
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins package

This module describes the abstract interface for InstrumentPlugin.

These are responsible for collecting and formatting a coherent set of metrics.

class galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.ErrorPlugin[source]

Bases: object

Describes how to send bug reports to various locations.

abstract property plugin_type

Short string providing labelling this plugin

submit_report(dataset, job, tool, **kwargs)[source]

Submit the bug report and render a string to be displayed to the user.


galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.base_git module

This module defines the common functions for error reporting for Galaxy jobs towards Git applications (e.g. Github/GitLab).

class galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.base_git.BaseGitPlugin[source]

Bases: ErrorPlugin

Base definition to send error reports to a Git repository provider

issue_cache: Dict[str, Dict] = {}
ts_urls: Dict[str, str] = {}
ts_repo_cache: Dict[str, Dict] = {}
git_project_cache: Dict[str, Dict] = {}
label_cache: Dict[str, Dict] = {}
git_username_id_cache: Dict[str, str] = {}
git_default_repo_owner = False
git_default_repo_name = False
git_default_repo_only = True

galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.email module

The module describes the email error plugin.

class galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.email.EmailPlugin(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ErrorPlugin

Send error report as an email

plugin_type = 'email'
submit_report(dataset, job, tool, **kwargs)[source]

Send report as an email

galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.github module

The module describes the github error plugin plugin.

class galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.github.GithubPlugin(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseGitPlugin

Send error report to GitHub.

plugin_type = 'github'
submit_report(dataset, job, tool, **kwargs)[source]

Submit the error report to sentry

get_label(label, git_project, issue_cache_key)[source]

galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.gitlab module

The module describes the gitlab error plugin plugin.

class galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.gitlab.GitLabPlugin(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseGitPlugin

Send error report to GitLab.

plugin_type = 'gitlab'
submit_report(dataset, job, tool, **kwargs)[source]

Submit the error report to GitLab

galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.influxdb module

The module describes the influxdb error plugin plugin.

class galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.influxdb.InfluxDBPlugin(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ErrorPlugin

Send error report to InfluxDB

plugin_type = 'influxdb'
submit_report(dataset, job, tool, **kwargs)[source]

Submit the error report to sentry

galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.json module

The module describes the json error plugin.

class galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.json.JsonPlugin(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ErrorPlugin

Write error report to a JSON file.

plugin_type = 'json'
submit_report(dataset, job, tool, **kwargs)[source]

Write the report to a json file.

galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.sentry module

The module describes the sentry error plugin.

class galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.sentry.SentryPlugin(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ErrorPlugin

Send error report to Sentry.

plugin_type = 'sentry'
submit_report(dataset, job, tool, **kwargs)[source]

Submit the error report to Sentry.