Source code for galaxy.managers.folders

Manager and Serializer for Library Folders.

import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import (

from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.exc import (
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased

from galaxy import (
from galaxy.exceptions import (
from galaxy.model import (
from galaxy.model.base import transaction
from galaxy.model.scoped_session import galaxy_scoped_session
from galaxy.schema.schema import LibraryFolderContentsIndexQueryPayload
from import RBACAgent

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class SecurityParams: """Contains security data bundled for reusability.""" user_role_ids: List[model.Role] security_agent: RBACAgent is_admin: bool
LDDA_SORT_COLUMN_MAP = { "name": lambda ldda, dataset:, "description": lambda ldda, dataset: ldda.message, "type": lambda ldda, dataset: ldda.extension, "size": lambda ldda, dataset: dataset.file_size, "update_time": lambda ldda, dataset: ldda.update_time, } FOLDER_SORT_COLUMN_MAP = { "name": lambda folder:, "description": lambda folder: folder.description, "update_time": lambda folder: folder.update_time, } # =============================================================================
[docs]class FolderManager: """ Interface/service object for interacting with folders. """
[docs] def get(self, trans, decoded_folder_id: int, check_manageable: bool = False, check_accessible: bool = True): """ Get the folder from the DB. :param decoded_folder_id: decoded folder id :param check_manageable: flag whether the check that user can manage item :param check_accessible: flag whether to check that user can access item :returns: the requested folder :rtype: LibraryFolder :raises: InconsistentDatabase, RequestParameterInvalidException, InternalServerError """ try: folder = get_folder(trans.sa_session, decoded_folder_id) except MultipleResultsFound: raise InconsistentDatabase("Multiple folders found with the same id.") except NoResultFound: raise RequestParameterInvalidException("No folder found with the id provided.") except Exception as e: raise InternalServerError(f"Error loading from the database.{util.unicodify(e)}") folder =, folder, check_manageable, check_accessible) return folder
[docs] def secure(self, trans, folder, check_manageable=True, check_accessible=True): """ Check if (a) user can manage folder or (b) folder is accessible to user. :param folder: folder item :type folder: LibraryFolder :param check_manageable: flag whether to check that user can manage item :type check_manageable: bool :param check_accessible: flag whether to check that user can access item :type check_accessible: bool :returns: the original folder :rtype: LibraryFolder """ # all folders are accessible to an admin if trans.user_is_admin: return folder if check_manageable: folder = self.check_manageable(trans, folder) if check_accessible: folder = self.check_accessible(trans, folder) return folder
[docs] def check_modifyable(self, trans, folder): """ Check whether the user can modify the folder (name and description). :returns: the original folder :rtype: LibraryFolder :raises: AuthenticationRequired, InsufficientPermissionsException """ if not trans.user: raise AuthenticationRequired("Must be logged in to manage Galaxy items.", type="error") current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() if not, folder): raise InsufficientPermissionsException("You don't have permissions to modify this folder.", type="error") else: return folder
[docs] def check_manageable(self, trans, folder): """ Check whether the user can manage the folder. :returns: the original folder :rtype: LibraryFolder :raises: AuthenticationRequired, InsufficientPermissionsException """ if not trans.user: raise AuthenticationRequired("Must be logged in to manage Galaxy items.", type="error") current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() if not, folder): raise InsufficientPermissionsException("You don't have permissions to manage this folder.", type="error") else: return folder
[docs] def check_accessible(self, trans, folder): """ Check whether the folder is accessible to current user. By default every folder is accessible (contents have their own permissions). """ return folder
[docs] def get_folder_dict(self, trans, folder): """ Return folder data in the form of a dictionary. :param folder: folder item :type folder: LibraryFolder :returns: dict with data about the folder :rtype: dictionary """ folder_dict = folder.to_dict(view="element") folder_dict["update_time"] = folder.update_time return folder_dict
[docs] def create(self, trans, parent_folder_id, new_folder_name, new_folder_description=""): """ Create a new folder under the given folder. :param parent_folder_id: decoded id :type parent_folder_id: int :param new_folder_name: name of the new folder :type new_folder_name: str :param new_folder_description: description of the folder (optional, defaults to empty string) :type new_folder_description: str :returns: the new folder :rtype: LibraryFolder :raises: InsufficientPermissionsException """ parent_folder = self.get(trans, parent_folder_id) current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() if not ( trans.user_is_admin or, parent_folder) ): raise InsufficientPermissionsException( "You do not have proper permission to create folders under given folder." ) new_folder = LibraryFolder(name=new_folder_name, description=new_folder_description) # We are associating the last used genome build with folders, so we will always # initialize a new folder with the first dbkey in genome builds list which is currently # ? unspecified (?) new_folder.genome_build = parent_folder.add_folder(new_folder) trans.sa_session.add(new_folder) with transaction(trans.sa_session): trans.sa_session.commit() # New folders default to having the same permissions as their parent folder, parent_folder, new_folder) return new_folder
