Middleware for handling $REMOTE_USER if use_remote_user is enabled.
import logging
import socket
from galaxy.util import safe_str_cmp
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
errorpage = """
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<html lang="en">
<style type="text/css">
body {
min-width: 500px;
text-align: center;
.errormessage {
font: 75%% verdana, "Bitstream Vera Sans", geneva, arial, helvetica, helve, sans-serif;
padding: 10px;
margin: 100px auto;
min-height: 32px;
max-width: 500px;
border: 1px solid #AA6666;
background-color: #FFCCCC;
text-align: left;
<div class="errormessage">
[docs]class RemoteUser:
[docs] def __init__(
self.app = app
self.maildomain = maildomain
self.display_servers = display_servers or []
self.admin_users = admin_users or []
self.remote_user_header = remote_user_header or "HTTP_REMOTE_USER"
self.single_user = single_user
self.config_secret_header = remote_user_secret_header
self.normalize_remote_user_email = normalize_remote_user_email
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
# Allow display servers
if self.display_servers and "REMOTE_ADDR" in environ:
host = socket.gethostbyaddr(environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])[0]
except (OSError, socket.herror, socket.gaierror, socket.timeout):
# in the event of a lookup failure, deny access
host = None
if host in self.display_servers:
environ[self.remote_user_header] = "remote_display_server@%s" % (self.maildomain or "example.org")
return self.app(environ, start_response)
if self.single_user:
assert self.remote_user_header not in environ
environ[self.remote_user_header] = self.single_user
if environ.get(self.remote_user_header, "").startswith("(null)"):
# Throw away garbage headers.
# Apache sets REMOTE_USER to the string '(null)' when using the
# Rewrite* method for passing REMOTE_USER and a user is not authenticated.
# Any other possible values need to go here as well.
"Discarding invalid remote user header %s:%s.",
environ.get(self.remote_user_header, None),
if self.remote_user_header in environ:
# process remote user with configuration options.
if self.normalize_remote_user_email:
environ[self.remote_user_header] = environ[self.remote_user_header].lower()
if self.maildomain and "@" not in environ[self.remote_user_header]:
environ[self.remote_user_header] = f"{environ[self.remote_user_header]}@{self.maildomain}"
path_info = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "")
# The API handles its own authentication via keys
# Check for API key before checking for header
if path_info.startswith("/api/"):
return self.app(environ, start_response)
# If the secret header is enabled, we expect upstream to send along some key
# in HTTP_GX_SECRET, so we'll need to compare that here to the correct value
# This is not an ideal location for this function. The reason being
# that because this check is done BEFORE the REMOTE_USER check, it is
# possible to attack the GX_SECRET key without having correct
# credentials. However, that's why it's not "ideal", but it is "good
# enough". The only users able to exploit this are ones with access to
# the local system (unless Galaxy is listening on It
# seems improbable that an attacker with access to the server hosting
# Galaxy would not have access to Galaxy itself, and be attempting to
# attack the system
if self.config_secret_header is not None:
if environ.get("HTTP_GX_SECRET") is None:
title = "Access to Galaxy is denied"
message = """
Galaxy is configured to authenticate users via an external
method (such as HTTP authentication in Apache), but
no shared secret key was provided by the
upstream (proxy) server.</p>
<p>Please contact your local Galaxy administrator. The
variable <code>remote_user_secret</code> and
<code>GX_SECRET</code> header must be set before you may
access Galaxy.
return self.error(start_response, title, message)
if not safe_str_cmp(environ.get("HTTP_GX_SECRET", ""), self.config_secret_header):
title = "Access to Galaxy is denied"
message = """
Galaxy is configured to authenticate users via an external
method (such as HTTP authentication in Apache), but an
incorrect shared secret key was provided by the
upstream (proxy) server.</p>
<p>Please contact your local Galaxy administrator. The
variable <code>remote_user_secret</code> and
<code>GX_SECRET</code> header must be set before you may
access Galaxy.
return self.error(start_response, title, message)
if environ.get(self.remote_user_header, None):
if not environ[self.remote_user_header].count("@"):
if self.maildomain is not None:
environ[self.remote_user_header] += f"@{self.maildomain}"
title = "Access to Galaxy is denied"
message = """
Galaxy is configured to authenticate users via an external
method (such as HTTP authentication in Apache), but only a
username (not an email address) was provided by the
upstream (proxy) server. Since Galaxy usernames are email
addresses, a default mail domain must be set.</p>
<p>Please contact your local Galaxy administrator. The
variable <code>remote_user_maildomain</code> must be set
before you may access Galaxy.
return self.error(start_response, title, message)
user_accessible_paths = (
admin_accessible_paths = (
if not path_info.startswith("/user"):
# shortcut the following allowlist for non-user-controller
# requests.
elif environ[self.remote_user_header] in self.admin_users and any(
path_info.startswith(prefix) for prefix in admin_accessible_paths
# If the user is an admin user, and any of the admin accessible paths match..., allow them to execute that action.
elif any(path_info.startswith(prefix) for prefix in user_accessible_paths):
# If the user is allowed to access the path, pass
elif path_info == "/user" or path_info == "/user/":
pass # We do allow access to the root user preferences page.
elif path_info.startswith("/user"):
# Any other endpoint in the user controller is off limits
title = "Access to Galaxy user controls is disabled"
message = """
User controls are disabled when Galaxy is configured
for external authentication.
return self.error(start_response, title, message)
return self.app(environ, start_response)
log.debug(f"Unable to identify user. {self.remote_user_header} not found")
for k, v in environ.items():
log.debug("%s = %s", k, v)
title = "Access to Galaxy is denied"
message = """
Galaxy is configured to authenticate users via an external
method (such as HTTP authentication in Apache), but a username
was not provided by the upstream (proxy) server. This is
generally due to a misconfiguration in the upstream server.</p>
<p>Please contact your local Galaxy administrator.
return self.error(start_response, title, message)
[docs] def error(self, start_response, title="Access denied", message="Please contact your local Galaxy administrator."):
start_response("403 Forbidden", [("Content-type", "text/html")])
return [errorpage % (title, message)]