24.0 Galaxy Release (March 2024)

New Workflow List and Card View. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance user experience, we are proud to announce several new improvements to the workflows user interface, including workflow list view, workflow card view and workflow quick view. These improvements also include new tabs for “My workflows” (owned by the user), “Shared with me” (shared by other users) and “Published workflows” (publicly accessible workflows).
New select component for selecting a large amount of options. This new tool form component improves selecting many options at once. The elements interface features a table based layout which can be filtered using plain-text or regular expressions. Options can be added individually, in bulk via the filter value, or by highlighting a range. It appears when there are many options available in a multi-select field, but can also be switched to/from and can be set as a default directly from within the tool form.
Multiple item drag and drop and keyboard navigation. This new feature allows users to select multiple history items and drag and drop them into other histories or even tool forms! Users can also navigate their history using the arrow keys; multiple history items can be selected with the Shift + ArrowUp/ArrowDown key combination.
image_diff. For tool developers, image_diff, a new comparison method for test output verification using images has been added. Unlike previously used comparison methods, image_diff is specifically tailored for single-channel and multi-channel image data (e.g. RGB). The difference of a pair of images is quantified as the pixel-wise distance between the images, for which different metrics can be used. A pair of images is considered to be equal in terms of the specified metric, if the distance between the images computed with respect to the metric is not above a given threshold. For more details, see the original pull request).
Other notable improvements include consolidating resource grids for histories, visualizations and pages into tab views; the addition of a new UI feature for “relocating” a dataset to a different storage location; and, for tool developers, a new comparison method for test output verification using images. Check out the 24.0 user release notes for all the details.
Are you an admin? See the Administration Notes below, and check out some admin relevant PRs.
Get Galaxy
The code lives at GitHub and you should have Git to obtain it.
- To get a new Galaxy repository run:
$ git clone -b release_24.0 https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy.git
- To update an existing Galaxy repository run:
$ git fetch origin && git checkout release_24.0 && git pull --ff-only origin release_24.0
See the community hub for additional details on source code locations.
Administration Notes
A new built-in tool has been added: “Harmonize two collections”. It takes two collections as input. Outputs are two collections with the same identifiers, with identifiers that are specific to one or the other removed. The tool creates new history datasets from the collection, but the user’s quota usage does not increase. ( #16662)
A new object store plugin for the Rucio data management system has been added. (#17156)
The wig_to_bigWig tool removed; replaced by Wigbigwig. (#17328)
Notification Broadcasts Admin Panel has been enhanced. (#17090)
Setting dataset permissions for typical users has been simplified. (#17166)
When a user is deleted, all active user jobs will be canceled. (#17390)
Job resubmissions have been enabled in the k8s runner. (#17324)
Documentation has been added for tool panel and panel view administration. (#17078)
Documentation has been added on how to use vault keys in file sources. (#17498)
The release notes webhook has been dropped in favor of utilizing the notification system. (#17675)
Python 3.8 is now a minimum requirement. (#16954)
Python 3.12 is now supported. (#16796)
Configuration Changes
The following configuration options are new
The following configuration options have been changed
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tus_upload_store.desc has changed from
The upload store is a temporary directory in which files uploaded by the tus middleware or server will be placed. Defaults to new_file_path if not set.
The upload store is a temporary directory in which files uploaded by the tus middleware or server for user uploads will be placed. Defaults to new_file_path if not set.
