galaxy.web.framework.helpers package

Galaxy web framework helpers

The functions in this module should be considered part of the API used by visualizations in their mako files through the $h object, see GalaxyWebTransaction in galaxy/webapps/base/


Convert a datetime to a string.

galaxy.web.framework.helpers.iff(a, b, c)[source]

Ternary shortcut

galaxy.web.framework.helpers.truncate(content, length=100, suffix='...')[source]

Smart string truncation


Take a list of stylesheet names (no extension) and return appropriate string of link tags.

Cache-bust with time that server started running on


Transition function ‘css’ helper – this is the modern way where all bundled artifacts are in the unified ‘dist’.

galaxy.web.framework.helpers.js_helper(prefix, *args)[source]

Take a prefix and list of javascript names and return appropriate string of script tags.

Cache-bust with time that server started running on


Take a prefix and list of javascript names and return appropriate string of script tags.


Returns true if input is a boolean and true or is a string and looks like a true value.


Regular expression to match common URL protocols

>>> assert is_url(None) == False
>>> assert is_url("is_url") == False
>>> assert is_url("http://is_url") == True
>>> assert is_url("https://is_url") == True

Prints javascript boolean for passed value. TODO: isn’t there a standard python JSON parser we should be using instead of all these manual conversions?


Prints javascript null instead of python None TODO: isn’t there a standard python JSON parser we should be using instead of all these manual conversions?


galaxy.web.framework.helpers.grids module

class galaxy.web.framework.helpers.grids.GridColumn(label, key=None, model_class=None, method=None, format=None, escape=True)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(label, key=None, model_class=None, method=None, format=None, escape=True)[source]

Create a grid column.

get_value(trans, grid, item)[source]
sort(trans, query, ascending, column_name=None)[source]

Sort query using this column.

class galaxy.web.framework.helpers.grids.GridData[source]

Bases: object

Specifies the content a grid (data table).

model_class: type | None = None
columns: List[GridColumn] = []
default_limit: int = 1000

galaxy.web.framework.helpers.tags module

Code derived from WebHelpers:

Licensed under the MIT license:


Format HTML attributes into a string of ‘ key=”value”’ pairs which can be inserted into an HTML tag.

The attributes are sorted alphabetically. If any value is None, the entire attribute is suppressed.

Usage: >>> format_attrs(p=2, q=3) == u’ p=”2” q=”3”’ True >>> format_attrs(p=2, q=None) == u’ p=”2”’ True >>> format_attrs(p=None) == u’’ True

Return script include tags for the specified javascript URLs.

urls should be the exact URLs desired. A previous version of this helper added magic prefixes; this is no longer the case.

Specify the keyword argument defer=True to enable the script defer attribute.


>>> print(javascript_link('/javascripts/prototype.js', '/other-javascripts/util.js'))
<script src="/javascripts/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/other-javascripts/util.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

>>> print(javascript_link('/app.js', '/test/test.1.js'))
<script src="/app.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/test/test.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Return CSS link tags for the specified stylesheet URLs.

urls should be the exact URLs desired. A previous version of this helper added magic prefixes; this is no longer the case.


>>> print(stylesheet_link('/stylesheets/style.css'))
<link href="/stylesheets/style.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

>>> print(stylesheet_link('/stylesheets/dir/file.css', media='all'))
<link href="/stylesheets/dir/file.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />