Source code for

Actions to be run at job completion (or output hda creation, as in the case of
immediate_actions listed below.

import datetime

from markupsafe import escape

from galaxy.model import PostJobActionAssociation
from galaxy.util import send_mail
from galaxy.util.custom_logging import get_logger

log = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class DefaultJobAction: """ Base job action. """ name = "DefaultJobAction" verbose_name = "Default Job"
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, app, sa_session, action, job, replacement_dict=None, final_job_state=None): pass
[docs] @classmethod def execute_on_mapped_over( cls, trans, sa_session, action, step_inputs, step_outputs, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None ): pass
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_str(cls, pja): if pja.action_arguments: return f"{pja.action_type} -> {escape(pja.action_arguments)}" else: return f"{pja.action_type}"
[docs]class EmailAction(DefaultJobAction): """ This action sends an email to the galaxy user responsible for a job. """ name = "EmailAction" verbose_name = "Email Notification"
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, app, sa_session, action, job, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None): try: history_id_encoded = link_invocation = None if job.workflow_invocation_step: invocation_id_encoded = link_invocation = ( f"{app.config.galaxy_infrastructure_url}/workflows/invocations/report?id={invocation_id_encoded}" ) link = f"{app.config.galaxy_infrastructure_url}/histories/view?id={history_id_encoded}" to = job.get_user_email() subject = f"Galaxy job completion notification from history '{}'" outdata = ",\n".join(ds.dataset.display_name() for ds in job.output_datasets) body = f"Your Galaxy job generating dataset(s):\n\n{outdata}\n\nis complete as of {'%I:%M')}. Click the link below to access your data: \n{link}" if link_invocation: body += f"\n\nWorkflow Invocation Report:\n{link_invocation}" send_mail(app.config.email_from, to, subject, body, app.config) except Exception: log.exception("EmailAction PJA Failed")
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_str(cls, pja): if pja.action_arguments and "host" in pja.action_arguments: return ( f"Email the current user from server {escape(pja.action_arguments['host'])} when this job is complete." ) else: return "Email the current user when this job is complete."
[docs]class ValidateOutputsAction(DefaultJobAction): """ This action validates the produced outputs against the expected datatype. """ name = "ValidateOutputsAction" verbose_name = "Validate Tool Outputs"
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, app, sa_session, action, job, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None): # no-op: needs to inject metadata handling parameters ahead of time. pass
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_str(cls, pja): return "Validate tool outputs."
[docs]class ChangeDatatypeAction(DefaultJobAction): name = "ChangeDatatypeAction" verbose_name = "Change Datatype"
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, app, sa_session, action, job, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None): if job.state == job.states.SKIPPED: # Don't change datatype, must remain expression.json return for dataset_assoc in job.output_datasets: if action.output_name == "" or == action.output_name: app.datatypes_registry.change_datatype(dataset_assoc.dataset, action.action_arguments["newtype"]) return for dataset_collection_assoc in job.output_dataset_collection_instances: if action.output_name == "" or == action.output_name: for dataset_instance in dataset_collection_assoc.dataset_collection_instance.dataset_instances: if dataset_instance: app.datatypes_registry.change_datatype(dataset_instance, action.action_arguments["newtype"]) else: # dynamic collection, add as PJA pjaa = PostJobActionAssociation(action, job) sa_session.add(pjaa) return
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_str(cls, pja): return "Set the datatype of output '{}' to '{}'".format( escape(pja.output_name), escape(pja.action_arguments["newtype"]) )
[docs]class RenameDatasetAction(DefaultJobAction): name = "RenameDatasetAction" verbose_name = "Rename Dataset"
[docs] @classmethod def execute_on_mapped_over( cls, trans, sa_session, action, step_inputs, step_outputs, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None ): # Prevent renaming a dataset to the empty string. input_names = {} # Lookp through inputs find one with "to_be_replaced" input # variable name, and get the replacement name for input_key, step_input in step_inputs.items(): if step_input and hasattr(step_input, "name"): input_names[input_key] = if new_name := cls._gen_new_name(action, input_names, replacement_dict): for name, step_output in step_outputs.items(): if action.output_name == "" or name == action.output_name: = new_name
