Source code for galaxy.tool_util.verify.asserts.text

import re

from typing_extensions import Annotated

from ._types import (
from ._util import (

Text = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("The text to search for in the output.")]
Line = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("The full line of text to search for in the output.")]
Expression = Annotated[str, AssertionParameter("The regular expressions to attempt match in the output.")]

[docs]def assert_has_text( output: Output, text: Text, n: N = None, delta: Delta = 0, min: Min = None, max: Max = None, negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT, ) -> None: """Asserts specified output contains the substring specified by the argument text. The exact number of occurrences can be optionally specified by the argument n""" assert output is not None, "Checking has_text assertion on empty output (None)" _assert_presence_number( output, text, n, delta, min, max, negate, lambda o, t: o.find(t) >= 0, lambda o, t: len(re.findall(re.escape(t), o)), "{expected} text '{text}' in output ('{output}')", "{expected} {n}+-{delta} occurences of '{text}' in output ('{output}')", "{expected} that the number of occurences of '{text}' in output is in [{min}:{max}] ('{output}')", )
[docs]def assert_not_has_text(output: Output, text: Text) -> None: """Asserts specified output does not contain the substring specified by the argument text""" assert output is not None, "Checking not_has_text assertion on empty output (None)" assert output.find(text) < 0, f"Output file contains unexpected text '{text}'"
[docs]def assert_has_line( output: Output, line: Line, n: N = None, delta: Delta = 0, min: Min = None, max: Max = None, negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT, ) -> None: """Asserts the specified output contains the line specified by the argument line. The exact number of occurrences can be optionally specified by the argument n""" assert output is not None, "Checking has_line assertion on empty output (None)" _assert_presence_number( output, line, n, delta, min, max, negate, lambda o, t:"^{re.escape(t)}$", o, flags=re.MULTILINE) is not None, lambda o, t: len(re.findall(f"^{re.escape(t)}$", o, flags=re.MULTILINE)), "{expected} line '{text}' in output ('{output}')", "{expected} {n}+-{delta} lines '{text}' in output ('{output}')", "{expected} that the number of lines '{text}' in output is in [{min}:{max}] ('{output}')", )
[docs]def assert_has_n_lines( output: Output, n: N = None, delta: Delta = 0, min: Min = None, max: Max = None, negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT, ) -> None: """Asserts the specified output contains ``n`` lines allowing for a difference in the number of lines (delta) or relative differebce in the number of lines""" assert output is not None, "Checking has_n_lines assertion on empty output (None)" count = len(output.splitlines()) _assert_number( count, n, delta, min, max, negate, "{expected} {n}+-{delta} lines in the output", "{expected} the number of line to be in [{min}:{max}]", )
[docs]def assert_has_text_matching( output: Output, expression: Expression, n: N = None, delta: Delta = 0, min: Min = None, max: Max = None, negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT, ) -> None: """Asserts the specified output contains text matching the regular expression specified by the argument expression. If n is given the assertion checks for exacly n (nonoverlapping) occurences. """ _assert_presence_number( output, expression, n, delta, min, max, negate, lambda o, e:, o) is not None, lambda o, e: len(re.findall(e, o)), "{expected} text matching expression '{text}' in output ('{output}')", "{expected} {n}+-{delta} (non-overlapping) matches for '{text}' in output ('{output}')", "{expected} that the number of (non-overlapping) matches for '{text}' in output is in [{min}:{max}] ('{output}')", )
[docs]def assert_has_line_matching( output: Output, expression: Expression, n: N = None, delta: Delta = 0, min: Min = None, max: Max = None, negate: Negate = NEGATE_DEFAULT, ) -> None: """Asserts the specified output contains a line matching the regular expression specified by the argument expression. If n is given the assertion checks for exactly n occurences.""" _assert_presence_number( output, expression, n, delta, min, max, negate, lambda o, e:"^{e}$", o, flags=re.MULTILINE) is not None, lambda o, e: len(re.findall(f"^{e}$", o, flags=re.MULTILINE)), "{expected} line matching expression '{text}' in output ('{output}')", "{expected} {n}+-{delta} lines matching for '{text}' in output ('{output}')", "{expected} that the number of lines matching for '{text}' in output is in [{min}:{max}] ('{output}')", )