Source code for galaxy.datatypes.constructive_solid_geometry

# TODO: revisit ignoring type and write some tests for this, the multi-inheritance in this
# this file is challenging, it should be broken into true mixins.
Constructive Solid Geometry file formats.

import abc
from typing import (

from galaxy import util
from galaxy.datatypes import data
from galaxy.datatypes.binary import Binary
from import (
from galaxy.datatypes.metadata import MetadataElement
from galaxy.datatypes.protocols import (
from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import (
from galaxy.datatypes.tabular import Tabular

    from io import TextIOBase

COLOR_OPTS = ["COLOR_SCALARS", "red", "green", "blue"]

[docs]@build_sniff_from_prefix class Ply: """ The PLY format describes an object as a collection of vertices, faces and other elements, along with properties such as color and normal direction that can be attached to these elements. A PLY file contains the description of exactly one object. """ subtype = "" # Add metadata elements. MetadataElement(name="file_format", default=None, desc="File format", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="vertex", default=None, desc="Vertex", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="face", default=None, desc="Face", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True) MetadataElement( name="other_elements", default=[], desc="Other elements", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True, no_value=[], )
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, **kwd): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sniff_prefix(self, file_prefix: FilePrefix) -> bool: """ The structure of a typical PLY file: Header, Vertex List, Face List, (lists of other elements) """ if not self._is_ply_header(file_prefix.text_io(errors="ignore"), self.subtype): return False return True
def _is_ply_header(self, fh: "TextIOBase", subtype: str) -> bool: """ The header is a series of carriage-return terminated lines of text that describe the remainder of the file. """ valid_header_items = ["comment", "obj_info", "element", "property"] # Line 1: ply line = get_next_line(fh) if line != "ply": return False # Line 2: format ascii 1.0 line = get_next_line(fh) if line.find(subtype) < 0: return False stop_index = 0 for line in util.iter_start_of_line(fh, MAX_LINE_LEN): line = line.strip() stop_index += 1 if line == "end_header": return True items = line.split() if items[0] not in valid_header_items: return False if stop_index > MAX_HEADER_LINES: # If this is a PLY file, there must be an unusually # large number of comments. break return False
[docs] def set_meta(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, overwrite: bool = True, **kwd) -> None: if dataset.has_data(): with open(dataset.get_file_name(), errors="ignore") as fh: for line in fh: line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith("format"): items = line.split() dataset.metadata.file_format = items[1] elif line == "end_header": # Metadata is complete. break elif line.startswith("element"): items = line.split() if items[1] == "face": dataset.metadata.face = int(items[2]) elif items[1] == "vertex": dataset.metadata.vertex = int(items[2]) else: element_tuple = (items[1], int(items[2])) dataset.metadata.other_elements.append(element_tuple)
[docs] def set_peek(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, **kwd) -> None: if not dataset.dataset.purged: dataset.peek = get_file_peek(dataset.get_file_name()) dataset.blurb = f"Faces: {str(dataset.metadata.face)}, Vertices: {str(dataset.metadata.vertex)}" else: dataset.peek = "File does not exist" dataset.blurb = "File purged from disc"
[docs] def display_peek(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol) -> str: try: return dataset.peek except Exception: return f"Ply file ({nice_size(dataset.get_size())})"
[docs]class PlyAscii(Ply, data.Text): """ >>> from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import get_test_fname >>> fname = get_test_fname('test.plyascii') >>> PlyAscii().sniff(fname) True >>> fname = get_test_fname('test.vtkascii') >>> PlyAscii().sniff(fname) False """ file_ext = "plyascii" subtype = "ascii"
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwd): data.Text.__init__(self, **kwd)
[docs]class PlyBinary(Ply, Binary): file_ext = "plybinary" subtype = "binary"
