Source code for galaxy.authnz.managers

import builtins
import logging

from galaxy import (
from galaxy.util import (
from galaxy.util.resources import (
from .custos_authnz import (
from .psa_authnz import (

OIDC_BACKEND_SCHEMA = resource_path(__package__, "xsd/oidc_backends_config.xsd")

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Note: This if for backward compatibility. Icons can be specified in oidc_backends_config.xml.
    "google": "",
    "elixir": "",
    "okta": "",

[docs]class AuthnzManager:
[docs] def __init__(self, app, oidc_config_file, oidc_backends_config_file): """ :type app: :param app: :type config: string :param config: sets the path for OIDC configuration file (e.g., oidc_backends_config.xml). """ = app self.allowed_idps = None self._parse_oidc_config(oidc_config_file) self._parse_oidc_backends_config(oidc_backends_config_file)
def _parse_oidc_config(self, config_file): self.oidc_config = {} try: tree = parse_xml(config_file) root = tree.getroot() if root.tag != "OIDC": raise etree.ParseError( "The root element in OIDC_Config xml file is expected to be `OIDC`, " f"found `{root.tag}` instead -- unable to continue." ) for child in root: if child.tag != "Setter": log.error( "Expect a node with `Setter` tag, found a node with `%s` tag instead; skipping this node.", child.tag, ) continue if "Property" not in child.attrib or "Value" not in child.attrib or "Type" not in child.attrib: log.error( "Could not find the node attributes `Property` and/or `Value` and/or `Type`;" f" found these attributes: `{child.attrib}`; skipping this node." ) continue try: if child.get("Type") == "bool": func = string_as_bool else: func = getattr(builtins, child.get("Type")) except AttributeError: log.error( "The value of attribute `Type`, `%s`, is not a valid built-in type; skipping this node", child.get("Type"), ) continue self.oidc_config[child.get("Property")] = func(child.get("Value")) except ImportError: raise except etree.ParseError as e: raise etree.ParseError(f"Invalid configuration at `{config_file}`: {e} -- unable to continue.") def _get_idp_icon(self, idp): return self.oidc_backends_config[idp].get("icon") or DEFAULT_OIDC_IDP_ICONS.get(idp) def _get_idp_button_text(self, idp): return self.oidc_backends_config[idp].get("custom_button_text") def _parse_oidc_backends_config(self, config_file): self.oidc_backends_config = {} self.oidc_backends_implementation = {} try: with as_file(OIDC_BACKEND_SCHEMA) as oidc_backend_schema_path: tree = parse_xml(config_file, schemafname=oidc_backend_schema_path) root = tree.getroot() if root.tag != "OIDC": raise etree.ParseError( "The root element in OIDC config xml file is expected to be `OIDC`, " f"found `{root.tag}` instead -- unable to continue." ) for child in root: if child.tag != "provider": log.error( "Expect a node with `provider` tag, found a node with `%s` tag instead; skipping the node.", child.tag, ) continue if "name" not in child.attrib: log.error(f"Could not find a node attribute 'name'; skipping the node '{child.tag}'.") continue idp = child.get("name").lower() if idp in BACKENDS_NAME: self.oidc_backends_config[idp] = self._parse_idp_config(child) self.oidc_backends_implementation[idp] = "psa"[idp] = { "icon": self._get_idp_icon(idp), "custom_button_text": self._get_idp_button_text(idp), } elif idp in KEYCLOAK_BACKENDS: self.oidc_backends_config[idp] = self._parse_custos_config(child) self.oidc_backends_implementation[idp] = "custos"[idp] = { "icon": self._get_idp_icon(idp), "label": self.oidc_backends_config[idp].get("label", idp), } else: raise etree.ParseError("Unknown provider specified") if len(self.oidc_backends_config) == 0: raise etree.ParseError("No valid provider configuration parsed.") except ImportError: raise except etree.ParseError as e: raise etree.ParseError(f"Invalid configuration at `{config_file}`: {e} -- unable to continue.") def _parse_idp_config(self, config_xml): rtv = { "client_id": config_xml.find("client_id").text, "client_secret": config_xml.find("client_secret").text, "redirect_uri": config_xml.find("redirect_uri").text, "enable_idp_logout": asbool(config_xml.findtext("enable_idp_logout", "false")), } if config_xml.find("label") is not None: rtv["label"] = config_xml.find("label").text if config_xml.find("require_create_confirmation") is not None: rtv["require_create_confirmation"] = asbool(config_xml.find("require_create_confirmation").text) if config_xml.find("prompt") is not None: rtv["prompt"] = config_xml.find("prompt").text if config_xml.find("api_url") is not None: rtv["api_url"] = config_xml.find("api_url").text if config_xml.find("url") is not None: rtv["url"] = config_xml.find("url").text if config_xml.find("icon") is not None: rtv["icon"] = config_xml.find("icon").text if config_xml.find("extra_scopes") is not None: rtv["extra_scopes"] = listify(config_xml.find("extra_scopes").text) if config_xml.find("tenant_id") is not None: rtv["tenant_id"] = config_xml.find("tenant_id").text if config_xml.find("oidc_endpoint") is not None: rtv["oidc_endpoint"] = config_xml.find("oidc_endpoint").text if config_xml.find("custom_button_text") is not None: rtv["custom_button_text"] = config_xml.find("custom_button_text").text if config_xml.find("pkce_support") is not None: rtv["pkce_support"] = asbool(config_xml.find("pkce_support").text) if config_xml.find("accepted_audiences") is not None: rtv["accepted_audiences"] = config_xml.find("accepted_audiences").text # this is a EGI Check-in specific config if config_xml.find("checkin_env") is not None: rtv["checkin_env"] = config_xml.find("checkin_env").text return rtv def _parse_custos_config(self, config_xml): rtv = { "url": config_xml.find("url").text, "client_id": config_xml.find("client_id").text, "client_secret": config_xml.find("client_secret").text, "redirect_uri": config_xml.find("redirect_uri").text, "enable_idp_logout": asbool(config_xml.findtext("enable_idp_logout", "false")), } if config_xml.find("label") is not None: rtv["label"] = config_xml.find("label").text if config_xml.find("require_create_confirmation") is not None: rtv["require_create_confirmation"] = asbool(config_xml.find("require_create_confirmation").text) if config_xml.find("credential_url") is not None: rtv["credential_url"] = config_xml.find("credential_url").text if config_xml.find("well_known_oidc_config_uri") is not None: rtv["well_known_oidc_config_uri"] = config_xml.find("well_known_oidc_config_uri").text if config_xml.findall("allowed_idp") is not None: self.allowed_idps = [idp.text for idp in config_xml.findall("allowed_idp")] if config_xml.find("ca_bundle") is not None: rtv["ca_bundle"] = config_xml.find("ca_bundle").text if config_xml.find("icon") is not None: rtv["icon"] = config_xml.find("icon").text if config_xml.find("extra_scopes") is not None: rtv["extra_scopes"] = listify(config_xml.find("extra_scopes").text) if config_xml.find("pkce_support") is not None: rtv["pkce_support"] = asbool(config_xml.find("pkce_support").text) if config_xml.find("accepted_audiences") is not None: rtv["accepted_audiences"] = config_xml.find("accepted_audiences").text return rtv
[docs] def get_allowed_idps(self): # None, if no allowed idp list is set, and a list of EntityIDs if configured (in oidc_backend) return self.allowed_idps
def _unify_provider_name(self, provider): if provider.lower() in self.oidc_backends_config: return provider.lower() for k, v in BACKENDS_NAME.items(): if v == provider: return k.lower() return None def _get_authnz_backend(self, provider, idphint=None): unified_provider_name = self._unify_provider_name(provider) if unified_provider_name in self.oidc_backends_config: provider = unified_provider_name identity_provider_class = self._get_identity_provider_factory(self.oidc_backends_implementation[provider]) try: if provider in KEYCLOAK_BACKENDS: return ( True, "", identity_provider_class( unified_provider_name, self.oidc_config, self.oidc_backends_config[unified_provider_name], idphint=idphint, ), ) else: return ( True, "", identity_provider_class( unified_provider_name, self.oidc_config, self.oidc_backends_config[unified_provider_name] ), ) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred when loading {identity_provider_class.__name__}") return False, unicodify(e), None else: msg = f"The requested identity provider, `{provider}`, is not a recognized/expected provider." log.debug(msg) return False, msg, None @staticmethod def _get_identity_provider_factory(implementation): if implementation == "psa": return PSAAuthnz elif implementation == "custos": return CustosAuthFactory.GetCustosBasedAuthProvider else: return None
[docs] @staticmethod def can_user_assume_authn(trans, authn_id): qres = trans.sa_session.query(model.UserAuthnzToken).get(authn_id) if qres is None: msg = f"Authentication record with the given `authn_id` (`{}`) not found." log.debug(msg) raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound(msg) if qres.user_id != msg = ( f"The request authentication with ID `{}` is not accessible to user with ID " f"`{}`." ) log.warning(msg) raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(msg)
[docs] def refresh_expiring_oidc_tokens_for_provider(self, trans, auth): try: success, message, backend = self._get_authnz_backend(auth.provider) if success is False: msg = f"An error occurred when refreshing user token on `{auth.provider}` identity provider: {message}" log.error(msg) return False refreshed = backend.refresh(trans, auth) if refreshed: log.debug(f"Refreshed user token via `{auth.provider}` identity provider") return True except Exception: log.exception("An error occurred when refreshing user token") return False
[docs] def refresh_expiring_oidc_tokens(self, trans, user=None): user = trans.user or user if not isinstance(user, model.User): return for auth in user.custos_auth or []: self.refresh_expiring_oidc_tokens_for_provider(trans, auth) for auth in user.social_auth or []: self.refresh_expiring_oidc_tokens_for_provider(trans, auth)
[docs] def authenticate(self, provider, trans, idphint=None): """ :type provider: string :param provider: set the name of the identity provider to be used for authentication flow. :type trans: GalaxyWebTransaction :param trans: Galaxy web transaction. :return: an identity provider specific authentication redirect URI. """ try: success, message, backend = self._get_authnz_backend(provider, idphint=idphint) if success is False: return False, message, None elif provider in KEYCLOAK_BACKENDS: if self.allowed_idps and (idphint not in self.allowed_idps): msg = f"An error occurred when authenticating a user. Invalid EntityID: `{idphint}`" log.exception(msg) return False, msg, None return ( True, f"Redirecting to the `{provider}` identity provider for authentication", backend.authenticate(trans, idphint), ) return ( True, f"Redirecting to the `{provider}` identity provider for authentication", backend.authenticate(trans), ) except Exception: msg = f"An error occurred when authenticating a user on `{provider}` identity provider" log.exception(msg) return False, msg, None
