
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.visualization.plugins.plugin

Visualization plugins: instantiate/deserialize data and models
from a query string and render a webpage based on those data.

import copy
import logging
import os
from typing import (

import mako.lookup

from galaxy.visualization.plugins import (
from galaxy.web import url_for

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ServesTemplatesPluginMixin: """ An object that renders (mako) template files from the server. """ path: str #: default number of templates to search for plugin template lookup DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_COLLECTION_SIZE = 10 def _set_up_template_plugin(self, template_cache_dir, additional_template_paths=None, **kwargs): """ Detect and set up template paths if the plugin serves templates. """ self.serves_templates = False if self._is_template_plugin(): self.template_path = self._build_template_path() self.template_lookup = self._build_template_lookup( template_cache_dir, additional_template_paths=additional_template_paths ) self.serves_templates = True return self.serves_templates def _is_template_plugin(self): return os.path.isdir(self._build_template_path()) def _build_template_path(self): return os.path.join(self.path, "templates") def _build_template_lookup( self, template_cache_dir, additional_template_paths=None, collection_size=DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_COLLECTION_SIZE ): """ Build a mako template filename lookup for the plugin. """ template_lookup_paths = self.template_path if additional_template_paths: template_lookup_paths = [template_lookup_paths] + additional_template_paths return mako.lookup.TemplateLookup( directories=template_lookup_paths, module_directory=template_cache_dir, collection_size=collection_size )
[docs]class VisualizationPlugin(ServesTemplatesPluginMixin): """ A plugin that instantiates resources, serves static files, and uses mako templates to render web pages. """
[docs] def __init__(self, app, path, name, config, context=None, **kwargs): context = context or {} self.app = app self.path = path self.name = name self.config = config base_url = context.get("base_url", "") self.base_url = "/".join((base_url, self.name)) if base_url else self.name self.static_path = self._get_static_path(self.path) if self.static_path and os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.static_path, "logo.png")): self.config["logo"] = f"{self.static_path}/logo.png" template_cache_dir = context.get("template_cache_dir", None) additional_template_paths = context.get("additional_template_paths", []) self._set_up_template_plugin(template_cache_dir, additional_template_paths=additional_template_paths) self.resource_parser = resource_parser.ResourceParser(app)
[docs] def render(self, trans=None, embedded=None, **kwargs): """ Render and return the text of the non-saved plugin webpage/fragment. """ # not saved - no existing config # set up render vars based on plugin.config and kwargs render_vars = self._build_render_vars({}, trans=trans, **kwargs) return self._render(render_vars, trans=trans, embedded=embedded)
[docs] def render_saved(self, visualization, trans=None, embedded=None, **kwargs): """ Render and return the text of the plugin webpage/fragment using the config/data of a saved visualization. """ config: Dict[str, Any] = self._get_saved_visualization_config(visualization, **kwargs) # pass the saved visualization config for parsing into render vars render_vars = self._build_render_vars(config, trans=trans, **kwargs) # update any values that were loaded from the saved Visualization render_vars.update( dict( title=visualization.latest_revision.title, saved_visualization=visualization, visualization_id=trans.security.encode_id(visualization.id), ) ) return self._render(render_vars, trans=trans, embedded=embedded)
[docs] def to_dict(self): return { "name": self.name, "html": self.config.get("name"), "description": self.config.get("description"), "logo": self.config.get("logo"), "title": self.config.get("title"), "target": self.config.get("render_target", "galaxy_main"), "embeddable": self.config.get("embeddable"), "entry_point": self.config.get("entry_point"), "settings": self.config.get("settings"), "specs": self.config.get("specs"), "tracks": self.config.get("tracks"), "href": self._get_url(), }
