
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.jobs.runners.pbs

import logging
import os
import time
import traceback
from datetime import timedelta

    import pbs

except ImportError as exc:
    pbs = None
        "The Python pbs-python package is required to use "
        "this feature, please install it or correct the "
        f"following error:\nImportError {exc}"

from galaxy import (
from galaxy.jobs import JobDestination
from galaxy.jobs.runners import (
from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ("PBSJobRunner",)

CLUSTER_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Job cannot be completed due to a cluster error, please retry it later: %s"

# The last two lines execute the command and then retrieve the command's
# exit code ($?) and write it to a file.
pbs_symlink_template = """
for dataset in %s; do
    dir=`dirname $dataset`
    file=`basename $dataset`
    [ ! -d $dir ] && mkdir -p $dir
    [ ! -e $dataset ] && ln -s %s/$file $dataset
mkdir -p %s

    "destination": "-q",
    "Execution_Time": "-a",
    "Account_Name": "-A",
    "Checkpoint": "-c",
    "Error_Path": "-e",
    "Group_List": "-g",
    "Hold_Types": "-h",
    "Join_Paths": "-j",
    "Keep_Files": "-k",
    "Resource_List": "-l",
    "Mail_Points": "-m",
    "Mail_Users": "-M",
    "Job_Name": "-N",
    "Output_Path": "-o",
    "Priority": "-p",
    "Rerunable": "-r",
    "Shell_Path_List": "-S",
    "job_array_request": "-t",
    "User_List": "-u",
    "Variable_List": "-v",

# From pbs' pbs_job.h
    0: "job exec successful",
    -1: "job exec failed, before files, no retry",
    -2: "job exec failed, after files, no retry",
    -3: "job execution failed, do retry",
    -4: "job aborted on MOM initialization",
    -5: "job aborted on MOM init, chkpt, no migrate",
    -6: "job aborted on MOM init, chkpt, ok migrate",
    -7: "job restart failed",
    -8: "exec() of user command failed",
    -9: "could not create/open stdout stderr files",
    -10: "job exceeded a memory limit",
    -11: "job exceeded a walltime limit",
    -12: "job exceeded a cpu time limit",

