Source code for galaxy.auth

Contains implementations of the authentication logic.

import logging

from galaxy.auth.util import (
from galaxy.exceptions import Conflict
from galaxy.util import string_as_bool

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AuthManager:
[docs] def __init__(self, config): self.redact_username_in_logs = config.redact_username_in_logs self.authenticators = get_authenticators(config.auth_config_file, config.is_set("auth_config_file"))
[docs] def check_registration_allowed(self, email, username, password, request): """Checks if the provided email/username is allowed to register.""" message = "" status = "done" for provider, options in self.active_authenticators(email, username, password): allow_reg = _get_allow_register(options) if allow_reg == "challenge": auth_results = provider.authenticate(email, username, password, options, request) if auth_results[0] is True: break if auth_results[0] is None: message = "Invalid email address/username or password." status = "error" break elif allow_reg is True: break elif allow_reg is False: message = "Account registration not required for your account. Please simply login." status = "error" break return message, status
[docs] def check_auto_registration(self, trans, login, password, no_password_check=False): """ Checks the username/email & password using auth providers in order. If a match is found, returns the 'auto-register' option for that provider. """ if "@" in login: email = login username = None else: email = None username = login auth_return = {"auto_reg": False, "email": "", "username": ""} for provider, options in self.active_authenticators(email, username, password): if provider is None: log.debug(f"Unable to find module: {options}") else: options["no_password_check"] = no_password_check auth_results = provider.authenticate(email, username, password, options, trans.request) if auth_results[0] is True: try: auth_return = parse_auth_results(trans, auth_results, options) except Conflict as conflict: log.exception(conflict) raise return auth_return elif auth_results[0] is None: log.debug("Login: '%s', stopping due to failed non-continue", login) break # end authentication (skip rest) return auth_return
[docs] def check_password(self, user, password, request): """Checks the username/email and password using auth providers.""" for provider, options in self.active_authenticators(, user.username, password): if provider is None: log.debug(f"Unable to find module: {options}") else: auth_result = provider.authenticate_user(user, password, options, request) if auth_result is True: return True # accept user elif auth_result is None: break # end authentication (skip rest) return False
[docs] def check_change_password(self, user, current_password, request): """Checks that auth provider allows password changes and current_password matches. """ for provider, options in self.active_authenticators(, user.username, current_password): if provider is None: log.debug(f"Unable to find module: {options}") else: auth_result = provider.authenticate_user(user, current_password, options, request) if auth_result is True: if string_as_bool(options.get("allow-password-change", False)): return else: return "Password change not supported." elif auth_result is None: break # end authentication (skip rest) return "Invalid current password."
[docs] def active_authenticators(self, email, username, password): """Yields AuthProvider instances for the provided configfile that match the filters. """ try: for authenticator in self.authenticators: filter_template = authenticator.filter_template if filter_template: filter_str = filter_template.format(email=email, username=username, password=password) passed_filter = eval(filter_str, {"__builtins__": None}, {"str": str}) if not passed_filter: continue # skip to next options = authenticator.options options["redact_username_in_logs"] = self.redact_username_in_logs yield authenticator.plugin, options except Exception: log.exception("Active Authenticators Failure") raise
def _get_allow_register(d): s = d.get("allow-register", True) if (lower_s := str(s).lower()) == "challenge": return lower_s else: return string_as_bool(s)