Source code for galaxy.files.sources.s3fs

import functools
import logging
import os
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import Unpack

from galaxy.files import OptionalUserContext
from . import (

    import s3fs
except ImportError:
    s3fs = None

from . import BaseFilesSource


log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class S3FsFilesSourceProperties(FilesSourceProperties, total=False):
    bucket: str
    endpoint_url: int
    user: str
    passwd: str
    client_kwargs: dict  # internally computed. Should not be specified in config file

[docs]class S3FsFilesSource(BaseFilesSource): plugin_type = "s3fs"
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwd: Unpack[S3FsFilesSourceProperties]): if s3fs is None: raise Exception("Package s3fs unavailable but required for this file source plugin.") props: S3FsFilesSourceProperties = cast(S3FsFilesSourceProperties, self._parse_common_config_opts(kwd)) # There is a possibility that the bucket name could be parameterized: e.g. # bucket: ${user.preferences['generic_s3|bucket']} # that's ok, because we evaluate the bucket name again later. The bucket property here will only # be used by `score_url_match`. In the case of a parameterized bucket name, we will always return # a score of 4 as the url will only match the s3:// part. self._bucket = props.get("bucket", "") self._endpoint_url = props.pop("endpoint_url", None) self._props = props if self._endpoint_url: self._props.update({"client_kwargs": {"endpoint_url": self._endpoint_url}})
def _list( self, path="/", recursive=True, user_context: OptionalUserContext = None, opts: Optional[FilesSourceOptions] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, sort_by: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[AnyRemoteEntry], int]: _props = self._serialization_props(user_context) # we need to pop the 'bucket' here, because the argument is not recognised in a downstream function _bucket_name = _props.pop("bucket", "") fs = self._open_fs(props=_props, opts=opts) if recursive: res: List[AnyRemoteEntry] = [] bucket_path = self._bucket_path(_bucket_name, path) for p, dirs, files in fs.walk(bucket_path, detail=True): to_dict = functools.partial(self._resource_info_to_dict, p) res.extend(map(to_dict, dirs.values())) res.extend(map(to_dict, files.values())) return res, len(res) else: bucket_path = self._bucket_path(_bucket_name, path) res =, detail=True) to_dict = functools.partial(self._resource_info_to_dict, path) return list(map(to_dict, res)), len(res) def _realize_to( self, source_path: str, native_path: str, user_context: OptionalUserContext = None, opts: Optional[FilesSourceOptions] = None, ): _props = self._serialization_props(user_context) _bucket_name = _props.pop("bucket", "") fs = self._open_fs(props=_props, opts=opts) bucket_path = self._bucket_path(_bucket_name, source_path), native_path) def _write_from( self, target_path, native_path, user_context: OptionalUserContext = None, opts: Optional[FilesSourceOptions] = None, ): _props = self._serialization_props(user_context) _bucket_name = _props.pop("bucket", "") fs = self._open_fs(props=_props, opts=opts) bucket_path = self._bucket_path(_bucket_name, target_path) fs.upload(native_path, bucket_path) def _bucket_path(self, bucket_name: str, path: str): if path.startswith("s3://"): return path.replace("s3://", "") elif not path.startswith("/"): path = f"/{path}" return f"{bucket_name}{path}" def _open_fs(self, props: FilesSourceProperties, opts: Optional[FilesSourceOptions] = None): extra_props = opts.extra_props or {} if opts else {} fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(**{**props, **extra_props}) return fs def _resource_info_to_dict(self, dir_path: str, resource_info) -> AnyRemoteEntry: name = os.path.basename(resource_info["name"]) path = os.path.join(dir_path, name) uri = self.uri_from_path(path) if resource_info["type"] == "directory": return {"class": "Directory", "name": name, "uri": uri, "path": path} else: return { "class": "File", "name": name, "size": resource_info["size"], # should this be mtime... "ctime": self.to_dict_time(resource_info["LastModified"]), "uri": uri, "path": path, } def _serialization_props(self, user_context: OptionalUserContext = None) -> S3FsFilesSourceProperties: effective_props = {} for key, val in self._props.items(): effective_props[key] = self._evaluate_prop(val, user_context=user_context) return cast(S3FsFilesSourceProperties, effective_props)
[docs] def score_url_match(self, url: str): # For security, we need to ensure that a partial match doesn't work. e.g. s3://{bucket}something/myfiles if self._bucket and (url.startswith(f"s3://{self._bucket}/") or url == f"s3://{self._bucket}"): return len(f"s3://{self._bucket}") elif not self._bucket and url.startswith("s3://"): return len("s3://") else: return super().score_url_match(url)
__all__ = ("S3FsFilesSource",)