[docs]class PBSJobRunner(AsynchronousJobRunner): """ Job runner backed by a finite pool of worker threads. FIFO scheduling """ runner_name = "PBSRunner"
[docs] def __init__(self, app, nworkers): """Start the job runner""" # Check if PBS was importable, fail if not assert pbs is not None, PBS_IMPORT_MESSAGE if app.config.pbs_application_server and app.config.outputs_to_working_directory: raise Exception( "pbs_application_server (file staging) and outputs_to_working_directory options are mutually exclusive" ) # Set the default server during startup self.__default_pbs_server = None self.default_pbs_server # noqa: B018 this is a method with a property decorator, so this causes the default server to be set # Proceed with general initialization super().__init__(app, nworkers)
@property def default_pbs_server(self): if self.__default_pbs_server is None: self.__default_pbs_server = pbs.pbs_default() log.debug(f"Set default PBS server to {self.default_pbs_server}") return self.__default_pbs_server
[docs] def url_to_destination(self, url): """Convert a legacy URL to a job destination""" if not url: return # Determine the PBS server url_split = url.split("/") server = url_split[2] if server == "": server = self.default_pbs_server if server is None: raise Exception("Could not find TORQUE server") # Determine the queue, set the PBS destination (not the same thing as a Galaxy job destination) pbs_destination = f"@{server}" if (pbs_queue := url_split[3] or None) is not None: pbs_destination = f"{pbs_queue}{pbs_destination}" params = dict(destination=pbs_destination) # Determine the args (long-format args were never supported in URLs so they are not supported here) try: opts = url.split("/")[4].strip().lstrip("-").split(" -") assert opts != [""] # stripping the - comes later (in parse_destination_params) for i, opt in enumerate(opts): opts[i] = f"-{opt}" except Exception: opts = [] for opt in opts: param, value = opt.split(None, 1) params[param] = value log.debug(f"Converted URL '{url}' to destination runner=pbs, params={params}") # Create a dynamic JobDestination return JobDestination(runner="pbs", params=params)
[docs] def parse_destination_params(self, params): """A wrapper method around __args_to_attrs() that allow administrators to define PBS params as either command-line options (as in ``qsub(1B)``) or more human-readable "long" args (as in ``pbs_submit(3B)``). :returns: list of dicts -- The dicts map directly to pbs attropl structs (see ``pbs_submit(3B)``) """ args = {} for arg, value in params.items(): try: if not arg.startswith("-"): arg = PBS_ARGMAP[arg] arg = arg.lstrip("-") args[arg] = value except Exception: log.warning(f"Unrecognized long argument in destination params: {arg}") return self.__args_to_attrs(args)
# Internal stuff def __args_to_attrs(self, args): """Convert a list of PBS command-line args (as in ``qsub(1B)``) to PBS' internal attribute representations. :returns: list of dicts -- The dicts map directly to pbs attropl structs (see ``pbs_submit(3B)``) """ rval = [] for arg, value in args.items(): if arg == "l": resource_attrs = value.split(",") for res, val in [a.split("=", 1) for a in resource_attrs]: rval.append(dict(name=pbs.ATTR_l, value=val, resource=res)) else: try: rval.append(dict(name=getattr(pbs, f"ATTR_{arg}"), value=value)) except AttributeError as e: raise Exception(f"Invalid parameter '{arg}': {e}") return rval def __get_pbs_server(self, job_destination_params): if job_destination_params is None: return None return job_destination_params["destination"].split("@")[-1]
[docs] def queue_job(self, job_wrapper): """Create PBS script for a job and submit it to the PBS queue""" # prepare the job if not self.prepare_job(job_wrapper, include_metadata=not (self.app.config.pbs_stage_path)): return job_destination = job_wrapper.job_destination # Determine the job's PBS destination (server/queue) and options from the job destination definition pbs_queue_name = None pbs_server_name = self.default_pbs_server pbs_options = [] if "-q" in job_destination.params and "destination" not in job_destination.params: job_destination.params["destination"] = job_destination.params.pop("-q") if "destination" in job_destination.params: if "@" in job_destination.params["destination"]: # Destination includes a server pbs_queue_name, pbs_server_name = job_destination.params["destination"].split("@") if pbs_queue_name == "": # e.g. `qsub -q @server` pbs_queue_name = None else: # Destination is just a queue pbs_queue_name = job_destination.params["destination"] job_destination.params.pop("destination") # Parse PBS params pbs_options = self.parse_destination_params(job_destination.params) # Explicitly set the determined PBS destination in the persisted job destination for recovery job_destination.params["destination"] = f"{pbs_queue_name or ''}@{pbs_server_name}" c = pbs.pbs_connect(util.smart_str(pbs_server_name)) if c <= 0: errno, text = pbs.error() job_wrapper.fail("Unable to queue job for execution. Resubmitting the job may succeed.") log.error(f"Connection to PBS server for submit failed: {errno}: {text}") return # define job attributes ofile = f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{job_wrapper.job_id}.o" efile = f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{job_wrapper.job_id}.e" ecfile = f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{job_wrapper.job_id}.ec" output_fnames = job_wrapper.job_io.get_output_fnames() # If an application server is set, we're staging if self.app.config.pbs_application_server: pbs_ofile = f"{self.app.config.pbs_application_server}:{ofile}" pbs_efile = f"{self.app.config.pbs_application_server}:{efile}" output_files = [str(o) for o in output_fnames] output_files.append(ecfile) stagein = self.get_stage_in_out(job_wrapper.job_io.get_input_fnames() + output_files, symlink=True) stageout = self.get_stage_in_out(output_files) attrs = [ dict(name=pbs.ATTR_o, value=pbs_ofile), dict(name=pbs.ATTR_e, value=pbs_efile), dict(name=pbs.ATTR_stagein, value=stagein), dict(name=pbs.ATTR_stageout, value=stageout), ] # If not, we're using NFS else: attrs = [ dict(name=pbs.ATTR_o, value=ofile), dict(name=pbs.ATTR_e, value=efile), ] # define PBS job options attrs.append(dict(name=pbs.ATTR_N, value=str(f"{job_wrapper.job_id}_{job_wrapper.tool.id}_{job_wrapper.user}"))) job_attrs = pbs.new_attropl(len(attrs) + len(pbs_options)) for i, attr in enumerate(attrs + pbs_options): job_attrs[i].name = attr["name"] job_attrs[i].value = attr["value"] if "resource" in attr: job_attrs[i].resource = attr["resource"] exec_dir = os.path.abspath(job_wrapper.working_directory) # write the job script if self.app.config.pbs_stage_path != "": # touch the ecfile so that it gets staged with open(ecfile, "a"): os.utime(ecfile, None) stage_commands = pbs_symlink_template % ( " ".join(job_wrapper.job_io.get_input_fnames() + output_files), self.app.config.pbs_stage_path, exec_dir, ) else: stage_commands = "" env_setup_commands = [stage_commands] script = self.get_job_file( job_wrapper, exit_code_path=ecfile, env_setup_commands=env_setup_commands, shell=job_wrapper.shell ) job_file = f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{job_wrapper.job_id}.sh" self.write_executable_script(job_file, script, job_io=job_wrapper.job_io) # job was deleted while we were preparing it if job_wrapper.get_state() in (model.Job.states.DELETED, model.Job.states.STOPPED): log.debug(f"Job {job_wrapper.job_id} deleted/stopped by user before it entered the PBS queue") pbs.pbs_disconnect(c) if job_wrapper.cleanup_job in ("always", "onsuccess"): self.cleanup((ofile, efile, ecfile, job_file)) job_wrapper.cleanup() return # submit # The job tag includes the job and the task identifier # (if a TaskWrapper was passed in): galaxy_job_id = job_wrapper.get_id_tag() log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}) submitting file {job_file}") tries = 0 while tries < 5: job_id = pbs.pbs_submit(c, job_attrs, job_file, pbs_queue_name, None) tries += 1 if job_id: pbs.pbs_disconnect(c) break errno, text = pbs.error() log.warning("(%s) pbs_submit failed (try %d/5), PBS error %d: %s", galaxy_job_id, tries, errno, text) time.sleep(2) else: log.error(f"({galaxy_job_id}) All attempts to submit job failed") job_wrapper.fail("Unable to run this job due to a cluster error, please retry it later") return if pbs_queue_name is None: log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}) queued in default queue as {job_id}") else: log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}) queued in {pbs_queue_name} queue as {job_id}") # persist destination job_wrapper.set_job_destination(job_destination, job_id) # Store PBS related state information for job job_state = AsynchronousJobState( job_wrapper=job_wrapper, job_id=job_id, exit_code_file=ecfile, job_destination=job_destination, job_file=job_file, output_file=ofile, error_file=efile, ) job_state.old_state = "N" job_state.running = False # Add to our 'queue' of jobs to monitor self.monitor_queue.put(job_state)
[docs] def check_watched_items(self): """ Called by the monitor thread to look at each watched job and deal with state changes. """ new_watched = [] # reduce pbs load by batching status queries (failures, statuses) = self.check_all_jobs() for pbs_job_state in self.watched: job_id = pbs_job_state.job_id galaxy_job_id = pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.get_id_tag() old_state = pbs_job_state.old_state pbs_server_name = self.__get_pbs_server(pbs_job_state.job_destination.params) if pbs_server_name in failures: log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) Skipping state check because PBS server connection failed") new_watched.append(pbs_job_state) continue try: status = statuses[job_id] except KeyError: if pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.get_state() == model.Job.states.DELETED: continue try: # Recheck to make sure it wasn't a communication problem self.check_single_job(pbs_server_name, job_id) log.warning( f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) PBS job was not in state check list, but was found with individual state check" ) new_watched.append(pbs_job_state) except Exception: errno, text = pbs.error() if errno == 15001: # 15001 == job not in queue log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) PBS job has left queue") self.work_queue.put((self.finish_job, pbs_job_state)) else: # Unhandled error, continue to monitor log.info( "(%s/%s) PBS state check resulted in error (%d): %s", galaxy_job_id, job_id, errno, text ) new_watched.append(pbs_job_state) continue if status.job_state != old_state: log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) PBS job state changed from {old_state} to {status.job_state}") if status.job_state == "R" and not pbs_job_state.running: pbs_job_state.running = True pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.change_state(model.Job.states.RUNNING) if status.job_state == "R" and status.get("resources_used", False): # resources_used may not be in the status for new jobs h, m, s = (int(i) for i in status.resources_used.walltime.split(":")) runtime = timedelta(0, s, 0, 0, m, h) if pbs_job_state.check_limits(runtime=runtime): self.work_queue.put((self.fail_job, pbs_job_state)) continue