[docs] def update(self, trans, folder, name=None, description=None): """ Update the given folder's name or description. :param folder: the model object :type folder: LibraryFolder :param name: new name for the library folder :type name: str :param description: new description for the library folder :type description: str :returns: the folder :rtype: LibraryFolder :raises: ItemAccessibilityException, InsufficientPermissionsException """ changed = False if not trans.user_is_admin: folder = self.check_modifyable(trans, folder) if folder.deleted is True: raise ItemAccessibilityException("You cannot update a deleted library folder. Undelete it first.") if name is not None and name != = name changed = True if description is not None and description != folder.description: folder.description = description changed = True if changed: trans.sa_session.add(folder) with transaction(trans.sa_session): trans.sa_session.commit() return folder
[docs] def delete(self, trans, folder, undelete=False): """ Mark given folder deleted/undeleted based on the flag. :param folder: the model object :type folder: LibraryFolder :param undelete: flag whether to delete (when False) or undelete :type undelete: Bool :returns: the folder :rtype: LibraryFolder :raises: ItemAccessibilityException """ if not trans.user_is_admin: folder = self.check_manageable(trans, folder) if undelete: folder.deleted = False else: folder.deleted = True trans.sa_session.add(folder) with transaction(trans.sa_session): trans.sa_session.commit() return folder
[docs] def get_current_roles(self, trans, folder): """ Find all roles currently connected to relevant permissions on the folder. :param folder: the model object :type folder: LibraryFolder :returns: dict of current roles for all available permission types :rtype: dictionary """ # Omit duplicated roles by converting to set modify_roles = set( folder, ) ) manage_roles = set( folder, ) ) add_roles = set( folder, ) ) modify_folder_role_list = [ (, for modify_role in modify_roles ] manage_folder_role_list = [ (, for manage_role in manage_roles ] add_library_item_role_list = [(, for add_role in add_roles] return dict( modify_folder_role_list=modify_folder_role_list, manage_folder_role_list=manage_folder_role_list, add_library_item_role_list=add_library_item_role_list, )
[docs] def can_add_item(self, trans, folder): """ Return true if the user has permissions to add item to the given folder. """ if trans.user_is_admin: return True current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() add_roles = set( folder, ) ) for role in current_user_roles: if role in add_roles: return True return False
[docs] def cut_the_prefix(self, encoded_folder_id): """ Remove the prefix from the encoded folder id. :param encoded_folder_id: encoded id of the Folder object with 'F' prepended :type encoded_folder_id: string :returns: encoded Folder id without the 'F' prefix :rtype: string :raises: MalformedId """ if (len(encoded_folder_id) % 16 == 1) and encoded_folder_id.startswith("F"): cut_id = encoded_folder_id[1:] else: raise MalformedId(f"Malformed folder id ( {str(encoded_folder_id)} ) specified, unable to decode.") return cut_id
[docs] def decode_folder_id(self, trans, encoded_folder_id): """ Decode the folder id given that it has already lost the prefixed 'F'. :param encoded_folder_id: encoded id of the Folder object :type encoded_folder_id: string :returns: decoded Folder id :rtype: int :raises: MalformedId """ return, object_name="folder")
[docs] def cut_and_decode(self, trans, encoded_folder_id): """ Cuts the folder prefix (the prepended 'F') and returns the decoded id. :param encoded_folder_id: encoded id of the Folder object :type encoded_folder_id: string :returns: decoded Folder id :rtype: int """ return self.decode_folder_id(trans, self.cut_the_prefix(encoded_folder_id))
[docs] def get_contents( self, trans, folder: LibraryFolder, payload: LibraryFolderContentsIndexQueryPayload, ) -> Tuple[List[Union[LibraryFolder, LibraryDataset]], int]: """Retrieves the contents of the given folder that match the provided filters and pagination parameters. Returns a tuple with the list of paginated contents and the total number of items contained in the folder.""" limit = payload.limit offset = payload.offset sa_session = trans.sa_session security_params = SecurityParams( user_role_ids=[ for role in trans.get_current_user_roles()],, is_admin=trans.user_is_admin, ) content_items: List[Union[LibraryFolder, LibraryDataset]] = [] sub_folders_stmt = self._get_sub_folders_statement(sa_session, folder, security_params, payload) total_sub_folders = get_count(sa_session, sub_folders_stmt) if payload.order_by in