Source code for

Basic tool parameters.

import contextlib
import json
import logging
import os
import os.path
import re
import typing
import urllib.parse
from import MutableMapping
from typing import (

from packaging.version import Version
from webob.compat import cgi_FieldStorage

from galaxy import util
from galaxy.files import ProvidesFileSourcesUserContext
from galaxy.managers.dbkeys import read_dbnames
from galaxy.model import (
from galaxy.model.dataset_collections import builder
from galaxy.schema.fetch_data import FilesPayload
from galaxy.tool_util.parameters.factory import get_color_value
from galaxy.tool_util.parser import get_input_source as ensure_input_source
from galaxy.tool_util.parser.interface import DrillDownOptionsDict
from galaxy.tool_util.parser.util import (
from import ParameterOption
from import (
from galaxy.util import (
from galaxy.util.dictifiable import UsesDictVisibleKeys
from galaxy.util.expressions import ExpressionContext
from galaxy.util.hash_util import HASH_NAMES
from galaxy.util.rules_dsl import RuleSet
from . import (
from .dataset_matcher import get_dataset_matcher_factory
from .sanitize import ToolParameterSanitizer
from .workflow_utils import (

    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

    from galaxy.model import (
    from import IdEncodingHelper
    from galaxy.structured_app import MinimalApp

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class ImplicitConversionRequired(Exception): pass
[docs]def contains_workflow_parameter(value, search=False): if not isinstance(value, str): return False if search and return True if not search and WORKFLOW_PARAMETER_REGULAR_EXPRESSION.match(value): return True return False
[docs]def is_runtime_context(trans, other_values): if trans.workflow_building_mode: return True for context_value in other_values.values(): if is_runtime_value(context_value): return True for v in util.listify(context_value): if isinstance(v, HistoryDatasetAssociation) and ( (hasattr(v, "state") and v.state != Dataset.states.OK) or hasattr(v, "implicit_conversion") ): return True return False
[docs]def parse_dynamic_options(param, input_source): dynamic_options_config = input_source.parse_dynamic_options() if not dynamic_options_config: return None options_elem = dynamic_options_config.elem() if options_elem is None: return None return dynamic_options.DynamicOptions(options_elem, param)
[docs]def serialize_options(security: "IdEncodingHelper", options: Sequence[ParameterOption]): return [option.serialize(security) for option in options]
# Describe a parameter value error where there is no actual supplied # parameter - e.g. just a specification issue. NO_PARAMETER_VALUE = object()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def assert_throws_param_value_error(message): exception_thrown = False try: yield except ParameterValueError as e: exception_thrown = True assert str(e) == message assert exception_thrown
[docs]class ParameterValueError(ValueError):
[docs] def __init__(self, message_suffix, parameter_name, parameter_value=NO_PARAMETER_VALUE, is_dynamic=None): message = f"Parameter '{parameter_name}': {message_suffix}" super().__init__(message) self.message_suffix = message_suffix self.parameter_name = parameter_name self.parameter_value = parameter_value self.is_dynamic = is_dynamic
[docs] def to_dict(self): as_dict = {"message": unicodify(self)} as_dict["message_suffix"] = self.message_suffix as_dict["parameter_name"] = self.parameter_name if self.parameter_value is not NO_PARAMETER_VALUE: as_dict["parameter_value"] = self.parameter_value if self.is_dynamic is not None: as_dict["is_dynamic"] = self.is_dynamic return as_dict
[docs]class ToolParameter(UsesDictVisibleKeys): """ Describes a parameter accepted by a tool. This is just a simple stub at the moment but in the future should encapsulate more complex parameters (lists of valid choices, validation logic, ...) >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> trans = Bunch(app=None, security=lambda x: x) >>> p = ToolParameter(None, XML('<param argument="--parameter-name" type="text" value="default" />')) >>> assert == 'parameter_name' >>> assert sorted(p.to_dict(trans).items()) == [('argument', '--parameter-name'), ('help', ''), ('help_format', 'html'), ('hidden', False), ('is_dynamic', False), ('label', ''), ('model_class', 'ToolParameter'), ('name', 'parameter_name'), ('optional', False), ('refresh_on_change', False), ('type', 'text'), ('value', None)] """ name: str dict_collection_visible_keys = ["name", "argument", "type", "label", "help", "help_format", "refresh_on_change"]
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source, context=None): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) self.tool = tool self.argument = input_source.get("argument") = self.__class__.parse_name(input_source) self.type = input_source.get("type") self.hidden = input_source.get_bool("hidden", False) self.refresh_on_change = input_source.get_bool("refresh_on_change", False) self.optional = input_source.parse_optional() self.is_dynamic = False self.label = input_source.parse_label() = input_source.parse_help() self.help_format = input_source.get("help_format") or "html" if (sanitizer_elem := input_source.parse_sanitizer_elem()) is not None: self.sanitizer = ToolParameterSanitizer.from_element(sanitizer_elem) else: self.sanitizer = None self.validators = validation.to_validators( if tool else None, input_source.parse_validators())
@property def visible(self) -> bool: """Return true if the parameter should be rendered on the form""" return True
[docs] def get_label(self): """Return user friendly name for the parameter""" return self.label if self.label else
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): """ Convert a value from an HTML POST into the parameters preferred value format. """ return value
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): """ Return the starting value of the parameter """ return None
[docs] def get_required_enctype(self): """ If this parameter needs the form to have a specific encoding return it, otherwise return None (indicating compatibility with any encoding) """ return None
[docs] def get_dependencies(self): """ Return the names of any other parameters this parameter depends on """ return []
[docs] def to_json(self, value, app, use_security) -> str: """Convert a value to a string representation suitable for persisting""" return unicodify(value)
[docs] def to_python(self, value, app): """Convert a value created with to_json back to an object representation""" return value
[docs] def value_to_basic(self, value, app, use_security=False): if is_runtime_value(value): return runtime_to_json(value) elif value == NO_REPLACEMENT: return {"__class__": "NoReplacement"} return self.to_json(value, app, use_security)
[docs] def value_from_basic(self, value, app, ignore_errors=False): # Handle Runtime and Unvalidated values if is_runtime_value(value): if isinstance(self, HiddenToolParameter): raise ParameterValueError(message_suffix="Runtime Parameter not valid", return runtime_to_object(value) elif isinstance(value, MutableMapping): if value.get("__class__") == "UnvalidatedValue": return value["value"] elif value.get("__class__") == "NoReplacement": return NO_REPLACEMENT # Delegate to the 'to_python' method if ignore_errors: try: return self.to_python(value, app) except Exception: return value else: return self.to_python(value, app)
[docs] def value_to_display_text(self, value) -> str: if is_runtime_value(value): return "Not available." return self.to_text(value)
[docs] def to_text(self, value) -> str: """ Convert a value to a text representation suitable for displaying to the user >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> p = ToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" />')) >>> print(p.to_text(None)) Not available. >>> print(p.to_text('')) Empty. >>> print(p.to_text('text')) text >>> print(p.to_text(True)) True >>> print(p.to_text(False)) False >>> print(p.to_text(0)) 0 """ if value is not None: str_value = unicodify(value) if not str_value: return "Empty." return str_value return "Not available."