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwd): Binary.__init__(self, **kwd)
[docs]@build_sniff_from_prefix class Vtk: r""" The Visualization Toolkit provides a number of source and writer objects to read and write popular data file formats. The Visualization Toolkit also provides some of its own file formats. There are two different styles of file formats available in VTK. The simplest are the legacy, serial formats that are easy to read and write either by hand or programmatically. However, these formats are less flexible than the XML based file formats which support random access, parallel I/O, and portable data compression and are preferred to the serial VTK file formats whenever possible. All keyword phrases are written in ASCII form whether the file is binary or ASCII. The binary section of the file (if in binary form) is the data proper; i.e., the numbers that define points coordinates, scalars, cell indices, and so forth. Binary data must be placed into the file immediately after the newline ('\\n') character from the previous ASCII keyword and parameter sequence. TODO: only legacy formats are currently supported and support for XML formats should be added. """ subtype = "" # Add metadata elements. MetadataElement(name="vtk_version", default=None, desc="Vtk version", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="file_format", default=None, desc="File format", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="dataset_type", default=None, desc="Dataset type", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True) # STRUCTURED_GRID data_type. MetadataElement( name="dimensions", default=[], desc="Dimensions", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True, no_value=[] ) MetadataElement(name="origin", default=[], desc="Origin", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True, no_value=[]) MetadataElement(name="spacing", default=[], desc="Spacing", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True, no_value=[]) # POLYDATA data_type (Points element is also a component of UNSTRUCTURED_GRID.. MetadataElement(name="points", default=None, desc="Points", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="vertices", default=None, desc="Vertices", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="lines", default=None, desc="Lines", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="polygons", default=None, desc="Polygons", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True) MetadataElement( name="triangle_strips", default=None, desc="Triangle strips", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True ) # UNSTRUCTURED_GRID data_type. MetadataElement(name="cells", default=None, desc="Cells", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True) # Additional elements not categorized by data_type. MetadataElement( name="field_names", default=[], desc="Field names", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True, no_value=[] ) # The keys in the field_components map to the list of field_names in the above element # which ensures order for select list options that are built from it. MetadataElement( name="field_components", default={}, desc="Field names and components", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True, no_value={}, )
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, **kwd): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sniff_prefix(self, file_prefix: FilePrefix) -> bool: """ VTK files can be either ASCII or binary, with two different styles of file formats: legacy or XML. We'll assume if the file contains a valid VTK header, then it is a valid VTK file. """ if self._is_vtk_header(file_prefix.text_io(errors="ignore"), self.subtype): return True return False
def _is_vtk_header(self, fh: "TextIOBase", subtype: str) -> bool: """ The Header section consists of at least 4, but possibly 5 lines. This is tricky because sometimes the 4th line is blank (in which case the 5th line consists of the data_kind) or the 4th line consists of the data_kind (in which case the 5th line is blank). """ data_kinds = ["STRUCTURED_GRID", "POLYDATA", "UNSTRUCTURED_GRID", "STRUCTURED_POINTS", "RECTILINEAR_GRID"] def check_data_kind(line): for data_kind in data_kinds: if line.find(data_kind) >= 0: return True return False # Line 1: vtk DataFile Version 3.0 line = get_next_line(fh) if line.find("vtk") < 0: return False # Line 2: can be anything - skip it line = get_next_line(fh) # Line 3: ASCII or BINARY line = get_next_line(fh) if line.find(subtype) < 0: return False # Line 4: line = get_next_line(fh) if line: return check_data_kind(line) # line 5: line = get_next_line(fh) if line: return check_data_kind(line) return False