Release Notes
24.0 release notes (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17610
New Workflow List and Card View (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 16607
Add harmonize collections tool (or whatever other name) (thanks to @lldelisle). Pull Request 16662
Add support for Python 3.12 (thanks to @tuncK). Pull Request 16796
Support for OIDC API Auth and OIDC integration tests (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 16977
New select component for selecting a large amount of options (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17059
Qiskit in galaxy (thanks to @thepineapplepirate). Pull Request 17170
Add accepted extensions to form data input (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17238
Allow job files to consume TUS uploads (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17242
API endpoint that allows “changing” the objectstore for “safe” scenarios. (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17329
Allow using tool data bundles as inputs to reference data select parameters (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17435
Tag Autocomplete Rework (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17469
Add magres datatype (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 17499
Add encode ID API endpoint (thanks to @mira-miracoli). Pull Request 17510
Fixing data_source tools and incrementing tool profile (thanks to @wm75). Pull Request 17515
Add npy datatype (thanks to @astrovsky01). Pull Request 17517
Add basic TIFF Image visualization (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17553
Replaces Trackster Grids with Data Dialog, Removes Phyloviz, Circster and Sweepster (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17415
Enhance Avivator display app to support regular Tiffs (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17554
Make columns types an empty list for empty tabular data (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 13918
Add support for (fast5.tar).xz binary compressed files (thanks to @tuncK). Pull Request 17106
Add a3m datatype (thanks to @astrovsky01). Pull Request 17217
Add binary datatypes for intermediate output of fastk tools (thanks to @astrovsky01). Pull Request 17265
Faster FASTA and FASTQ metadata setting (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17462
Feature SBOL datatypes (thanks to @guillaume-gricourt). Pull Request 17482
Better display of estimated line numbers and add number of columns for tabular (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17492
Hide wig_to_bigWig tool (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17328
Update RStudio GxIT to use the reworked 23.1 image (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 17533
Toward declarative help for Galaxy markdown directives (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16979
Add select parameter with options from remote resources (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17087
Expose more tool information / navigability in UI
(thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17105
Overhaul Galaxy Markdown Help (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17228
Consider Null inputs (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17271
Display workflow invocation counts (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17488
Filter out subworkflow invocations (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17558
Links to individual invocations (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17566
Add help text to workflow invocation states (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17569
Enable job resubmissions in k8s runner (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 17324
Proxy Access-Control-* headers when using x-accel-redirect (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17842
Add docs for tool panel and panel view administration (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17078
Convert sample object store configuration to YAML and support configuring inline (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 17222
Add documentation on how to use vault keys in file sources (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17498
Fix Multi-History status bar reactivity (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17812
Allow admin to sharpen language about selected object stores (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17806
Fix activity bar unreachable in some pages (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17860
Record missing outputs as test errors (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17874
Moves archived histories from Masthead to Histories Grid (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17649
Change user-facing language from “object store” to “storage location” (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 17763
Restore histories API behavior for keys query parameter (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17779
Prompt user to change default history permissions (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17782
Fix datasets API custom keys encoding (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17793
Improved error messages for runtime sharing problems (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17794
build_mulled: also use namespace for building singularity images (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15657
Implement Galaxy Markdown directive history_dataset_as_table (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16681
Add test and doc showing how dynamic selects are used (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 16885
Dataset Display : force reload on subsequent clicks (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16982
Extend regex groups in stdio regex matches (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17016
Add Ahmed as a committer (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17017
Vueify Admin User Grid (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17030
Migrate ItemTags API to FastAPI (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 17064
Use eventbus to emit route request in grid list (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17070
Split linters in separate classes (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17081
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 17084
Enhance Notification Broadcasts Admin Panel (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17090
Make notification message input multi-line (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17091
Make flex panel drag handle more obvious (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17113
Vueify Admin Roles Grid (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17118
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 17123
Vueify Admin Groups Grid (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17126
Vueify Admin Forms and Quota grids (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17141
Create pydantic model for the return of show operation - get: /api/jobs/{job_id} (thanks to @heisner-tillman). Pull Request 17153
Adding object store plugin for Rucio (thanks to @SergeyYakubov). Pull Request 17156
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 17157
Don’t require admin user to list
(thanks to @jozh2008). Pull Request 17161Much simpler default dataset permissions for typical users (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17166
Add future=True flag to SA engine (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17174
