galaxy.authnz package
Contains implementations for authentication and authorization against an OpenID Connect (OIDC) Identity Provider (IdP).
This package follows “authorization code flow” authentication protocol to authenticate Galaxy users against third-party identity providers.
Additionally, this package implements functionalist’s to request temporary access credentials for cloud-based resource providers (e.g., Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure).
- class galaxy.authnz.IdentityProvider(provider, config, backend_config)[source]
OpenID Connect Identity Provider abstract interface.
- __init__(provider, config, backend_config)[source]
Initialize the identity provider using the provided configuration, and raise a ParseError (or any more related specific exception) in case the configuration is malformed.
- Parameters:
provider (string) – is the name of the identity provider (e.g., Google).
config (lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element) – Is the configuration element of the provider from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_config.xml). This element contains the all the provider-specific configuration elements.
backend_config (lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element) – Is the configuration element of the backend of the provider from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_backends_config.xml). This element contains all the backend-specific configuration elements.
- authenticate(trans, idphint=None)[source]
Runs for authentication process. Checks the database if a valid identity exists in the database; if yes, then the user is authenticated, if not, it generates a provider-specific authentication flow and returns redirect URI to the controller.
- Parameters:
trans (GalaxyWebTransaction) – Galaxy web transaction.
- Returns:
a redirect URI to the provider’s authentication endpoint
- callback(state_token: str, authz_code: str, trans, login_redirect_url)[source]
Handles authentication call-backs from identity providers.
This process maps state-token to a user.
- Parameters:
state_token – is an anti-forgery token which identifies a Galaxy user to whom the given authorization code belongs to.
authz_code – a very short-lived, single-use token to request a refresh token.
trans (GalaxyWebTransaction) – Galaxy web transaction.
- Return type:
- Returns:
a tuple of redirect_url and user.
- logout(trans, post_user_logout_href=None)[source]
Return a URL that will log the user out of the IDP. In OIDC this is called the ‘end_session_endpoint’.
- Parameters:
trans (GalaxyWebTransaction) – Galaxy web transaction.
post_user_logout_href (string) – Optional URL to redirect to after logging out of IDP.
galaxy.authnz.custos_authnz module
- class galaxy.authnz.custos_authnz.CustosAuthnzConfiguration(provider: str, verify_ssl: bool | NoneType, url: str, label: str, client_id: str, client_secret: str, require_create_confirmation: bool, redirect_uri: str, ca_bundle: str | NoneType, pkce_support: bool, accepted_audiences: List[str], extra_params: dict | NoneType, extra_scopes: List[str], authorization_endpoint: str | NoneType, token_endpoint: str | NoneType, end_session_endpoint: str | NoneType, well_known_oidc_config_uri: str | NoneType, iam_client_secret: str | NoneType, userinfo_endpoint: str | NoneType, credential_url: str | NoneType, issuer: str | NoneType, jwks_uri: str | NoneType)[source]
- __init__(provider: str, verify_ssl: bool | None, url: str, label: str, client_id: str, client_secret: str, require_create_confirmation: bool, redirect_uri: str, ca_bundle: str | None, pkce_support: bool, accepted_audiences: List[str], extra_params: dict | None, extra_scopes: List[str], authorization_endpoint: str | None, token_endpoint: str | None, end_session_endpoint: str | None, well_known_oidc_config_uri: str | None, iam_client_secret: str | None, userinfo_endpoint: str | None, credential_url: str | None, issuer: str | None, jwks_uri: str | None) None
- class galaxy.authnz.custos_authnz.OIDCAuthnzBase(provider, oidc_config, oidc_backend_config, idphint=None)[source]
- __init__(provider, oidc_config, oidc_backend_config, idphint=None)[source]
Initialize the identity provider using the provided configuration, and raise a ParseError (or any more related specific exception) in case the configuration is malformed.
- Parameters:
provider (string) – is the name of the identity provider (e.g., Google).
config (lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element) – Is the configuration element of the provider from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_config.xml). This element contains the all the provider-specific configuration elements.
backend_config (lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element) – Is the configuration element of the backend of the provider from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_backends_config.xml). This element contains all the backend-specific configuration elements.
- authenticate(trans, idphint=None)[source]
Runs for authentication process. Checks the database if a valid identity exists in the database; if yes, then the user is authenticated, if not, it generates a provider-specific authentication flow and returns redirect URI to the controller.