[docs] def set_meta(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, overwrite: bool = True, **kwd) -> None: if dataset.has_data(): dataset.metadata.field_names = [] dataset.metadata.field_components = {} dataset_type = None field_components = {} dataset_structure_complete = False processing_field_section = False with open(dataset.get_file_name(), errors="ignore") as fh: for i, line in enumerate(fh): line = line.strip() if not line: continue if i < 3: dataset = self.set_initial_metadata(i, line, dataset) elif dataset.metadata.file_format == "ASCII" or not util.is_binary(line): if dataset_structure_complete: """ The final part of legacy VTK files describes the dataset attributes. This part begins with the keywords POINT_DATA or CELL_DATA, followed by an integer number specifying the number of points or cells, respectively. Other keyword/data combinations then define the actual dataset attribute values (i.e., scalars, vectors, tensors, normals, texture coordinates, or field data). Dataset attributes are supported for both points and cells. Each type of attribute data has a dataName associated with it. This is a character string (without embedded whitespace) used to identify a particular data. The dataName is used by the VTK readers to extract data. As a result, more than one attribute data of the same type can be included in a file. For example, two different scalar fields defined on the dataset points, pressure and temperature, can be contained in the same file. If the appropriate dataName is not specified in the VTK reader, then the first data of that type is extracted from the file. """ items = line.split() if items[0] == "SCALARS": # Example: SCALARS surface_field double 3 # Scalar definition includes specification of a lookup table. The # definition of a lookup table is optional. If not specified, the # default VTK table will be used, and tableName should be # "default". Also note that the numComp variable is optional. By # default the number of components is equal to one. The parameter # numComp must range between (1,4) inclusive; in versions of VTK # prior to vtk2.3 this parameter was not supported. field_name = items[1] dataset.metadata.field_names.append(field_name) try: num_components = int(items[-1]) except Exception: num_components = 1 field_component_indexes = [str(i) for i in range(num_components)] field_components[field_name] = field_component_indexes elif items[0] == "FIELD": # The dataset consists of CELL_DATA. # FIELD FieldData 2 processing_field_section = True num_fields = int(items[-1]) fields_processed: List[str] = [] elif processing_field_section: if len(fields_processed) == num_fields: processing_field_section = False else: try: float(items[0]) # Don't process the cell data. # 0.0123457 0.197531 except Exception: # Line consists of arrayName numComponents numTuples dataType. # Example: surface_field1 1 12 double field_name = items[0] dataset.metadata.field_names.append(field_name) num_components = int(items[1]) field_component_indexes = [str(i) for i in range(num_components)] field_components[field_name] = field_component_indexes fields_processed.append(field_name) elif line.startswith("CELL_DATA"): # CELL_DATA 3188 dataset_structure_complete = True dataset.metadata.cells = int(line.split()[1]) elif line.startswith("POINT_DATA"): # POINT_DATA 1876 dataset_structure_complete = True dataset.metadata.points = int(line.split()[1]) else: dataset, dataset_type = self.set_structure_metadata(line, dataset, dataset_type) if len(field_components) > 0: dataset.metadata.field_components = field_components
[docs] def set_initial_metadata(self, i: int, line: str, dataset: DatasetProtocol) -> DatasetProtocol: if i == 0: # The first part of legacy VTK files is the file version and # identifier. This part contains the single line: # # vtk DataFile Version X.Y dataset.metadata.vtk_version = line.lower().split("version")[1] # The second part of legacy VTK files is the header. The header # consists of a character string terminated by end-of-line # character \n. The header is 256 characters maximum. The header # can be used to describe the data and include any other pertinent # information. We skip the header line... elif i == 2: # The third part of legacy VTK files is the file format. The file # format describes the type of file, either ASCII or binary. On # this line the single word ASCII or BINARY must appear. dataset.metadata.file_format = line return dataset