Add future=True flag to SA session (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17179
Clarify the meaning of lexical sorting of discovered datasets (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17190
Accept any number of arguments to the secret decoder ring (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 17191
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 17201
Vueifiy History Grids (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17219
Improve links to Hub, Matrix and WGs in
(thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 17221Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 17230
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 17235
Workflow node connector improvements (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17240
Workflow node connector improvements followup (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17244
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 17247
Add History Multiview activity+panel, add “Show Recent” mode to multiview (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17251
Add OIDC backend configuration schema and validation (thanks to @uwwint). Pull Request 17274
Adds delete, purge and undelete batch operations to History Grid (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17282
Fix any type for tool_data_file_path (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17293
(thanks to @lldelisle). Pull Request 17294Make Workflow Editor Toolbar Toggleable (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17297
Adjust Flex Panel Drag Handle and Collapse Button (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17298
New Activity bar - Notifications (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 17300
Fix s3fs templating (thanks to @bgruening). Pull Request 17311
Document SQLAlchemy session lifespan (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17322
Add documentation for data source tool (thanks to @PlushZ). Pull Request 17327
Custom Multiselect (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17331
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 17333
Unify continuous polling with composable (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17355
Add element_identifier and ext to inputs config file export (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17357
Add name_eq and genome_build_eq filters to HistoryFilters (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17389
Cancel all active jobs when the user is deleted (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17390
Some additional typing for test interactor stuff (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17398
Allow removing last value from multi select field (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17403
Enable comments in package dag file (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17408
Purge groups and roles from DB (for real) (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17411
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 17420
Add signpost to training material (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 17421
UI for “relocating” a dataset to a new object store (when safe) (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17437
Freeze (make sticky) header row in tabular files (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 17455
Move Activity Bar Settings to Activity (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17457
Move Visualizations Activity to Side Panel (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17458
Allow filtering history datasets by object store ID and quota source (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17460
Update release process documentation (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17461
Use short link for TPV shared database (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 17467
data_column parameter: use column_names metadata if present (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17478
Type annotation and refactoring of tests (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 17484
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 17486
Consolidate resource grids into tab views (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17487
Update k8s docker python to 3.12 (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 17494
Add multiple drag/drop and keyboard accessible selection to HistoryPanel items (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17502
Add gxadmin to docker and update branch (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 17521
Enable workflow buttons right click (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 17529
Workflow list small tweaks (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17538
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 17541
Remove virtual scroller from History (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17546
Add image_diff comparison method for test output verification using images (thanks to @kostrykin). Pull Request 17556
Add shm_size based on ShmSize (thanks to @richard-burhans). Pull Request 17565
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 17580
Add migrations revision identifier for 24.0 (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17589
Drop release notes webhook (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17675
Port invocation API to fastapi (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16707
SQLAlchemy 2.0 upgrades (part 5) (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16932
Python 3.8 as minimum (thanks to @mr-c). Pull Request 16954
Migrate groups API to fastAPI (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 17051
Remove web framework dependency from tools (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17058
Migrate job destination parameters store to Pinia (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17119
SA2.0 updates: handling “object is being merged into a Session along the backref cascade path” (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17122
Towards SQLAlchemy 2.0: fix last cases of RemovedIn20Warning (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17132
Migrate dataset extra files store to Pinia (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17145
Add simpleKeyStore composable (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17148
Remove legacy tool versions list from admin panel (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17155
Convert dataset path destination store to composable (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17175
Replace discouraged Mambaforge with Miniforge3 (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 17177
Drop fastapi-utils.InferringRouter in favor of fastapi.APIRouter (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17184
Migrate workflow invocation store to Pinia (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17203
Vendorize fastapi-utls.cbv (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17205
Fix usage of graphene-sqlalchemy, bump to 3.0.0rc1 (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17216
Reuse test instance during non-integration tests (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17234
Refactor two of the missing invocation routes to FastAPI (thanks to @heisner-tillman). Pull Request 17237
Build and cache galaxy client for selenium and startup tests (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17239
Migrate models to pydantic 2 (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17262
