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Source code for galaxy.tool_util.deps.brew_util
"""brew_exts defines generic extensions to Homebrew this file
builds on those abstraction and provides Galaxy specific functionality
not useful to the brew external commands.
from . import brew_exts
DEFAULT_TAP = "homebrew/science"
class HomebrewRecipe:
def __init__(self, recipe, version, tap):
self.recipe = recipe
self.version = version
self.tap = tap
def requirements_to_recipes(requirements):
return filter(None, map(requirement_to_recipe, requirements))
def requirement_to_recipe(requirement):
if requirement.type != "package":
return None
# TOOD: Allow requirements to annotate optionalbrew specific
# adaptions.
recipe_name = requirement.name
recipe_version = requirement.version
return HomebrewRecipe(recipe_name, recipe_version, tap=DEFAULT_TAP)
def requirements_to_recipe_contexts(requirements, brew_context):
def to_recipe_context(homebrew_recipe):
return brew_exts.RecipeContext(homebrew_recipe.recipe, homebrew_recipe.version, brew_context)
return map(to_recipe_context, requirements_to_recipes(requirements))