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Source code for galaxy.security.validate_user_input
Utilities for validating inputs related to user objects.
The validate_* methods in this file return simple messages that do not contain
user inputs - so these methods do not need to be escaped.
import logging
import re
from typing import (
import dns.resolver
from dns.exception import DNSException
from sqlalchemy import (
from typing_extensions import LiteralString
from galaxy.objectstore import ObjectStore
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Email validity parameters
# Many words (and regexes) have been written about validating email addresses and there is no perfect answer on how it
# should be done. We choose to use the HTML5 spec (and corresponding regex) that engages in a "willful violation" of RFC
# 5322 to provide a reasonably good validation. Additionally, we allow Unicode characters in both the user and domain
# parts of the email by using re's '\w' character. Note that \w includes "word" characters but appears to exclude emoji
# characters, which should in fact be valid.
# https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#e-mail-state-(type%3Demail)
VALID_EMAIL_RE = re.compile(r"^[\w.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[\w](?:[\w-]{0,61}[\w])?(?:\.[\w](?:[\w-]{0,61}[\w])?)*$")
# Public name validity parameters
VALID_PUBLICNAME_RE = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9._\-]+$")
VALID_PUBLICNAME_SUB = re.compile(r"[^a-z0-9._\-]")
# Password validity parameters
[docs]def validate_email_str(email):
"""Validates a string containing an email address."""
if not email:
return "No email address was provided."
if not (VALID_EMAIL_RE.match(email)):
return "The format of the email address is not correct."
elif len(email) > EMAIL_MAX_LEN:
return f"Email address cannot be more than {EMAIL_MAX_LEN} characters in length."
return ""
[docs]def validate_password_str(password):
if not password or len(password) < PASSWORD_MIN_LEN:
return f"Use a password of at least {PASSWORD_MIN_LEN} characters."
return ""
[docs]def validate_publicname_str(publicname):
"""Validates a string containing a public username."""
if not publicname:
return "Public name cannot be empty"
if len(publicname) > PUBLICNAME_MAX_LEN:
return f"Public name cannot be more than {PUBLICNAME_MAX_LEN} characters in length."
if not (VALID_PUBLICNAME_RE.match(publicname)):
return "Public name must contain only lower-case letters, numbers, '.', '_' and '-'."
return ""
[docs]def validate_email(trans, email, user=None, check_dup=True, allow_empty=False, validate_domain=False):
Validates the email format.
Checks whether the domain is blocklisted in the disposable domains configuration.
Checks whether the email address is banned.
if (user and user.email == email) or (email == "" and allow_empty):
return ""
message = validate_email_str(email)
if not message and validate_domain:
domain = extract_domain(email)
message = validate_email_domain_name(domain)
if not message:
if is_email_banned(email, trans.app.config.email_ban_file, trans.app.config.canonical_email_rules):
message = "This email address has been banned."
stmt = select(trans.app.model.User).filter(func.lower(trans.app.model.User.email) == email.lower()).limit(1)
if not message and check_dup and trans.sa_session.scalars(stmt).first():
message = f"User with email '{email}' already exists."
if not message:
# If the allowlist is not empty filter out any domain not in the list and ignore blocklist.
if trans.app.config.email_domain_allowlist_content is not None:
domain = extract_domain(email)
if domain not in trans.app.config.email_domain_allowlist_content:
message = "Please enter an allowed domain email address for this server."
# If the blocklist is not empty filter out the disposable domains.
elif trans.app.config.email_domain_blocklist_content is not None:
domain = extract_domain(email, base_only=True)
if domain in trans.app.config.email_domain_blocklist_content:
message = "Please enter your permanent email address."
return message
[docs]def validate_email_domain_name(domain: str) -> LiteralString:
message = ""
dns.resolver.resolve(domain, "MX")
except DNSException:
# Per RFC 5321, try to fall back to the A record (implicit MX) for
# the domain, see https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5321#section-5.1
dns.resolver.resolve(domain, "A")
except DNSException:
message = "The email domain cannot be resolved."
return message
[docs]def extract_domain(email, base_only=False):
domain = email.rsplit("@", 1)[-1]
parts = domain.split(".")
