
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.tools.errors

Functionality for dealing with tool errors.
import string

import markupsafe

from galaxy import (
from galaxy.security.validate_user_input import validate_email_str
from galaxy.util import unicodify

error_report_template = """

This error report was sent from the Galaxy instance hosted on the server
This is in reference to dataset id ${dataset_id} (${dataset_id_encoded}) from history id ${history_id} (${history_id_encoded})
You should be able to view the history containing the related history item (${hda_id_encoded})

${hid}: ${history_item_name}

by logging in as a Galaxy admin user to the Galaxy instance referenced above
and pointing your browser to the following link.

The user ${email_str} provided the following information:

info url: ${hda_show_params_link}
job id: ${job_id} (${job_id_encoded})
tool id: ${job_tool_id}
tool version: ${tool_version}
job pid or drm id: ${job_runner_external_id}
job tool version: ${job_tool_version}
job command line:
job stderr:
job stdout:
job info:
job traceback:
(This is an automated message).

error_report_template_html = """
<h1>Galaxy Tool Error Report</h1>
<span class="sub"><i>from</i> <span style="font-family: monospace;"><a href="${host}">${host}</a></span>

<h3>Error Localization</h3>
<table style="margin:1em">
        <tr><td>Dataset</td><td><a href="${hda_show_params_link}">${dataset_id} (${dataset_id_encoded})</a></td></tr>
        <tr style="background-color: #f2f2f2"><td>History</td><td><a href="${history_view_link}">${history_id} (${history_id_encoded})</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td>Failed Job</td><td>${hid}: ${history_item_name} (${hda_id_encoded})</td></tr>

<h3>User Provided Information</h3>

The user <span style="font-family: monospace;">${email_str}</span> provided the following information:

<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;background: #eeeeee;border:1px solid black;padding:1em;">

<h3>Detailed Job Information</h3>

Job environment and execution information is available at the job <a href="${hda_show_params_link}">info page</a>.

<table style="margin:1em">
        <tr><td>Job ID</td><td>${job_id} (${job_id_encoded})</td></tr>
        <tr style="background-color: #f2f2f2"><td>Tool ID</td><td>${job_tool_id}</td></tr>
        <tr><td>Tool Version</td><td>${tool_version}</td></tr>
        <tr style="background-color: #f2f2f2"><td>Job PID or DRM id</td><td>${job_runner_external_id}</td></tr>
        <tr><td>Job Tool Version</td><td>${job_tool_version}</td></tr>

<h3>Job Execution and Failure Information</h3>

<h4>Command Line</h4>
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;background: #eeeeee;border:1px solid black;padding:1em;">

<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;background: #eeeeee;border:1px solid black;padding:1em;">

<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;background: #eeeeee;border:1px solid black;padding:1em;">

<h4>Job Information</h4>
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;background: #eeeeee;border:1px solid black;padding:1em;">

<h4>Job Traceback</h4>
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;background: #eeeeee;border:1px solid black;padding:1em;">

This is an automated message. Do not reply to this address.

[docs]class ErrorReporter:
[docs] def __init__(self, hda, app): # Get the dataset sa_session = app.model.context if not isinstance(hda, model.HistoryDatasetAssociation): hda_id = hda try: hda = sa_session.get(model.HistoryDatasetAssociation, hda_id) assert hda is not None, ValueError("No HDA yet") except Exception: hda = sa_session.get(model.HistoryDatasetAssociation, app.security.decode_id(hda_id)) assert isinstance(hda, model.HistoryDatasetAssociation), ValueError(f"Bad value provided for HDA ({hda}).") self.hda = hda # Get the associated job self.job = hda.creating_job self.app = app self.tool_id = self.job.tool_id self.report = None
def _can_access_dataset(self, user): if user: roles = user.all_roles() else: roles = [] return self.app.security_agent.can_access_dataset(roles, self.hda.dataset)
[docs] def create_report(self, user, email="", message="", redact_user_details_in_bugreport=False, **kwd): hda = self.hda job = self.job host = self.app.url_for("/", qualified=True) history_id_encoded = self.app.security.encode_id(hda.history_id) history_view_link = self.app.url_for("/histories/view", id=history_id_encoded, qualified=True) hda_id_encoded = self.app.security.encode_id(hda.id) hda_show_params_link = self.app.url_for( controller="dataset", action="details", dataset_id=hda_id_encoded, qualified=True ) # Build the email message if redact_user_details_in_bugreport: # This is sub-optimal but it is hard to solve fully. This affects # the GitHub posting method more than the traditional email plugin. # There is no way around CCing the person with the traditional # email bug report plugin, however with the GitHub plugin we can # submit to GitHub without putting the email in the bug report. # # A secondary system with access to the GitHub issue and access to # the Galaxy database can shuttle email back and forth between # GitHub comments and user-emails. # Thus preventing issue helpers from every knowing the identity of # the bug reporter (and preventing information about the bug # reporter from leaving the EU until it hits email directly to the # user.) email_str = "redacted" if user: email_str += f" (user: {user.id})" else: if user: email_str = f"'{user.email}'" if email and user.email != email: email_str += f" (providing preferred contact email '{email}')" else: email_str = "'%s'" % (email or "anonymous") report_variables = dict( host=host, dataset_id_encoded=self.app.security.encode_id(hda.dataset_id), dataset_id=hda.dataset_id, history_id_encoded=history_id_encoded, history_id=hda.history_id, hda_id_encoded=hda_id_encoded, hid=hda.hid, history_item_name=hda.get_display_name(), history_view_link=history_view_link, hda_show_params_link=hda_show_params_link, job_id_encoded=self.app.security.encode_id(job.id), job_id=job.id, tool_version=job.tool_version, job_tool_id=job.tool_id, job_tool_version=hda.tool_version, job_runner_external_id=job.job_runner_external_id, job_command_line=job.command_line, job_stderr=util.unicodify(job.stderr), job_stdout=util.unicodify(job.stdout), job_info=util.unicodify(job.info), job_traceback=util.unicodify(job.traceback), email_str=email_str, message=util.unicodify(message), ) self.report = string.Template(error_report_template).safe_substitute(report_variables) # Escape all of the content for use in the HTML report for parameter in report_variables.keys(): if report_variables[parameter] is not None: report_variables[parameter] = markupsafe.escape(unicodify(report_variables[parameter])) self.html_report = string.Template(error_report_template_html).safe_substitute(report_variables)
def _send_report(self, user, email=None, message=None, **kwd): return self.report
[docs] def send_report(self, user, email=None, message=None, **kwd): if self.report is None: self.create_report(user, email=email, message=message, **kwd) return self._send_report(user, email=email, message=message, **kwd)
[docs]class EmailErrorReporter(ErrorReporter): def _send_report(self, user, email=None, message=None, **kwd): smtp_server = self.app.config.smtp_server assert smtp_server, ValueError("Mail is not configured for this Galaxy instance") to = self.app.config.error_email_to assert to, ValueError("Error reporting has been disabled for this Galaxy instance") error_msg = validate_email_str(email) if not error_msg and self._can_access_dataset(user): to += f", {email.strip()}" subject = f"Galaxy tool error report from {email}" try: subject = "{} ({})".format( subject, self.app.toolbox.get_tool(self.job.tool_id, self.job.tool_version).old_id ) except Exception: pass return util.send_mail( self.app.config.email_from, to, subject, self.report, self.app.config, html=self.html_report )