[docs] def to_param_dict_string(self, value, other_values=None) -> str: """Called via __str__ when used in the Cheetah template""" if value is None: value = "" elif not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) if self.tool is None or self.tool.options.sanitize: if self.sanitizer: value = self.sanitizer.sanitize_param(value) else: value = sanitize_param(value) return value
[docs] def validate(self, value, trans=None) -> None: if value in ["", None] and self.optional: return for validator in self.validators: try: validator.validate(value, trans) except ValueError as e: raise ParameterValueError(str(e),, value) from None
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): """to_dict tool parameter. This can be overridden by subclasses.""" other_values = other_values or {} tool_dict = self._dictify_view_keys() tool_dict["model_class"] = self.__class__.__name__ tool_dict["optional"] = self.optional tool_dict["hidden"] = self.hidden tool_dict["is_dynamic"] = self.is_dynamic tool_dict["value"] = self.value_to_basic( self.get_initial_value(trans, other_values),, use_security=True ) return tool_dict
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, tool, input_source): """Factory method to create parameter of correct type""" input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) param_name = cls.parse_name(input_source) param_type = input_source.get("type") if not param_type: raise ValueError(f"parameter '{param_name}' requires a 'type'") elif param_type not in parameter_types: raise ValueError(f"parameter '{param_name}' uses an unknown type '{param_type}'") else: return parameter_types[param_type](tool, input_source)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_name(input_source): return input_source.parse_name()
[docs]class SimpleTextToolParameter(ToolParameter):
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) super().__init__(tool, input_source) optional = input_source.get("optional", None) if optional is not None: optional = string_as_bool(optional) else: # Optionality not explicitly defined, default to False optional = False self.optional = optional if self.optional: self.value = None else: self.value = ""
[docs] def to_json(self, value, app, use_security): """Convert a value to a string representation suitable for persisting""" return unicodify(value)
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): return self.value
[docs]class TextToolParameter(SimpleTextToolParameter): """ Parameter that can take on any text value. >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> trans = Bunch(app=None) >>> p = TextToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" type="text" value="default" />')) >>> print( _name >>> sorted(p.to_dict(trans).items()) [('area', False), ('argument', None), ('datalist', []), ('help', ''), ('help_format', 'html'), ('hidden', False), ('is_dynamic', False), ('label', ''), ('model_class', 'TextToolParameter'), ('name', '_name'), ('optional', True), ('refresh_on_change', False), ('type', 'text'), ('value', 'default')] """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) super().__init__(tool, input_source) self.profile = tool.profile if tool else None self.datalist = [] for title, value, _ in input_source.parse_static_options(): self.datalist.append({"label": title, "value": value}) # why does Integer and Float subclass this :_( if self.type == "text": self.optional, self.optionality_inferred = text_input_is_optional(input_source) else: self.optionality_inferred = False self.value = input_source.get("value") self.area = input_source.get_bool("area", False)
[docs] def validate(self, value, trans=None): search = self.type == "text" if not ( trans and trans.workflow_building_mode is workflow_building_modes.ENABLED and contains_workflow_parameter(value, search=search) ): return super().validate(value, trans)
@property def wrapper_default(self) -> Optional[str]: """Handle change in default handling pre and post 23.0 profiles.""" profile = self.profile legacy_behavior = profile is None or Version(str(profile)) < Version("23.0") default_value = None if self.optional and self.optionality_inferred and legacy_behavior: default_value = "" return default_value
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): d = super().to_dict(trans) other_values = other_values or {} d["area"] = self.area d["datalist"] = self.datalist d["optional"] = self.optional return d
[docs]class IntegerToolParameter(TextToolParameter): """ Parameter that takes an integer value. >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> trans = Bunch(app=None, history=Bunch(), workflow_building_mode=True) >>> p = IntegerToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" type="integer" value="10" />')) >>> print( _name >>> assert sorted(p.to_dict(trans).items()) == [('area', False), ('argument', None), ('datalist', []), ('help', ''), ('help_format', 'html'), ('hidden', False), ('is_dynamic', False), ('label', ''), ('max', None), ('min', None), ('model_class', 'IntegerToolParameter'), ('name', '_name'), ('optional', False), ('refresh_on_change', False), ('type', 'integer'), ('value', u'10')] >>> assert type(p.from_json("10", trans)) == int >>> with assert_throws_param_value_error("Parameter '_name': an integer or workflow parameter is required"): ... p.from_json("_string", trans) """ dict_collection_visible_keys = ToolParameter.dict_collection_visible_keys + ["min", "max"]
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source): super().__init__(tool, input_source) if self.value: try: int(self.value) except ValueError: raise ParameterValueError("the attribute 'value' must be an integer", self.min = input_source.get("min") self.max = input_source.get("max") if self.min: try: self.min = int(self.min) except ValueError: raise ParameterValueError("attribute 'min' must be an integer",, self.min) if self.max: try: self.max = int(self.max) except ValueError: raise ParameterValueError("attribute 'max' must be an integer",, self.max) if self.min is not None or self.max is not None: self.validators.append(validation.InRangeValidator.simple_range_validator(self.min, self.max))
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): other_values = other_values or {} try: return int(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): if contains_workflow_parameter(value) and trans.workflow_building_mode is workflow_building_modes.ENABLED: return value if not value and self.optional: return "" if trans.workflow_building_mode is workflow_building_modes.ENABLED: raise ParameterValueError("an integer or workflow parameter is required",, value) else: raise ParameterValueError( "the attribute 'value' must be set for non optional parameters",, value )
[docs] def to_python(self, value, app): try: return int(value) except (TypeError, ValueError) as err: if contains_workflow_parameter(value): return value if not value and self.optional: return None raise err
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): if self.value is not None and self.value != "": return int(self.value) else: return None
[docs]class FloatToolParameter(TextToolParameter): """ Parameter that takes a real number value. >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> trans = Bunch(app=None, history=Bunch(), workflow_building_mode=True) >>> p = FloatToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" type="float" value="3.141592" />')) >>> print( _name >>> assert sorted(p.to_dict(trans).items()) == [('area', False), ('argument', None), ('datalist', []), ('help', ''), ('help_format', 'html'), ('hidden', False), ('is_dynamic', False), ('label', ''), ('max', None), ('min', None), ('model_class', 'FloatToolParameter'), ('name', '_name'), ('optional', False), ('refresh_on_change', False), ('type', 'float'), ('value', u'3.141592')] >>> assert type(p.from_json("36.1", trans)) == float >>> with assert_throws_param_value_error("Parameter '_name': an integer or workflow parameter is required"): ... p.from_json("_string", trans) """ dict_collection_visible_keys = ToolParameter.dict_collection_visible_keys + ["min", "max"]
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source): super().__init__(tool, input_source) self.min = input_source.get("min") self.max = input_source.get("max") if self.value: try: float(self.value) except ValueError: raise ParameterValueError("the attribute 'value' must be a real number",, self.value) if self.min: try: self.min = float(self.min) except ValueError: raise ParameterValueError("attribute 'min' must be a real number",, self.min) if self.max: try: self.max = float(self.max) except ValueError: raise ParameterValueError("attribute 'max' must be a real number",, self.max) if self.min is not None or self.max is not None: self.validators.append(validation.InRangeValidator.simple_range_validator(self.min, self.max))
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): other_values = other_values or {} try: return float(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): if contains_workflow_parameter(value) and trans.workflow_building_mode is workflow_building_modes.ENABLED: return value if not value and self.optional: return "" if trans.workflow_building_mode is workflow_building_modes.ENABLED: raise ParameterValueError("an integer or workflow parameter is required",, value) else: raise ParameterValueError( "the attribute 'value' must be set for non optional parameters",, value )
[docs] def to_python(self, value, app): try: return float(value) except (TypeError, ValueError) as err: if contains_workflow_parameter(value): return value if not value and self.optional: return None raise err
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): if self.value is None: return None try: return float(self.value) except Exception: return None
[docs]class BooleanToolParameter(ToolParameter): """ Parameter that takes one of two values. >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> trans = Bunch(app=None, history=Bunch()) >>> p = BooleanToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" type="boolean" checked="yes" truevalue="_truevalue" falsevalue="_falsevalue" />')) >>> print( _name >>> assert sorted(p.to_dict(trans).items()) == [('argument', None), ('falsevalue', '_falsevalue'), ('help', ''), ('help_format', 'html'), ('hidden', False), ('is_dynamic', False), ('label', ''), ('model_class', 'BooleanToolParameter'), ('name', '_name'), ('optional', False), ('refresh_on_change', False), ('truevalue', '_truevalue'), ('type', 'boolean'), ('value', True)] >>> print(p.from_json('true', trans)) True >>> print(p.to_param_dict_string(True)) _truevalue >>> print(p.from_json('false', trans)) False >>> print(p.to_param_dict_string(False)) _falsevalue >>> value = p.to_json('false',, use_security=False) >>> assert isinstance(value, bool) >>> assert value == False >>> value = p.to_json(True,, use_security=False) >>> assert isinstance(value, bool) >>> assert value == True """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) super().__init__(tool, input_source) try: truevalue, falsevalue = boolean_true_and_false_values(input_source, tool and tool.profile) except ParameterParseException as ppe: raise ParameterValueError(ppe.message, self.truevalue = truevalue self.falsevalue = falsevalue self.optional = input_source.get_bool("optional", False) self.checked = boolean_is_checked(input_source)
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): return self.to_python(value)
[docs] def to_python(self, value, app=None): if not self.optional: ret_val = string_as_bool(value) else: ret_val = string_as_bool_or_none(value) return ret_val
[docs] def to_json(self, value, app, use_security): return self.to_python(value, app)
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): return self.checked
[docs] def to_param_dict_string(self, value, other_values=None): if self.to_python(value): return self.truevalue else: return self.falsevalue
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): d = super().to_dict(trans) d["truevalue"] = self.truevalue d["falsevalue"] = self.falsevalue d["optional"] = self.optional return d
@property def legal_values(self): return [self.truevalue, self.falsevalue]
[docs]class FileToolParameter(ToolParameter): """ Parameter that takes an uploaded file as a value. >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> trans = Bunch(app=None, history=Bunch()) >>> p = FileToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" type="file"/>')) >>> print( _name >>> sorted(p.to_dict(trans).items()) [('argument', None), ('help', ''), ('help_format', 'html'), ('hidden', False), ('is_dynamic', False), ('label', ''), ('model_class', 'FileToolParameter'), ('name', '_name'), ('optional', False), ('refresh_on_change', False), ('type', 'file'), ('value', None)] """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source): super().__init__(tool, input_source)
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): # Middleware or proxies may encode files in special ways (TODO: this # should be pluggable) if isinstance(value, FilesPayload): # multi-part upload handled and persisted in service layer return value.model_dump() elif isinstance(value, MutableMapping): if "session_id" in value: # handle api upload session_id = value["session_id"] upload_store = or if re.match(r"^[\w-]+$", session_id) is None: raise ValueError("Invalid session id format.") local_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(upload_store, session_id)) else: # handle nginx upload upload_store = assert ( upload_store ), "Request appears to have been processed by nginx_upload_module but Galaxy is not configured to recognize it." local_filename = os.path.abspath(value["path"]) assert local_filename.startswith( upload_store ), f"Filename provided by nginx ({local_filename}) is not in correct directory ({upload_store})." value = dict(filename=value["name"], local_filename=local_filename) return value
[docs] def get_required_enctype(self): """ File upload elements require the multipart/form-data encoding """ return "multipart/form-data"
[docs] def to_json(self, value, app, use_security): if value in [None, ""]: return None elif isinstance(value, str): return value elif isinstance(value, MutableMapping): # or should we jsonify? try: return value["local_filename"] except KeyError: return None elif isinstance(value, cgi_FieldStorage): return raise Exception("FileToolParameter cannot be persisted")
[docs] def to_python(self, value, app): if value is None: return None elif isinstance(value, str): return value else: raise Exception("FileToolParameter cannot be persisted")
