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Source code for galaxy.security.validate_user_input
Utilities for validating inputs related to user objects.
The validate_* methods in this file return simple messages that do not contain
user inputs - so these methods do not need to be escaped.
import logging
import re
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Email validity parameters
VALID_EMAIL_RE = re.compile(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+")
# Public name validity parameters
VALID_PUBLICNAME_RE = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9._\-]+$")
VALID_PUBLICNAME_SUB = re.compile(r"[^a-z0-9._\-]")
# Password validity parameters
[docs]def validate_email(trans, email, user=None, check_dup=True, allow_empty=False):
Validates the email format, also checks whether the domain is blacklisted in the disposable domains configuration.
message = ''
if (user and user.email == email) or (email == "" and allow_empty):
return message
if not(VALID_EMAIL_RE.match(email)):
message = "The format of the email address is not correct."
elif len(email) > EMAIL_MAX_LEN:
message = "Email address cannot be more than %d characters in length." % EMAIL_MAX_LEN
elif check_dup and trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).filter_by(email=email).first():
message = "User with that email already exists."
# If the blacklist is not empty filter out the disposable domains.
elif trans.app.config.blacklist_content is not None:
domain = email.split('@')[1]
if len(domain.split('.')) > 2:
domain = ('.').join(domain.split('.')[-2:])
if domain in trans.app.config.blacklist_content:
message = "Please enter your permanent email address."
return message
[docs]def validate_publicname(trans, publicname, user=None):
# User names must be at least three characters in length and contain only lower-case
# letters, numbers, and the '-' character.
if user and user.username == publicname:
return ''
if len(publicname) < PUBLICNAME_MIN_LEN:
return "Public name must be at least %d characters in length." % (PUBLICNAME_MIN_LEN)
if len(publicname) > PUBLICNAME_MAX_LEN:
return "Public name cannot be more than %d characters in length." % (PUBLICNAME_MAX_LEN)
if not(VALID_PUBLICNAME_RE.match(publicname)):
return "Public name must contain only lower-case letters, numbers, '.', '_' and '-'."
if trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).filter_by(username=publicname).first():
return "Public name is taken; please choose another."
return ''
[docs]def transform_publicname(trans, publicname, user=None):
# User names must be at least four characters in length and contain only lower-case
# letters, numbers, and the '-' character.
# TODO: Enhance to allow generation of semi-random publicnnames e.g., when valid but taken
if user and user.username == publicname:
return publicname
elif publicname not in ['None', None, '']:
publicname = publicname.lower()
publicname = re.sub(VALID_PUBLICNAME_SUB, FILL_CHAR, publicname)
publicname = publicname.ljust(PUBLICNAME_MIN_LEN + 1, FILL_CHAR)[:PUBLICNAME_MAX_LEN]
if not trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User).filter_by(username=publicname).first():
return publicname
return ''
[docs]def validate_password(trans, password, confirm):
if len(password) < PASSWORD_MIN_LEN:
return "Use a password of at least %d characters." % PASSWORD_MIN_LEN
elif password != confirm:
return "Passwords don't match."
return ''