
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.webapps.reports.controllers.jobs

import calendar
import logging
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import (
from math import (

import sqlalchemy as sa
from markupsafe import escape
from sqlalchemy import (

from galaxy import (
from galaxy.model import Job
from galaxy.model.db.user import get_user_by_email
from galaxy.web.legacy_framework import grids
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import (
from galaxy.webapps.reports.controllers.query import ReportQueryBuilder

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Timer:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.start() self.stop() self.ERROR = self.time_elapsed()
[docs] def start(self): self.start_time = datetime.now()
[docs] def stop(self): try: self.stop_time = datetime.now() self.time_delta = self.stop_time - self.start_time del self.stop_time del self.start_time except NameError: print("You need to start before you can stop!")
[docs] def time_elapsed(self): try: return_time = self.time_delta - self.ERROR except NameError: print("You need to start and stop before there's an elapsed time!") except AttributeError: return_time = self.time_delta return return_time
[docs]def sorter(default_sort_id, kwd): """ Initialize sorting variables """ SortSpec = namedtuple("SortSpec", ["sort_id", "order", "arrow", "exc_order"]) sort_id = kwd.get("sort_id") order = kwd.get("order") # Parse the default value if sort_id == "default": sort_id = default_sort_id # Create the sort if order == "asc": _order = sa.asc(sort_id) elif order == "desc": _order = sa.desc(sort_id) else: # In case of default order = "desc" _order = sa.desc(sort_id) # Create an arrow icon to put beside the ordered column up_arrow = "↑" down_arrow = "↓" arrow = " " if order == "asc": arrow += down_arrow else: arrow += up_arrow return SortSpec(sort_id, order, arrow, _order)
[docs]def get_spark_time(time_period): _time_period = 0 if time_period == "days": _time_period = 1.0 elif time_period == "weeks": _time_period = 7.0 elif time_period == "months": _time_period = 30.0 elif time_period == "years": _time_period = 365.0 else: time_period = "days" _time_period = 1.0 return time_period, _time_period
[docs]def get_curr_item(check_item, unique_items): """ When rendering by item and destination_id, render the item uniquely. """ if check_item in unique_items: return ("", unique_items) unique_items.add(check_item) return (check_item, unique_items)
[docs]class SpecifiedDateListGrid(grids.Grid):
[docs] class JobIdColumn(grids.IntegerColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, job): return job.id
[docs] class StateColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, job): return f'<div class="count-box state-color-{job.state}">{job.state}</div>'
[docs] def filter(self, trans, user, query, column_filter): if column_filter == "Unfinished": return query.filter( not_( or_( model.Job.table.c.state == model.Job.states.OK, model.Job.table.c.state == model.Job.states.ERROR, model.Job.table.c.state == model.Job.states.DELETED, ) ) ) return query
[docs] class ToolColumn(grids.TextColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, job): return job.tool_id
[docs] def filter(self, trans, user, query, column_filter): if column_filter is not None: query = query.filter(model.Job.table.c.tool_id == column_filter) return query
[docs] class CreateTimeColumn(grids.DateTimeColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, job): return job.create_time.strftime("%b %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S")
[docs] class UserColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def get_value(self, trans, grid, job): if job.user: return escape(job.get_user_email()) return "anonymous"
[docs] class EmailColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def filter(self, trans, user, query, column_filter): if column_filter == "All": return query return query.filter( and_(model.Job.table.c.user_id == model.User.table.c.id, model.User.table.c.email == column_filter) )
[docs] class DestinationIdColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def filter(self, trans, user, query, column_filter): if column_filter == "All": return query return query.filter(model.Job.table.c.destination_id == column_filter)
[docs] class SpecifiedDateColumn(grids.GridColumn):