[docs]class FTPFileToolParameter(ToolParameter): """ Parameter that takes a file uploaded via FTP as a value. >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> trans = Bunch(app=None, history=Bunch(), user=None) >>> p = FTPFileToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" type="ftpfile"/>')) >>> print( _name >>> sorted(p.to_dict(trans).items()) [('argument', None), ('help', ''), ('help_format', 'html'), ('hidden', False), ('is_dynamic', False), ('label', ''), ('model_class', 'FTPFileToolParameter'), ('multiple', True), ('name', '_name'), ('optional', True), ('refresh_on_change', False), ('type', 'ftpfile'), ('value', None)] """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) super().__init__(tool, input_source) self.multiple = input_source.get_bool("multiple", True) self.optional = input_source.parse_optional(True) self.user_ftp_dir = ""
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): if trans is not None: if trans.user is not None: self.user_ftp_dir = f"{trans.user_ftp_dir}/" return None
@property def visible(self): if is None or is None: return False return True
[docs] def to_param_dict_string(self, value, other_values=None): if value == "": return "None" lst = [f"{self.user_ftp_dir}{dataset}" for dataset in value] if self.multiple: return lst else: return lst[0]
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): return self.to_python(value,, validate=True)
[docs] def to_json(self, value, app, use_security): return self.to_python(value, app)
[docs] def to_python(self, value, app, validate=False): if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] lst: List[str] = [] for val in value: if val in [None, ""]: lst = [] break if isinstance(val, MutableMapping): lst.append(val["name"]) else: lst.append(val) if len(lst) == 0: if not self.optional and validate: raise ValueError("Please select a valid FTP file.") return None if validate and is None: raise ValueError("The FTP directory is not configured.") return lst
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): d = super().to_dict(trans) d["multiple"] = self.multiple return d
[docs]class HiddenToolParameter(ToolParameter): """ Parameter that takes one of two values. >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> trans = Bunch(app=None, history=Bunch()) >>> p = HiddenToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" type="hidden" value="_value"/>')) >>> print( _name >>> assert sorted(p.to_dict(trans).items()) == [('argument', None), ('help', ''), ('help_format', 'html'), ('hidden', True), ('is_dynamic', False), ('label', ''), ('model_class', 'HiddenToolParameter'), ('name', '_name'), ('optional', False), ('refresh_on_change', False), ('type', 'hidden'), ('value', u'_value')] """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source): super().__init__(tool, input_source) self.value = input_source.get("value") self.hidden = True
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): return self.value
[docs] def get_label(self): return None
[docs]class ColorToolParameter(ToolParameter): """ Parameter that stores a color. >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> trans = Bunch(app=None, history=Bunch()) >>> p = ColorToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" type="color" value="#ffffff"/>')) >>> print( _name >>> print(p.to_param_dict_string("#ffffff")) #ffffff >>> assert sorted(p.to_dict(trans).items()) == [('argument', None), ('help', ''), ('help_format', 'html'), ('hidden', False), ('is_dynamic', False), ('label', ''), ('model_class', 'ColorToolParameter'), ('name', '_name'), ('optional', False), ('refresh_on_change', False), ('type', 'color'), ('value', u'#ffffff')] >>> p = ColorToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" type="color"/>')) >>> print(p.get_initial_value(trans, {})) #000000 >>> p = ColorToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" type="color" value="#ffffff" rgb="True"/>')) >>> print(p.to_param_dict_string("#ffffff")) (255, 255, 255) >>> with assert_throws_param_value_error("Parameter '_name': Failed to convert 'None' to RGB."): ... p.to_param_dict_string(None) """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) super().__init__(tool, input_source) self.value = get_color_value(input_source) self.rgb = input_source.get_bool("rgb", False)
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): if self.value is not None: return self.value.lower()
[docs] def to_param_dict_string(self, value, other_values=None): if self.rgb: try: return str(tuple(int(value.lstrip("#")[i : i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4))) except Exception: raise ParameterValueError(f"Failed to convert '{value}' to RGB.", return str(value)
[docs]class BaseURLToolParameter(HiddenToolParameter): """ Returns a parameter that contains its value prepended by the current server base url. Used in all redirects. >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> trans = Bunch(app=None, history=Bunch()) >>> p = BaseURLToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" type="base_url" value="_value"/>')) >>> print( _name >>> assert sorted(p.to_dict(trans).items()) == [('argument', None), ('help', ''), ('help_format', 'html'), ('hidden', True), ('is_dynamic', False), ('label', ''), ('model_class', 'BaseURLToolParameter'), ('name', '_name'), ('optional', False), ('refresh_on_change', False), ('type', 'base_url'), ('value', u'_value')] """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source): super().__init__(tool, input_source) self.value = input_source.get("value", "")
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): return self._get_value(trans)
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): return self._get_value(trans)
def _get_value(self, trans): try: if not self.value.startswith("/"): raise Exception("baseurl value must start with a /") return trans.url_builder(self.value, qualified=True) except Exception as e: log.debug('Url creation failed for "%s": %s',, unicodify(e)) return self.value
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): d = super().to_dict(trans) return d
[docs]def iter_to_string(iterable: typing.Iterable[typing.Any]) -> typing.Generator[str, None, None]: for item in iterable: yield str(item)
[docs]class SelectToolParameter(ToolParameter): """ Parameter that takes on one (or many) or a specific set of values. >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> trans = Bunch(app=None, history=Bunch(), workflow_building_mode=False, security=lambda x: x) >>> p = SelectToolParameter(None, XML( ... ''' ... <param name="_name" type="select"> ... <option value="x">x_label</option> ... <option value="y" selected="true">y_label</option> ... <option value="z">z_label</option> ... </param> ... ''')) >>> print( _name >>> sorted(p.to_dict(trans).items()) [('argument', None), ('display', None), ('help', ''), ('help_format', 'html'), ('hidden', False), ('is_dynamic', False), ('label', ''), ('model_class', 'SelectToolParameter'), ('multiple', False), ('name', '_name'), ('optional', False), ('options', [('x_label', 'x', False), ('y_label', 'y', True), ('z_label', 'z', False)]), ('refresh_on_change', False), ('textable', False), ('type', 'select'), ('value', 'y')] >>> p = SelectToolParameter(None, XML( ... ''' ... <param name="_name" type="select" multiple="true"> ... <option value="x">x_label</option> ... <option value="y" selected="true">y_label</option> ... <option value="z" selected="true">z_label</option> ... </param> ... ''')) >>> print( _name >>> sorted(p.to_dict(trans).items()) [('argument', None), ('display', None), ('help', ''), ('help_format', 'html'), ('hidden', False), ('is_dynamic', False), ('label', ''), ('model_class', 'SelectToolParameter'), ('multiple', True), ('name', '_name'), ('optional', True), ('options', [('x_label', 'x', False), ('y_label', 'y', True), ('z_label', 'z', True)]), ('refresh_on_change', False), ('textable', False), ('type', 'select'), ('value', ['y', 'z'])] >>> print(p.to_param_dict_string(["y", "z"])) y,z """ value_label: str
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source, context=None): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) super().__init__(tool, input_source) self.multiple = input_source.get_bool("multiple", False) # Multiple selects are optional by default, single selection is the inverse. self.optional = input_source.parse_optional(self.multiple) self.display = input_source.get("display", None) self.separator = input_source.get("separator", ",") self.legal_values = set() self.dynamic_options = input_source.get("dynamic_options", None) self.options = parse_dynamic_options(self, input_source) if self.options is not None: for validator in self.options.validators: self.validators.append(validator) if self.dynamic_options is None and self.options is None: self.static_options = input_source.parse_static_options() for _, value, _ in self.static_options: self.legal_values.add(value) self.is_dynamic = (self.dynamic_options is not None) or (self.options is not None)
def _get_dynamic_options_call_other_values(self, trans, other_values): call_other_values = ExpressionContext({"__trans__": trans}) if other_values: call_other_values.parent = other_values.parent call_other_values.update(other_values.dict) return call_other_values
[docs] def get_options(self, trans, other_values) -> Sequence[Union[ParameterOption, DrillDownOptionsDict]]: if self.options: return self.options.get_options(trans, other_values) elif self.dynamic_options: call_other_values = self._get_dynamic_options_call_other_values(trans, other_values) try: return [ ParameterOption(*o) for o in eval(self.dynamic_options, self.tool.code_namespace, call_other_values) ] except Exception as e: log.debug( "Error determining dynamic options for parameter '%s' in tool '%s':",,, exc_info=e, ) return [] else: return [ParameterOption(*o) for o in self.static_options]
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): return self._select_from_json(value, trans, other_values=other_values, require_legal_value=True)
def _select_from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None, require_legal_value=True): other_values = other_values or {} try: legal_values = self.get_legal_values(trans, other_values, value) except ImplicitConversionRequired: return value # if the given value is not found in the set of values of the legal # options we fall back to check if the value is in the set of names of # the legal options. this is done with the fallback_values dict which # allows to determine the corresponding legal values fallback_values = self.get_legal_names(trans, other_values) if (not legal_values or not require_legal_value) and is_runtime_context(trans, other_values): if self.multiple: # While it is generally allowed that a select value can be '', # we do not allow this to be the case in a dynamically # generated multiple select list being set in workflow building # mode we instead treat '' as 'No option Selected' (None) if value == "": value = None else: if isinstance(value, str): # Split on all whitespace. This not only provides flexibility # in interpreting values but also is needed because many browsers # use \r\n to separate lines. value = value.split() return value elif value is None: if self.optional: return None raise ParameterValueError( "an invalid option (None) was selected, please verify",, None, is_dynamic=self.is_dynamic ) elif not legal_values: if self.optional and Version(str(self.tool.profile)) < Version("18.09"): # Covers optional parameters with default values that reference other optional parameters. # These will have a value but no legal_values. # See for context. return None raise ParameterValueError( "requires a value, but no legal values defined",, is_dynamic=self.is_dynamic ) if isinstance(value, list): if not self.multiple: raise ParameterValueError( "multiple values provided but parameter is not expecting multiple values",, is_dynamic=self.is_dynamic, ) if set(value).issubset(legal_values): return value elif set(value).issubset(set(fallback_values.keys())): return [fallback_values[v] for v in value] else: invalid_options = iter_to_string(set(value) - set(legal_values)) raise ParameterValueError( f"invalid options ({','.join(invalid_options)!r}) were selected (valid options: {','.join(iter_to_string(legal_values))})",, is_dynamic=self.is_dynamic, ) else: value_is_none = value == "None" and "None" not in legal_values if value_is_none or not value: if self.multiple: if self.optional: return [] else: raise ParameterValueError( "no option was selected for non optional parameter",, is_dynamic=self.is_dynamic ) if is_runtime_value(value): return None if value in legal_values: return value elif value in fallback_values: return fallback_values[value] elif not require_legal_value: return value else: raise ParameterValueError( f"an invalid option ({value!r}) was selected (valid options: {','.join(iter_to_string(legal_values))})",, value, is_dynamic=self.is_dynamic, )
[docs] def to_param_dict_string(self, value, other_values=None): if value in (None, []): return "None" if isinstance(value, list): if not self.multiple: raise ParameterValueError( "multiple values provided but parameter is not expecting multiple values",, is_dynamic=self.is_dynamic, ) value = list(map(str, value)) else: value = str(value) if self.tool is None or self.tool.options.sanitize: if self.sanitizer: value = self.sanitizer.sanitize_param(value) else: value = sanitize_param(value) if isinstance(value, list): value = self.separator.join(value) return value
[docs] def to_json(self, value, app, use_security): if isinstance(value, HistoryDatasetAssociation): return history_item_to_json(value, app, use_security=use_security) return value
[docs] def to_python(self, value, app): return history_item_dict_to_python(value, app, or super().to_python(value, app)
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): try: options = cast(List[ParameterOption], self.get_options(trans, other_values)) except ImplicitConversionRequired: return None if not options: return None value = [option.value for option in options if option.selected] if len(value) == 0: if not self.optional and not self.multiple and options: # Nothing selected, but not optional and not a multiple select, with some values, # so we have to default to something (the HTML form will anyway) value2: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = options[0].value else: value2 = None elif len(value) == 1 or not self.multiple: value2 = value[0] else: value2 = value return value2
[docs] def to_text(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] # FIXME: Currently only translating values back to labels if they # are not dynamic if self.is_dynamic: rval = [str(_) for _ in value] else: options = list(self.static_options) rval = [] for t, v, _ in options: if v in value: rval.append(t) if rval: return "\n".join(rval) return "Nothing selected."
