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Source code for tool_shed.webapp.api.categories

import logging
from typing import (

import tool_shed.util.shed_util_common as suc
import tool_shed_client.schema
from galaxy import (
from galaxy.web import (
from galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api import depends
from tool_shed.managers.categories import CategoryManager
from tool_shed.managers.repositories import repositories_by_category
from tool_shed.webapp.model import Category
from . import BaseShedAPIController

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CategoriesController(BaseShedAPIController): """RESTful controller for interactions with categories in the Tool Shed.""" category_manager: CategoryManager = depends(CategoryManager)
[docs] @expose_api @require_admin def create(self, trans, payload, **kwd): """ POST /api/categories Return a dictionary of information about the created category. The following parameters are included in the payload: :param name (required): the name of the category :param description (optional): the description of the category (if not provided, the name will be used) Example: POST /api/categories/?key=XXXYYYXXXYYY Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name" Category_Name Content-Disposition: form-data; name="description" Category_Description """ category_dict = dict(message="", status="ok") request = tool_shed_client.schema.CreateCategoryRequest( name=payload.get("name"), description=payload.get("description", ""), ) category: Category = self.category_manager.create(trans, request) category_dict = self.category_manager.to_dict(category) category_dict["message"] = f"Category '{str(category.name)}' has been created" return category_dict
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous_and_sessionless def get_repositories(self, trans, category_id, **kwd): """ GET /api/categories/{encoded_category_id}/repositories Return information about the provided category and the repositories in that category. :param id: the encoded id of the Category object :param sort_key: the field by which the repositories should be sorted :param sort_order: ascending or descending sort :param page: the page number to return Example: GET localhost:9009/api/categories/f9cad7b01a472135/repositories """ installable = util.asbool(kwd.get("installable", "false")) sort_key = kwd.get("sort_key", "name") sort_order = kwd.get("sort_order", "asc") page = kwd.get("page", None) category_dict = repositories_by_category( self.app, category_id, page=page, sort_key=sort_key, sort_order=sort_order, installable=installable, ) category_dict["url"] = web.url_for(controller="categories", action="show", id=category_dict["id"]) return category_dict
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous_and_sessionless def index(self, trans, deleted=False, **kwd) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ GET /api/categories Return a list of dictionaries that contain information about each Category. :param deleted: flag used to include deleted categories Example: GET localhost:9009/api/categories """ deleted = util.asbool(deleted) return self.category_manager.index(trans, deleted)
[docs] @expose_api_anonymous_and_sessionless def show(self, trans, id, **kwd): """ GET /api/categories/{encoded_category_id} Return a dictionary of information about a category. :param id: the encoded id of the Category object Example: GET localhost:9009/api/categories/f9cad7b01a472135 """ category = suc.get_category(self.app, id) if category is None: category_dict = dict(message=f"Unable to locate category record for id {str(id)}.", status="error") return category_dict category_dict = self.category_manager.to_dict(category) return category_dict