[docs] def filter(self, trans, user, query, column_filter): if column_filter == "All": return query # We are either filtering on a date like YYYY-MM-DD or on a month like YYYY-MM, # so we need to figure out which type of date we have if column_filter.count("-") == 2: # We are filtering on a date like YYYY-MM-DD year, month, day = map(int, column_filter.split("-")) start_date = date(year, month, day) end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=1) if column_filter.count("-") == 1: # We are filtering on a month like YYYY-MM year, month = map(int, column_filter.split("-")) start_date = date(year, month, 1) end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]) return query.filter( and_( self.model_class.table.c.create_time >= start_date, self.model_class.table.c.create_time < end_date ) )
# Grid definition use_async = False model_class = model.Job title = "Jobs" default_sort_key = "id" columns = [ JobIdColumn( "Id", key="id", link=(lambda item: dict(operation="job_info", id=item.id, webapp="reports")), attach_popup=False, filterable="advanced", ), StateColumn("State", key="state", attach_popup=False), DestinationIdColumn("Destination Id", key="destination_id", attach_popup=False), ToolColumn( "Tool Id", key="tool_id", link=(lambda item: dict(operation="tool_per_month", id=item.id, webapp="reports")), attach_popup=False, ), CreateTimeColumn("Creation Time", key="create_time", attach_popup=False), UserColumn( "User", key="email", model_class=model.User, link=(lambda item: dict(operation="user_per_month", id=item.id, webapp="reports")), attach_popup=False, ), # Columns that are valid for filtering but are not visible. SpecifiedDateColumn("Specified Date", key="specified_date", visible=False), EmailColumn("Email", key="email", model_class=model.User, visible=False), grids.StateColumn("State", key="state", visible=False, filterable="advanced"), ] columns.append( grids.MulticolFilterColumn( "Search", cols_to_filter=[columns[1], columns[2]], key="free-text-search", visible=False, filterable="standard", ) ) default_filter = {"specified_date": "All"} num_rows_per_page = 50 use_paging = True
[docs] def build_initial_query(self, trans, **kwd): params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "monitor@bx.psu.edu") monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) return ( trans.sa_session.query(self.model_class) .join(model.User) .filter(model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id) .enable_eagerloads(False) )
[docs]class Jobs(BaseUIController, ReportQueryBuilder): """ Class contains functions for querying data requested by user via the webapp. It exposes the functions and responds to requests with the filled .mako templates. """ specified_date_list_grid = SpecifiedDateListGrid()
[docs] @web.expose def specified_date_handler(self, trans, **kwd): # We add params to the keyword dict in this method in order to rename the param # with an "f-" prefix, simulating filtering by clicking a search link. We have # to take this approach because the "-" character is illegal in HTTP requests. kwd["sort_id"] = "default" kwd["order"] = "default" if "f-specified_date" in kwd and "specified_date" not in kwd: # The user clicked a State link in the Advanced Search box, so 'specified_date' # will have been eliminated. pass elif "specified_date" not in kwd: kwd["f-specified_date"] = "All" else: kwd["f-specified_date"] = kwd["specified_date"] if "operation" in kwd: operation = kwd["operation"].lower() if operation == "job_info": return trans.response.send_redirect(web.url_for(controller="jobs", action="job_info", **kwd)) elif operation == "tool_for_month": kwd["f-tool_id"] = kwd["tool_id"] elif operation == "tool_per_month": # The received id is the job id, so we need to get the job's tool_id. job_id = kwd.get("id", None) job = get_job(trans, job_id) kwd["tool_id"] = job.tool_id return trans.response.send_redirect(web.url_for(controller="jobs", action="tool_per_month", **kwd)) elif operation == "user_for_month": kwd["f-email"] = util.restore_text(kwd["email"]) elif operation == "user_for_month_by_destination": kwd["f-email"] = util.restore_text(kwd["email"]) kwd["f-destination_id"] = kwd["destination_id"] elif operation == "user_per_month": # The received id is the job id, so we need to get the id of the user # that submitted the job. job_id = kwd.get("id", None) job = get_job(trans, job_id) kwd["email"] = job.get_user_email() return trans.response.send_redirect(web.url_for(controller="jobs", action="user_per_month", **kwd)) elif operation == "specified_date_in_error": kwd["f-state"] = "error" elif operation == "unfinished": kwd["f-state"] = "Unfinished" elif operation == "specified_tool_in_error": kwd["f-state"] = "error" kwd["f-tool_id"] = kwd["tool_id"] return self.specified_date_list_grid(trans, **kwd)
