Visualization plugins: instantiate/deserialize data and models
from a query string and render a webpage based on those data.
import copy
import logging
import os
from typing import (
import mako.lookup
from galaxy.visualization.plugins import (
from galaxy.web import url_for
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class ServesTemplatesPluginMixin:
An object that renders (mako) template files from the server.
path: str
#: default number of templates to search for plugin template lookup
def _set_up_template_plugin(self, template_cache_dir, additional_template_paths=None, **kwargs):
Detect and set up template paths if the plugin serves templates.
self.serves_templates = False
if self._is_template_plugin():
self.template_path = self._build_template_path()
self.template_lookup = self._build_template_lookup(
template_cache_dir, additional_template_paths=additional_template_paths
self.serves_templates = True
return self.serves_templates
def _is_template_plugin(self):
return os.path.isdir(self._build_template_path())
def _build_template_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.path, "templates")
def _build_template_lookup(
self, template_cache_dir, additional_template_paths=None, collection_size=DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_COLLECTION_SIZE
Build a mako template filename lookup for the plugin.
template_lookup_paths = self.template_path
if additional_template_paths:
template_lookup_paths = [template_lookup_paths] + additional_template_paths
return mako.lookup.TemplateLookup(
directories=template_lookup_paths, module_directory=template_cache_dir, collection_size=collection_size
[docs]class VisualizationPlugin(ServesTemplatesPluginMixin):
A plugin that instantiates resources, serves static files, and uses mako
templates to render web pages.
[docs] def __init__(self, app, path, name, config, context=None, **kwargs):
context = context or {}
self.app = app
self.path = path
self.name = name
self.config = config
base_url = context.get("base_url", "")
self.base_url = "/".join((base_url, self.name)) if base_url else self.name
self.static_path = self._get_static_path(self.path)
template_cache_dir = context.get("template_cache_dir", None)
additional_template_paths = context.get("additional_template_paths", [])
self._set_up_template_plugin(template_cache_dir, additional_template_paths=additional_template_paths)
self.resource_parser = resource_parser.ResourceParser(app)
[docs] def render(self, trans=None, embedded=None, **kwargs):
Render and return the text of the non-saved plugin webpage/fragment.
# not saved - no existing config
# set up render vars based on plugin.config and kwargs
render_vars = self._build_render_vars({}, trans=trans, **kwargs)
return self._render(render_vars, trans=trans, embedded=embedded)
[docs] def render_saved(self, visualization, trans=None, embedded=None, **kwargs):
Render and return the text of the plugin webpage/fragment using the
config/data of a saved visualization.
config: Dict[str, Any] = self._get_saved_visualization_config(visualization, **kwargs)
# pass the saved visualization config for parsing into render vars
render_vars = self._build_render_vars(config, trans=trans, **kwargs)
# update any values that were loaded from the saved Visualization
return self._render(render_vars, trans=trans, embedded=embedded)
[docs] def to_dict(self):
return {
"name": self.name,
"html": self.config.get("name"),
"description": self.config.get("description"),
"logo": self.config.get("logo"),
"title": self.config.get("title"),
"target": self.config.get("render_target", "galaxy_main"),
"embeddable": self.config.get("embeddable"),
"entry_point": self.config.get("entry_point"),
"settings": self.config.get("settings"),
"specs": self.config.get("specs"),
"tracks": self.config.get("tracks"),
"href": self._get_url(),
def _get_url(self):
if self.name in self.app.visualizations_registry.BUILT_IN_VISUALIZATIONS:
return url_for(controller="visualization", action=self.name)
return url_for("visualization_plugin", visualization_name=self.name)
def _get_static_path(self, path):
if "/config/" in path:
match = path.split("/config/")[-1]
return os.path.join("./static", match, "static")
log.debug(f"Visualization has no static path: {path}.")
def _get_saved_visualization_config(self, visualization, revision=None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Return the config of a saved visualization and revision.
If no revision given, default to latest revision.
