This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.
Source code for galaxy.web.framework.decorators
import logging
from functools import wraps
from inspect import getfullargspec
from json import loads
from traceback import format_exc
from typing import (
import paste.httpexceptions
from pydantic import (
from galaxy.exceptions import (
from galaxy.exceptions.utils import api_error_to_dict
from galaxy.util import (
from galaxy.util.json import safe_dumps
from galaxy.web.framework import url_for
from fastapi.exceptions import RequestValidationError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
JSONP_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/javascript"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- web controller decorators
def _save_orig_fn(wrapped, orig):
if not hasattr(orig, "_orig"):
wrapped._orig = orig
return wrapped
def expose(func):
Decorator: mark a function as 'exposed' and thus web accessible
func.exposed = True
return func
def json(func, pretty=False):
Format the response as JSON and set the response content type to
def call_and_format(self, trans, *args, **kwargs):
# pull out any callback argument to the api endpoint and set the content type to json or javascript
jsonp_callback = kwargs.pop(JSONP_CALLBACK_KEY, None)
if jsonp_callback:
rval = func(self, trans, *args, **kwargs)
return format_return_as_json(rval, jsonp_callback, pretty=(pretty or trans.debug))
if not hasattr(func, "_orig"):
call_and_format._orig = func
return expose(_save_orig_fn(call_and_format, func))
def require_login(verb="perform this action", use_panels=False):
def argcatcher(func):
def decorator(self, trans, *args, **kwargs):
if trans.get_user():
return func(self, trans, *args, **kwargs)
redirect_url = url_for(controller=trans.controller, action=trans.action)
query_string = trans.environ.get("QUERY_STRING", "")
if query_string:
redirect_url = f"{redirect_url}?{query_string}"
href = url_for(controller="login", redirect=redirect_url)
return trans.show_error_message(
f'You must be <a target="galaxy_main" href="{href}" class="require-login-link">logged in</a> to {verb}.',
return decorator
return argcatcher
def require_admin(func):
def decorator(self, trans, *args, **kwargs):
if not trans.user_is_admin:
msg = require_admin_message(trans.app.config, trans.get_user())
trans.response.status = 403
content_type = trans.response.get_content_type()
# content_type for instance may be... application/json; charset=UTF-8
if "application/json" in content_type:
return __api_error_dict(trans, status_code=403, err_code=error_codes.ADMIN_REQUIRED, err_msg=msg)
return trans.show_error_message(msg)
return func(self, trans, *args, **kwargs)
return decorator
def require_admin_message(config, user):
if not config.admin_users_list:
msg = "You must be logged in as an administrator to access this feature, but no administrators are set in the Galaxy configuration."
elif not user:
msg = "You must be logged in as an administrator to access this feature."
msg = "You must be an administrator to access this feature."
return msg
def do_not_cache(func):
Sets cache-prevention headers for the request.
def set_nocache_headers(self, trans, *args, **kwargs):
trans.response.headers["Cache-Control"] = ["no-cache", "no-store", "must-revalidate"]
trans.response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"
trans.response.headers["Expires"] = "0"
return func(self, trans, *args, **kwargs)
return set_nocache_headers
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (original) api decorators
def legacy_expose_api(func, to_json=True, user_required=True):
Expose this function via the API.
def decorator(self, trans, *args, **kwargs):
def error(environ, start_response):
start_response(error_status, [("Content-type", "text/plain")])
return error_message
error_status = "403 Forbidden"
if trans.error_message:
return trans.error_message
if user_required and trans.anonymous:
error_message = "API Authentication Required for this request"
return error
if trans.request.is_body_readable:
kwargs["payload"] = __extract_payload_from_request(trans, func, kwargs)
except ValueError:
error_status = "400 Bad Request"
error_message = "Your request did not appear to be valid JSON, please consult the API documentation"
return error
# pull out any callback argument to the api endpoint and set the content type to json or javascript
jsonp_callback = kwargs.pop(JSONP_CALLBACK_KEY, None)
if jsonp_callback:
# send 'do not cache' headers to handle IE's caching of ajax get responses
trans.response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store"
# Perform api_run_as processing, possibly changing identity
if "payload" in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["payload"], dict) and "run_as" in kwargs["payload"]:
if not trans.user_can_do_run_as:
error_message = "User does not have permissions to run jobs as another user"
return error
decoded_user_id = trans.security.decode_id(kwargs["payload"]["run_as"])
except TypeError:
trans.response.status = 400
return f"Malformed user id ( {str(kwargs['payload']['run_as'])} ) specified, unable to decode."
user = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).get(decoded_user_id)
except Exception:
trans.response.status = 400
return "That user does not exist."
rval = func(self, trans, *args, **kwargs)
if to_json:
rval = format_return_as_json(rval, jsonp_callback, pretty=trans.debug)
return rval
except paste.httpexceptions.HTTPException:
raise # handled
except Exception:
log.exception("Uncaught exception in exposed API method:")
raise paste.httpexceptions.HTTPServerError()
return expose(_save_orig_fn(decorator, func))
def __extract_payload_from_request(trans, func, kwargs):
content_type = trans.request.headers.get("content-type", "")
if content_type.startswith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") or content_type.startswith("multipart/form-data"):
# If the content type is a standard type such as multipart/form-data, the wsgi framework parses the request body
# and loads all field values into kwargs. However, kwargs also contains formal method parameters etc. which
# are not a part of the request body. This is a problem because it's not possible to differentiate between values
# which are a part of the request body, and therefore should be a part of the payload, and values which should not be
# in the payload. Therefore, the decorated method's formal arguments are discovered through reflection and removed from
# the payload dictionary. This helps to prevent duplicate argument conflicts in downstream methods.
payload = kwargs.copy()
named_args = getfullargspec(func).args
for arg in named_args:
payload.pop(arg, None)
for k, v in payload.items():
if isinstance(v, str):
# note: parse_non_hex_float only needed here for single string values where something like
# 40000000000000e5 will be parsed as a scientific notation float. This is as opposed to hex strings
# in larger JSON structures where quoting prevents this (further below)
payload[k] = loads(v, parse_float=parse_non_hex_float)
except Exception:
# may not actually be json, just continue
elif content_type == "application/offset+octet-stream":
return unicodify(trans.request.body)
# Assume application/json content type and parse request body manually, since wsgi won't do it. However, the order of this check
# should ideally be in reverse, with the if clause being a check for application/json and the else clause assuming a standard encoding
# such as multipart/form-data. Leaving it as is for backward compatibility, just in case.
payload = loads(unicodify(trans.request.body))
if run_as := trans.request.headers.get("run-as"):
payload["run_as"] = run_as
return payload
def legacy_expose_api_raw(func):
Expose this function via the API but don't dump the results
to JSON.
return legacy_expose_api(func, to_json=False)
def legacy_expose_api_raw_anonymous(func):
Expose this function via the API but don't dump the results
to JSON.
return legacy_expose_api(func, to_json=False, user_required=False)
def legacy_expose_api_anonymous(func, to_json=True):
Expose this function via the API but don't require a set user.
return legacy_expose_api(func, to_json=to_json, user_required=False)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (new) api decorators
def expose_api(func, to_json=True, user_required=True, user_or_session_required=True, handle_jsonp=True):
Expose this function via the API.
def decorator(self, trans, *args, **kwargs):
# errors passed in from trans._authenticate_api
if trans.error_message:
return __api_error_response(
trans, status_code=403, err_code=error_codes.USER_NO_API_KEY, err_msg=trans.error_message
if trans.anonymous:
# error if anon and user required
if user_required:
return __api_error_response(
err_msg="API authentication required for this request",
# error if anon and no session
if not trans.galaxy_session and user_or_session_required:
return __api_error_response(
err_msg="API authentication or Galaxy session required for this request",
if trans.request.is_body_readable:
kwargs["payload"] = __extract_payload_from_request(trans, func, kwargs)
except ValueError:
error_code = error_codes.USER_INVALID_JSON
return __api_error_response(trans, status_code=400, err_code=error_code)
# pull out any callback argument to the api endpoint and set the content type to json or javascript
# TODO: use handle_jsonp to NOT overwrite existing tool_shed JSONP
jsonp_callback = kwargs.pop(JSONP_CALLBACK_KEY, None) if handle_jsonp else None
if jsonp_callback:
# send 'do not cache' headers to handle IE's caching of ajax get responses
trans.response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store"
# TODO: Refactor next block out into a helper procedure.
# Perform api_run_as processing, possibly changing identity
if "payload" in kwargs and "run_as" in kwargs["payload"]:
if not trans.user_can_do_run_as:
error_code = error_codes.USER_CANNOT_RUN_AS
return __api_error_response(trans, err_code=error_code, status_code=403)
decoded_user_id = trans.security.decode_id(kwargs["payload"]["run_as"])
except (TypeError, ValueError):
error_message = f"Malformed user id ( {str(kwargs['payload']['run_as'])} ) specified, unable to decode."
