Source code for

import calendar
import logging
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import (
from math import (

import sqlalchemy as sa
from markupsafe import escape
from sqlalchemy import (

from galaxy import (
from galaxy.model import Job
from galaxy.model.db.user import get_user_by_email
from galaxy.web.legacy_framework import grids
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import (
from galaxy.webapps.reports.controllers.query import ReportQueryBuilder

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Timer:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.start() self.stop() self.ERROR = self.time_elapsed()
[docs] def start(self): self.start_time =
[docs] def stop(self): try: self.stop_time = self.time_delta = self.stop_time - self.start_time del self.stop_time del self.start_time except NameError: print("You need to start before you can stop!")
[docs] def time_elapsed(self): try: return_time = self.time_delta - self.ERROR except NameError: print("You need to start and stop before there's an elapsed time!") except AttributeError: return_time = self.time_delta return return_time
[docs]def sorter(default_sort_id, kwd): """ Initialize sorting variables """ SortSpec = namedtuple("SortSpec", ["sort_id", "order", "arrow", "exc_order"]) sort_id = kwd.get("sort_id") order = kwd.get("order") # Parse the default value if sort_id == "default": sort_id = default_sort_id # Create the sort if order == "asc": _order = sa.asc(sort_id) elif order == "desc": _order = sa.desc(sort_id) else: # In case of default order = "desc" _order = sa.desc(sort_id) # Create an arrow icon to put beside the ordered column up_arrow = "↑" down_arrow = "↓" arrow = " " if order == "asc": arrow += down_arrow else: arrow += up_arrow return SortSpec(sort_id, order, arrow, _order)
[docs]def get_spark_time(time_period): _time_period = 0 if time_period == "days": _time_period = 1.0 elif time_period == "weeks": _time_period = 7.0 elif time_period == "months": _time_period = 30.0 elif time_period == "years": _time_period = 365.0 else: time_period = "days" _time_period = 1.0 return time_period, _time_period
[docs]def get_curr_item(check_item, unique_items): """ When rendering by item and destination_id, render the item uniquely. """ if check_item in unique_items: return ("", unique_items) unique_items.add(check_item) return (check_item, unique_items)
[docs]class SpecifiedDateListGrid(grids.Grid):
[docs] class JobIdColumn(grids.IntegerColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, job): return
[docs] class StateColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, job): return f'<div class="count-box state-color-{job.state}">{job.state}</div>'
[docs] def filter(self, trans, user, query, column_filter): if column_filter == "Unfinished": return query.filter( not_( or_( model.Job.table.c.state == model.Job.states.OK, model.Job.table.c.state == model.Job.states.ERROR, model.Job.table.c.state == model.Job.states.DELETED, ) ) ) return query
[docs] class ToolColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, job): return job.tool_id
[docs] def filter(self, trans, user, query, column_filter): if column_filter is not None: query = query.filter(model.Job.table.c.tool_id == column_filter) return query
[docs] class CreateTimeColumn(grids.DateTimeColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, job): return job.create_time.strftime("%b %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S")
[docs] class UserColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, job): if job.user: return escape(job.get_user_email()) return "anonymous"
[docs] class EmailColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def filter(self, trans, user, query, column_filter): if column_filter == "All": return query return query.filter( and_(model.Job.table.c.user_id ==, == column_filter) )
[docs] class DestinationIdColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def filter(self, trans, user, query, column_filter): if column_filter == "All": return query return query.filter(model.Job.table.c.destination_id == column_filter)
[docs] class SpecifiedDateColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def filter(self, trans, user, query, column_filter): if column_filter == "All": return query # We are either filtering on a date like YYYY-MM-DD or on a month like YYYY-MM, # so we need to figure out which type of date we have if column_filter.count("-") == 2: # We are filtering on a date like YYYY-MM-DD year, month, day = map(int, column_filter.split("-")) start_date = date(year, month, day) end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=1) if column_filter.count("-") == 1: # We are filtering on a month like YYYY-MM year, month = map(int, column_filter.split("-")) start_date = date(year, month, 1) end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]) return query.filter( and_( self.model_class.table.c.create_time >= start_date, self.model_class.table.c.create_time < end_date ) )