[docs] def callback(self, provider, state_token, authz_code, trans, login_redirect_url, idphint=None): try: success, message, backend = self._get_authnz_backend(provider, idphint=idphint) if success is False: return False, message, (None, None) return success, message, backend.callback(state_token, authz_code, trans, login_redirect_url) except exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: raise except Exception: msg = f"An error occurred when handling callback from `{provider}` identity provider. Please contact an administrator for assistance." log.exception(msg) return False, msg, (None, None)
[docs] def create_user(self, provider, token, trans, login_redirect_url): try: success, message, backend = self._get_authnz_backend(provider) if success is False: return False, message, (None, None) return success, message, backend.create_user(token, trans, login_redirect_url) except exceptions.AuthenticationFailed: log.exception("Error creating user") raise except Exception: msg = f"An error occurred when creating a user with `{provider}` identity provider. Please contact an administrator for assistance." log.exception(msg) return False, msg, (None, None)
def _assert_jwt_contains_scopes(self, user, jwt, required_scopes): if not jwt: raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed( err_msg=f"User: {user.username} does not have the required scopes: [{required_scopes}]" ) scopes = jwt.get("scope") or "" if not set(required_scopes).issubset(scopes.split(" ")): raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed( err_msg=f"User: {user.username} has JWT with scopes: [{scopes}] but not required scopes: [{required_scopes}]" ) def _validate_permissions(self, user, jwt): required_scopes = [f"{}:*"] self._assert_jwt_contains_scopes(user, jwt, required_scopes) def _match_access_token_to_user_in_provider(self, sa_session, provider, access_token): try: success, message, backend = self._get_authnz_backend(provider) if success is False: msg = f"An error occurred when obtaining user by token with provider `{provider}`: {message}" log.error(msg) return None user, jwt = None, None try: user, jwt = backend.decode_user_access_token(sa_session, access_token) except Exception: log.exception("Could not decode access token") raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(err_msg="Invalid access token or an unexpected error occurred.") if user and jwt: self._validate_permissions(user, jwt) return user elif not user and jwt: # jwt was decoded, but no user could be matched raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed( err_msg="Cannot locate user by access token. The user should log into Galaxy at least once with this OIDC provider." ) # Both jwt and user are empty, which means that this provider can't process this access token return None except NotImplementedError: return None
[docs] def match_access_token_to_user(self, sa_session, access_token): for provider in self.oidc_backends_config: user = self._match_access_token_to_user_in_provider(sa_session, provider, access_token) if user: return user return None
[docs] def logout(self, provider, trans, post_user_logout_href=None): """ Log the user out of the identity provider. :type provider: string :param provider: set the name of the identity provider. :type trans: GalaxyWebTransaction :param trans: Galaxy web transaction. :type post_user_logout_href: string :param post_user_logout_href: (Optional) URL for identity provider to redirect to after logging user out. :return: a tuple (success boolean, message, redirect URI) """ try: # check if logout is enabled for this idp and return false if not unified_provider_name = self._unify_provider_name(provider) if self.oidc_backends_config[unified_provider_name]["enable_idp_logout"] is False: return False, f"IDP logout is not enabled for {provider}", None success, message, backend = self._get_authnz_backend(provider) if success is False: return False, message, None return True, message, backend.logout(trans, post_user_logout_href) except Exception: msg = f"An error occurred when logging out from `{provider}` identity provider. Please contact an administrator for assistance." log.exception(msg) return False, msg, None
[docs] def disconnect(self, provider, trans, email=None, disconnect_redirect_url=None, idphint=None): try: success, message, backend = self._get_authnz_backend(provider, idphint=idphint) if success is False: return False, message, None elif provider in KEYCLOAK_BACKENDS: return backend.disconnect(provider, trans, disconnect_redirect_url, email=email) return backend.disconnect(provider, trans, disconnect_redirect_url) except Exception: msg = f"An error occurred when disconnecting authentication with `{provider}` identity provider for user `{trans.user.username}`" log.exception(msg) return False, msg, None