def _get_url(self): if self.name in self.app.visualizations_registry.BUILT_IN_VISUALIZATIONS: return url_for(controller="visualization", action=self.name) return url_for("visualization_plugin", visualization_name=self.name) def _get_static_path(self, path): if "/config/" in path: match = path.split("/config/")[-1] return os.path.join("./static", match, "static") else: log.debug(f"Visualization has no static path: {path}.") def _get_saved_visualization_config(self, visualization, revision=None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return the config of a saved visualization and revision. If no revision given, default to latest revision. """ # TODO: allow loading a specific revision - should be part of UsesVisualization return copy.copy(visualization.latest_revision.config) # ---- non-public def _build_render_vars(self, config: Dict[str, Any], trans=None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Build all the variables that will be passed into the renderer. """ render_vars: Dict[str, Any] = {} # Meta variables passed to the template/renderer to describe the visualization being rendered. render_vars.update( visualization_name=self.name, visualization_display_name=self.config["name"], title=kwargs.get("title", "Unnamed Visualization"), saved_visualization=None, visualization_id=None, visualization_plugin=self.to_dict(), # NOTE: passing *unparsed* kwargs as query query=kwargs, ) # config based on existing or kwargs render_config = self._build_config(config, trans=trans, **kwargs) render_vars["config"] = render_config # further parse config to resources (models, etc.) used in template based on registry config resources = self._config_to_resources(trans, render_config) render_vars.update(resources) return render_vars def _build_config(self, config, trans=None, **kwargs) -> utils.OpenObject: """ Build the configuration for this new/saved visualization by combining any existing config and the kwargs (gen. from the url query). """ # first, pull from any existing config if config: config = copy.copy(config) else: config = {} # then, overwrite with keys/values from kwargs (gen. a query string) config_from_kwargs = self._kwargs_to_config(trans, kwargs) config.update(config_from_kwargs) # to object format for easier querying config = utils.OpenObject(**config) return config # TODO: the difference between config & resources is unclear in this section - is it needed? def _kwargs_to_config(self, trans, kwargs): """ Given a kwargs dict (gen. a query string dict from a controller action), parse and return any key/value pairs found in the plugin's `params` section. """ expected_params = self.config.get("params", {}) config = self.resource_parser.parse_config(trans, expected_params, kwargs) return config def _config_to_resources(self, trans, config): """ Instantiate/deserialize the resources (HDAs, LDDAs, etc.) given in a visualization config into models/variables a visualization renderer can use. """ expected_params = self.config.get("params", {}) param_modifiers = self.config.get("param_modifiers", {}) resources = self.resource_parser.parse_parameter_dictionary(trans, expected_params, config, param_modifiers) return resources def _render(self, render_vars, trans=None, embedded=None, **kwargs): """ Render the visualization via Mako and the plugin's template file. """ render_vars["embedded"] = self._parse_embedded(embedded) # NOTE: (mako specific) vars is a dictionary for shared data in the template # this feels hacky to me but it's what mako recommends: # http://docs.makotemplates.org/en/latest/runtime.html render_vars.update(vars={}) template_filename = self.config["entry_point"]["file"] return trans.fill_template(template_filename, template_lookup=self.template_lookup, **render_vars) def _parse_embedded(self, embedded): """ Parse information on dimensions, readonly, etc. from the embedded query val. """ # as is for now return embedded
[docs]class ScriptVisualizationPlugin(VisualizationPlugin): """ A visualization plugin that starts by loading a single (js) script. The script is loaded into a pre-defined mako template: `config/plugins/visualizations/common/templates/script_entry_point.mako` """ MAKO_TEMPLATE = "script_entry_point.mako" def _is_template_plugin(self): """ Override to always yield true since this plugin type always uses the pre-determined mako template. """ return True def _render(self, render_vars, trans=None, embedded=None, **kwargs): """ Override to add script attributes and point mako at the script entry point template. """ render_vars["embedded"] = self._parse_embedded(embedded) render_vars["static_url"] = url_for(f"/{self.static_path}/") render_vars.update(vars={}) render_vars.update({"script_attributes": self.config["entry_point"]["attr"]}) template_filename = os.path.join(self.MAKO_TEMPLATE) return trans.fill_template(template_filename, template_lookup=self.template_lookup, **render_vars)
[docs]class ChartVisualizationPlugin(ScriptVisualizationPlugin): MAKO_TEMPLATE = "chart_entry_point.mako"
[docs]class StaticFileVisualizationPlugin(VisualizationPlugin): """ A visualization plugin that starts by loading a static html file defined in the visualization's config file. """ # TODO: these are not embeddable by their nature - update config # TODO: should do render/render_saved here since most of the calc done there is unneeded in this case def _render(self, render_vars, trans=None, embedded=None, **kwargs): """ Render the static file simply by reading and returning it. """ render_vars["embedded"] = self._parse_embedded(embedded) render_vars.update(vars={}) static_file_path = self.config["entry_point"]["file"] static_file_path = os.path.join(self.path, static_file_path) with open(static_file_path) as outfile: return outfile.read()