# Grid definition use_async = False model_class = model.Job title = "Jobs" default_sort_key = "id" columns = [ JobIdColumn( "Id", key="id", link=(lambda item: dict(operation="job_info",, webapp="reports")), attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced", ), StateColumn("State", key="state", attach_popup=False), DestinationIdColumn("Destination Id", key="destination_id", attach_popup=False), ToolColumn( "Tool Id", key="tool_id", link=(lambda item: dict(operation="tool_per_month",, webapp="reports")), attach_popup=False, ), CreateTimeColumn("Creation Time", key="create_time", attach_popup=False), UserColumn( "User", key="email", model_class=model.User, link=(lambda item: dict(operation="user_per_month",, webapp="reports")), attach_popup=False, ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. SpecifiedDateColumn("Specified Date", key="specified_date", visible=False), EmailColumn("Email", key="email", model_class=model.User, visible=False), grids.StateColumn("State", key="state", visible=False, filterable="advanced"), ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[columns[1], columns[2]], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard", ) ) default_filter = {"specified_date": "All"} num_rows_per_page = 50 use_paging = True
[docs] def build_initial_query(self, trans, **kwd): params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "") monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) return ( trans.sa_session.query(self.model_class) .join(model.User) .filter(model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id) .enable_eagerloads(False) )
[docs]class Jobs(BaseUIController, ReportQueryBuilder): """ Class contains functions for querying data requested by user via the webapp. It exposes the functions and responds to requests with the filled .mako templates. """ specified_date_list_grid = SpecifiedDateListGrid()
[docs] @web.expose def specified_date_handler(self, trans, **kwd): # We add params to the keyword dict in this method in order to rename the param # with an "f-" prefix, simulating filtering by clicking a search link. We have # to take this approach because the "-" character is illegal in HTTP requests. kwd["sort_id"] = "default" kwd["order"] = "default" if "f-specified_date" in kwd and "specified_date" not in kwd: # The user clicked a State link in the Advanced Search box, so 'specified_date' # will have been eliminated. pass elif "specified_date" not in kwd: kwd["f-specified_date"] = "All" else: kwd["f-specified_date"] = kwd["specified_date"] if "operation" in kwd: operation = kwd["operation"].lower() if operation == "job_info": return trans.response.send_redirect(web.url_for(controller="jobs", action="job_info", **kwd)) elif operation == "tool_for_month": kwd["f-tool_id"] = kwd["tool_id"] elif operation == "tool_per_month": # The received id is the job id, so we need to get the job's tool_id. job_id = kwd.get("id", None) job = get_job(trans, job_id) kwd["tool_id"] = job.tool_id return trans.response.send_redirect(web.url_for(controller="jobs", action="tool_per_month", **kwd)) elif operation == "user_for_month": kwd["f-email"] = util.restore_text(kwd["email"]) elif operation == "user_for_month_by_destination": kwd["f-email"] = util.restore_text(kwd["email"]) kwd["f-destination_id"] = kwd["destination_id"] elif operation == "user_per_month": # The received id is the job id, so we need to get the id of the user # that submitted the job. job_id = kwd.get("id", None) job = get_job(trans, job_id) kwd["email"] = job.get_user_email() return trans.response.send_redirect(web.url_for(controller="jobs", action="user_per_month", **kwd)) elif operation == "specified_date_in_error": kwd["f-state"] = "error" elif operation == "unfinished": kwd["f-state"] = "Unfinished" elif operation == "specified_tool_in_error": kwd["f-state"] = "error" kwd["f-tool_id"] = kwd["tool_id"] return self.specified_date_list_grid(trans, **kwd)
def _calculate_trends_for_jobs(self, sa_session, jobs_query): trends = {} for job in sa_session.execute(jobs_query): job_day = int("%-d")) - 1 job_month = int("%-m")) job_month_name ="%B") job_year ="%Y") key = str(job_month_name + job_year) try: trends[key][job_day] += 1 except KeyError: job_year = int(job_year) wday, day_range = calendar.monthrange(job_year, job_month) trends[key] = [0] * day_range trends[key][job_day] += 1 return trends def _calculate_job_table(self, sa_session, jobs_query, by_destination=False): jobs = [] unique_month_year_strs = set() for row in sa_session.execute(jobs_query): month_name ="%B") year = int("%Y")) if str(by_destination).lower() == "true": month_year_str = f"{month_name} {year}" curr_month_year_str, unique_month_year_strs = get_curr_item(month_year_str, unique_month_year_strs) if curr_month_year_str == "": curr_month = "" curr_year = "" else: curr_month ="%B") curr_year ="%Y") jobs.append( ("%Y-%m"), row.total_jobs, curr_month, curr_year, row.user_email, row.destination_id, row.execute_time, ) ) else: jobs.append(("%Y-%m"), row.total_jobs, month_name, year)) return jobs