[docs] def get_dependencies(self): """ Get the *names* of the other params this param depends on. """ if self.options: return self.options.get_dependency_names() else: return []
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): other_values = other_values or {} d = super().to_dict(trans, other_values) # Get options, value. options = cast(List[ParameterOption], self.get_options(trans, other_values)) d["options"] = serialize_options(, options) d["display"] = self.display d["multiple"] = self.multiple d["textable"] = is_runtime_context(trans, other_values) return d
[docs] def validate(self, value, trans=None): if not value: super().validate(value, trans) if self.multiple: if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] else: value = [value] for v in value: super().validate(v, trans)
[docs]class GenomeBuildParameter(SelectToolParameter): """ Select list that sets the last used genome build for the current history as "selected". >>> # Create a mock transaction with 'hg17' as the current build >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> trans = Bunch(app=None, history=Bunch(genome_build='hg17'), db_builds=read_dbnames(None), security=lambda x:x) >>> p = GenomeBuildParameter(None, XML('<param name="_name" type="genomebuild" value="hg17" />')) >>> print( _name >>> d = p.to_dict(trans) >>> o = d['options'] >>> [i for i in o if i[2] == True] [('Human May 2004 (NCBI35/hg17) (hg17)', 'hg17', True)] >>> [i for i in o if i[1] == 'hg18'] [('Human Mar. 2006 (NCBI36/hg18) (hg18)', 'hg18', False)] >>> p.is_dynamic True """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super().__init__(*args, **kwds) if self.tool: self.static_options = [(value, key, False) for key, value in self._get_dbkey_names()] self.is_dynamic = True
[docs] def get_options(self, trans, other_values) -> Sequence[ParameterOption]: last_used_build = object() if trans.history: last_used_build = trans.history.genome_build return [ ParameterOption(build_name, dbkey, (dbkey == last_used_build)) for dbkey, build_name in self._get_dbkey_names(trans=trans) ]
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): # skip SelectToolParameter (the immediate parent) bc we need to get options in a different way here d = ToolParameter.to_dict(self, trans) # Get options, value - options is a generator here, so compile to list options = self.get_options(trans, {}) value = options[0].value for option in options: if option.selected: # Found selected option. value = option.value d.update( { "options": serialize_options(trans, options), "value": value, "display": self.display, "multiple": self.multiple, } ) return d
def _get_dbkey_names(self, trans=None): if not self.tool: # Hack for unit tests, since we have no tool return read_dbnames(None) return
[docs]class SelectTagParameter(SelectToolParameter): """ Select set that is composed of a set of tags available for an input. """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) super().__init__(tool, input_source) self.tool = tool self.tag_key = input_source.get("group", False) self.optional = input_source.get("optional", False) self.multiple = input_source.get("multiple", False) self.accept_default = input_source.get_bool("accept_default", False) if self.accept_default: self.optional = True self.data_ref = input_source.get("data_ref", None) self.ref_input = None # Legacy style default value specification... self.default_value = input_source.get("default_value", None) if self.default_value is None: # Newer style... more in line with other parameters. self.default_value = input_source.get("value", None) self.is_dynamic = True
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): other_values = other_values or {} if self.multiple: tag_list = [] # split on newline and , if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, str): if not isinstance(value, list): value = value.split("\n") for tag_str in value: for tag in str(tag_str).split(","): tag = tag.strip() if tag: tag_list.append(tag) if len(tag_list) == 0: value = None else: value = tag_list else: if not value: value = None # We skip requiring legal values -- this is similar to optional, but allows only subset of datasets to be positive # TODO: May not actually be required for (nested) collection input ? return super()._select_from_json(value, trans, other_values, require_legal_value=False)
[docs] def get_tag_list(self, other_values): """ Generate a select list containing the tags of the associated dataset (if found). """ # Get the value of the associated data reference (a dataset) history_items = other_values.get(self.data_ref, None) # Check if a dataset is selected if is_runtime_value(history_items): return [] if not history_items: return [] tags = set() for history_item in util.listify(history_items): if hasattr(history_item, "dataset_instances"): for dataset in history_item.dataset_instances: for tag in dataset.tags: if tag.user_tname == "group": tags.add(tag.user_value) else: for tag in history_item.tags: if tag.user_tname == "group": tags.add(tag.user_value) return list(tags)
[docs] def get_options(self, trans, other_values) -> Sequence[ParameterOption]: """ Show tags """ options = [] for tag in self.get_tag_list(other_values): options.append(ParameterOption(f"Tags: {tag}", tag, False)) return options
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): if self.default_value is not None: return self.default_value return super().get_initial_value(trans, other_values)
[docs] def get_dependencies(self): return [self.data_ref]
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): other_values = other_values or {} d = super().to_dict(trans, other_values=other_values) d["data_ref"] = self.data_ref return d
[docs]class ColumnListParameter(SelectToolParameter): """ Select list that consists of either the total number of columns or only those columns that contain numerical values in the associated DataToolParameter. # TODO: we need better testing here, but not sure how to associate a DatatoolParameter with a ColumnListParameter # from a twill perspective... >>> # Mock up a history (not connected to database) >>> from galaxy.model import History, HistoryDatasetAssociation >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> from galaxy.model.mapping import init >>> sa_session = init("/tmp", "sqlite:///:memory:", create_tables=True).session >>> hist = History() >>> with sa_session.begin(): ... sa_session.add(hist) >>> hda = hist.add_dataset(HistoryDatasetAssociation(id=1, extension='interval', create_dataset=True, sa_session=sa_session)) >>> dtp = DataToolParameter(None, XML('<param name="blah" type="data" format="interval"/>')) >>> print( blah >>> clp = ColumnListParameter(None, XML('<param name="numerical_column" type="data_column" data_ref="blah" numerical="true"/>')) >>> print( numerical_column """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) super().__init__(tool, input_source) self.numerical = input_source.get_bool("numerical", False) self.optional = input_source.parse_optional(False) self.accept_default = input_source.get_bool("accept_default", False) if self.accept_default: self.optional = True self.data_ref = input_source.get("data_ref", None) profile = tool.profile if tool else None assert ( profile is None or Version(str(profile)) < Version("24.2") or self.data_ref is not None ), f"data_column parameter {} requires a valid data_ref attribute" self.ref_input = None # Legacy style default value specification... self.default_value = input_source.get("default_value", None) if self.default_value is None: # Newer style... more in line with other parameters. self.default_value = input_source.get("value", None) if self.default_value is not None: self.default_value = ColumnListParameter._strip_c(self.default_value) self.is_dynamic = True self.usecolnames = input_source.get_bool("use_header_names", False)
[docs] def to_json(self, value, app, use_security): if isinstance(value, str): return value.strip() return value
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): """ Label convention prepends column number with a 'c', but tool uses the integer. This removes the 'c' when entered into a workflow. """ other_values = other_values or {} if self.multiple: # split on newline and , if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, str): column_list = [] if not isinstance(value, list): value = value.split("\n") for column in value: for column2 in str(column).split(","): column2 = column2.strip() if column2: column_list.append(column2) if len(column_list) == 0: value = None else: value = list(map(ColumnListParameter._strip_c, column_list)) else: value = None else: if value: value = ColumnListParameter._strip_c(value) else: value = None if not value and self.accept_default: value = self.default_value or "1" return [value] if self.multiple else value return super().from_json(value, trans, other_values)
@staticmethod def _strip_c(column): column = str(column).strip() if column.startswith("c") and len(column) > 1 and all(c.isdigit() for c in column[1:]): column = column.lower()[1:] return column
[docs] def get_column_list(self, trans, other_values): """ Generate a select list containing the columns of the associated dataset (if found). """ # Get the value of the associated data reference (one or more datasets) datasets = other_values.get(self.data_ref) # Check if a dataset is selected if not datasets: return [] column_list = None for dataset in util.listify(datasets): # Use representative dataset if a dataset collection is parsed if isinstance(dataset, HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation): dataset = dataset.to_hda_representative() if isinstance(dataset, DatasetCollectionElement): dataset = dataset.first_dataset_instance() if isinstance(dataset, HistoryDatasetAssociation) and self.ref_input and self.ref_input.formats: direct_match, target_ext, converted_dataset = dataset.find_conversion_destination( self.ref_input.formats ) if not direct_match and target_ext: if not converted_dataset: raise ImplicitConversionRequired else: dataset = converted_dataset # Columns can only be identified if the dataset is ready and metadata is available if ( not hasattr(dataset, "metadata") or not hasattr(dataset.metadata, "columns") or not dataset.metadata.columns ): return [] # Build up possible columns for this dataset this_column_list = [] if self.numerical: # If numerical was requested, filter columns based on metadata for i, col in enumerate(dataset.metadata.column_types): if col == "int" or col == "float": this_column_list.append(str(i + 1)) else: this_column_list = [str(i) for i in range(1, dataset.metadata.columns + 1)] # Take the intersection of these columns with the other columns. if column_list is None: column_list = this_column_list else: column_list = [c for c in column_list if c in this_column_list] return column_list