if len(parts) > 2 and base_only:
return (".").join(parts[-2:])
return domain
[docs]def validate_publicname(trans, publicname, user=None):
Check that publicname respects the minimum and maximum string length, the
allowed characters, and that the username is not taken already.
if user and user.username == publicname:
return ""
if message := validate_publicname_str(publicname):
return message
stmt = select(trans.app.model.User).filter_by(username=publicname).limit(1)
if trans.sa_session.scalars(stmt).first():
return "Public name is taken; please choose another."
return ""
[docs]def transform_publicname(publicname):
Transform publicname to respect the minimum and maximum string length, and
the allowed characters.
FILL_CHAR is used to extend or replace characters.
# TODO: Enhance to allow generation of semi-random publicnnames e.g., when valid but taken
if not publicname:
raise ValueError("Public name cannot be empty")
publicname = publicname.lower()
publicname = re.sub(VALID_PUBLICNAME_SUB, FILL_CHAR, publicname)
publicname = publicname[:PUBLICNAME_MAX_LEN]
return publicname
[docs]def validate_password(trans, password, confirm):
if password != confirm:
return "Passwords do not match."
return validate_password_str(password)
[docs]def validate_preferred_object_store_id(
trans, object_store: ObjectStore, preferred_object_store_id: Optional[str]
) -> str:
return object_store.validate_selected_object_store_id(trans.user, preferred_object_store_id) or ""
[docs]def is_email_banned(email: str, filepath: Optional[str], canonical_email_rules: Optional[Dict]) -> bool:
if not filepath:
return False
normalizer = EmailAddressNormalizer(canonical_email_rules)
email = normalizer.normalize(email)
banned_emails = _read_email_ban_list(filepath)
for address in banned_emails:
if email == normalizer.normalize(address):
return True
return False
def _read_email_ban_list(filepath: str) -> List[str]:
with open(filepath) as f:
return [line.strip() for line in f if not line.startswith("#")]
[docs]class EmailAddressNormalizer:
IGNORE_CASE_RULE = "ignore_case"
IGNORE_DOTS_RULE = "ignore_dots"
SUB_ADDRESSING_RULE = "sub_addressing"
SUB_ADDRESSING_DELIM = "sub_addressing_delim"
ALL = "all"
[docs] def __init__(self, canonical_email_rules: Optional[Dict]) -> None:
self.config = canonical_email_rules
[docs] def normalize(self, email: str) -> str:
"""Transform email to its canonical form."""
email_localpart, email_domain = email.split("@")
# the domain part of an email address is case-insensitive (RFC1035)
email_domain = email_domain.lower()
# Step 1: If no rules are set, do not modify local-part
if not self.config:
return f"{email_localpart}@{email_domain}"
# Step 2: Apply rules defined for all services before applying rules defined for specific services
if self.ALL in self.config:
email_localpart = self._apply_rules(email_localpart, self.ALL)
# Step 3: Apply rules definied for each email service if email matches service
for service in (s for s in self.config if s != self.ALL):
service = service.lower() # ensure domain is lowercase
apply_rules = False
if email_domain == service:
apply_rules = True
elif self.config[service].get("aliases"):
service_aliases = [
a.lower() for a in self.config[service]["aliases"]
] # ensure domain aliases are lowercase
if email_domain in service_aliases:
# email domain is an alias of the service. Change it to the service's primary domain name.
email_domain = service
apply_rules = True
if apply_rules:
email_localpart = self._apply_rules(email_localpart, service)
return f"{email_localpart}@{email_domain}"
def _apply_rules(self, email_localpart: str, service: str) -> str:
assert self.config
config = self.config[service]
if config.get(self.IGNORE_CASE_RULE, False):
email_localpart = email_localpart.lower()
if config.get(self.IGNORE_DOTS_RULE, False):
email_localpart = email_localpart.replace(".", "")
if config.get(self.SUB_ADDRESSING_RULE, False):
if email_localpart.find(delim) > -1:
email_localpart = email_localpart[: email_localpart.index(delim)]
return email_localpart