galaxy.tool_util.cwl package
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.tool_proxy(tool_path=None, tool_object=None, strict_cwl_validation=True, tool_directory=None, uuid=None) ToolProxy [source]
Provide a proxy object to cwltool data structures to just grab relevant data.
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.tool_proxy_from_persistent_representation(persisted_tool, strict_cwl_validation=True, tool_directory=None) ToolProxy [source]
Load a ToolProxy from a previously persisted representation.
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.workflow_proxy(workflow_path, strict_cwl_validation=True) WorkflowProxy [source]
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.to_cwl_job(tool, param_dict, local_working_directory)[source]
tool is Galaxy’s representation of the tool and param_dict is the parameter dictionary with wrapped values.
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.to_galaxy_parameters(tool, as_dict)[source]
Tool is Galaxy’s representation of the tool and as_dict is a Galaxified representation of the input json (no paths, HDA references for instance).
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.needs_shell_quoting(string, pos=0, endpos=9223372036854775807)
Scan through string looking for a match, and return a corresponding match object instance.
Return None if no position in the string matches.
galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps module
Logic for dealing with cwltool as an optional dependency.
Use this as the import interface for cwltool and just call
before using any of the imported
functionality at runtime.
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.CommentedMap(*args: Any, **kw: Any)[source]
- update([E, ]**F) None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F. [source]
If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
- insert(pos: Any, key: Any, value: Any, comment: Any | None = None) None [source]
insert key value into given position, as defined by source YAML attach comment if provided
- mlget(key: Any, default: Any = None, list_ok: Any = False) Any [source]
multi-level get that expects dicts within dicts
- get(key: Any, default: Any = None) Any [source]
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- pop(k[, d]) v, remove specified key and return the corresponding [source]
value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.
- property merge: Any
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.default_loader(fetcher_constructor: Callable[[Dict[str, str | Graph | bool], Session], Fetcher] | None = None, enable_dev: bool = False, doc_cache: bool = True) Loader [source]
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.ensure_cwltool_available()[source]
Assert optional dependencies proxied via this module are available at runtime.
Throw an ImportError with a description of the problem if they do not exist.
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.getdefault(val: Any, default: Any) Any [source]
Return the
using thedefault
as backup in case the val isNone
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.LoadingContext(kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]
- __init__(kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) None [source]
Initialize the LoadingContext from the kwargs.
- copy() LoadingContext [source]
Return a copy of this
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.needs_shell_quoting(string, pos=0, endpos=9223372036854775807)
Scan through string looking for a match, and return a corresponding match object instance.
Return None if no position in the string matches.
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.normalizeFilesDirs(job: MutableSequence[MutableMapping[str, Any]] | MutableMapping[str, Any] | DirectoryType | None) None [source]
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.relink_initialworkdir(pathmapper: PathMapper, host_outdir: str, container_outdir: str, inplace_update: bool = False) None [source]
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.resolve_and_validate_document(loadingContext: LoadingContext, workflowobj: CommentedMap | CommentedSeq, uri: str, preprocess_only: bool = False) Tuple[LoadingContext, str] [source]
Validate a CWL document.
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.RuntimeContext(kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]
- __init__(kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) None [source]
Initialize the RuntimeContext from the kwargs.
- get_outdir() str [source]
or create one withtmp_outdir_prefix
- get_tmpdir() str [source]
or create one withtmpdir_prefix
- get_stagedir() str [source]
or create one withtmpdir_prefix
- create_tmpdir() str [source]
Create a temporary directory that respects
- create_outdir() str [source]
Create a temporary directory that respects
- copy() RuntimeContext [source]
Return a copy of this
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.StdFsAccess(basedir: str)[source]
Local filesystem implementation.
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.visit_class(rec: Any, cls: Iterable[Any], op: Callable[[...], Any]) None [source]
Apply a function to with “class” in cls.
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.cwltool_deps.yaml_no_ts()
galaxy.tool_util.cwl.parser module
This module provides proxy objects around objects from the common workflow language reference implementation library cwltool. These proxies adapt cwltool to Galaxy features and abstract the library away from the rest of the framework.
galaxy.tool_util.cwl.representation module
This module is responsible for converting between Galaxy’s tool input description and the CWL description for a job json.