[docs] @web.expose def specified_month_all(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for all jobs in given month, defaults to current month. """ message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "") specs = sorter("date", kwd) offset = 0 limit = 10 sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) # If specified_date is not received, we'll default to the current month specified_date = kwd.get("specified_date", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) specified_month = specified_date[:7] year, month = map(int, specified_month.split("-")) start_date = date(year, month, 1) end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]) month_label = start_date.strftime("%B") year_label = start_date.strftime("%Y") # Use to make the page table month_jobs = ("date"), sa.func.count("total_jobs"), ) .where( sa.and_( model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id, model.Job.table.c.create_time >= start_date, model.Job.table.c.create_time < end_date, ) ) .group_by("date") .order_by(specs.exc_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) # Use to make trendline all_jobs ="date"),"id")).where( sa.and_( model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id, model.Job.table.c.create_time >= start_date, model.Job.table.c.create_time < end_date, ) ) trends = {} for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs): job_hour = int("%-H")) job_day ="%d") try: trends[job_day][job_hour] += 1 except KeyError: trends[job_day] = [0] * 24 trends[job_day][job_hour] += 1 jobs = [] for row in trans.sa_session.execute(month_jobs): row_dayname ="%A") row_day ="%d") jobs.append((row_dayname, row_day, row.total_jobs, pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/reports/jobs_specified_month_all.mako", order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, month_label=month_label, year_label=year_label, month=month, page_specs=page_specs, jobs=jobs, trends=trends, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, message=message, )
[docs] @web.expose def specified_month_in_error(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for the user jobs in error. """ message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "") specs = sorter("date", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow offset = 0 limit = 10 if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs instead monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) # If specified_date is not received, we'll default to the current month specified_date = kwd.get("specified_date", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) specified_month = specified_date[:7] year, month = map(int, specified_month.split("-")) start_date = date(year, month, 1) end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]) month_label = start_date.strftime("%B") year_label = start_date.strftime("%Y") month_jobs_in_error = ("date"), sa.func.count("total_jobs"), ) .where( sa.and_( model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id, model.Job.table.c.state == "error", model.Job.table.c.create_time >= start_date, model.Job.table.c.create_time < end_date, ) ) .group_by("date") .order_by(specs.exc_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) # Use to make trendline all_jobs_in_error = model.Job.table.c.create_time.label("date"),"id") ).where( sa.and_( model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id, model.Job.table.c.state == "error", model.Job.table.c.create_time >= start_date, model.Job.table.c.create_time < end_date, ) ) trends = {} for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs_in_error): job_hour = int("%-H")) job_day ="%d") try: trends[job_day][job_hour] += 1 except KeyError: trends[job_day] = [0] * 24 trends[job_day][job_hour] += 1 jobs = [] for row in trans.sa_session.execute(month_jobs_in_error): row_dayname ="%A") row_day ="%d") jobs.append((row_dayname, row_day, row.total_jobs, pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/reports/jobs_specified_month_in_error.mako", order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, month_label=month_label, year_label=year_label, month=month, jobs=jobs, trends=trends, message=message, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, page_specs=page_specs, )