[docs] def get_options(self, trans, other_values) -> Sequence[ParameterOption]: """ Show column labels rather than if use_header_names=True """ options: Sequence[ParameterOption] = [] column_list = self.get_column_list(trans, other_values) if not column_list: return options # if available use column_names metadata for option names # otherwise read first row - assume is a header with tab separated names if self.usecolnames: dataset = other_values.get(self.data_ref, None) if ( hasattr(dataset, "metadata") and hasattr(dataset.metadata, "column_names") and dataset.metadata.element_is_set("column_names") ): try: options = [ ParameterOption(f"c{c}: {dataset.metadata.column_names[int(c) - 1]}", c, False) for c in column_list ] except IndexError: # ignore and rely on fallback pass else: try: with open(dataset.get_file_name()) as f: head = f.readline() cnames = head.rstrip("\n\r ").split("\t") options = [ParameterOption(f"c{c}: {cnames[int(c) - 1]}", c, False) for c in column_list] except Exception: # ignore and rely on fallback pass if not options: # fallback if no options list could be built so far options = [ParameterOption(f"Column: {col}", col, False) for col in column_list] return options
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): if self.default_value is not None: return self.default_value return super().get_initial_value(trans, other_values)
[docs] def is_file_empty(self, trans, other_values): for dataset in util.listify(other_values.get(self.data_ref)): # Use representative dataset if a dataset collection is parsed if isinstance(dataset, HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation): if dataset.populated: dataset = dataset.to_hda_representative() else: # That's fine, we'll check again on execution return True if isinstance(dataset, DatasetCollectionElement): dataset = dataset.first_dataset_instance() if isinstance(dataset, DatasetInstance): return not dataset.has_data() if is_runtime_value(dataset): return True else: msg = f"Dataset '{dataset}' for data_ref attribute '{self.data_ref}' of parameter '{}' is not a DatasetInstance" log.debug(msg, exc_info=True) raise ParameterValueError(msg, return False
[docs] def get_dependencies(self): return [self.data_ref]
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): other_values = other_values or {} d = super().to_dict(trans, other_values=other_values) d["data_ref"] = self.data_ref d["numerical"] = self.numerical return d
[docs]class DrillDownSelectToolParameter(SelectToolParameter): """ Parameter that takes on one (or many) of a specific set of values. Creating a hierarchical select menu, which allows users to 'drill down' a tree-like set of options. >>> from galaxy.util import XML >>> from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch >>> app = Bunch(config=Bunch(tool_data_path=None)) >>> tool = Bunch(app=app) >>> trans = Bunch(app=app, history=Bunch(genome_build='hg17'), db_builds=read_dbnames(None), security=lambda x: x) >>> p = DrillDownSelectToolParameter(tool, XML( ... ''' ... <param name="_name" type="drill_down" display="checkbox" hierarchy="recurse" multiple="true"> ... <options> ... <option name="Heading 1" value="heading1"> ... <option name="Option 1" value="option1"/> ... <option name="Option 2" value="option2"/> ... <option name="Heading 2" value="heading2"> ... <option name="Option 3" value="option3"/> ... <option name="Option 4" value="option4"/> ... </option> ... </option> ... <option name="Option 5" value="option5"/> ... </options> ... </param> ... ''')) >>> print( _name >>> d = p.to_dict(trans) >>> assert d['multiple'] == True >>> assert d['display'] == 'checkbox' >>> assert d['options'][0]['name'] == 'Heading 1' >>> assert d['options'][0]['value'] == 'heading1' >>> assert d['options'][0]['options'][0]['name'] == 'Option 1' >>> assert d['options'][0]['options'][0]['value'] == 'option1' >>> assert d['options'][0]['options'][1]['name'] == 'Option 2' >>> assert d['options'][0]['options'][1]['value'] == 'option2' >>> assert d['options'][0]['options'][2]['name'] == 'Heading 2' >>> assert d['options'][0]['options'][2]['value'] == 'heading2' >>> assert d['options'][0]['options'][2]['options'][0]['name'] == 'Option 3' >>> assert d['options'][0]['options'][2]['options'][0]['value'] == 'option3' >>> assert d['options'][0]['options'][2]['options'][1]['name'] == 'Option 4' >>> assert d['options'][0]['options'][2]['options'][1]['value'] == 'option4' >>> assert d['options'][1]['name'] == 'Option 5' >>> assert d['options'][1]['value'] == 'option5' """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source, context=None): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) ToolParameter.__init__(self, tool, input_source) self.multiple = input_source.get_bool("multiple", False) self.display = input_source.get("display", None) self.hierarchy = input_source.get("hierarchy", "exact") # exact or recurse self.separator = input_source.get("separator", ",") tool_data_path = drill_down_dynamic_options = input_source.parse_drill_down_dynamic_options(tool_data_path) if drill_down_dynamic_options is not None: self.is_dynamic = True self.dynamic_options = drill_down_dynamic_options.from_code_block() self.options = [] else: self.is_dynamic = False self.dynamic_options = None self.options = input_source.parse_drill_down_static_options(tool_data_path)
def _get_options_from_code(self, trans=None, other_values=None): assert self.dynamic_options, Exception("dynamic_options was not specifed") call_other_values = ExpressionContext({"__trans__": trans, "__value__": None}) if other_values: call_other_values.parent = other_values.parent call_other_values.update(other_values.dict) try: return eval(self.dynamic_options, self.tool.code_namespace, call_other_values) except Exception: return []
[docs] def get_options(self, trans=None, other_values=None) -> List[DrillDownOptionsDict]: other_values = other_values or {} if self.is_dynamic: if self.dynamic_options: return self._get_options_from_code(trans=trans, other_values=other_values) return [] return self.options
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): other_values = other_values or {} legal_values = self.get_legal_values(trans, other_values, value) if not legal_values and trans.workflow_building_mode: if self.multiple: if value == "": # No option selected value = None else: value = value.split("\n") return value elif value is None: if self.optional: return None raise ParameterValueError(f"an invalid option ({value!r}) was selected",, value) elif not legal_values: raise ParameterValueError("requires a value, but no legal values defined", if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] if len(value) > 1 and not self.multiple: raise ParameterValueError( "multiple values provided but parameter is not expecting multiple values", ) rval = [] for val in value: if val not in legal_values: raise ParameterValueError( f"an invalid option ({val!r}) was selected (valid options: {','.join(legal_values)})",, val, ) rval.append(val) return rval
[docs] def to_param_dict_string(self, value, other_values=None): other_values = other_values or {} def get_options_list(value): def get_base_option(value, options: List[DrillDownOptionsDict]): for option in options: if value == option["value"]: return option rval = get_base_option(value, option["options"] or []) if rval: return rval return None # not found def recurse_option(option_list, option: DrillDownOptionsDict): if not option["options"]: option_list.append(option["value"]) else: for opt in option["options"]: recurse_option(option_list, opt) rval: List[str] = [] options = self.get_options(other_values=other_values) base_option = get_base_option(value, options) if base_option: recurse_option(rval, base_option) return rval or [value] if value is None: return "None" rval = [] if self.hierarchy == "exact": rval = value else: for val in value: options = get_options_list(val) rval.extend(options) rval = list(dict.fromkeys(rval)) if len(rval) > 1 and not self.multiple: raise ParameterValueError( "multiple values provided but parameter is not expecting multiple values", ) rval = self.separator.join(rval) if self.tool is None or self.tool.options.sanitize: if self.sanitizer: rval = self.sanitizer.sanitize_param(rval) else: rval = sanitize_param(rval) return rval
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): def recurse_options(initial_values, options: List[DrillDownOptionsDict]): for option in options: if option["selected"]: initial_values.append(option["value"]) recurse_options(initial_values, option["options"] or []) # More working around dynamic options for workflow options = self.get_options(trans=trans, other_values=other_values) if not options: return None initial_values: List[str] = [] recurse_options(initial_values, options) if len(initial_values) == 0: return None return initial_values
[docs] def to_text(self, value): def get_option_display(value, options: List[DrillDownOptionsDict]): for option in options: if value == option["value"]: return option["name"] rval = get_option_display(value, option["options"] or []) if rval: return rval return None # not found if not value: value = [] elif not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] # FIXME: Currently only translating values back to labels if they # are not dynamic if self.is_dynamic: if value: if isinstance(value, list): rval = value else: rval = [value] else: rval = [] else: rval = [] for val in value: rval.append(get_option_display(val, self.options or val)) if rval: return "\n".join(map(str, rval)) return "Nothing selected."