@classmethod def _gen_new_name(self, action, input_names, replacement_dict): new_name = None if action.action_arguments and action.action_arguments.get("newname", ""): new_name = action.action_arguments["newname"] # TODO: Unify and simplify replacement options. # Add interface through workflow editor UI # The following if statement will process a request to rename # using an input file name. # TODO: Replace all matching code with regex # Proper syntax is #{input_file_variable | option 1 | option n} # where # input_file_variable = is the name of an module input variable # | = the delimiter for added options. Optional if no options. # options = basename, upper, lower # basename = keep all of the file name except the extension # (everything before the final ".") # upper = force the file name to upper case # lower = force the file name to lower case # suggested additions: # "replace" option so you can replace a portion of the name, # support multiple #{name} in one rename action... start_pos = 0 while new_name.find("#{", start_pos) > -1: to_be_replaced = "" # This assumes a single instance of #{variable} will exist start_pos = new_name.find("#{", start_pos) + 2 end_pos = new_name.find("}", start_pos) to_be_replaced = new_name[start_pos:end_pos] input_file_var = to_be_replaced # Pull out the piped controls and store them for later # parsing. tokens = to_be_replaced.split("|") operations = [] if len(tokens) > 1: input_file_var = tokens[0].strip() for i in range(1, len(tokens)): operations.append(tokens[i].strip()) # Treat . as special symbol (breaks parameter names anyway) # to allow access to repeat elements, for instance first # repeat in cat1 would be something like queries_0.input2. input_file_var = input_file_var.replace(".", "|") replacement = None if input_file_var in input_names: replacement = input_names[input_file_var] else: for input_name, _replacement in input_names.items(): if "|" in input_name and input_name.endswith(input_file_var): # best effort attempt at matching up unqualified input replacement = _replacement break # In case name was None. replacement = replacement or "" # Do operations on replacement # Any control that is not defined will be ignored. # This should be moved out to a class or module function for operation in operations: # Basename returns everything prior to the final '.' if operation == "basename": fields = replacement.split(".") replacement = fields[0] if len(fields) > 1: temp = "" for i in range(1, len(fields) - 1): temp += f".{fields[i]}" replacement += temp elif operation == "upper": replacement = replacement.upper() elif operation == "lower": replacement = replacement.lower() new_name = new_name.replace(f"#{{{to_be_replaced}}}", replacement) if replacement_dict: for k, v in replacement_dict.items(): new_name = new_name.replace(f"${{{k}}}", v) return new_name
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, app, sa_session, action, job, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None): input_names = {} # Loop through inputs find one with "to_be_replaced" input # variable name, and get the replacement name for input_assoc in job.input_datasets: if input_assoc.dataset: input_names[] = # Ditto for collections... for input_assoc in job.input_dataset_collections: # Either a HDCA or a DCE - only HDCA has a name. has_collection = input_assoc.dataset_collection if has_collection and hasattr(has_collection, "name"): input_names[] = if new_name := cls._gen_new_name(action, input_names, replacement_dict): for dataset_assoc in job.output_datasets: if action.output_name == "" or == action.output_name: = new_name for dataset_collection_assoc in job.output_dataset_collection_instances: if action.output_name == "" or == action.output_name: = new_name
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_str(cls, pja): # Prevent renaming a dataset to the empty string. if pja.action_arguments and pja.action_arguments.get("newname", ""): return "Rename output '{}' to '{}'.".format( escape(pja.output_name), escape(pja.action_arguments["newname"]) ) else: return "Rename action used without a new name specified. Output name will be unchanged."
[docs]class HideDatasetAction(DefaultJobAction): name = "HideDatasetAction" verbose_name = "Hide Dataset"
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, app, sa_session, action, job, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None): if final_job_state != job.states.ERROR: for output_association in job.output_datasets + job.output_dataset_collection_instances: if action.output_name == "" or == action.output_name: output_association.item.visible = False
[docs] @classmethod def execute_on_mapped_over( cls, trans, sa_session, action, step_inputs, step_outputs, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None ): for name, step_output in step_outputs.items(): if action.output_name == "" or name == action.output_name: step_output.visible = False
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_str(cls, pja): return f"Hide output '{escape(pja.output_name)}'."
[docs]class DeleteDatasetAction(DefaultJobAction): # This is disabled for right now. Deleting a dataset in the middle of a workflow causes errors (obviously) for the subsequent steps using the data. name = "DeleteDatasetAction" verbose_name = "Delete Dataset"
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, app, sa_session, action, job, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None): for output_association in job.output_datasets + job.output_dataset_collection_instances: if action.output_name == "" or == action.output_name: output_association.item.deleted = True
[docs] @classmethod def execute_on_mapped_over( cls, trans, sa_session, action, step_inputs, step_outputs, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None ): for name, step_output in step_outputs.items(): if action.output_name == "" or name == action.output_name: step_output.deleted = True
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_str(cls, pja): return "Delete this dataset after creation."
