server(pbs_job_state.job_destination.params) if pbs_server_name not in servers: servers.append(pbs_server_name) pbs_job_state.check_count += 1 for pbs_server_name in servers: c = pbs.pbs_connect(util.smart_str(pbs_server_name)) if c <= 0: log.debug(f"connection to PBS server {pbs_server_name} for state check failed") failures.append(pbs_server_name) continue stat_attrl = pbs.new_attrl(3) stat_attrl[0].name = pbs.ATTR_state stat_attrl[1].name = pbs.ATTR_used stat_attrl[2].name = pbs.ATTR_exitstat jobs = pbs.pbs_statjob(c, None, stat_attrl, None) pbs.pbs_disconnect(c) statuses.update(self.convert_statjob_to_bunches(jobs)) return (failures, statuses)
[docs] def convert_statjob_to_bunches(self, statjob_out): statuses = {} for job in statjob_out: status = {} for attrib in job.attribs: if attrib.resource is None: status[] = attrib.value else: if not in status: status[] = Bunch() status[][attrib.resource] = attrib.value statuses[] = Bunch(**status) return statuses
[docs] def check_single_job(self, pbs_server_name, job_id): """ Returns the state of a single job, used to make sure a job is really dead. """ c = pbs.pbs_connect(util.smart_str(pbs_server_name)) if c <= 0: log.debug(f"connection to PBS server {pbs_server_name} for state check failed") return None stat_attrl = pbs.new_attrl(1) stat_attrl[0].name = pbs.ATTR_state jobs = pbs.pbs_statjob(c, job_id, stat_attrl, None) pbs.pbs_disconnect(c) return jobs[0].attribs[0].value
[docs] def get_stage_in_out(self, fnames, symlink=False): """Convenience function to create a stagein/stageout list""" stage = "" for fname in fnames: if os.access(fname, os.R_OK): if stage: stage += "," # pathnames are now absolute if symlink and stage_name = os.path.join(, os.path.split(fname)[1]) else: stage_name = fname stage += f"{stage_name}@{}:{fname}" return stage
[docs] def stop_job(self, job_wrapper): """Attempts to delete a job from the PBS queue""" job = job_wrapper.get_job() job_id = job.get_job_runner_external_id().encode("utf-8") job_tag = f"({job.get_id_tag()}/{job_id})" log.debug(f"{job_tag} Stopping PBS job") # Declare the connection handle c so that it can be cleaned up: c = None try: pbs_server_name = self.__get_pbs_server(job.destination_params) if pbs_server_name is None: log.debug("(%s) Job queued but no destination stored in job params, cannot delete", job_tag) return c = pbs.pbs_connect(util.smart_str(pbs_server_name)) if c <= 0: log.debug(f"({job_tag}) Connection to PBS server for job delete failed") return pbs.pbs_deljob(c, job_id, "") log.debug(f"{job_tag} Removed from PBS queue before job completion") except Exception: e = traceback.format_exc() log.debug(f"{job_tag} Unable to stop job: {e}") finally: # Cleanup: disconnect from the server. if None is not c: pbs.pbs_disconnect(c)
[docs] def recover(self, job, job_wrapper): """Recovers jobs stuck in the queued/running state when Galaxy started""" job_id = job.get_job_runner_external_id() pbs_job_state = AsynchronousJobState( job_wrapper=job_wrapper, job_id=job_id, job_file=f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{}.sh", output_file=f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{}.o", error_file=f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{}.e", exit_code_file=f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{}.ec", job_destination=job_wrapper.job_destination, ) pbs_job_state.runner_url = job_wrapper.get_job_runner_url() job_wrapper.command_line = job.command_line if job.state in (model.Job.states.RUNNING, model.Job.states.STOPPED): log.debug( f"({}/{job.get_job_runner_external_id()}) is still in {job.state} state, adding to the PBS queue" ) pbs_job_state.old_state = "R" pbs_job_state.running = True self.monitor_queue.put(pbs_job_state) elif job.state == model.Job.states.QUEUED: log.debug( f"({}/{job.get_job_runner_external_id()}) is still in PBS queued state, adding to the PBS queue" ) pbs_job_state.old_state = "Q" pbs_job_state.running = False self.monitor_queue.put(pbs_job_state)