[docs] def get_dependencies(self): return []
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): other_values = other_values or {} # skip SelectToolParameter (the immediate parent) bc we need to get options in a different way here d = ToolParameter.to_dict(self, trans) d["options"] = self.get_options(trans=trans, other_values=other_values) d["display"] = self.display d["multiple"] = self.multiple return d
[docs]class BaseDataToolParameter(ToolParameter): multiple: bool
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source, trans): super().__init__(tool, input_source) self.min = input_source.get("min") self.max = input_source.get("max") if self.min: try: self.min = int(self.min) except ValueError: raise ParameterValueError("attribute 'min' must be an integer", if self.max: try: self.max = int(self.max) except ValueError: raise ParameterValueError("attribute 'max' must be an integer", self.refresh_on_change = True # Find datatypes_registry if self.tool is None: if trans: # Must account for "Input Dataset" types, which while not a tool still need access to the real registry. # A handle to the transaction (and thus app) will be given by the module. self.datatypes_registry = else: # This occurs for things such as unit tests import galaxy.datatypes.registry self.datatypes_registry = galaxy.datatypes.registry.Registry() self.datatypes_registry.load_datatypes() else: self.datatypes_registry = ( ) # can be None if is a ValidationContext
def _parse_formats(self, trans, input_source): """ Build list of classes for supported data formats """ self.extensions = [extension.strip().lower() for extension in input_source.get("format", "data").split(",")] formats = [] if self.datatypes_registry: # This may be None when is a ValidationContext for extension in self.extensions: datatype = self.datatypes_registry.get_datatype_by_extension(extension) if datatype is not None: formats.append(datatype) else: log.warning( f"Datatype class not found for extension '{extension}', which is used in the 'format' attribute of parameter '{}'" ) self.formats = formats def _parse_options(self, input_source): # TODO: Enhance dynamic options for DataToolParameters. Currently, # only the special case key='build' of type='data_meta' is # a valid filter self.options_filter_attribute = None self.options = parse_dynamic_options(self, input_source) if self.options: # TODO: Abstract away XML handling here. options_elem = input_source.elem().find("options") self.options_filter_attribute = options_elem.get("options_filter_attribute", None) self.is_dynamic = self.options is not None
[docs] def get_initial_value(self, trans, other_values): if trans.workflow_building_mode is workflow_building_modes.ENABLED or == "tool_shed": return RuntimeValue() if self.optional: return None if (history := trans.history) is not None: dataset_matcher_factory = get_dataset_matcher_factory(trans) dataset_matcher = dataset_matcher_factory.dataset_matcher(self, other_values) if isinstance(self, DataToolParameter): for hda in reversed(history.active_visible_datasets_and_roles): match = dataset_matcher.hda_match(hda) if match: return match.hda else: dataset_collection_matcher = dataset_matcher_factory.dataset_collection_matcher(dataset_matcher) for hdca in reversed(history.active_visible_dataset_collections): if dataset_collection_matcher.hdca_match(hdca): return hdca
[docs] def to_json(self, value, app, use_security): if value not in [None, "", "None"]: if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) > 0: values = [history_item_to_json(v, app, use_security) for v in value] else: values = [history_item_to_json(value, app, use_security)] return {"values": values} return None
[docs] def to_python(self, value, app): if isinstance(value, MutableMapping) and "values" in value: if hasattr(self, "multiple") and self.multiple is True: return [history_item_dict_to_python(v, app, for v in value["values"]] elif len(value["values"]) > 0: return history_item_dict_to_python(value["values"][0], app, # Handle legacy string values potentially stored in databases none_values = [None, "", "None"] if value in none_values: return None if isinstance(value, str) and value.find(",") > -1: return [ app.model.context.get(HistoryDatasetAssociation, int(v)) for v in value.split(",") if v not in none_values ] elif str(value).startswith("__collection_reduce__|"): decoded_id = str(value)[len("__collection_reduce__|") :] if not decoded_id.isdigit(): decoded_id = return app.model.context.get(HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, int(decoded_id)) elif str(value).startswith("dce:"): return app.model.context.get(DatasetCollectionElement, int(value[len("dce:") :])) elif str(value).startswith("hdca:"): return app.model.context.get(HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, int(value[len("hdca:") :])) else: return app.model.context.get(HistoryDatasetAssociation, int(value))
[docs] def validate(self, value, trans=None): def do_validate(v): for validator in self.validators: if ( validator.requires_dataset_metadata and v and hasattr(v, "dataset") and v.dataset.state != Dataset.states.OK ): return else: try: validator.validate(v, trans) except ValueError as e: raise ParameterValueError(str(e),, v) from None dataset_count = 0 if value: if self.multiple: if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] else: value = [value] for v in value: if isinstance(v, HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation): for dataset_instance in v.collection.dataset_instances: dataset_count += 1 do_validate(dataset_instance) elif isinstance(v, DatasetCollectionElement): if v.hda: dataset_count += 1 do_validate(v.hda) else: for dataset_instance in v.child_collection.dataset_instances: dataset_count += 1 do_validate(dataset_instance) else: dataset_count += 1 do_validate(v) if self.min is not None: if self.min > dataset_count: raise ValueError("At least %d datasets are required for %s" % (self.min, if self.max is not None: if self.max < dataset_count: raise ValueError("At most %d datasets are required for %s" % (self.max,
[docs]def src_id_to_item( sa_session: "Session", value: typing.MutableMapping[str, Any], security: "IdEncodingHelper" ) -> Union[ DatasetCollectionElement, HistoryDatasetAssociation, HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation, ]: src_to_class = { "hda": HistoryDatasetAssociation, "ldda": LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation, "dce": DatasetCollectionElement, "hdca": HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, } id_value = value["id"] decoded_id = id_value if isinstance(id_value, int) else security.decode_id(id_value) try: item = sa_session.get(src_to_class[value["src"]], decoded_id) except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Unknown input source {value['src']} passed to job submission API.") if not item: raise ValueError("Invalid input id passed to job submission API.") item.extra_params = {k: v for k, v in value.items() if k not in ("src", "id")} return item
[docs]class DataToolParameter(BaseDataToolParameter): # TODO, Nate: Make sure the following unit tests appropriately test the dataset security # components. Add as many additional tests as necessary. """ Parameter that takes on one (or many) or a specific set of values. TODO: There should be an alternate display that allows single selects to be displayed as radio buttons and multiple selects as a set of checkboxes TODO: The following must be fixed to test correctly for the new security_check tag in the DataToolParameter (the last test below is broken) Nate's next pass at the dataset security stuff will dramatically alter this anyway. """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source, trans=None): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) super().__init__(tool, input_source, trans) self.load_contents = int(input_source.get("load_contents", 0)) # Add metadata validator if not input_source.get_bool("no_validation", False): self.validators.append(validation.MetadataValidator.default_metadata_validator()) self._parse_formats(trans, input_source) tag = input_source.get("tag") self.multiple = input_source.get_bool("multiple", False) if not self.multiple and (self.min is not None): raise ParameterValueError( "cannot specify 'min' property on single data parameter. Set multiple=\"true\" to enable this option",, ) if not self.multiple and (self.max is not None): raise ParameterValueError( "cannot specify 'max' property on single data parameter. Set multiple=\"true\" to enable this option",, ) self.tag = tag self.is_dynamic = True self._parse_options(input_source) self._parse_allow_uri_if_protocol(input_source) # Load conversions required for the dataset input self.conversions = [] self.default_object = input_source.parse_default() if self.optional and self.default_object is not None: raise ParameterValueError( "Cannot specify a Galaxy tool data parameter to be both optional and have a default value.", ) for name, conv_extension in input_source.parse_conversion_tuples(): assert None not in [ name, conv_extension, ], f"A name ({name}) and type ({conv_extension}) are required for explicit conversion" if self.datatypes_registry: conv_type = self.datatypes_registry.get_datatype_by_extension(conv_extension.lower()) if conv_type is None: raise ParameterValueError( f"datatype class not found for extension '{conv_type}', which is used as 'type' attribute in conversion of data parameter",, ) self.conversions.append((name, conv_extension, [conv_type]))
def _parse_allow_uri_if_protocol(self, input_source): # In case of deferred datasets, if the source URI is prefixed with one of the values in this list, # the dataset will behave as an URI and will not be materialized into a file path. allow_uri_if_protocol = input_source.get("allow_uri_if_protocol", None) self.allow_uri_if_protocol = allow_uri_if_protocol.split(",") if allow_uri_if_protocol else []
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): session = trans.sa_session other_values = other_values or {} if trans.workflow_building_mode is workflow_building_modes.ENABLED or is_runtime_value(value): return None if not value and not self.optional and not self.default_object: raise ParameterValueError("specify a dataset of the required format / build for parameter", if value in [None, "None", ""]: if self.default_object: return raw_to_galaxy(, trans.history, self.default_object) return None if isinstance(value, MutableMapping) and "values" in value: value = self.to_python(value, if isinstance(value, str) and value.find(",") > 0: value = [int(value_part) for value_part in value.split(",")] rval: List[ Union[ DatasetCollectionElement, HistoryDatasetAssociation, HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation, ] ] = [] if isinstance(value, list): found_srcs = set() for single_value in value: if isinstance(single_value, MutableMapping) and "src" in single_value and "id" in single_value: found_srcs.add(single_value["src"]) rval.append( src_id_to_item(sa_session=trans.sa_session, value=single_value, ) elif isinstance( single_value, ( HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, DatasetCollectionElement, HistoryDatasetAssociation, LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation, ), ): rval.append(single_value) else: if len(str(single_value)) == 16: # Could never really have an ID this big anyway - postgres doesn't # support that for integer column types. log.warning("Encoded ID where unencoded ID expected.") single_value = rval.append(trans.sa_session.query(HistoryDatasetAssociation).get(single_value)) if len(found_srcs) > 1 and "hdca" in found_srcs: raise ParameterValueError( "if collections are supplied to multiple data input parameter, only collections may be used",, ) elif isinstance(value, (HistoryDatasetAssociation, LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation)): rval.append(value) elif isinstance(value, MutableMapping) and "src" in value and "id" in value: rval.append(src_id_to_item(sa_session=trans.sa_session, value=value, elif str(value).startswith("__collection_reduce__|"): encoded_ids = [v[len("__collection_reduce__|") :] for v in str(value).split(",")] decoded_ids = map(, encoded_ids) rval = [] for decoded_id in decoded_ids: hdca = session.get(HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, decoded_id) rval.append(hdca) elif isinstance(value, HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation) or isinstance(value, DatasetCollectionElement): rval.append(value) else: rval.append(session.get(HistoryDatasetAssociation, int(value))) dataset_matcher_factory = get_dataset_matcher_factory(trans) dataset_matcher = dataset_matcher_factory.dataset_matcher(self, other_values) for v in rval: if isinstance(v, DatasetCollectionElement): if hda := v.hda: v = hda elif ldda := v.ldda: v = ldda elif collection := v.child_collection: v = collection elif not v.collection and v.collection.populated_optimized: raise ParameterValueError("the selected collection has not been populated.", else: raise ParameterValueError("Collection element in unexpected state", if isinstance(v, DatasetInstance): if v.deleted: raise ParameterValueError("the previously selected dataset has been deleted.", elif v.dataset and v.dataset.state in [Dataset.states.ERROR, Dataset.states.DISCARDED]: raise ParameterValueError( "the previously selected dataset has entered an unusable state", ) match = dataset_matcher.hda_match(v) if match and match.implicit_conversion: v.implicit_conversion = True # type:ignore[union-attr] elif isinstance(v, HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation): if v.deleted: raise ParameterValueError("the previously selected dataset collection has been deleted.", v = v.collection if isinstance(v, DatasetCollection): if v.elements_deleted: raise ParameterValueError( "the previously selected dataset collection has elements that are deleted.", ) if not self.multiple: if len(rval) > 1: raise ParameterValueError("more than one dataset supplied to single input dataset parameter", if len(rval) > 0: return rval[0] else: raise ParameterValueError("invalid dataset supplied to single input dataset parameter", return rval
[docs] def to_param_dict_string(self, value, other_values=None): if value is None: return "None" return value.get_file_name()
[docs] def to_text(self, value): if value and not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] if value: try: return ", ".join(f"{item.hid}: {}" for item in value) except Exception: pass return "No dataset."