[docs]class ColumnSetAction(DefaultJobAction): name = "ColumnSetAction" verbose_name = "Assign Columns"
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, app, sa_session, action, job, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None): for dataset_assoc in job.output_datasets: if action.output_name == "" or == action.output_name: for k, v in action.action_arguments.items(): if v: # Try to use both pure integer and 'cX' format. if not isinstance(v, int): if v[0] == "c": v = v[1:] v = int(v) if v != 0: setattr(dataset_assoc.dataset.metadata, k, v)
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_str(cls, pja): return f"Set the following metadata values:<br/>{'<br/>'.join(f'{escape(k)} : {escape(v)}' for k, v in pja.action_arguments.items())}"
[docs]class SetMetadataAction(DefaultJobAction): name = "SetMetadataAction" # DBTODO Setting of Metadata is currently broken and disabled. It should not be used (yet).
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, app, sa_session, action, job, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None): for data in job.output_datasets: data.set_metadata(action.action_arguments["newtype"])
[docs]class DeleteIntermediatesAction(DefaultJobAction): name = "DeleteIntermediatesAction" verbose_name = "Delete Non-Output Completed Intermediate Steps"
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, app, sa_session, action, job, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None): # TODO Optimize this later. Just making it work for now. # TODO Support purging as well as deletion if user_purge is enabled. # Dataset candidates for deletion must be # 1) Created by the workflow. # 2) Not have any job_to_input_dataset associations with states other # than OK or DELETED. If a step errors, we don't want to delete/purge it # automatically. # 3) Not marked as a workflow output. # POTENTIAL ISSUES: When many outputs are being finish()ed # concurrently, sometimes non-terminal steps won't be cleaned up # because of the lag in job state updates. if not job.workflow_invocation_step: log.debug("This job is not part of a workflow invocation, delete intermediates aborted.") return wfi = job.workflow_invocation_step.workflow_invocation sa_session.refresh(wfi) if log.debug("Workflow still scheduling so new jobs may appear, skipping deletion of intermediate files.") # Still evaluating workflow so we don't yet have all workflow invocation # steps to start looking at. return outputs_defined = wfi.workflow.has_outputs_defined() if outputs_defined: wfi_steps = [ wfistep for wfistep in wfi.steps if not wfistep.workflow_step.workflow_outputs and wfistep.workflow_step.type == "tool" ] jobs_to_check = [] for wfi_step in wfi_steps: sa_session.refresh(wfi_step) wfi_step_job = wfi_step.job if wfi_step_job: jobs_to_check.append(wfi_step_job) else: log.debug(f"No job found yet for wfi_step {wfi_step}, (step {wfi_step.workflow_step})") for j2c in jobs_to_check: creating_jobs = [] for input_dataset in j2c.input_datasets: if not input_dataset.dataset: log.debug( f"PJA Async Issue: No dataset attached to input_dataset {} during handling of workflow invocation {wfi}" ) elif not input_dataset.dataset.creating_job: log.debug( f"PJA Async Issue: No creating job attached to dataset {} during handling of workflow invocation {wfi}" ) else: creating_jobs.append((input_dataset, input_dataset.dataset.creating_job)) for input_dataset, creating_job in creating_jobs: sa_session.refresh(creating_job) sa_session.refresh(input_dataset) for input_dataset in [ x.dataset for (x, creating_job) in creating_jobs if creating_job.workflow_invocation_step and creating_job.workflow_invocation_step.workflow_invocation == wfi ]: # note that the above input_dataset is a reference to a # job.input_dataset.dataset at this point safe_to_delete = True for job_to_check in [d_j.job for d_j in input_dataset.dependent_jobs]: if job_to_check != job and job_to_check.state not in [job.states.OK, job.states.DELETED]: log.trace( f"Workflow Intermediates cleanup attempted, but non-terminal state '{job_to_check.state}' detected for job {}" ) safe_to_delete = False if safe_to_delete: # Support purging here too. input_dataset.mark_deleted() else: # No workflow outputs defined, so we can't know what to delete. # We could make this work differently in the future pass
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_str(cls, pja): return "Delete parent datasets of this step created in this workflow that aren't flagged as outputs."
