Source code for

"""Interface layer for pykube library shared between Galaxy and Pulsar."""

import logging
import os
import re
from pathlib import PurePath

    from pykube.config import KubeConfig
    from pykube.exceptions import HTTPError
    from pykube.http import HTTPClient
    from pykube.objects import (
except ImportError as exc:
    KubeConfig = None
    Ingress = None
    Job = None
    Pod = None
    Service = None
    HTTPError = None
        "The Python pykube package is required to use "
        "this feature, please install it or correct the "
        f"following error:\nImportError {exc}"

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "Galaxy instance [%s] is either too long "
    "(>20 characters) or it includes non DNS "
    "acceptable characters, ignoring it."

[docs]def ensure_pykube(): if KubeConfig is None: raise Exception(K8S_IMPORT_MESSAGE)
[docs]def pykube_client_from_dict(params): if "k8s_use_service_account" in params and params["k8s_use_service_account"]: pykube_client = HTTPClient(KubeConfig.from_service_account()) else: config_path = params.get("k8s_config_path") if config_path is None: config_path = os.environ.get("KUBECONFIG", None) if config_path is None: config_path = "~/.kube/config" pykube_client = HTTPClient(KubeConfig.from_file(config_path)) return pykube_client
[docs]def produce_k8s_job_prefix(app_prefix=None, instance_id=None): job_name_elems = [app_prefix or "", instance_id or ""] return "-".join(elem for elem in job_name_elems if elem)
[docs]def pull_policy(params): # If this doesn't validate it returns None, that seems odd? if "k8s_pull_policy" in params: if params["k8s_pull_policy"] in ["Always", "IfNotPresent", "Never"]: return params["k8s_pull_policy"] return None
[docs]def find_service_object_by_name(pykube_api, service_name, namespace=None): if not service_name: raise ValueError("service name must not be empty") return Service.objects(pykube_api).filter(field_selector={"": service_name}, namespace=namespace)
[docs]def find_ingress_object_by_name(pykube_api, ingress_name, namespace=None): if not ingress_name: raise ValueError("ingress name must not be empty") return Ingress.objects(pykube_api).filter(field_selector={"": ingress_name}, namespace=namespace)
[docs]def find_job_object_by_name(pykube_api, job_name, namespace=None): if not job_name: raise ValueError("job name must not be empty") return Job.objects(pykube_api).filter(field_selector={"": job_name}, namespace=namespace)
[docs]def find_pod_object_by_name(pykube_api, job_name, namespace=None): return Pod.objects(pykube_api).filter(selector=f"job-name={job_name}", namespace=namespace)
[docs]def is_pod_unschedulable(pykube_api, pod, namespace=None): is_unschedulable = any(c.get("reason") == "Unschedulable" for c in pod.obj["status"].get("conditions", [])) if pod.obj["status"].get("phase") == "Pending" and is_unschedulable: return True return False
[docs]def delete_job(job, cleanup="always"): job_failed = job.obj["status"]["failed"] > 0 if "failed" in job.obj["status"] else False # Scale down the job just in case even if cleanup is never job.scale(replicas=0) api_delete = cleanup == "always" if not api_delete and cleanup == "onsuccess" and not job_failed: api_delete = True if api_delete: delete_options = {"apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "DeleteOptions", "propagationPolicy": "Background"} r = job.api.delete(json=delete_options, **job.api_kwargs()) job.api.raise_for_status(r)
[docs]def delete_ingress(ingress, cleanup="always", job_failed=False): api_delete = cleanup == "always" if not api_delete and cleanup == "onsuccess" and not job_failed: api_delete = True if api_delete: delete_options = {"apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "DeleteOptions", "propagationPolicy": "Background"} r = ingress.api.delete(json=delete_options, **ingress.api_kwargs()) ingress.api.raise_for_status(r)
[docs]def delete_service(service, cleanup="always", job_failed=False): api_delete = cleanup == "always" if not api_delete and cleanup == "onsuccess" and not job_failed: api_delete = True if api_delete: delete_options = {"apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "DeleteOptions", "propagationPolicy": "Background"} r = service.api.delete(json=delete_options, **service.api_kwargs()) service.api.raise_for_status(r)
[docs]def job_object_dict(params, job_prefix, spec): k8s_job_obj = { "apiVersion": params.get("k8s_job_api_version", DEFAULT_JOB_API_VERSION), "kind": "Job", "metadata": { "generateName": f"{job_prefix}-", "namespace": params.get("k8s_namespace", DEFAULT_NAMESPACE), }, "spec": spec, } return k8s_job_obj
[docs]def service_object_dict(params, service_name, spec): k8s_service_obj = { "apiVersion": params.get("k8s_service_api_version", DEFAULT_SERVICE_API_VERSION), "kind": "Service", "metadata": { "name": service_name, "namespace": params.get("k8s_namespace", DEFAULT_NAMESPACE), }, } k8s_service_obj["metadata"].update(spec.pop("metadata", {})) k8s_service_obj.update(spec) return k8s_service_obj