elif status.job_state == "C": # "keep_completed" is enabled in PBS, so try to check exit status try: assert ( int(status.exit_status) == 0 or pbs_job_state.job_wrapper.get_state() == model.Job.states.STOPPED ) log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) PBS job has completed successfully") except AssertionError: exit_status = int(status.exit_status) error_message = JOB_EXIT_STATUS.get(exit_status, f"Unknown error: {status.exit_status}") pbs_job_state.fail_message = CLUSTER_ERROR_MESSAGE % error_message log.error(f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) PBS job failed: {error_message}") pbs_job_state.stop_job = False self.work_queue.put((self.fail_job, pbs_job_state)) continue except AttributeError: # No exit_status, can't verify proper completion so we just have to assume success. log.debug(f"({galaxy_job_id}/{job_id}) PBS job has completed") self.work_queue.put((self.finish_job, pbs_job_state)) continue pbs_job_state.old_state = status.job_state new_watched.append(pbs_job_state) # Replace the watch list with the updated version self.watched = new_watched
[docs] def check_all_jobs(self): """ Returns a list of servers that failed to be contacted and a dict of "job_id : status" pairs (where status is a bunchified version of the API's structure. """ servers = [] failures = [] statuses = {} for pbs_job_state in self.watched: pbs_server_name = self.__get_pbs_server(pbs_job_state.job_destination.params) if pbs_server_name not in servers: servers.append(pbs_server_name) pbs_job_state.check_count += 1 for pbs_server_name in servers: c = pbs.pbs_connect(util.smart_str(pbs_server_name)) if c <= 0: log.debug(f"connection to PBS server {pbs_server_name} for state check failed") failures.append(pbs_server_name) continue stat_attrl = pbs.new_attrl(3) stat_attrl[0].name = pbs.ATTR_state stat_attrl[1].name = pbs.ATTR_used stat_attrl[2].name = pbs.ATTR_exitstat jobs = pbs.pbs_statjob(c, None, stat_attrl, None) pbs.pbs_disconnect(c) statuses.update(self.convert_statjob_to_bunches(jobs)) return (failures, statuses)
[docs] def convert_statjob_to_bunches(self, statjob_out): statuses = {} for job in statjob_out: status = {} for attrib in job.attribs: if attrib.resource is None: status[attrib.name] = attrib.value else: if attrib.name not in status: status[attrib.name] = Bunch() status[attrib.name][attrib.resource] = attrib.value statuses[job.name] = Bunch(**status) return statuses
[docs] def check_single_job(self, pbs_server_name, job_id): """ Returns the state of a single job, used to make sure a job is really dead. """ c = pbs.pbs_connect(util.smart_str(pbs_server_name)) if c <= 0: log.debug(f"connection to PBS server {pbs_server_name} for state check failed") return None stat_attrl = pbs.new_attrl(1) stat_attrl[0].name = pbs.ATTR_state jobs = pbs.pbs_statjob(c, job_id, stat_attrl, None) pbs.pbs_disconnect(c) return jobs[0].attribs[0].value
[docs] def get_stage_in_out(self, fnames, symlink=False): """Convenience function to create a stagein/stageout list""" stage = "" for fname in fnames: if os.access(fname, os.R_OK): if stage: stage += "," # pathnames are now absolute if symlink and self.app.config.pbs_stage_path: stage_name = os.path.join(self.app.config.pbs_stage_path, os.path.split(fname)[1]) else: stage_name = fname stage += f"{stage_name}@{self.app.config.pbs_dataset_server}:{fname}" return stage
[docs] def stop_job(self, job_wrapper): """Attempts to delete a job from the PBS queue""" job = job_wrapper.get_job() job_id = job.get_job_runner_external_id().encode("utf-8") job_tag = f"({job.get_id_tag()}/{job_id})" log.debug(f"{job_tag} Stopping PBS job") # Declare the connection handle c so that it can be cleaned up: c = None try: pbs_server_name = self.__get_pbs_server(job.destination_params) if pbs_server_name is None: log.debug("(%s) Job queued but no destination stored in job params, cannot delete", job_tag) return c = pbs.pbs_connect(util.smart_str(pbs_server_name)) if c <= 0: log.debug(f"({job_tag}) Connection to PBS server for job delete failed") return pbs.pbs_deljob(c, job_id, "") log.debug(f"{job_tag} Removed from PBS queue before job completion") except Exception: e = traceback.format_exc() log.debug(f"{job_tag} Unable to stop job: {e}") finally: # Cleanup: disconnect from the server. if None is not c: pbs.pbs_disconnect(c)
[docs] def recover(self, job, job_wrapper): """Recovers jobs stuck in the queued/running state when Galaxy started""" job_id = job.get_job_runner_external_id() pbs_job_state = AsynchronousJobState( job_wrapper=job_wrapper, job_id=job_id, job_file=f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{job.id}.sh", output_file=f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{job.id}.o", error_file=f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{job.id}.e", exit_code_file=f"{job_wrapper.working_directory}/{job.id}.ec", job_destination=job_wrapper.job_destination, ) pbs_job_state.runner_url = job_wrapper.get_job_runner_url() job_wrapper.command_line = job.command_line if job.state in (model.Job.states.RUNNING, model.Job.states.STOPPED): log.debug( f"({job.id}/{job.get_job_runner_external_id()}) is still in {job.state} state, adding to the PBS queue" ) pbs_job_state.old_state = "R" pbs_job_state.running = True self.monitor_queue.put(pbs_job_state) elif job.state == model.Job.states.QUEUED: log.debug( f"({job.id}/{job.get_job_runner_external_id()}) is still in PBS queued state, adding to the PBS queue" ) pbs_job_state.old_state = "Q" pbs_job_state.running = False self.monitor_queue.put(pbs_job_state)