
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.workflow.render

import svgwrite

STANDALONE_SVG_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"

[docs] class WorkflowCanvas:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.canvas = svgwrite.Drawing(profile="full") self.connectors = [] self.boxes = [] self.text = [] self.in_pos = {} self.out_pos = {} self.widths = {} self.max_x = 0 self.max_y = 0 self.max_width = 0 self.data = []
[docs] def finish(self, for_embed=False): # max_x, max_y, max_width = self.max_x, self.max_y, self.max_width for box in self.boxes: self.canvas.add(box) for connector in self.connectors: self.canvas.add(connector) text_style_layer = self.canvas.g(style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, FreeSans, Sans, sans, sans-serif;") for text in self.text: text_style_layer.add(text) self.canvas.add(text_style_layer) # if we're embedding this in HTML - setup a viewbox and preserve aspect ratio # https://css-tricks.com/scale-svg/#aa-the-viewbox-attribute if for_embed: self.canvas.viewbox(-5, -5, self.max_x + self.max_width, self.max_y + 150) self.canvas.fit() return self.canvas
[docs] def add_boxes(self, step_dict, width, name_fill): x, y = step_dict["position"]["left"], step_dict["position"]["top"] self.boxes.append(svgwrite.shapes.Rect((x - MARGIN, y), (width, 30), fill=name_fill, stroke="#000000")) box_height = (len(step_dict["data_inputs"]) + len(step_dict["data_outputs"])) * LINE_SPACING + MARGIN # Draw separator line. if len(step_dict["data_inputs"]) > 0: box_height += LINE_SPACING sep_y = y + len(step_dict["data_inputs"]) * LINE_SPACING + 40 self.text.append( svgwrite.shapes.Line((x - MARGIN, sep_y), (x + width - MARGIN, sep_y), stroke=svgwrite.rgb(0, 0, 0)) ) # Define an input/output box. self.boxes.append( svgwrite.shapes.Rect( (x - MARGIN, y + 30), (width, box_height), fill="#ffffff", stroke=svgwrite.rgb(0, 0, 0) ) )
[docs] def add_text(self, module_data_inputs, module_data_outputs, step, module_name): left, top = step.position["left"], step.position["top"] x, y = left, top order_index = step.order_index max_len = len(module_name) * 1.5 self.text.append(svgwrite.text.Text(module_name, (x, y + 20), style="font-size:14px")) y += 45 count = 0 in_pos = self.in_pos out_pos = self.out_pos for di in module_data_inputs: cur_y = y + count * LINE_SPACING if order_index not in in_pos: in_pos[order_index] = {} in_pos[order_index][di["name"]] = (x, cur_y) self.text.append(svgwrite.text.Text(di["label"], (x, cur_y), style="font-size:10px")) count += 1 max_len = max(max_len, len(di["label"])) if len(module_data_inputs) > 0: y += LINE_SPACING for do in module_data_outputs: cur_y = y + count * LINE_SPACING if order_index not in out_pos: out_pos[order_index] = {} out_pos[order_index][do["name"]] = (x, cur_y) self.text.append(svgwrite.text.Text(do["name"], (x, cur_y), style="font-size:10px")) count += 1 max_len = max(max_len, len(do["name"])) self.widths[order_index] = max_len * 5.5 self.max_x = max(self.max_x, left) self.max_y = max(self.max_y, top) self.max_width = max(self.max_width, self.widths[order_index])
[docs] def add_connection(self, step_dict, conn, output_dict): in_coords = self.in_pos[step_dict["id"]][conn] # out_pos_index will be a step number like 1, 2, 3... out_pos_index = output_dict["id"] # out_pos_name will be a string like 'o', 'o2', etc. out_pos_name = output_dict["output_name"] if out_pos_index in self.out_pos: # out_conn_index_dict will be something like: # 7: {'o': (824.5, 618)} out_conn_index_dict = self.out_pos[out_pos_index] if out_pos_name in out_conn_index_dict: out_conn_pos = out_conn_index_dict[out_pos_name] else: # Take any key / value pair available in out_conn_index_dict. # A problem will result if the dictionary is empty. if out_conn_index_dict: key = next(iter(out_conn_index_dict.keys())) out_conn_pos = self.out_pos[out_pos_index][key] adjusted = (out_conn_pos[0] + self.widths[output_dict["id"]], out_conn_pos[1]) self.text.append( svgwrite.shapes.Circle( center=(out_conn_pos[0] + self.widths[output_dict["id"]] - MARGIN, out_conn_pos[1] - MARGIN), r=5, fill="#ffffff", stroke="#000000", ) ) marker = self.canvas.marker( overflow="visible", refX="0", refY="5", viewBox="0 0 10 5", markerWidth="8", markerHeight="10", markerUnits="strokeWidth", orient="auto", stroke="none", fill="black", ) marker.add(self.canvas.path(d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z")) self.canvas.defs.add(marker) conn = svgwrite.shapes.Line( (adjusted[0], adjusted[1] - MARGIN), (in_coords[0] - 10, in_coords[1]), stroke="#000000" ) conn["marker-end"] = marker.get_funciri() self.connectors.append(conn)
[docs] def add_steps(self, highlight_errors=False): # Only highlight missing tools if displaying in the tool shed. for step_dict in self.data: tool_unavailable = step_dict.get("tool_errors", False) if highlight_errors and tool_unavailable: fill = "#EBBCB2" else: fill = "#EBD9B2" width = self.widths[step_dict["id"]] self.add_boxes(step_dict, width, fill) for conn, output_dict in step_dict["input_connections"].items(): self.add_connection(step_dict, conn, output_dict)
[docs] def populate_data_for_step(self, step, module_name, module_data_inputs, module_data_outputs, tool_errors=None): step_dict = { "id": step.order_index, "data_inputs": module_data_inputs, "data_outputs": module_data_outputs, "position": step.position, } if tool_errors: step_dict["tool_errors"] = tool_errors input_conn_dict = {} for conn in step.input_connections: input_conn_dict[conn.input_name] = dict(id=conn.output_step.order_index, output_name=conn.output_name) step_dict["input_connections"] = input_conn_dict self.data.append(step_dict) self.add_text(module_data_inputs, module_data_outputs, step, module_name)