- Parameters:
trans (GalaxyWebTransaction) – Galaxy web transaction.
- Returns:
a redirect URI to the provider’s authentication endpoint
- callback(state_token, authz_code, trans, login_redirect_url)[source]
Handles authentication call-backs from identity providers.
This process maps state-token to a user.
- Parameters:
state_token – is an anti-forgery token which identifies a Galaxy user to whom the given authorization code belongs to.
authz_code – a very short-lived, single-use token to request a refresh token.
trans (GalaxyWebTransaction) – Galaxy web transaction.
- Return type:
- Returns:
a tuple of redirect_url and user.
- logout(trans, post_user_logout_href=None)[source]
Return a URL that will log the user out of the IDP. In OIDC this is called the ‘end_session_endpoint’.
- Parameters:
trans (GalaxyWebTransaction) – Galaxy web transaction.
post_user_logout_href (string) – Optional URL to redirect to after logging out of IDP.
- class galaxy.authnz.custos_authnz.OIDCAuthnzBaseKeycloak(provider, oidc_config, oidc_backend_config, idphint=None)[source]
- __init__(provider, oidc_config, oidc_backend_config, idphint=None)[source]
Initialize the identity provider using the provided configuration, and raise a ParseError (or any more related specific exception) in case the configuration is malformed.
- Parameters:
provider (string) – is the name of the identity provider (e.g., Google).
config (lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element) – Is the configuration element of the provider from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_config.xml). This element contains the all the provider-specific configuration elements.
backend_config (lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element) – Is the configuration element of the backend of the provider from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_backends_config.xml). This element contains all the backend-specific configuration elements.
- class galaxy.authnz.custos_authnz.OIDCAuthnzBaseCiLogon(provider, oidc_config, oidc_backend_config, idphint=None)[source]
- __init__(provider, oidc_config, oidc_backend_config, idphint=None)[source]
Initialize the identity provider using the provided configuration, and raise a ParseError (or any more related specific exception) in case the configuration is malformed.
- Parameters:
provider (string) – is the name of the identity provider (e.g., Google).
config (lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element) – Is the configuration element of the provider from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_config.xml). This element contains the all the provider-specific configuration elements.
backend_config (lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element) – Is the configuration element of the backend of the provider from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_backends_config.xml). This element contains all the backend-specific configuration elements.
- class galaxy.authnz.custos_authnz.OIDCAuthnzBaseCustos(provider, oidc_config, oidc_backend_config, idphint=None)[source]
- __init__(provider, oidc_config, oidc_backend_config, idphint=None)[source]
Initialize the identity provider using the provided configuration, and raise a ParseError (or any more related specific exception) in case the configuration is malformed.
- Parameters:
provider (string) – is the name of the identity provider (e.g., Google).
config (lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element) – Is the configuration element of the provider from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_config.xml). This element contains the all the provider-specific configuration elements.
backend_config (lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element) – Is the configuration element of the backend of the provider from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_backends_config.xml). This element contains all the backend-specific configuration elements.
galaxy.authnz.managers module
- class galaxy.authnz.managers.AuthnzManager(app, oidc_config_file, oidc_backends_config_file)[source]
- __init__(app, oidc_config_file, oidc_backends_config_file)[source]
- Parameters:
app ( –
config (string) – sets the path for OIDC configuration file (e.g., oidc_backends_config.xml).
- authenticate(provider, trans, idphint=None)[source]
- Parameters:
provider (string) – set the name of the identity provider to be used for authentication flow.
trans (GalaxyWebTransaction) – Galaxy web transaction.
- Returns:
an identity provider specific authentication redirect URI.
- logout(provider, trans, post_user_logout_href=None)[source]
Log the user out of the identity provider.
- Parameters:
provider (string) – set the name of the identity provider.
trans (GalaxyWebTransaction) – Galaxy web transaction.
post_user_logout_href (string) – (Optional) URL for identity provider to redirect to after logging user out.
- Returns:
a tuple (success boolean, message, redirect URI)
galaxy.authnz.psa_authnz module
- class galaxy.authnz.psa_authnz.PSAAuthnz(provider, oidc_config, oidc_backend_config)[source]
- __init__(provider, oidc_config, oidc_backend_config)[source]
Initialize the identity provider using the provided configuration, and raise a ParseError (or any more related specific exception) in case the configuration is malformed.