FOLDER_SORT_COLUMN_MAP: sort_column = FOLDER_SORT_COLUMN_MAP[payload.order_by](LibraryFolder) sub_folders_stmt = sub_folders_stmt.order_by(sort_column.desc() if payload.sort_desc else sort_column) else: # Sort by name alphabetically by default sub_folders_stmt = sub_folders_stmt.order_by( if limit is not None and limit > 0: sub_folders_stmt = sub_folders_stmt.limit(limit) if offset is not None: sub_folders_stmt = sub_folders_stmt.offset(offset) folders = sa_session.scalars(sub_folders_stmt).all() content_items.extend(folders) # Update pagination num_folders_returned = len(folders) num_folders_skipped = total_sub_folders - num_folders_returned if limit is not None and limit > 0: limit -= num_folders_returned if offset: offset -= num_folders_skipped offset = max(0, offset) datasets_stmt = self._get_contained_datasets_statement(sa_session, folder, security_params, payload) total_datasets = get_count(sa_session, datasets_stmt) if limit is not None and limit > 0: datasets_stmt = datasets_stmt.limit(limit) if offset is not None: datasets_stmt = datasets_stmt.offset(offset) datasets = sa_session.scalars(datasets_stmt).all() content_items.extend(datasets) return (content_items, total_sub_folders + total_datasets)
def _get_sub_folders_statement( self, sa_session: galaxy_scoped_session, folder: LibraryFolder, security: SecurityParams, payload: LibraryFolderContentsIndexQueryPayload, ): """Builds a query to retrieve all the sub-folders contained in the given folder applying filters.""" search_text = payload.search_text stmt = select(LibraryFolder).where(LibraryFolder.parent_id == stmt = self._filter_by_include_deleted( stmt, LibraryFolder, LibraryFolderPermissions, payload.include_deleted, security ) if search_text: search_text = search_text.lower() stmt = stmt.where( or_( func.lower(, autoescape=True), func.lower(LibraryFolder.description).contains(search_text, autoescape=True), ) ) stmt = stmt.group_by( return stmt def _get_contained_datasets_statement( self, sa_session: galaxy_scoped_session, folder: LibraryFolder, security: SecurityParams, payload: LibraryFolderContentsIndexQueryPayload, ): """Builds a query to retrieve all the datasets contained in the given folder applying filters.""" search_text = payload.search_text access_action = security.security_agent.permitted_actions.DATASET_ACCESS.action stmt = select(LibraryDataset).where(LibraryDataset.folder_id == stmt = self._filter_by_include_deleted( stmt, LibraryDataset, LibraryDatasetPermissions, payload.include_deleted, security ) ldda = aliased(LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation) associated_dataset = aliased(Dataset) stmt = stmt.outerjoin(LibraryDataset.library_dataset_dataset_association.of_type(ldda)) if not security.is_admin: # Non-admin users require ACCESS permission # We check against the actual dataset and not the ldda (for now?) dataset_permission = aliased(DatasetPermissions) is_public_dataset = not_( exists() .where(DatasetPermissions.dataset_id == .where(DatasetPermissions.action == access_action) ) stmt = stmt.outerjoin(ldda.dataset.of_type(associated_dataset)) stmt = stmt.outerjoin(associated_dataset.actions.of_type(dataset_permission)) stmt = stmt.where( or_( # The dataset is public is_public_dataset, # The user has explicit access and_( dataset_permission.action == access_action, dataset_permission.role_id.in_(security.user_role_ids), ), ) ) if search_text: search_text = search_text.lower() stmt = stmt.where( or_( func.lower(, autoescape=True), func.lower(ldda.message).contains(search_text, autoescape=True), # type:ignore[attr-defined] ) ) sort_column = LDDA_SORT_COLUMN_MAP[payload.order_by](ldda, associated_dataset) stmt = stmt.order_by(sort_column.desc() if payload.sort_desc else sort_column) stmt = stmt.group_by(, sort_column) return stmt def _filter_by_include_deleted( self, stmt, item_model, item_permissions_model, include_deleted: Optional[bool], security: SecurityParams ): if include_deleted: # Admins or users with MODIFY permissions can see deleted contents if not security.is_admin: item_permission = aliased(item_permissions_model) stmt = stmt.outerjoin(item_model.actions.of_type(item_permission)) stmt = stmt.where( or_( item_model.deleted == false(), # Is not deleted # User has MODIFY permission and_( item_permission.action == security.security_agent.permitted_actions.LIBRARY_MODIFY.action, item_permission.role_id.in_(security.user_role_ids), ), ) ) else: stmt = stmt.where(item_model.deleted == false()) return stmt
[docs] def build_folder_path( self, sa_session: galaxy_scoped_session, folder: model.LibraryFolder ) -> List[Tuple[int, Optional[str]]]: """ Returns the folder path from root to the given folder. The path items are tuples with the name and id of each folder for breadcrumb building purposes. """ current_folder = folder path_to_root = [(,] while current_folder.parent_id is not None: parent_folder = sa_session.get(LibraryFolder, current_folder.parent_id) assert parent_folder current_folder = parent_folder path_to_root.insert(0, (, return path_to_root
[docs]def get_folder(session, folder_id): stmt = select(LibraryFolder).where( == folder_id) return session.execute(stmt).scalar_one()
[docs]def get_count(session, statement): stmt = select(func.count()).select_from(statement) return session.scalar(stmt)