error_code = error_codes.USER_INVALID_RUN_AS
return __api_error_response(trans, err_code=error_code, err_msg=error_message, status_code=400)
user = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).get(decoded_user_id)
except Exception:
error_code = error_codes.USER_INVALID_RUN_AS
return __api_error_response(trans, err_code=error_code, status_code=400)
rval = func(self, trans, *args, **kwargs)
except ValidationError as e:
raise validation_error_to_message_exception(e)
if to_json:
rval = format_return_as_json(rval, jsonp_callback, pretty=trans.debug)
return rval
except MessageException as e:
traceback_string = format_exc()
return __api_error_response(trans, exception=e, traceback=traceback_string)
except paste.httpexceptions.HTTPException:
# TODO: Allow to pass or format for the API???
raise # handled
except Exception as e:
traceback_string = format_exc()
error_message = "Uncaught exception in exposed API method:"
return __api_error_response(
if not hasattr(func, "_orig"):
decorator._orig = func
decorator.exposed = True
return decorator
def format_return_as_json(rval, jsonp_callback=None, pretty=False):
Formats a return value as JSON or JSONP if `jsonp_callback` is present.
Use `pretty=True` to return pretty printed json.
dumps_kwargs = dict(indent=4, sort_keys=True) if pretty else {}
if isinstance(rval, BaseModel):
json = rval.model_dump_json(indent=4)
json = safe_dumps(rval, **dumps_kwargs)
if jsonp_callback:
json = f"{jsonp_callback}({json});"
return json
def validation_error_to_message_exception(e: Union[ValidationError, "RequestValidationError"]) -> MessageException:
invalid_found = False
missing_found = False
messages = []
clean_validation_errors = []
for error in e.errors():
messages.append(f"{error['msg']} in {error['loc']}")
if error["type"] == "missing" or error["type"] == "type_error.none.not_allowed":
missing_found = True
elif error["type"].startswith("type_error"):
invalid_found = True
# ctx contains data that can't be serialized, like exception instances
error.pop("ctx", None)
except TypeError:
if missing_found and not invalid_found:
return RequestParameterMissingException("\n".join(messages), validation_errors=clean_validation_errors)
return RequestParameterInvalidException("\n".join(messages), validation_errors=clean_validation_errors)
def __api_error_dict(trans, **kwds):
error_dict = api_error_to_dict(debug=trans.debug, **kwds)
exception = kwds.get("exception", None)
# If we are given an status code directly - use it - otherwise check
# the exception for a status_code attribute.
if "status_code" in kwds:
status_code = int(kwds.get("status_code"))
elif hasattr(exception, "status_code"):
status_code = int(exception.status_code)
status_code = 500
response = trans.response
if not response.status or str(response.status).startswith("20"):
# Unset status code appears to be string '200 OK', if anything
# non-success (i.e. not 200 or 201) has been set, do not override
# underlying controller.
response.status = status_code
return error_dict
def __api_error_response(trans, **kwds):
error_dict = __api_error_dict(trans, **kwds)
return safe_dumps(error_dict)
def expose_api_anonymous(func, to_json=True):
Expose this function via the API but don't require a set user.
return expose_api(func, to_json=to_json, user_required=False)
def expose_api_anonymous_and_sessionless(func, to_json=True):
Expose this function via the API but don't require a user or a galaxy_session.
return expose_api(func, to_json=to_json, user_required=False, user_or_session_required=False)
def expose_api_raw_anonymous(func):
return expose_api(func, to_json=False, user_required=False)
def expose_api_raw_anonymous_and_sessionless(func):
# TODO: tool_shed api implemented JSONP first on a method-by-method basis, don't overwrite that for now
return expose_api(func, to_json=False, user_required=False, user_or_session_required=False, handle_jsonp=False)