Improve ModelManager type hints (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17299
Scoped Store Refactor and Store Composition Refactor (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17304
Port HistoryPanel component to composition API and typescript (thanks to @Renni771). Pull Request 17318
Remove remaining Vuex stores and dependencies (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17348
History refactors (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 17353
Convert entryPointStore to composition API + TS (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17356
Remove unused statements in job search function (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17361
mypy option (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17365Fix type annotation of code using XML etree (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 17367
Combines legacy qv-pattern and advanced filter pattern in history index endpoint (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17368
Add explicit cache_ok attribute to JSONType subclass (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17376
More specific type annotation for
(thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 17381Update to black 2024 stable style (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 17391
Refactor MarkdownDialog.vue to ts+composition (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17399
Update current version to 24.0.dev0 (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17402
Removes outdated Grid controller and backbone modules (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17434
Modernize bits and pieces of storage display (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17436
Refactor Common components (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 17441
Adds published histories to grid list (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17449
Refactor Workflow API routes - Part 1 (thanks to @heisner-tillman). Pull Request 17463
Citation refactors (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 17483
Refactor Workflow Import components (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 17495
Removes legacy history xml makos (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17505
Remove legacy phyloviz, circster and sweepster artifacts (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17573
Fix for fits_image_viewer visualization plugin (thanks to @francoismg). Pull Request 17002
Fix for converter tests (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17188
Correct dbkey for minerva display app (thanks to @hexylena). Pull Request 17196
Make WorkflowInput label, value and uuid optional (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17638
Prevent 500 for anon /api/invocations (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17640
Fix step type serialization for StoredWorkflowDetailed models (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17716
Fix input parameter step type (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17767
parameter use (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17768Fix change_datatype PJA for dynamic collections (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17803
Render Useful Markdown Components for Mapped Over Steps (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17198
Fix invocation serialization if no state was set (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17278
Fix workflow report markdown editor toolbox becoming non-responsive (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17427
Workflow anonymous user buttons (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 17537
Fix typescript warning for grid list operation (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17065
Bump @adobe/css-tools from 4.3.1 to 4.3.2 in /client (thanks to @dependabot[bot]). Pull Request 17115
Bump yaml from 2.1.1 to 2.3.4 in /client (thanks to @dependabot[bot]). Pull Request 17125
Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.1 to 1.15.4 in /client (thanks to @dependabot[bot]). Pull Request 17260
Bump undici from 5.26.5 to 5.28.3 in /client (thanks to @dependabot[bot]). Pull Request 17485
Ignore user data table errors for now (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17880
Also set extension and metadata on copies of job outputs when finishing job (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17777
Optional Reply-to SMTP header in tool error reports (thanks to @neoformit). Pull Request 17243
Fix tool panel loading delay (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17847
Fix archived histories mixing with active in histories list (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17856
Minor refactor of query building logic for readability (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17835
Fix help forum integration uses long ID (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17844
Embed fix (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17852
Embed download fix (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17861
Wait for config to load with user prefs options (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 17865
Fix bugs relating to history keyboard navigation (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17587
test (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 17612Increase ContentItem clickable area (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17621
Do not link to invocations for workflow that has never run (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 17626
Add basic model import attribute validation (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17628
Make latest_workflow_uuid optional (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17629
More efficient change_state queries, maybe fix deadlock (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17632
Fix tool panel workflow and favorites button bugs (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17634
Default sort all grid histories the same (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 17635
Fix workflow person validation (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17636
Fix DataResult type (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17639
Don’t fail for anon /api/users request (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17645
Don’t index tasks without task_uuid (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17646
Fix history panel arrow navigate by id bug, add HistoryOperations to HistoryView and prevent item selection in unowned histories (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17648
Fix shared item details and initial filters (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 17651
Fix history filters taking up space in GridList (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17652
Fix syntax for SA2.0 (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17663
Grid filtering bug fixes (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17684
Purge history from history panel (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17685
Fix contentitem display routing. (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17687
Workflow Comment Indexing (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17700
Fix incorrect history item count in histories lists (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17714
Improve published histories listing performance in UI (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17717
