Creating Galaxy Releases
The “main” release process is an interactive checklist with instructions (see Publication of Galaxy Release v 23.2 for an example). This issue is generated via make release-issue. The final result of the release process are
a new branch (release_YY.N) from which point releases are created
a tag pointing at the first commit of the branch (vYY.N)
Python packages are not published by this process, but are instead published by creating point releases where the first point release should be vYY.N.0.
Creating Galaxy Point Releases
The process is currently a mix of the galaxy-release-util create-release command that is run locally and creating a (pre-)release in the GitHub interface (or using the GitHub API). The command is shipped with the galaxy-release-util python package.
galaxy-release-util create-release will:
update lib/galaxy/
create HISTORY.rst entries for all packages
build all packages
stage and commit all changes
create a new tag,
(intelligently) merge forward changes to newer release branches and dev
push changes to the repo identified by –upstream (defaults to
The script has 2 important arguments:
–new-version is the new version as it will appear for PyPI packages and in lib/galaxy/
–last-commit indicates the first commit from which changes are to be included in the changelog.
Before starting make sure local branches (all release branches and dev) are up to date and clean, and all release branches have been merged forward, and that you have configured your remotes so that you can push to the configured upstream ( by default). The script should abort gracefully if that is not the case.
- Follow these steps:
Enable the push URL of the galaxyproject git remote if you have disabled it (e.g. git remote set-url –push upstream and disable any pre-commit hooks you might have
Check out the branch from which you want to create a release, e.g. release_23.0: git checkout release_23.0
Activate your local virtualenv with Galaxy’s dev requirements: . .venv/bin/activate
Update Galaxy’s dev dependencies (if you haven’t done this in a while): pip install -r lib/galaxy/dependencies/dev-requirements.txt
You need a personal access token from github (only needs public read permissions).
GITHUB_AUTH=$YOUR_PAT_FROM_STEP_4 galaxy-release-util create-release –new-version 23.0.1 –last-commit v23.0
Follow along the prompts and make sure the proposed changes look correct
When the script is finished you should find a new tag in the GitHub interface, as well as updated release and dev branches. From the Releases Interface on GitHub you can create a new pre-release associated with the newly created tag. The pre-release event will trigger a github workflow that uploads packages to the test PyPI instance. If this all looks good you can promote the pre-release to a release and that will trigger the upload to the main PyPI instance.