[docs] def set_structure_metadata( self, line: str, dataset: DatasetProtocol, dataset_type: Optional[str] ) -> Tuple[DatasetProtocol, Optional[str]]: """ The fourth part of legacy VTK files is the dataset structure. The geometry part describes the geometry and topology of the dataset. This part begins with a line containing the keyword DATASET followed by a keyword describing the type of dataset. Then, depending upon the type of dataset, other keyword/ data combinations define the actual data. """ if dataset_type is None and line.startswith("DATASET"): dataset_type = line.split()[1] dataset.metadata.dataset_type = dataset_type if dataset_type == "STRUCTURED_GRID": # The STRUCTURED_GRID format supports 1D, 2D, and 3D structured # grid datasets. The dimensions nx, ny, nz must be greater # than or equal to 1. The point coordinates are defined by the # data in the POINTS section. This consists of x-y-z data values # for each point. if line.startswith("DIMENSIONS"): # DIMENSIONS 10 5 1 dataset.metadata.dimensions = [line.split()[1:]] elif line.startswith("ORIGIN"): # ORIGIN 0 0 0 dataset.metadata.origin = [line.split()[1:]] elif line.startswith("SPACING"): # SPACING 1 1 1 dataset.metadata.spacing = [line.split()[1:]] elif dataset_type == "POLYDATA": # The polygonal dataset consists of arbitrary combinations # of surface graphics primitives vertices, lines, polygons # and triangle strips. Polygonal data is defined by the POINTS, # VERTICES, LINES, POLYGONS, or TRIANGLE_STRIPS sections. if line.startswith("POINTS"): # POINTS 18 float dataset.metadata.points = int(line.split()[1]) elif line.startswith("VERTICES"): dataset.metadata.vertices = int(line.split()[1]) elif line.startswith("LINES"): # LINES 5 17 dataset.metadata.lines = int(line.split()[1]) elif line.startswith("POLYGONS"): # POLYGONS 6 30 dataset.metadata.polygons = int(line.split()[1]) elif line.startswith("TRIANGLE_STRIPS"): # TRIANGLE_STRIPS 2212 16158 dataset.metadata.triangle_strips = int(line.split()[1]) elif dataset_type == "UNSTRUCTURED_GRID": # The unstructured grid dataset consists of arbitrary combinations # of any possible cell type. Unstructured grids are defined by points, # cells, and cell types. if line.startswith("POINTS"): # POINTS 18 float dataset.metadata.points = int(line.split()[1]) if line.startswith("CELLS"): # CELLS 756 3024 dataset.metadata.cells = int(line.split()[1]) return dataset, dataset_type
[docs] def get_blurb(self, dataset: HasMetadata) -> str: blurb = "" if dataset.metadata.vtk_version is not None: blurb += f"VTK Version {str(dataset.metadata.vtk_version)}" if dataset.metadata.dataset_type is not None: if blurb: blurb += " " blurb += str(dataset.metadata.dataset_type) return blurb or "VTK data"
[docs] def set_peek(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, **kwd) -> None: if not dataset.dataset.purged: dataset.peek = get_file_peek(dataset.get_file_name()) dataset.blurb = self.get_blurb(dataset) else: dataset.peek = "File does not exist" dataset.blurb = "File purged from disc"
[docs] def display_peek(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol) -> str: try: return dataset.peek except Exception: return f"Vtk file ({nice_size(dataset.get_size())})"
[docs]class VtkAscii(Vtk, data.Text): """ >>> from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import get_test_fname >>> fname = get_test_fname('test.vtkascii') >>> VtkAscii().sniff(fname) True >>> fname = get_test_fname('test.vtkbinary') >>> VtkAscii().sniff(fname) False """ file_ext = "vtkascii" subtype = "ASCII"
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwd): data.Text.__init__(self, **kwd)
[docs]class VtkBinary(Vtk, Binary): """ >>> from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import get_test_fname >>> fname = get_test_fname('test.vtkbinary') >>> VtkBinary().sniff(fname) True >>> fname = get_test_fname('test.vtkascii') >>> VtkBinary().sniff(fname) False """ file_ext = "vtkbinary" subtype = "BINARY"
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwd): Binary.__init__(self, **kwd)