def _calculate_trends_for_jobs(self, sa_session, jobs_query): trends = {} for job in sa_session.execute(jobs_query): job_day = int(job.date.strftime("%-d")) - 1 job_month = int(job.date.strftime("%-m")) job_month_name = job.date.strftime("%B") job_year = job.date.strftime("%Y") key = str(job_month_name + job_year) try: trends[key][job_day] += 1 except KeyError: job_year = int(job_year) wday, day_range = calendar.monthrange(job_year, job_month) trends[key] = [0] * day_range trends[key][job_day] += 1 return trends def _calculate_job_table(self, sa_session, jobs_query, by_destination=False): jobs = [] unique_month_year_strs = set() for row in sa_session.execute(jobs_query): month_name = row.date.strftime("%B") year = int(row.date.strftime("%Y")) if str(by_destination).lower() == "true": month_year_str = f"{month_name} {year}" curr_month_year_str, unique_month_year_strs = get_curr_item(month_year_str, unique_month_year_strs) if curr_month_year_str == "": curr_month = "" curr_year = "" else: curr_month = row.date.strftime("%B") curr_year = row.date.strftime("%Y") jobs.append( ( row.date.strftime("%Y-%m"), row.total_jobs, curr_month, curr_year, row.user_email, row.destination_id, row.execute_time, ) ) else: jobs.append((row.date.strftime("%Y-%m"), row.total_jobs, month_name, year)) return jobs
[docs] @web.expose def specified_month_all(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for all jobs in given month, defaults to current month. """ message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "monitor@bx.psu.edu") specs = sorter("date", kwd) offset = 0 limit = 10 sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) # If specified_date is not received, we'll default to the current month specified_date = kwd.get("specified_date", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) specified_month = specified_date[:7] year, month = map(int, specified_month.split("-")) start_date = date(year, month, 1) end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]) month_label = start_date.strftime("%B") year_label = start_date.strftime("%Y") # Use to make the page table month_jobs = ( sa.select( sa.func.date(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), sa.func.count(model.Job.table.c.id).label("total_jobs"), ) .where( sa.and_( model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id, model.Job.table.c.create_time >= start_date, model.Job.table.c.create_time < end_date, ) ) .group_by("date") .order_by(specs.exc_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) # Use to make trendline all_jobs = sa.select(model.Job.table.c.create_time.label("date"), model.Job.table.c.id.label("id")).where( sa.and_( model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id, model.Job.table.c.create_time >= start_date, model.Job.table.c.create_time < end_date, ) ) trends = {} for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs): job_hour = int(job.date.strftime("%-H")) job_day = job.date.strftime("%d") try: trends[job_day][job_hour] += 1 except KeyError: trends[job_day] = [0] * 24 trends[job_day][job_hour] += 1 jobs = [] for row in trans.sa_session.execute(month_jobs): row_dayname = row.date.strftime("%A") row_day = row.date.strftime("%d") jobs.append((row_dayname, row_day, row.total_jobs, row.date)) pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/reports/jobs_specified_month_all.mako", order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, month_label=month_label, year_label=year_label, month=month, page_specs=page_specs, jobs=jobs, trends=trends, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, message=message, )
[docs] @web.expose def specified_month_in_error(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for the user jobs in error. """ message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "monitor@bx.psu.edu") specs = sorter("date", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow offset = 0 limit = 10 if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs instead monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) # If specified_date is not received, we'll default to the current month specified_date = kwd.get("specified_date", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) specified_month = specified_date[:7] year, month = map(int, specified_month.split("-")) start_date = date(year, month, 1) end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]) month_label = start_date.strftime("%B") year_label = start_date.strftime("%Y") month_jobs_in_error = ( sa.select( sa.func.date(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), sa.func.count(model.Job.table.c.id).label("total_jobs"), ) .where( sa.and_( model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id, model.Job.table.c.state == "error", model.Job.table.c.create_time >= start_date, model.Job.table.c.create_time < end_date, ) ) .group_by("date") .order_by(specs.exc_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) # Use to make trendline all_jobs_in_error = sa.select( model.Job.table.c.create_time.label("date"), model.Job.table.c.id.label("id") ).where( sa.and_( model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id, model.Job.table.c.state == "error", model.Job.table.c.create_time >= start_date, model.Job.table.c.create_time < end_date, ) ) trends = {} for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs_in_error): job_hour = int(job.date.strftime("%-H")) job_day = job.date.strftime("%d") try: trends[job_day][job_hour] += 1 except KeyError: trends[job_day] = [0] * 24 trends[job_day][job_hour] += 1 jobs = [] for row in trans.sa_session.execute(month_jobs_in_error): row_dayname = row.date.strftime("%A") row_day = row.date.strftime("%d") jobs.append((row_dayname, row_day, row.total_jobs, row.date)) pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/reports/jobs_specified_month_in_error.mako", order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, month_label=month_label, year_label=year_label, month=month, jobs=jobs, trends=trends, message=message, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, page_specs=page_specs, )
[docs] @web.expose def per_month_all(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for all jobs. Avoids monitor jobs. The by_destination param will group by User.email and Job.destination_id. """ by_destination = str(kwd.get("by_destination", False)).lower() message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "monitor@bx.psu.edu") specs = sorter("date", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order offset = 0 limit = 10 if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) # Use to make the page table if by_destination == "true": jobs_by_month = ( sa.select( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), model.Job.table.c.destination_id.label("destination_id"), sa.func.sum(model.Job.table.c.update_time - model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("execute_time"), sa.func.count(model.Job.table.c.id).label("total_jobs"), model.User.table.c.email.label("user_email"), ) .where(model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id) .select_from(sa.join(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) .group_by("user_email", "date", "destination_id") .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) else: jobs_by_month = ( sa.select( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), sa.func.count(model.Job.table.c.id).label("total_jobs"), ) .where(model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id) .group_by(self.group_by_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time)) .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) # Use to make sparkline all_jobs = sa.select( self.select_day(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), model.Job.table.c.id.label("id") ) trends = self._calculate_trends_for_jobs(trans.sa_session, all_jobs) jobs = self._calculate_job_table(trans.sa_session, jobs_by_month, by_destination=by_destination) pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) if by_destination == "true": page = "/webapps/reports/jobs_per_month_by_user_and_destination.mako" else: page = "/webapps/reports/jobs_per_month_all.mako" return trans.fill_template( page, order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, trends=trends, jobs=jobs, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, message=message, page_specs=page_specs, )
[docs] @web.expose def per_month_in_error(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for user jobs in error. Filters out monitor jobs. """ message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "monitor@bx.psu.edu") specs = sorter("date", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order offset = 0 limit = 10 if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) # Use to make the page table jobs_in_error_by_month = ( sa.select( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), sa.func.count(model.Job.table.c.id).label("total_jobs"), ) .where(sa.and_(model.Job.table.c.state == "error", model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id)) .group_by(self.group_by_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time)) .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) # Use to make trendline all_jobs = sa.select( self.select_day(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), model.Job.table.c.id.label("id") ).where(sa.and_(model.Job.table.c.state == "error", model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id)) trends = self._calculate_trends_for_jobs(trans.sa_session, all_jobs) jobs = self._calculate_job_table(trans.sa_session, jobs_in_error_by_month) pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/reports/jobs_per_month_in_error.mako", order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, trends=trends, jobs=jobs, message=message, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, page_specs=page_specs, offset=offset, limit=limit, )