[docs]class TagDatasetAction(DefaultJobAction): name = "TagDatasetAction" verbose_name = "Add tag to dataset" action = "Add" direction = "to"
[docs] @classmethod def execute_on_mapped_over( cls, trans, sa_session, action, step_inputs, step_outputs, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None ): if action.action_arguments: tags = [ t.replace("#", "name:") if t.startswith("#") else t for t in [t.strip() for t in action.action_arguments.get("tags", "").split(",") if t.strip()] ] if tags and step_outputs: tag_handler = trans.tag_handler for name, step_output in step_outputs.items(): if action.output_name == "" or name == action.output_name: cls._execute(tag_handler, trans.user, step_output, tags)
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, app, sa_session, action, job, replacement_dict, final_job_state=None): if action.action_arguments: tags = [ t.replace("#", "name:") if t.startswith("#") else t for t in [t.strip() for t in action.action_arguments.get("tags", "").split(",") if t.strip()] ] if tags: tag_handler = app.tag_handler.create_tag_handler_session(job.galaxy_session) for dataset_assoc in job.output_datasets: if action.output_name == "" or == action.output_name: cls._execute(tag_handler, job.user, dataset_assoc.dataset, tags) for dataset_collection_assoc in job.output_dataset_collection_instances: if action.output_name == "" or == action.output_name: cls._execute(tag_handler, job.user, dataset_collection_assoc.dataset_collection_instance, tags)
@classmethod def _execute(cls, tag_handler, user, output, tags): tag_handler.add_tags_from_list(user, output, tags, flush=False)
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_str(cls, pja): if pja.action_arguments and pja.action_arguments.get("tags", ""): return "{} tag(s) '{}' {} '{}'.".format( cls.action, escape(pja.action_arguments["tags"]), cls.direction, escape(pja.output_name) ) else: return f"{cls.action} Tag action used without a tag specified. No tag will be added."
[docs]class RemoveTagDatasetAction(TagDatasetAction): name = "RemoveTagDatasetAction" verbose_name = "Remove tag from dataset" action = "Remove" direction = "from" @classmethod def _execute(cls, tag_handler, user, output, tags): tag_handler.remove_tags_from_list(user, output, tags, flush=False)
[docs]class ActionBox: actions = { "RenameDatasetAction": RenameDatasetAction, "HideDatasetAction": HideDatasetAction, "ChangeDatatypeAction": ChangeDatatypeAction, "ColumnSetAction": ColumnSetAction, "EmailAction": EmailAction, "DeleteIntermediatesAction": DeleteIntermediatesAction, "TagDatasetAction": TagDatasetAction, "RemoveTagDatasetAction": RemoveTagDatasetAction, } public_actions = [ "RenameDatasetAction", "ChangeDatatypeAction", "ColumnSetAction", "EmailAction", "DeleteIntermediatesAction", "TagDatasetAction", "RemoveTagDatasetAction", ] # Actions that can be applied ahead of the job execution while workflow is still # being scheduled and jobs created. immediate_actions = ["ChangeDatatypeAction", "RenameDatasetAction", "TagDatasetAction", "RemoveTagDatasetAction"] # Actions that will be applied to implicit mapped over collection outputs and not # just individual outputs when steps include mapped over tools and implicit collection outputs. mapped_over_output_actions = [ "RenameDatasetAction", "HideDatasetAction", "TagDatasetAction", "RemoveTagDatasetAction", ]
[docs] @classmethod def get_short_str(cls, action): if action.action_type in ActionBox.actions: return ActionBox.actions[action.action_type].get_short_str(action) else: return "Unknown Action"
[docs] @classmethod def handle_incoming(cls, incoming): npd = {} for key, val in incoming.items(): if key.startswith("pja"): sp = key.split("__") ao_key = sp[2] + sp[1] # flag / output_name / pjatype / desc if ao_key not in npd: npd[ao_key] = {"action_type": sp[2], "output_name": sp[1], "action_arguments": {}} if len(sp) > 3: if sp[3] == "output_name": npd[ao_key]["output_name"] = val else: npd[ao_key]["action_arguments"][sp[3]] = val else: # Not pja stuff. pass return npd
[docs] @classmethod def execute_on_mapped_over( cls, trans, sa_session, pja, step_inputs, step_outputs, replacement_dict=None, final_job_state=None ): if pja.action_type in ActionBox.actions: ActionBox.actions[pja.action_type].execute_on_mapped_over( trans, sa_session, pja, step_inputs, step_outputs, replacement_dict, final_job_state=final_job_state )
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, app, sa_session, pja, job, replacement_dict=None, final_job_state=None): if pja.action_type in ActionBox.actions: ActionBox.actions[pja.action_type].execute( app, sa_session, pja, job, replacement_dict, final_job_state=final_job_state )