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Source code for galaxy.tools.error_reports.plugins.sentry

"""The module describes the ``sentry`` error plugin."""
import logging
from typing import Dict

    import sentry_sdk
except ImportError:
    sentry_sdk = None

from galaxy.util import string_as_bool
from . import ErrorPlugin

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SENTRY_SDK_IMPORT_MESSAGE = "The Python sentry-sdk package is required to use this feature, please install it"
ERROR_TEMPLATE = "Galaxy Job Error: {tool_name}"

[docs]class SentryPlugin(ErrorPlugin): """Send error report to Sentry.""" plugin_type = "sentry"
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.app = kwargs["app"] self.redact_user_details_in_bugreport = self.app.config.redact_user_details_in_bugreport self.verbose = string_as_bool(kwargs.get("verbose", False)) self.user_submission = string_as_bool(kwargs.get("user_submission", False)) assert sentry_sdk, SENTRY_SDK_IMPORT_MESSAGE
[docs] def submit_report(self, dataset, job, tool, **kwargs): """Submit the error report to Sentry.""" tool_name = ( job.tool_id if not job.tool_id.endswith(f"/{job.tool_version}") else job.tool_id[: -len(job.tool_version) - 1] ) # strip the tool's version from its long id # Add contexts to the report. contexts: Dict[str, dict] = dict() # - "job" context contexts["job"] = { "info": job.info, "id": job.id, "command_line": job.command_line, "destination_id": job.destination_id, "stderr": job.stderr, "traceback": job.traceback, "exit_code": job.exit_code, "stdout": job.stdout, "handler": job.handler, "tool_id": job.tool_id, "tool_version": job.tool_version, "tool_xml": tool.config_file if tool else None, } # - "feedback" context # The User Feedback API https://docs.sentry.io/api/projects/submit-user-feedback/ would be a better approach for # this. if "message" in kwargs: contexts["feedback"] = { "message": kwargs["message"], } for name, context in contexts.items(): sentry_sdk.set_context(name, context) # Add user information to the report. user = job.get_user() sentry_user = { "id": user.id if user else None, } if user and not self.redact_user_details_in_bugreport: sentry_user.update( { "username": user.username, "email": user.email, } ) sentry_sdk.set_user(sentry_user) # Add tags to the report. tags = { "tool": job.tool_id, "tool.name": tool_name, "tool.version": job.tool_version, "feedback": "yes" if "message" in kwargs else "no", } for name, value in tags.items(): sentry_sdk.set_tag(name, value) # Construct the error message to send to sentry. The first line # will be the issue title, everything after that becomes the # "message". error_message = ERROR_TEMPLATE.format( tool_name=tool_name, ) # Send the report as an error. sentry_sdk.set_level("error") # Send the report. response = sentry_sdk.capture_message(error_message) return f"Submitted bug report to Sentry. Your guru meditation number is {response}", "success"
__all__ = ("SentryPlugin",)