[docs]class STL(data.Data): file_ext = "stl"
[docs]@build_sniff_from_prefix class NeperTess(data.Text): """ Neper Tessellation File Example:: ***tess **format format **general dim type **cell number_of_cells """ file_ext = "neper.tess" MetadataElement(name="format", default=None, desc="format", readonly=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="dimension", default=None, desc="dimension", readonly=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="cells", default=None, desc="cells", readonly=True, visible=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwd): data.Text.__init__(self, **kwd)
[docs] def sniff_prefix(self, file_prefix: FilePrefix) -> bool: """ Neper tess format, starts with ``***tess`` >>> from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import get_test_fname >>> fname = get_test_fname('test.neper.tess') >>> NeperTess().sniff(fname) True >>> fname = get_test_fname('test.neper.tesr') >>> NeperTess().sniff(fname) False """ return file_prefix.text_io(errors="ignore").readline(10).startswith("***tess")
[docs] def set_meta(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, overwrite: bool = True, **kwd) -> None: if dataset.has_data(): with open(dataset.get_file_name(), errors="ignore") as fh: for i, line in enumerate(fh): line = line.strip() if not line or i > 6: break if i == 0 and not line.startswith("***tess"): break if i == 2: dataset.metadata.format = line if i == 4: dataset.metadata.dimension = int(line.split()[0]) if i == 6: dataset.metadata.cells = int(line)
[docs] def set_peek(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, **kwd) -> None: if not dataset.dataset.purged: dataset.peek = get_file_peek(dataset.get_file_name(), line_count=7) dataset.blurb = f"format: {str(dataset.metadata.format)} dim: {str(dataset.metadata.dimension)} cells: {str(dataset.metadata.cells)}" else: dataset.peek = "File does not exist" dataset.blurb = "File purged from disc"
[docs]@build_sniff_from_prefix class NeperTesr(Binary): """ Neper Raster Tessellation File Example:: ***tesr **format format **general dimension size_x size_y [size_z] voxsize_x voxsize_y [voxsize_z] [*origin origin_x origin_y [origin_z]] [*hasvoid has_void] [**cell number_of_cells """ file_ext = "neper.tesr" MetadataElement(name="format", default=None, desc="format", readonly=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="dimension", default=None, desc="dimension", readonly=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="size", default=[], desc="size", readonly=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="voxsize", default=[], desc="voxsize", readonly=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="origin", default=[], desc="origin", readonly=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="cells", default=None, desc="cells", readonly=True, visible=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwd): Binary.__init__(self, **kwd)
[docs] def sniff_prefix(self, file_prefix: FilePrefix) -> bool: """ Neper tesr format, starts with ``***tesr`` >>> from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import get_test_fname >>> fname = get_test_fname('test.neper.tesr') >>> NeperTesr().sniff(fname) True >>> fname = get_test_fname('test.neper.tess') >>> NeperTesr().sniff(fname) False """ return file_prefix.text_io(errors="ignore").readline(10).startswith("***tesr")
[docs] def set_meta(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, overwrite: bool = True, **kwd) -> None: if dataset.has_data(): with open(dataset.get_file_name(), errors="ignore") as fh: field = "" for i, line in enumerate(fh): line = line.strip() if not line or i > 12: break if i == 0 and not line.startswith("***tesr"): break if line.startswith("*"): field = line continue if i == 2: dataset.metadata.format = line.split()[0] continue if i == 4: dataset.metadata.dimension = line.split()[0] continue if i == 5: dataset.metadata.size = line.split() continue if i == 6: dataset.metadata.voxsize = line.split() continue if field.startswith("*origin"): dataset.metadata.origin = line.split() continue if field.startswith("**cell"): dataset.metadata.cells = int(line) break
[docs] def set_peek(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, **kwd) -> None: if not dataset.dataset.purged: dataset.peek = get_file_peek(dataset.get_file_name(), line_count=9) dataset.blurb = f"format: {str(dataset.metadata.format)} dim: {str(dataset.metadata.dimension)} cells: {str(dataset.metadata.cells)}" else: dataset.peek = "File does not exist" dataset.blurb = "File purged from disc"