[docs] def get_dependencies(self): """ Get the *names* of the other params this param depends on. """ if self.options: return self.options.get_dependency_names() else: return []
[docs] def converter_safe(self, other_values, trans): if ( self.tool is None or self.tool.has_multiple_pages or not hasattr(trans, "workflow_building_mode") or trans.workflow_building_mode ): return False if other_values is None: return True # we don't know other values, so we can't check, assume ok converter_safe = [True] def visitor(prefix, input, value, parent=None): if isinstance(input, SelectToolParameter) and in input.get_dependencies(): if input.is_dynamic and ( input.dynamic_options or (not input.dynamic_options and not input.options) or not input.options.converter_safe ): converter_safe[0] = ( False # This option does not allow for conversion, i.e. uses contents of dataset file to generate options ) self.tool.visit_inputs(other_values, visitor) return False not in converter_safe
[docs] def get_options_filter_attribute(self, value): # HACK to get around current hardcoded limitation of when a set of dynamic options is defined for a DataToolParameter # it always causes available datasets to be filtered by dbkey # this behavior needs to be entirely reworked (in a backwards compatible manner) options_filter_attribute = self.options_filter_attribute if options_filter_attribute is None: return value.get_dbkey() if options_filter_attribute.endswith("()"): call_attribute = True options_filter_attribute = options_filter_attribute[:-2] else: call_attribute = False ref = value for attribute in options_filter_attribute.split("."): ref = getattr(ref, attribute) if call_attribute: ref = ref() return str(ref)
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): other_values = other_values or {} # create dictionary and fill default parameters d = super().to_dict(trans) extensions = self.extensions all_edam_formats = ( self.datatypes_registry.edam_formats if hasattr(self.datatypes_registry, "edam_formats") else {} ) all_edam_data = self.datatypes_registry.edam_data if hasattr(self.datatypes_registry, "edam_formats") else {} edam_formats = [all_edam_formats.get(ext, None) for ext in extensions] edam_data = [all_edam_data.get(ext, None) for ext in extensions] d["extensions"] = extensions d["edam"] = {"edam_formats": edam_formats, "edam_data": edam_data} d["multiple"] = self.multiple if self.multiple: # For consistency, should these just always be in the dict? d["min"] = self.min d["max"] = self.max d["options"] = {"dce": [], "ldda": [], "hda": [], "hdca": []} d["tag"] = self.tag # return dictionary without options if context is unavailable history = trans.history if history is None or trans.workflow_building_mode is workflow_building_modes.ENABLED: return d # prepare dataset/collection matching dataset_matcher_factory = get_dataset_matcher_factory(trans) dataset_matcher = dataset_matcher_factory.dataset_matcher(self, other_values) multiple = self.multiple # build and append a new select option def append(list, hda, name, src, keep=False, subcollection_type=None): value = { "id":, "hid": hda.hid if hda.hid is not None else -1, "name": name, "tags": [t.user_tname if not t.value else f"{t.user_tname}:{t.value}" for t in hda.tags], "src": src, "keep": keep, } if subcollection_type: value["map_over_type"] = subcollection_type return list.append(value) def append_dce(dce): d["options"]["dce"].append( { "id":, "name": dce.element_identifier, "is_dataset": dce.hda is not None, "src": "dce", "tags": [], "keep": True, } ) def append_ldda(ldda): d["options"]["ldda"].append( { "id":, "name":, "src": "ldda", "tags": [], "keep": True, } ) # add datasets hda_list = util.listify(other_values.get( # Prefetch all at once, big list of visible, non-deleted datasets. matches_by_hid: Dict[int, List] = {} for hda in history.active_visible_datasets_and_roles: match = dataset_matcher.hda_match(hda) if match: m = match.hda hda_list = [h for h in hda_list if h != m and h != hda] if m.hid not in matches_by_hid: matches_by_hid[m.hid] = [] matches_by_hid[m.hid].append(match) # Add only original HDAs to the options, implicit conversions will be skipped for matches in matches_by_hid.values(): match = matches[0] if len(matches) > 1: # If there are multiple matches for the same hid, use the original HDA and skip the implicit conversions match = next((m for m in matches if len(m.hda.implicitly_converted_parent_datasets) == 0), match) m_name = ( f"{} (as {match.target_ext})" if match.implicit_conversion else ) append(d["options"]["hda"], match.hda, m_name, "hda") for hda in hda_list: if hasattr(hda, "hid"): if hda.deleted: hda_state = "deleted" elif not hda.visible: hda_state = "hidden" else: hda_state = "unavailable" append(d["options"]["hda"], hda, f"({hda_state}) {}", "hda", True) elif isinstance(hda, DatasetCollectionElement): append_dce(hda) elif isinstance(hda, LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation): append_ldda(hda) # add dataset collections dataset_collection_matcher = dataset_matcher_factory.dataset_collection_matcher(dataset_matcher) for hdca in history.active_visible_dataset_collections: match = dataset_collection_matcher.hdca_match(hdca) if match: subcollection_type = None if multiple and hdca.collection.collection_type != "list": collection_type_description = self._history_query(trans).can_map_over(hdca) if collection_type_description: subcollection_type = collection_type_description.collection_type else: continue name = if match.implicit_conversion: name = f"{name} (with implicit datatype conversion)" append(d["options"]["hdca"], hdca, name, "hdca", subcollection_type=subcollection_type) continue # sort both lists d["options"]["hda"] = sorted(d["options"]["hda"], key=lambda k: k.get("hid", -1), reverse=True) d["options"]["hdca"] = sorted(d["options"]["hdca"], key=lambda k: k.get("hid", -1), reverse=True) # return final dictionary return d
def _history_query(self, trans): assert self.multiple dataset_collection_type_descriptions = # If multiple data parameter, treat like a list parameter. return history_query.HistoryQuery.from_collection_type("list", dataset_collection_type_descriptions)
[docs]class DataCollectionToolParameter(BaseDataToolParameter): """ """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source, trans=None): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) super().__init__(tool, input_source, trans) self._parse_formats(trans, input_source) collection_types = input_source.get("collection_type", None) tag = input_source.get("tag") if collection_types: collection_types = [t.strip() for t in collection_types.split(",")] self._collection_types = collection_types self.tag = tag self.multiple = False # Accessed on DataToolParameter a lot, may want in future self.is_dynamic = True self._parse_options(input_source) # TODO: Review and test. self.default_object = input_source.parse_default() if self.optional and self.default_object is not None: raise ParameterValueError( "Cannot specify a Galaxy tool data parameter to be both optional and have a default value.", )
@property def collection_types(self): return self._collection_types def _history_query(self, trans): dataset_collection_type_descriptions = return history_query.HistoryQuery.from_parameter(self, dataset_collection_type_descriptions)
[docs] def match_collections(self, trans, history, dataset_collection_matcher): dataset_collections = history, self._history_query(trans) ) for dataset_collection_instance in dataset_collections: match = dataset_collection_matcher.hdca_match(dataset_collection_instance) if not match: continue yield dataset_collection_instance, match.implicit_conversion
[docs] def match_multirun_collections(self, trans, history, dataset_collection_matcher): for history_dataset_collection in history.active_visible_dataset_collections: if not self._history_query(trans).can_map_over(history_dataset_collection): continue match = dataset_collection_matcher.hdca_match(history_dataset_collection) if match: yield history_dataset_collection, match.implicit_conversion
[docs] def from_json(self, value, trans, other_values=None): session = trans.sa_session other_values = other_values or {} rval: Optional[Union[DatasetCollectionElement, HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation]] = None if trans.workflow_building_mode is workflow_building_modes.ENABLED: return None if not value and not self.optional and not self.default_object: raise ParameterValueError("specify a dataset collection of the correct type", if value in [None, "None"]: if self.default_object: return raw_to_galaxy(, trans.history, self.default_object) return None if isinstance(value, MutableMapping) and "values" in value: value = self.to_python(value, if isinstance(value, str) and value.find(",") > 0: value = [int(value_part) for value_part in value.split(",")] elif isinstance(value, HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation): rval = value elif isinstance(value, DatasetCollectionElement): # When mapping over nested collection - this parameter will receive # a DatasetCollectionElement instead of a # HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation. rval = value elif isinstance(value, MutableMapping) and "src" in value and "id" in value: if value["src"] == "hdca": rval = session.get(HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation,["id"])) elif isinstance(value, list): if len(value) > 0: value = value[0] if isinstance(value, MutableMapping) and "src" in value and "id" in value: if value["src"] == "hdca": rval = session.get(HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation,["id"])) elif value["src"] == "dce": rval = session.get(DatasetCollectionElement,["id"])) elif isinstance(value, str): if value.startswith("dce:"): rval = session.get(DatasetCollectionElement, int(value[len("dce:") :])) elif value.startswith("hdca:"): rval = session.get(HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, int(value[len("hdca:") :])) else: rval = session.get(HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation, int(value)) if rval: if isinstance(rval, HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation): if rval.deleted: raise ParameterValueError("the previously selected dataset collection has been deleted", if rval.collection.elements_deleted: raise ParameterValueError( "the previously selected dataset collection has elements that are deleted.", ) if isinstance(rval, DatasetCollectionElement): if (child_collection := rval.child_collection) and child_collection.elements_deleted: raise ParameterValueError( "the previously selected dataset collection has elements that are deleted.", ) return rval
