Source code for

Galaxy Security


from typing import (

from typing_extensions import Literal

from galaxy.util.bunch import Bunch

ActionModel = Literal["grant", "restrict"]

[docs]class Action: action: str description: str model: ActionModel
[docs] def __init__(self, action: str, description: str, model: ActionModel): self.action = action self.description = description self.model = model
[docs]class RBACAgent: """Class that handles galaxy security""" permitted_actions = Bunch( DATASET_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS=Action( "manage permissions", "Users having associated role can manage the roles associated with permissions on this dataset.", "grant", ), DATASET_ACCESS=Action( "access", "Users having all associated roles can import this dataset into their history for analysis.", "restrict", ), LIBRARY_ACCESS=Action( "access library", "Restrict access to this library to only users having associated role", "restrict" ), LIBRARY_ADD=Action( "add library item", "Users having associated role can add library items to this library item", "grant" ), LIBRARY_MODIFY=Action( "modify library item", "Users having associated role can modify this library item", "grant" ), LIBRARY_MANAGE=Action( "manage library permissions", "Users having associated role can manage roles associated with permissions on this library item", "grant", ), )
[docs] def get_action(self, name: str, default: Optional[Action] = None) -> Optional[Action]: """Get a permitted action by its dict key or action name""" for k, v in self.permitted_actions.items(): if k == name or v.action == name: return v return default
[docs] def get_actions(self) -> List[Action]: """Get all permitted actions as a list of Action objects""" return list(self.permitted_actions.__dict__.values())
[docs] def get_item_actions(self, action, item): raise Exception(f"No valid method of retrieving action ({action}) for item {item}.")
[docs] def guess_derived_permissions_for_datasets(self, datasets=None): datasets = datasets or [] raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def can_access_dataset(self, roles, dataset): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def can_manage_dataset(self, roles, dataset): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def can_access_library(self, roles, library): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def can_add_library_item(self, roles, item): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def can_modify_library_item(self, roles, item): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def can_change_object_store_id(self, user, dataset): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def can_manage_library_item(self, roles, item): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def create_private_user_role(self, user): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def get_private_user_role(self, user): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def user_set_default_permissions(self, user, permissions=None, history=False, dataset=False): permissions = permissions or {} raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def history_set_default_permissions(self, history, permissions=None, dataset=False, bypass_manage_permission=False): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def set_all_dataset_permissions(self, dataset, permissions, new=False): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def set_dataset_permission(self, dataset, permission): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def set_all_library_permissions(self, trans, dataset, permissions): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def set_library_item_permission(self, library_item, permission): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def library_is_public(self, library): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def make_library_public(self, library): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def get_accessible_libraries(self, trans, user): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def get_permitted_libraries(self, trans, user, actions): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def folder_is_public(self, library): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def make_folder_public(self, folder, count=0): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def dataset_is_public(self, dataset): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def make_dataset_public(self, dataset): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def get_permissions(self, library_dataset): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def get_all_roles(self, trans, cntrller): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def get_legitimate_roles(self, trans, item, cntrller): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def derive_roles_from_access(self, trans, item_id, cntrller, library=False, **kwd): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def get_component_associations(self, **kwd): raise Exception("Unimplemented Method")
[docs] def components_are_associated(self, **kwd): return bool(self.get_component_associations(**kwd))
[docs] def convert_permitted_action_strings(self, permitted_action_strings): """ When getting permitted actions from an untrusted source like a form, ensure that they match our actual permitted actions. """ return [ _ for _ in [self.permitted_actions.get(action_string) for action_string in permitted_action_strings] if _ is not None ]
[docs]def get_permitted_actions(filter=None): """Utility method to return a subset of RBACAgent's permitted actions""" if filter is None: return RBACAgent.permitted_actions tmp_bunch = Bunch() [tmp_bunch.dict().__setitem__(k, v) for k, v in RBACAgent.permitted_actions.items() if k.startswith(filter)] return tmp_bunch