Fix archived histories tab anonymous access (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17719
Fix Collection Scrolling not showing all items (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17720
Fix Workflow Name Display in WorkflowCard to Prevent Bleeding Over Borders (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 17721
Always display grid pagination on the right (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17722
Fix histories API index_query serialization (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17726
Fix source history update_time being updated when importing a public history (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17728
Handle missing indexer for a dataset (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17736
Fix overflowing and hiding of storage popovers (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 17742
Revise language around non-private object stores (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 17744
Fix tag sorting (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17753
Datasets list anonymous access and history link fixes (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17756
Fix usage of DISTINCT (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17759
Prevent dragover for item from same history in history panel (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17761
Improve Shift+Click select in history panel and add it for ContentItem selector checkboxes as well (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17762
Don’t require history to calculate anon disk usage (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17765
Fix anon user values again (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17772
Add missing fields in histories listings (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17775
Fix anonymous user create, run and import workflows (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 17776
hg clone --stream
to clone repos (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17786Avoid showing a shareable URL with the default slug/username (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17788
Swap history dropdown from using the tiny caret to faBars. (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17791
Fix visualization activity plugin list images (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17792
Defer job attributes that are usually not needed (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17795
Fix new default history creation when in remote or single user mode (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17796
Return published histories first in display_by_username_and_slug (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17808
Show full Data menu when in single user mode (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17815
Remove link to non existent page from Data menu (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 17816
Simplify nested collection joins (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17817
Fix very slow user data table query (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17830
Fix optional types in Help Forum API (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17832
Update db revision 24.0 release tags (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17834
Update tour testing selector usage (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14005
Enhance Global Drag-and-Drop feature for Upload component (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 16995
Add history items display state for collections/lists with failed or new populated_state (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 16996
Enhancement to Tool Form page, Repeating form fields implement parameter instructions (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 17018
Prevent excessive api/tool_panels calls by keeping views in store (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17039
Allow relative URLs in broadcasts action links (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17042
xsd: reorder choices for permissive boolean (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17187
Update DatasetError.vue to fix broken link (thanks to @jennaj). Pull Request 17193
Reload built-in converters on toolbox reload (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17209
tus wants a json response from v2.0.0 (thanks to @mira-miracoli). Pull Request 17246
Add missing re-usable commit-id output (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 17248
Allow for upper case container tags (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17254
Fixes for output discovery (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17266
Fix Workflow Comment Model for Pydantic 2 (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17296
Package tests fixes (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 17301
Follow-up on #17274 and #17262 (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 17302
LDAP3 fix for attributes returned as strings (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17305
Fix quotas ID encoding (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17335
Fixes for flake8-bugbear 24.1.17 (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 17340
Fix model store exports that include implicit conversions. (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17346
Escape pipe character in tool XSD docs (thanks to @neoformit). Pull Request 17359
XSD schema doc building: quote pipe characters in attribute tables (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17364
Fix minor oidc_backends_config comment bug (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17385
Fix activity-settings hidden behind left side panel bug (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17392
Fix z-index in BroadcastContainer.vue (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 17401
Fix IUC best practices links, mention data_source_async in XSD (thanks to @wm75). Pull Request 17409
Fix data_source and data_source_async bugs (thanks to @wm75). Pull Request 17422
Only check access permissions in
(thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17444More defensive access of extra props in filesources (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 17445
Fix datasetStore.saveDatasets bug (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 17448
Fix text to match options in HistoryStorageOverview (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 17450
Add tool XML schema documention for outputs - collection - data (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17465
Fix for a regression change - auto-select/highlight file name text (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 17466
Exclude password reset link from login form where users don’t have the ability to manage accounts (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17473
has_size assertion: implement size (as synonym for value) (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17490
Stringify cgroups metrics formatted value return (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17520
API test re-running (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 17547Change default milestone to target 24.1 (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 17549
Drop plugin-based new user welcome (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 17568
Apply default theme to theme selector (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 17583
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