[docs]class NeperPoints(data.Text): """ Neper Position File Neper position format has 1 - 3 floats per line separated by white space. """ file_ext = "neper.points" MetadataElement(name="dimension", default=None, desc="dimension", readonly=True, visible=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwd): data.Text.__init__(self, **kwd)
[docs] def set_meta(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, overwrite: bool = True, **kwd) -> None: data.Text.set_meta(self, dataset, overwrite=overwrite, **kwd) if dataset.has_data(): with open(dataset.get_file_name(), errors="ignore") as fh: dataset.metadata.dimension = self._get_dimension(fh)
def _get_dimension(self, fh: "TextIOBase", maxlines: int = 100, sep: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[float]: dim = None try: for i, line in enumerate(fh): if not line: break pts = len([float(x) for x in line.strip().split(sep=sep)]) if dim is not None and pts != dim: return None elif 1 <= pts <= 3: dim = pts else: return None if i > maxlines: break except Exception: return None return dim
[docs] def set_peek(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, **kwd) -> None: data.Text.set_peek(self, dataset) if not dataset.dataset.purged: dataset.blurb += f" dim: {str(dataset.metadata.dimension)}"
[docs]class NeperPointsTabular(NeperPoints, Tabular): """ Neper Position File Neper position format has 1 - 3 floats per line separated by TABs. """ file_ext = "neper.points.tsv"
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwd): Tabular.__init__(self, **kwd)
[docs] def set_meta(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, overwrite: bool = True, **kwd) -> None: Tabular.set_meta(self, dataset, overwrite=overwrite, **kwd) if dataset.has_data(): with open(dataset.get_file_name(), errors="ignore") as fh: dataset.metadata.dimension = self._get_dimension(fh)
[docs] def set_peek(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, **kwd) -> None: Tabular.set_peek(self, dataset) if not dataset.dataset.purged: dataset.blurb += f" dim: {str(dataset.metadata.dimension)}"
[docs]class NeperMultiScaleCell(data.Text): """ Neper Multiscale Cell File """ file_ext = "neper.mscell"
[docs]@build_sniff_from_prefix class GmshMsh(Binary): """Gmsh Mesh File""" file_ext = "gmsh.msh" is_binary = "maybe" MetadataElement(name="version", default=None, desc="version", readonly=True, visible=True) MetadataElement(name="format", default=None, desc="format", readonly=True, visible=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwd): Binary.__init__(self, **kwd)
[docs] def sniff_prefix(self, file_prefix: FilePrefix) -> bool: """ Gmsh msh format, starts with ``$MeshFormat`` >>> from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import get_test_fname >>> fname = get_test_fname('test.gmsh.msh') >>> GmshMsh().sniff(fname) True >>> fname = get_test_fname('test.neper.tesr') >>> GmshMsh().sniff(fname) False """ return file_prefix.text_io(errors="ignore").readline().startswith("$MeshFormat")
[docs] def set_meta(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, overwrite: bool = True, **kwd) -> None: if dataset.has_data(): with open(dataset.get_file_name(), errors="ignore") as fh: for i, line in enumerate(fh): line = line.strip() if not line or i > 1: break if i == 0 and not line.startswith("$MeshFormat"): break if i == 1: fields = line.split() if len(fields) > 0: dataset.metadata.version = fields[0] if len(fields) > 1: dataset.metadata.format = "ASCII" if fields[1] == "0" else "binary"
[docs] def set_peek(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, **kwd) -> None: if not dataset.dataset.purged: dataset.peek = get_file_peek(dataset.get_file_name(), line_count=3) dataset.blurb = f"Gmsh verion: {str(dataset.metadata.version)} {str(dataset.metadata.format)}" else: dataset.peek = "File does not exist" dataset.blurb = "File purged from disc"
[docs]class GmshGeo(data.Text): """Gmsh geometry File""" file_ext = "gmsh.geo"
[docs]class ZsetGeof(data.Text): """ Z-set geof File """ file_ext = "zset.geof"
# Utility functions
[docs]def get_next_line(fh): line = fh.readline(MAX_LINE_LEN) if not line.endswith("\n"): # Discard the rest of the line fh.readline() return line.strip()