[docs] @web.expose def per_user(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for jobs per user. The by_destination param will group by Job.destination_id. """ by_destination = str(kwd.get("by_destination", False)).lower() total_time = Timer() q_time = Timer() total_time.start() params = util.Params(kwd) message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "monitor@bx.psu.edu") specs = sorter("user_email", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order time_period = kwd.get("spark_time") time_period, _time_period = get_spark_time(time_period) spark_limit = 30 offset = 0 limit = 10 if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 jobs = [] if by_destination == "true": jobs_per_user = ( sa.select( model.User.table.c.email.label("user_email"), sa.func.count(model.Job.table.c.id).label("total_jobs"), model.Job.table.c.destination_id.label("destination_id"), ) .select_from(sa.outerjoin(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) .group_by("user_email", "destination_id") .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) else: jobs_per_user = ( sa.select( model.User.table.c.email.label("user_email"), sa.func.count(model.Job.table.c.id).label("total_jobs"), ) .select_from(sa.outerjoin(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) .group_by("user_email") .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) q_time.start() unique_users = set() for row in trans.sa_session.execute(jobs_per_user): if row.user_email is None: curr_user, unique_users = get_curr_item("Anonymous", unique_users) if by_destination == "true": jobs.append((curr_user, row.destination_id, row.total_jobs)) else: jobs.append((curr_user, row.total_jobs)) elif row.user_email == monitor_email: continue else: curr_user, unique_users = get_curr_item(row.user_email, unique_users) if by_destination == "true": jobs.append((curr_user, row.destination_id, row.total_jobs)) else: jobs.append((curr_user, row.total_jobs)) q_time.stop() query1time = q_time.time_elapsed() users = sa.select(model.User.table.c.email).select_from(model.User.table) all_jobs_per_user = ( sa.select( model.Job.table.c.id.label("id"), model.Job.table.c.create_time.label("date"), model.User.table.c.email.label("user_email"), ) .select_from(sa.outerjoin(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) .where(model.User.table.c.email.in_(users)) ) currday = datetime.today() trends = {} q_time.start() for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs_per_user): if job.user_email is None: curr_user = "Anonymous" else: curr_user = re.sub(r"\W+", "", job.user_email) try: day = currday - job.date except TypeError: day = currday - datetime.date(job.date) day = day.days container = floor(day / _time_period) container = int(container) try: if container < spark_limit: trends[curr_user][container] += 1 except KeyError: trends[curr_user] = [0] * spark_limit if container < spark_limit: trends[curr_user][container] += 1 q_time.stop() query2time = q_time.time_elapsed() pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) total_time.stop() ttime = total_time.time_elapsed() if by_destination == "true": page = "/webapps/reports/jobs_per_user_by_destination.mako" else: page = "/webapps/reports/jobs_per_user.mako" return trans.fill_template( page, order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, spark_limit=spark_limit, time_period=time_period, q1time=query1time, q2time=query2time, ttime=ttime, trends=trends, jobs=jobs, message=message, page_specs=page_specs, )
[docs] @web.expose def user_per_month(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for jobs per user per month. The by_destination param will group by Job.destination_id. """ by_destination = str(kwd.get("by_destination", False)).lower() params = util.Params(kwd) message = "" email = util.restore_text(params.get("email", "")) specs = sorter("date", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order if by_destination == "true": q = ( sa.select( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), model.Job.table.c.destination_id.label("destination_id"), sa.func.sum(model.Job.table.c.update_time - model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("execute_time"), sa.func.count(model.Job.table.c.id).label("total_jobs"), ) .where(model.User.table.c.email == email) .select_from(sa.join(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) .group_by("date", "destination_id") .order_by(_order) ) else: q = ( sa.select( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), sa.func.count(model.Job.table.c.id).label("total_jobs"), ) .where(model.User.table.c.email == email) .select_from(sa.join(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) .group_by(self.group_by_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time)) .order_by(_order) ) all_jobs_per_user = ( sa.select(model.Job.table.c.create_time.label("date"), model.Job.table.c.id.label("job_id")) .where(sa.and_(model.User.table.c.email == email)) .select_from(sa.join(model.Job.table, model.User.table)) ) trends = {} for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs_per_user): job_day = int(job.date.strftime("%-d")) - 1 job_month = int(job.date.strftime("%-m")) job_month_name = job.date.strftime("%B") job_year = job.date.strftime("%Y") key = str(job_month_name + job_year) try: trends[key][job_day] += 1 except KeyError: job_year = int(job_year) wday, day_range = calendar.monthrange(job_year, job_month) trends[key] = [0] * day_range trends[key][job_day] += 1 jobs = [] unique_month_year_strs = set() for row in trans.sa_session.execute(q): if by_destination == "true": month_year_str = f"{row.date.strftime('%B')} {row.date.strftime('%Y')}" curr_month_year_str, unique_month_year_strs = get_curr_item(month_year_str, unique_month_year_strs) if curr_month_year_str == "": curr_month = "" curr_year = "" else: curr_month = row.date.strftime("%B") curr_year = row.date.strftime("%Y") jobs.append( ( row.date.strftime("%Y-%m"), row.execute_time, row.total_jobs, curr_month, curr_year, row.destination_id, ) ) else: jobs.append( (row.date.strftime("%Y-%m"), row.total_jobs, row.date.strftime("%B"), row.date.strftime("%Y")) ) if by_destination == "true": page = "/webapps/reports/jobs_user_per_month_by_destination.mako" else: page = "/webapps/reports/jobs_user_per_month.mako" return trans.fill_template( page, order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, id=kwd.get("id"), trends=trends, email=util.sanitize_text(email), jobs=jobs, message=message, )
[docs] @web.expose def per_tool(self, trans, **kwd): message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "monitor@bx.psu.edu") specs = sorter("tool_id", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order time_period = kwd.get("spark_time") time_period, _time_period = get_spark_time(time_period) spark_limit = 30 offset = 0 limit = 10 if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) jobs = [] q = ( sa.select( model.Job.table.c.tool_id.label("tool_id"), sa.func.count(model.Job.table.c.id).label("total_jobs") ) .where(model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id) .group_by("tool_id") .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) all_jobs_per_tool = sa.select( model.Job.table.c.tool_id.label("tool_id"), model.Job.table.c.id.label("id"), self.select_day(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), ).where(model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id) currday = date.today() trends = {} for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs_per_tool): curr_tool = re.sub(r"\W+", "", str(job.tool_id)) try: day = currday - job.date except TypeError: day = currday - datetime.date(job.date) day = day.days container = floor(day / _time_period) container = int(container) try: if container < spark_limit: trends[curr_tool][container] += 1 except KeyError: trends[curr_tool] = [0] * spark_limit if container < spark_limit: trends[curr_tool][container] += 1 for row in trans.sa_session.execute(q): jobs.append((row.tool_id, row.total_jobs)) pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/reports/jobs_per_tool.mako", order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, spark_limit=spark_limit, time_period=time_period, trends=trends, jobs=jobs, message=message, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, page_specs=page_specs, )