- Parameters:
provider (string) – is the name of the identity provider (e.g., Google).
config (lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element) – Is the configuration element of the provider from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_config.xml). This element contains the all the provider-specific configuration elements.
backend_config (lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element) – Is the configuration element of the backend of the provider from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_backends_config.xml). This element contains all the backend-specific configuration elements.
- authenticate(trans, idphint=None)[source]
Runs for authentication process. Checks the database if a valid identity exists in the database; if yes, then the user is authenticated, if not, it generates a provider-specific authentication flow and returns redirect URI to the controller.
- Parameters:
trans (GalaxyWebTransaction) – Galaxy web transaction.
- Returns:
a redirect URI to the provider’s authentication endpoint
- callback(state_token, authz_code, trans, login_redirect_url)[source]
Handles authentication call-backs from identity providers.
This process maps state-token to a user.
- Parameters:
state_token – is an anti-forgery token which identifies a Galaxy user to whom the given authorization code belongs to.
authz_code – a very short-lived, single-use token to request a refresh token.
trans (GalaxyWebTransaction) – Galaxy web transaction.
- Return type:
- Returns:
a tuple of redirect_url and user.
- class galaxy.authnz.psa_authnz.Strategy(request, session, storage, config, tpl=None)[source]
- class galaxy.authnz.psa_authnz.Storage[source]
- user
alias of
- association
alias of
- partial
alias of
- galaxy.authnz.psa_authnz.contains_required_data(response=None, is_new=False, **kwargs)[source]
This function is called as part of authentication and authorization pipeline before user is authenticated or authorized (see AUTH_PIPELINE).
This function asserts if all the data required by Galaxy for a user is provided. It raises an exception if any of the required data is missing, and returns void if otherwise.
- Parameters:
response (dict) –
a dictionary containing decoded response from OIDC backend that contain the following keys among others:
id_token; see:
access_token; see:
refresh_token; see:
token_type; see:
scope; see:
- expires_in; is the expiration time of the access and ID tokens in seconds since
the response was generated.
is_new (bool) – has the user been authenticated?
kwargs –
may contain the following keys among others:
uid: user ID
user: Galaxy user; if user is already authenticated
backend: the backend that is used for user authentication.
storage: an instance of Storage class.
strategy: an instance of the Strategy class.
state: the state code received from identity provider.
details: details about the user’s third-party identity as requested in scope.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Raises an exception if any of the required arguments is missing, and pass if all are given.
- galaxy.authnz.psa_authnz.allowed_to_disconnect(name=None, user=None, user_storage=None, strategy=None, backend=None, request=None, details=None, **kwargs)[source]
Disconnect is the process of disassociating a Galaxy user and a third-party authnz. In other words, it is the process of removing any access and/or ID tokens of a user. This function should raise an exception if disconnection is NOT permitted. Do NOT return any value (except an empty dictionary) if disconnect is allowed. Because, at least until PSA social_core v.1.5.0, any returned value (e.g., Boolean) will result in ignoring the rest of the disconnect pipeline. See the following condition in run_pipeline function: :param name: name of the backend (e.g., google-openidconnect) :type user: galaxy.model.User :type user_storage: galaxy.model.UserAuthnzToken :type strategy: galaxy.authnz.psa_authnz.Strategy :type backend: PSA backend object (e.g., social_core.backends.google_openidconnect.GoogleOpenIdConnect) :type request: webob.multidict.MultiDict :type details: dict :return: empty dict
- galaxy.authnz.psa_authnz.disconnect(name=None, user=None, user_storage=None, strategy=None, backend=None, request=None, details=None, **kwargs)[source]
Disconnect is the process of disassociating a Galaxy user and a third-party authnz. In other words, it is the process of removing any access and/or ID tokens of a user. :param name: name of the backend (e.g., google-openidconnect) :type user: galaxy.model.User :type user_storage: galaxy.model.UserAuthnzToken :type strategy: galaxy.authnz.psa_authnz.Strategy :type backend: PSA backend object (e.g., social_core.backends.google_openidconnect.GoogleOpenIdConnect) :type request: webob.multidict.MultiDict :type details: dict :return: void or empty dict. Any key-value pair inside the dictionary will be available inside PSA only, and will be passed to the next step in the disconnect pipeline. However, the key-value pair will not be returned as a result of calling the do_disconnect function. Additionally, returning any value except for a(n) (empty) dictionary, will break the disconnect pipeline, and that value will be returned as a result of calling the do_disconnect function.