[docs]def ingress_object_dict(params, ingress_name, spec): k8s_ingress_obj = { "apiVersion": params.get("k8s_ingress_api_version", DEFAULT_INGRESS_API_VERSION), "kind": "Ingress", "metadata": { "name": ingress_name, "namespace": params.get("k8s_namespace", DEFAULT_NAMESPACE), # TODO: Add default annotations }, } k8s_ingress_obj["metadata"].update(spec.pop("metadata", {})) k8s_ingress_obj.update(spec) return k8s_ingress_obj
[docs]def parse_pvc_param_line(pvc_param): """ :type pvc_param: str :param pvc_param: the pvc mount param in the format ``pvc-name/subpath/desired:/mountpath/desired[:r]`` :rtype: dict :return: a dict like:: {"name": "pvc-name", "subPath": "subpath/desired", "mountPath": "/mountpath/desired", "readOnly": False} """ claim, _, rest = pvc_param.partition(":") mount_path, _, mode = rest.partition(":") read_only = mode == "r" claim_name, _, subpath = claim.partition("/") return { "name": claim_name.strip(), "subPath": subpath.strip(), "mountPath": mount_path.strip(), "readOnly": read_only, }
def generate_relative_mounts(pvc_param, files): """ Maps a list of files as mounts, relative to the base volume mount. For example, given the pvc mount: { 'name': 'my_pvc', 'mountPath': '/galaxy/database/jobs', 'subPath': 'data', 'readOnly': False } and files: ['/galaxy/database/jobs/01/input.txt', '/galaxy/database/jobs/01/working'] returns each file as a relative mount as follows: [ { 'name': 'my_pvc', 'mountPath': '/galaxy/database/jobs/01/input.txt', 'subPath': 'data/01/input.txt', 'readOnly': False }, { 'name': 'my_pvc', 'mountPath': '/galaxy/database/jobs/01/working', 'subPath': 'data/01/working', 'readOnly': False } ] :param pvc_param: the pvc claim dict :param files: a list of file or folder names :return: A list of volume mounts """ if not pvc_param: return param_claim = parse_pvc_param_line(pvc_param) claim_name = param_claim["name"] base_subpath = PurePath(param_claim.get("subPath", "")) base_mount = PurePath(param_claim["mountPath"]) read_only = param_claim["readOnly"] volume_mounts = [] for f in files: file_path = PurePath(str(f)) if base_mount not in file_path.parents: # force relative directory, needed for the job working directory in particular file_path = base_mount.joinpath(file_path.relative_to("/") if file_path.is_absolute() else file_path) relpath = file_path.relative_to(base_mount) subpath = base_subpath.joinpath(relpath) volume_mounts.append( {"name": claim_name, "mountPath": str(file_path), "subPath": str(subpath), "readOnly": read_only} ) return volume_mounts def deduplicate_entries(obj_list): # remove duplicate entries in a list of dictionaries # based on: return [i for n, i in enumerate(obj_list) if i not in obj_list[n + 1 :]]
[docs]def get_volume_mounts_for_job(job_wrapper, data_claim=None, working_claim=None): volume_mounts = [] if data_claim: volume_mounts.extend(generate_relative_mounts(data_claim, job_wrapper.job_io.get_input_fnames())) # for individual output files, mount the parent folder of each output as there could be wildcard outputs output_folders = deduplicate_entries( [str(PurePath(str(f)).parent) for f in job_wrapper.job_io.get_output_fnames()] ) volume_mounts.extend(generate_relative_mounts(data_claim, output_folders)) if working_claim: volume_mounts.extend(generate_relative_mounts(working_claim, [job_wrapper.working_directory])) return deduplicate_entries(volume_mounts)
[docs]def galaxy_instance_id(params): """Parse and validate the id of the Galaxy instance from supplied dict. This will be added to Jobs and Pods names, so it needs to be DNS friendly, this means: `The Internet standards (Requests for Comments) for protocols mandate that component hostname labels may contain only the ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' (in a case-insensitive manner), the digits '0' through '9', and the minus sign ('-').` It looks for the value set on params['k8s_galaxy_instance_id'], which might or not be set. The idea behind this is to allow the Galaxy instance to trust (or not) existing k8s Jobs and Pods that match the setup of a Job that is being recovered or restarted after a downtime/reboot. """ if "k8s_galaxy_instance_id" in params: raw_value = params["k8s_galaxy_instance_id"] if re.match(r"(?!-)[a-z\d-]{1,20}(?<!-)$", raw_value): return raw_value else: log.error(INSTANCE_ID_INVALID_MESSAGE % raw_value) return None
__all__ = ( "DEFAULT_JOB_API_VERSION", "DEFAULT_SERVICE_API_VERSION", "DEFAULT_INGRESS_API_VERSION", "ensure_pykube", "find_service_object_by_name", "find_ingress_object_by_name", "find_job_object_by_name", "find_pod_object_by_name", "galaxy_instance_id", "HTTPError", "is_pod_unschedulable", "Job", "Service", "Ingress", "job_object_dict", "service_object_dict", "ingress_object_dict", "Pod", "produce_k8s_job_prefix", "pull_policy", "pykube_client_from_dict", "delete_job", "delete_service", "delete_ingress", "get_volume_mounts_for_job", "parse_pvc_param_line", )