[docs] @web.expose def errors_per_tool(self, trans, **kwd): """ Queries the DB for user jobs in error. Filters out monitor jobs. """ message = "" PageSpec = namedtuple("PageSpec", ["entries", "offset", "page", "pages_found"]) params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "monitor@bx.psu.edu") specs = sorter("tool_id", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order time_period = kwd.get("spark_time") time_period, _time_period = get_spark_time(time_period) spark_limit = 30 offset = 0 limit = 10 if "entries" in kwd: entries = int(kwd.get("entries")) else: entries = 10 limit = entries * 4 if "offset" in kwd: offset = int(kwd.get("offset")) else: offset = 0 if "page" in kwd: page = int(kwd.get("page")) else: page = 1 # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) jobs_in_error_per_tool = ( sa.select( model.Job.table.c.tool_id.label("tool_id"), sa.func.count(model.Job.table.c.id).label("total_jobs") ) .where(sa.and_(model.Job.table.c.state == "error", model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id)) .group_by("tool_id") .order_by(_order) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) all_jobs_per_tool_errors = sa.select( self.select_day(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), model.Job.table.c.id.label("id"), model.Job.table.c.tool_id.label("tool_id"), ).where(sa.and_(model.Job.table.c.state == "error", model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id)) currday = date.today() trends = {} for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs_per_tool_errors): curr_tool = re.sub(r"\W+", "", str(job.tool_id)) try: day = currday - job.date except TypeError: day = currday - datetime.date(job.date) # convert day into days/weeks/months/years day = day.days container = floor(day / _time_period) container = int(container) try: if container < spark_limit: trends[curr_tool][container] += 1 except KeyError: trends[curr_tool] = [0] * spark_limit if day < spark_limit: trends[curr_tool][container] += 1 jobs = [] for row in trans.sa_session.execute(jobs_in_error_per_tool): jobs.append((row.total_jobs, row.tool_id)) pages_found = ceil(len(jobs) / float(entries)) page_specs = PageSpec(entries, offset, page, pages_found) return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/reports/jobs_errors_per_tool.mako", order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, spark_limit=spark_limit, time_period=time_period, trends=trends, jobs=jobs, message=message, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, page_specs=page_specs, )
[docs] @web.expose def tool_per_month(self, trans, **kwd): message = "" params = util.Params(kwd) monitor_email = params.get("monitor_email", "monitor@bx.psu.edu") specs = sorter("date", kwd) sort_id = specs.sort_id order = specs.order arrow = specs.arrow _order = specs.exc_order # In case we don't know which is the monitor user we will query for all jobs monitor_user_id = get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email) tool_id = params.get("tool_id", "Add a column1") specified_date = params.get("specified_date", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) q = ( sa.select( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("date"), sa.func.count(model.Job.table.c.id).label("total_jobs"), ) .where(sa.and_(model.Job.table.c.tool_id == tool_id, model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id)) .group_by(self.group_by_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time)) .order_by(_order) ) # Use to make sparkline all_jobs_for_tool = sa.select( self.select_month(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("month"), self.select_day(model.Job.table.c.create_time).label("day"), model.Job.table.c.id.label("id"), ).where(sa.and_(model.Job.table.c.tool_id == tool_id, model.Job.table.c.user_id != monitor_user_id)) trends = {} for job in trans.sa_session.execute(all_jobs_for_tool): job_day = int(job.day.strftime("%-d")) - 1 job_month = int(job.month.strftime("%-m")) job_month_name = job.month.strftime("%B") job_year = job.month.strftime("%Y") key = str(job_month_name + job_year) try: trends[key][job_day] += 1 except KeyError: job_year = int(job_year) wday, day_range = calendar.monthrange(job_year, job_month) trends[key] = [0] * day_range trends[key][job_day] += 1 jobs = [] for row in trans.sa_session.execute(q): jobs.append((row.date.strftime("%Y-%m"), row.total_jobs, row.date.strftime("%B"), row.date.strftime("%Y"))) return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/reports/jobs_tool_per_month.mako", order=order, arrow=arrow, sort_id=sort_id, specified_date=specified_date, tool_id=tool_id, trends=trends, jobs=jobs, message=message, is_user_jobs_only=monitor_user_id, )
[docs] @web.expose def job_info(self, trans, **kwd): message = "" job = trans.sa_session.get(Job, trans.security.decode_id(kwd.get("id", ""))) return trans.fill_template("/webapps/reports/job_info.mako", job=job, message=message)
# ---- Utility methods -------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_job(trans, id): return trans.sa_session.get(Job, trans.security.decode_id(id))
[docs]def get_monitor_id(trans, monitor_email): """ A convenience method to obtain the monitor job id. """ monitor_user_id = None if (monitor_row := get_user_by_email(trans.sa_session, monitor_email)) is not None: monitor_user_id = monitor_row[0] return monitor_user_id