[docs] def to_text(self, value): try: if isinstance(value, HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation): display_text = f"{value.hid}: {}" else: display_text = "Element %d:%s" % (value.identifier_index, value.identifier_name) except AttributeError: display_text = "No dataset collection." return display_text
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): # create dictionary and fill default parameters other_values = other_values or {} d = super().to_dict(trans) d["collection_types"] = self.collection_types d["extensions"] = self.extensions d["multiple"] = self.multiple d["options"] = {"hda": [], "hdca": [], "dce": []} d["tag"] = self.tag # return dictionary without options if context is unavailable history = trans.history if history is None or trans.workflow_building_mode is workflow_building_modes.ENABLED: return d # prepare dataset/collection matching dataset_matcher_factory = get_dataset_matcher_factory(trans) dataset_matcher = dataset_matcher_factory.dataset_matcher(self, other_values) dataset_collection_matcher = dataset_matcher_factory.dataset_collection_matcher(dataset_matcher) # append DCE if isinstance(other_values.get(, DatasetCollectionElement): dce = other_values[] d["options"]["dce"].append( { "id":, "hid": -1, "name": dce.element_identifier, "src": "dce", "tags": [], } ) # append directly matched collections for hdca, implicit_conversion in self.match_collections(trans, history, dataset_collection_matcher): name = if implicit_conversion: name = f"{name} (with implicit datatype conversion)" d["options"]["hdca"].append( { "id":, "hid": hdca.hid, "name": name, "src": "hdca", "tags": [t.user_tname if not t.value else f"{t.user_tname}:{t.value}" for t in hdca.tags], } ) # append matching subcollections for hdca, implicit_conversion in self.match_multirun_collections(trans, history, dataset_collection_matcher): subcollection_type = self._history_query(trans).can_map_over(hdca).collection_type name = if implicit_conversion: name = f"{name} (with implicit datatype conversion)" d["options"]["hdca"].append( { "id":, "hid": hdca.hid, "map_over_type": subcollection_type, "name": name, "src": "hdca", "tags": [t.user_tname if not t.value else f"{t.user_tname}:{t.value}" for t in hdca.tags], } ) # sort both lists d["options"]["hdca"] = sorted(d["options"]["hdca"], key=lambda k: k.get("hid", -1), reverse=True) # return final dictionary return d
[docs]class HiddenDataToolParameter(HiddenToolParameter, DataToolParameter): """ Hidden parameter that behaves as a DataToolParameter. As with all hidden parameters, this is a HACK. """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, elem): DataToolParameter.__init__(self, tool, elem) self.value = "None" self.type = "hidden_data" self.hidden = True
[docs]class BaseJsonToolParameter(ToolParameter): """ Class of parameter that tries to keep values as close to JSON as possible. In particular value_to_basic is overloaded to prevent params_to_strings from double encoding JSON and to_python using loads to produce values. """
[docs] def value_to_basic(self, value, app, use_security=False): if is_runtime_value(value): return runtime_to_json(value) return value
[docs] def to_json(self, value, app, use_security): """Convert a value to a string representation suitable for persisting""" return json.dumps(value)
[docs] def to_python(self, value, app): """Convert a value created with to_json back to an object representation""" return json.loads(value)
[docs]class DirectoryUriToolParameter(SimpleTextToolParameter): """galaxy.files URIs for directories."""
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source, context=None): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) super().__init__(tool, input_source)
[docs] def validate(self, value, trans=None): super().validate(value, trans=trans) if not value: return # value is not set yet, do not validate file_source_path = file_source = file_source_path.file_source if file_source is None: raise ParameterValueError(f"'{value}' is not a valid file source uri.", user_context = ProvidesFileSourcesUserContext(trans) user_has_access = file_source.user_has_access(user_context) if not user_has_access: raise ParameterValueError(f"The user cannot access {value}.",
[docs] def to_param_dict_string(self, value, other_values=None) -> str: """Called via __str__ when used in the Cheetah template""" if value is None: value = "" elif not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) return value
[docs]class RulesListToolParameter(BaseJsonToolParameter): """ Parameter that allows for the creation of a list of rules using the Galaxy rules DSL. """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool, input_source, context=None): input_source = ensure_input_source(input_source) super().__init__(tool, input_source) self.data_ref = input_source.get("data_ref", None)
[docs] def to_dict(self, trans, other_values=None): other_values = other_values or {} d = ToolParameter.to_dict(self, trans) if target := other_values.get(self.data_ref): if not is_runtime_value(target): d["target"] = { "src": "hdca" if hasattr(target, "collection") else "hda", "id":, } return d
[docs] def validate(self, value, trans=None): super().validate(value, trans=trans) if not isinstance(value, MutableMapping): raise ValueError("No rules specified for rules parameter.") if "rules" not in value: raise ValueError("No rules specified for rules parameter") mappings = value.get("mapping", None) if not mappings: raise ValueError("No column definitions defined for rules parameter.")
[docs] def to_text(self, value): if value: rule_set = RuleSet(value) return rule_set.display else: return ""
# Code from CWL branch to massage in order to be shared across tools and workflows, # and for CWL artifacts as well as Galaxy ones.
[docs]def raw_to_galaxy( app: "MinimalApp", history: "History", as_dict_value: Dict[str, Any], commit: bool = True ) -> "HistoryItem": object_class = as_dict_value["class"] if object_class == "File": # TODO: relative_to = "/" location = as_dict_value.get("location") name = ( as_dict_value.get("identifier") or as_dict_value.get("basename") or os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlparse(location).path) ) extension = as_dict_value.get("format") or "data" dataset = Dataset() source = DatasetSource() source.source_uri = location # TODO: validate this... source.transform = as_dict_value.get("transform") dataset.sources.append(source) for hash_name in HASH_NAMES: # TODO: Convert md5 -> MD5 during tool parsing. if hash_name in as_dict_value: hash_object = DatasetHash() hash_object.hash_function = hash_name hash_object.hash_value = as_dict_value[hash_name] dataset.hashes.append(hash_object) if "created_from_basename" in as_dict_value: dataset.created_from_basename = as_dict_value["created_from_basename"] dataset.state = Dataset.states.DEFERRED primary_data = HistoryDatasetAssociation( name=name, extension=extension, metadata_deferred=True, designation=None, visible=True, dbkey="?", dataset=dataset, flush=False, sa_session=app.model.session, ) primary_data.state = Dataset.states.DEFERRED permissions = app.security_agent.history_get_default_permissions(history) app.security_agent.set_all_dataset_permissions(primary_data.dataset, permissions, new=True, flush=False) app.model.session.add(primary_data) history.stage_addition(primary_data) history.add_pending_items() if commit: app.model.session.commit() return primary_data else: name = as_dict_value.get("name") collection_type = as_dict_value.get("collection_type") collection = DatasetCollection( collection_type=collection_type, ) hdca = HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation( name=name, collection=collection, ) app.model.session.add(hdca) def write_elements_to_collection(has_elements, collection_builder): element_dicts = has_elements.get("elements") for element_dict in element_dicts: element_class = element_dict["class"] identifier = element_dict["identifier"] if element_class == "File": # Don't commit for inner elements hda = raw_to_galaxy(app, history, element_dict, commit=False) collection_builder.add_dataset(identifier, hda) else: subcollection_builder = collection_builder.get_level(identifier) write_elements_to_collection(element_dict, subcollection_builder) collection_builder = builder.BoundCollectionBuilder(collection) write_elements_to_collection(as_dict_value, collection_builder) collection_builder.populate() history.stage_addition(hdca) history.add_pending_items() if commit: app.model.session.commit() return hdca
parameter_types = dict( text=TextToolParameter, integer=IntegerToolParameter, float=FloatToolParameter, boolean=BooleanToolParameter, genomebuild=GenomeBuildParameter, select=SelectToolParameter, color=ColorToolParameter, group_tag=SelectTagParameter, data_column=ColumnListParameter, hidden=HiddenToolParameter, hidden_data=HiddenDataToolParameter, baseurl=BaseURLToolParameter, file=FileToolParameter, ftpfile=FTPFileToolParameter, data=DataToolParameter, data_collection=DataCollectionToolParameter, rules=RulesListToolParameter, directory_uri=DirectoryUriToolParameter, drill_down=DrillDownSelectToolParameter, )
[docs]def history_item_dict_to_python(value, app, name): if isinstance(value, MutableMapping) and "src" in value: if value["src"] not in ("hda", "dce", "ldda", "hdca"): raise ParameterValueError(f"Invalid value {value}", name) return src_id_to_item(sa_session=app.model.context,, value=value)
[docs]def history_item_to_json(value, app, use_security): src = None if isinstance(value, MutableMapping) and "src" in value and "id" in value: return value elif isinstance(value, DatasetCollectionElement): src = "dce" elif isinstance(value, HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation): src = "hdca" elif isinstance(value, LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation): src = "ldda" elif isinstance(value, HistoryDatasetAssociation) or hasattr(value, "id"): # hasattr 'id' fires a query on persistent objects after a flush so better # to do the isinstance check. Not sure we need the hasattr check anymore - it'd be # nice to drop it. src = "hda" if src is not None: object_id = cached_id(value) return {"id": if use_security else object_id, "src": src}