# TODO: allow loading a specific revision - should be part of UsesVisualization
return copy.copy(visualization.latest_revision.config)
# ---- non-public
def _build_render_vars(self, config: Dict[str, Any], trans=None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Build all the variables that will be passed into the renderer.
render_vars: Dict[str, Any] = {}
# Meta variables passed to the template/renderer to describe the visualization being rendered.
title=kwargs.get("title", "Unnamed Visualization"),
# NOTE: passing *unparsed* kwargs as query
# config based on existing or kwargs
render_config = self._build_config(config, trans=trans, **kwargs)
render_vars["config"] = render_config
# further parse config to resources (models, etc.) used in template based on registry config
resources = self._config_to_resources(trans, render_config)
return render_vars
def _build_config(self, config, trans=None, **kwargs) -> utils.OpenObject:
Build the configuration for this new/saved visualization by combining
any existing config and the kwargs (gen. from the url query).
# first, pull from any existing config
if config:
config = copy.copy(config)
config = {}
# then, overwrite with keys/values from kwargs (gen. a query string)
config_from_kwargs = self._kwargs_to_config(trans, kwargs)
# to object format for easier querying
config = utils.OpenObject(**config)
return config
# TODO: the difference between config & resources is unclear in this section - is it needed?
def _kwargs_to_config(self, trans, kwargs):
Given a kwargs dict (gen. a query string dict from a controller action), parse
and return any key/value pairs found in the plugin's `params` section.
expected_params = self.config.get("params", {})
config = self.resource_parser.parse_config(trans, expected_params, kwargs)
return config
def _config_to_resources(self, trans, config):
Instantiate/deserialize the resources (HDAs, LDDAs, etc.) given in a
visualization config into models/variables a visualization renderer can use.
expected_params = self.config.get("params", {})
param_modifiers = self.config.get("param_modifiers", {})
resources = self.resource_parser.parse_parameter_dictionary(trans, expected_params, config, param_modifiers)
return resources
def _render(self, render_vars, trans=None, embedded=None, **kwargs):
Render the visualization via Mako and the plugin's template file.
render_vars["embedded"] = self._parse_embedded(embedded)
# NOTE: (mako specific) vars is a dictionary for shared data in the template
# this feels hacky to me but it's what mako recommends:
# http://docs.makotemplates.org/en/latest/runtime.html
template_filename = self.config["entry_point"]["file"]
return trans.fill_template(template_filename, template_lookup=self.template_lookup, **render_vars)
def _parse_embedded(self, embedded):
Parse information on dimensions, readonly, etc. from the embedded query val.
# as is for now
return embedded
def _set_logo(self):
if self.static_path:
supported_formats = ["png", "svg"]
for file_format in supported_formats:
logo_path = os.path.join(self.static_path, f"logo.{file_format}")
if os.path.isfile(logo_path):
self.config["logo"] = logo_path
[docs]class ScriptVisualizationPlugin(VisualizationPlugin):
A visualization plugin that starts by loading a single (js) script.
The script is loaded into a pre-defined mako template:
MAKO_TEMPLATE = "script_entry_point.mako"
def _is_template_plugin(self):
Override to always yield true since this plugin type always uses the
pre-determined mako template.
return True
def _render(self, render_vars, trans=None, embedded=None, **kwargs):
Override to add script attributes and point mako at the script entry point
render_vars["embedded"] = self._parse_embedded(embedded)
render_vars["static_url"] = url_for(f"/{self.static_path}/")
render_vars.update({"script_attributes": self.config["entry_point"]["attr"]})
template_filename = os.path.join(self.MAKO_TEMPLATE)
return trans.fill_template(template_filename, template_lookup=self.template_lookup, **render_vars)
[docs]class ChartVisualizationPlugin(ScriptVisualizationPlugin):
MAKO_TEMPLATE = "chart_entry_point.mako"
[docs]class StaticFileVisualizationPlugin(VisualizationPlugin):
A visualization plugin that starts by loading a static html file defined in
the visualization's config file.
# TODO: these are not embeddable by their nature - update config
# TODO: should do render/render_saved here since most of the calc done there is unneeded in this case
def _render(self, render_vars, trans=None, embedded=None, **kwargs):
Render the static file simply by reading and returning it.
render_vars["embedded"] = self._parse_embedded(embedded)
static_file_path = self.config["entry_point"]["file"]
static_file_path = os.path.join(self.path, static_file_path)
with open(static_file_path) as outfile:
return outfile.read()