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.representation.INPUT_TYPE(value)[source]
An enumeration.
- DATA = 'data'
- INTEGER = 'integer'
- FLOAT = 'float'
- TEXT = 'text'
- BOOLEAN = 'boolean'
- SELECT = 'select'
- FIELD = 'field'
- CONDITIONAL = 'conditional'
- DATA_COLLECTION = 'data_collection'
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.representation.TypeRepresentation(name, galaxy_param_type, label, collection_type)[source]
- property uses_param
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.representation.type_representation_from_name(type_representation_name)[source]
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.representation.dataset_wrapper_to_file_json(inputs_dir, dataset_wrapper)[source]
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.representation.dataset_wrapper_to_directory_json(inputs_dir, dataset_wrapper)[source]
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.representation.collection_wrapper_to_record(inputs_dir, wrapped_value)[source]
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.representation.to_cwl_job(tool, param_dict, local_working_directory)[source]
tool is Galaxy’s representation of the tool and param_dict is the parameter dictionary with wrapped values.
galaxy.tool_util.cwl.runnable module
Lighter-weight variant of Planemo runnable outputs.
galaxy.tool_util.cwl.runtime_actions module
galaxy.tool_util.cwl.schema module
Abstraction around cwltool and related libraries for loading a CWL artifact.
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.schema.RawProcessReference(loading_context, process_object, uri)[source]
- loading_context: LoadingContext
Alias for field number 0
- process_object: CommentedMap
Alias for field number 1
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.schema.ResolvedProcessDefinition(loading_context, uri, raw_process_reference)[source]
- loading_context: LoadingContext
Alias for field number 0
- raw_process_reference: RawProcessReference
Alias for field number 2
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.schema.SchemaLoader(strict=True, validate=True)[source]
- property raw_document_loader
- process_definition(raw_process_reference: RawProcessReference) ResolvedProcessDefinition [source]
galaxy.tool_util.cwl.util module
Client-centric CWL-related utilities.
Used to share code between the Galaxy test framework and other Galaxy CWL clients (e.g. Planemo).
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.util.OutputPropertiesType
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.util.output_properties(path: str | None = None, content: bytes | None = None, basename=None, pseudo_location=False) OutputPropertiesType [source]
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.util.abs_path_or_uri(path_or_uri: str, relative_to: str, resolve_data: Callable[[str], str | None] | None) str [source]
Return the absolute path if this isn’t a URI, otherwise keep the URI the same.
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.util.abs_path(path_or_uri: str, relative_to: str) str [source]
Return the absolute path if this is a file:// URI or a local path.
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.util.galactic_job_json(job: Dict[str, Any], test_data_directory: str, upload_func: Callable[[UploadTarget], Dict[str, Any]], collection_create_func: Callable[[List[Dict[str, Any]], str], Dict[str, Any]], tool_or_workflow: typing_extensions.Literal[tool, workflow] = 'workflow', resolve_data: Callable[[str], str | None] | None = None) Tuple[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]] [source]
Adapt a CWL job object to the Galaxy API.
CWL derived tools in Galaxy can consume a job description sort of like CWL job objects via the API but paths need to be replaced with datasets and records and arrays with collection references. This function will stage files and modify the job description to adapt to these changes for Galaxy.
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.util.FileLiteralTarget(contents: str, **kwargs)[source]
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.util.FileUploadTarget(path: str | None, secondary_files: str | None = None, composite_data: List[str] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.util.ObjectUploadTarget(the_object: Any)[source]
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.util.DirectoryUploadTarget(tar_path: str, file_type: str = 'directory', name: str = 'uploaded directory')[source]
- class galaxy.tool_util.cwl.util.GalaxyOutput(history_id, history_content_type, history_content_id, metadata)
- history_content_id
Alias for field number 2
- history_content_type
Alias for field number 1
- history_id
Alias for field number 0
- metadata
Alias for field number 3
- galaxy.tool_util.cwl.util.output_to_cwl_json(galaxy_output, get_metadata, get_dataset, get_extra_files, pseudo_location=False)[source]
Convert objects in a Galaxy history into a CWL object.
Useful in running conformance tests and implementing the cwl-runner interface via Galaxy.