[docs] @web.expose def per_month_all(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for all jobs. Avoids monitor jobs. The by_destination param will group by and Job.destination_id. """ by_destination = str(kwd.get("by_destination", False)).lower() message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "") specs = sorter("date", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order offset = 0 limit = 10 if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) # Use to make the page table if by_destination == "true": jobs_by_month = ( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), model.Job.table.c.destination_id.label("destination_id"), sa.func.sum(model.Job.table.c.update_time - model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("execute_time"), sa.func.count("total_jobs"),"user_email"), ) .where(model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id) .select_from(sa.join(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) .group_by("user_email", "date", "destination_id") .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) else: jobs_by_month = ( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), sa.func.count("total_jobs"), ) .where(model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id) .group_by(self.group_by_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time)) .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) # Use to make sparkline all_jobs = self.select_day(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"),"id") ) trends = self._calculate_trends_for_jobs(trans.sa_session, all_jobs) jobs = self._calculate_job_table(trans.sa_session, jobs_by_month, by_destination=by_destination) pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) if by_destination == "true": page = "/webapps/reports/jobs_per_month_by_user_and_destination.mako" else: page = "/webapps/reports/jobs_per_month_all.mako" return trans.fill_template( page, order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, trends=trends, jobs=jobs, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, message=message, page_specs=page_specs, )
[docs] @web.expose def per_month_in_error(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for user jobs in error. Filters out monitor jobs. """ message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "") specs = sorter("date", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order offset = 0 limit = 10 if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) # Use to make the page table jobs_in_error_by_month = ( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), sa.func.count("total_jobs"), ) .where(sa.and_(model.Job.table.c.state == "error", model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id)) .group_by(self.group_by_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time)) .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) # Use to make trendline all_jobs = self.select_day(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"),"id") ).where(sa.and_(model.Job.table.c.state == "error", model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id)) trends = self._calculate_trends_for_jobs(trans.sa_session, all_jobs) jobs = self._calculate_job_table(trans.sa_session, jobs_in_error_by_month) pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/reports/jobs_per_month_in_error.mako", order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, trends=trends, jobs=jobs, message=message, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, page_specs=page_specs, offset=offset, limit=limit, )
[docs] @web.expose def per_user(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for jobs per user. The by_destination param will group by Job.destination_id. """ by_destination = str(kwd.get("by_destination", False)).lower() total_time = Timer() q_time = Timer() total_time.start() params = util.Params(kwd) message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "") specs = sorter("user_email", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order time_period = kwd.get("spark_time") time_period, _time_period = get_spark_time(time_period) spark_limit = 30 offset = 0 limit = 10 if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 jobs = [] if by_destination == "true": jobs_per_user = ("user_email"), sa.func.count("total_jobs"), model.Job.table.c.destination_id.label("destination_id"), ) .select_from(sa.outerjoin(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) .group_by("user_email", "destination_id") .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) else: jobs_per_user = ("user_email"), sa.func.count("total_jobs"), ) .select_from(sa.outerjoin(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) .group_by("user_email") .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) q_time.start() unique_users = set() for row in trans.sa_session.execute(jobs_per_user): if row.user_email is None: curr_user, unique_users = get_curr_item("Anonymous", unique_users) if by_destination == "true": jobs.append((curr_user, row.destination_id, row.total_jobs)) else: jobs.append((curr_user, row.total_jobs)) elif row.user_email == monitor_email: continue else: curr_user, unique_users = get_curr_item(row.user_email, unique_users) if by_destination == "true": jobs.append((curr_user, row.destination_id, row.total_jobs)) else: jobs.append((curr_user, row.total_jobs)) q_time.stop() query1time = q_time.time_elapsed() users = all_jobs_per_user = ("id"), model.Job.table.c.create_time.label("date"),"user_email"), ) .select_from(sa.outerjoin(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) .where( ) currday = trends = {} q_time.start() for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs_per_user): if job.user_email is None: curr_user = "Anonymous" else: curr_user = re.sub(r"\W+", "", job.user_email) try: day = currday - except TypeError: day = currday - day = day.days container = floor(day / _time_period) container = int(container) try: if container < spark_limit: trends[curr_user][container] += 1 except KeyError: trends[curr_user] = [0] * spark_limit if container < spark_limit: trends[curr_user][container] += 1 q_time.stop() query2time = q_time.time_elapsed() pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) total_time.stop() ttime = total_time.time_elapsed() if by_destination == "true": page = "/webapps/reports/jobs_per_user_by_destination.mako" else: page = "/webapps/reports/jobs_per_user.mako" return trans.fill_template( page, order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, spark_limit=spark_limit, time_period=time_period, q1time=query1time, q2time=query2time, ttime=ttime, trends=trends, jobs=jobs, message=message, page_specs=page_specs, )
[docs] @web.expose def user_per_month(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for jobs per user per month. The by_destination param will group by Job.destination_id. """ by_destination = str(kwd.get("by_destination", False)).lower() params = util.Params(kwd) message = "" email = util.restore_text(params.get("email", "")) specs = sorter("date", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order if by_destination == "true": q = ( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), model.Job.table.c.destination_id.label("destination_id"), sa.func.sum(model.Job.table.c.update_time - model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("execute_time"), sa.func.count("total_jobs"), ) .where( == email) .select_from(sa.join(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) .group_by("date", "destination_id") .order_by(_order) ) else: q = ( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), sa.func.count("total_jobs"), ) .where( == email) .select_from(sa.join(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) .group_by(self.group_by_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time)) .order_by(_order) ) all_jobs_per_user = ("date"),"job_id")) .where(sa.and_( == email)) .select_from(sa.join(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) ) trends = {} for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs_per_user): job_day = int("%-d")) - 1 job_month = int("%-m")) job_month_name ="%B") job_year ="%Y") key = str(job_month_name + job_year) try: trends[key][job_day] += 1 except KeyError: job_year = int(job_year) wday, day_range = calendar.monthrange(job_year, job_month) trends[key] = [0] * day_range trends[key][job_day] += 1 jobs = [] unique_month_year_strs = set() for row in trans.sa_session.execute(q): if by_destination == "true": month_year_str = f"{'%B')} {'%Y')}" curr_month_year_str, unique_month_year_strs = get_curr_item(month_year_str, unique_month_year_strs) if curr_month_year_str == "": curr_month = "" curr_year = "" else: curr_month ="%B") curr_year ="%Y") jobs.append( ("%Y-%m"), row.execute_time, row.total_jobs, curr_month, curr_year, row.destination_id, ) ) else: jobs.append( ("%Y-%m"), row.total_jobs,"%B"),"%Y")) ) if by_destination == "true": page = "/webapps/reports/jobs_user_per_month_by_destination.mako" else: page = "/webapps/reports/jobs_user_per_month.mako" return trans.fill_template( page, order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, id=kwd.get("id"), trends=trends, email=util.sanitize_text(email), jobs=jobs, message=message, )
[docs] @web.expose def per_tool(self, trans, **kwd): message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "") specs = sorter("tool_id", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order time_period = kwd.get("spark_time") time_period, _time_period = get_spark_time(time_period) spark_limit = 30 offset = 0 limit = 10 if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) jobs = [] q = ( model.Job.table.c.tool_id.label("tool_id"), sa.func.count("total_jobs") ) .where(model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id) .group_by("tool_id") .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) all_jobs_per_tool = model.Job.table.c.tool_id.label("tool_id"),"id"), self.select_day(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), ).where(model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id) currday = trends = {} for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs_per_tool): curr_tool = re.sub(r"\W+", "", str(job.tool_id)) try: day = currday - except TypeError: day = currday - day = day.days container = floor(day / _time_period) container = int(container) try: if container < spark_limit: trends[curr_tool][container] += 1 except KeyError: trends[curr_tool] = [0] * spark_limit if container < spark_limit: trends[curr_tool][container] += 1 for row in trans.sa_session.execute(q): jobs.append((row.tool_id, row.total_jobs)) pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/reports/jobs_per_tool.mako", order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, spark_limit=spark_limit, time_period=time_period, trends=trends, jobs=jobs, message=message, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, page_specs=page_specs, )
[docs] @web.expose def errors_per_tool(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for user jobs in error. Filters out monitor jobs. """ message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "") specs = sorter("tool_id", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order time_period = kwd.get("spark_time") time_period, _time_period = get_spark_time(time_period) spark_limit = 30 offset = 0 limit = 10 if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) jobs_in_error_per_tool = ( model.Job.table.c.tool_id.label("tool_id"), sa.func.count("total_jobs") ) .where(sa.and_(model.Job.table.c.state == "error", model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id)) .group_by("tool_id") .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) all_jobs_per_tool_errors = self.select_day(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"),"id"), model.Job.table.c.tool_id.label("tool_id"), ).where(sa.and_(model.Job.table.c.state == "error", model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id)) currday = trends = {} for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs_per_tool_errors): curr_tool = re.sub(r"\W+", "", str(job.tool_id)) try: day = currday - except TypeError: day = currday - # convert day into days/weeks/months/years day = day.days container = floor(day / _time_period) container = int(container) try: if container < spark_limit: trends[curr_tool][container] += 1 except KeyError: trends[curr_tool] = [0] * spark_limit if day < spark_limit: trends[curr_tool][container] += 1 jobs = [] for row in trans.sa_session.execute(jobs_in_error_per_tool): jobs.append((row.total_jobs, row.tool_id)) pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/reports/jobs_errors_per_tool.mako", order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, spark_limit=spark_limit, time_period=time_period, trends=trends, jobs=jobs, message=message, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, page_specs=page_specs, )
[docs] @web.expose def tool_per_month(self, trans, **kwd): message = "" params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "") specs = sorter("date", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) tool_id = params.get("tool_id", "Add a column1") specified_date = params.get("specified_date", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) q = ( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), sa.func.count("total_jobs"), ) .where(sa.and_(model.Job.table.c.tool_id == tool_id, model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id)) .group_by(self.group_by_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time)) .order_by(_order) ) # Use to make sparkline all_jobs_for_tool = self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("month"), self.select_day(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("day"),"id"), ).where(sa.and_(model.Job.table.c.tool_id == tool_id, model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id)) trends = {} for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs_for_tool): job_day = int("%-d")) - 1 job_month = int(job.month.strftime("%-m")) job_month_name = job.month.strftime("%B") job_year = job.month.strftime("%Y") key = str(job_month_name + job_year) try: trends[key][job_day] += 1 except KeyError: job_year = int(job_year) wday, day_range = calendar.monthrange(job_year, job_month) trends[key] = [0] * day_range trends[key][job_day] += 1 jobs = [] for row in trans.sa_session.execute(q): jobs.append(("%Y-%m"), row.total_jobs,"%B"),"%Y"))) return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/reports/jobs_tool_per_month.mako", order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, specified_date=specified_date, tool_id=tool_id, trends=trends, jobs=jobs, message=message, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, )
[docs] @web.expose def job_info(self, trans, **kwd): message = "" job = trans.sa_session.get(Job,"id", ""))) return trans.fill_template("/webapps/reports/job_info.mako", job=job, message=message)
# ---- Utility methods -------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_job(trans, id): return trans.sa_session.get(Job,
[docs]def get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email): """ A convenience method to obtain the monitor job id. """ monitor_user_id = None if (monitor_row := get_user_by_email(trans.sa_session, monitor_email)) is not None: monitor_user_id = monitor_row[0] return monitor_user_id