This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.
Source code for galaxy.managers.users
Manager and Serializer for Users.
import hashlib
import logging
import random
import re
import string
import time
from datetime import datetime
from typing import (
from markupsafe import escape
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from galaxy import (
from galaxy.config import templates
from galaxy.managers import (
from galaxy.managers.base import combine_lists
from galaxy.model import (
from galaxy.model.base import transaction
from galaxy.security.validate_user_input import (
from galaxy.structured_app import (
from galaxy.util.hash_util import new_secure_hash_v2
from galaxy.web import url_for
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
To reset your Galaxy password for the instance at %s use the following link,
which will expire %s.
If you did not make this request, no action is necessary on your part, though
you may want to notify an administrator.
If you're having trouble using the link when clicking it from email client, you
can also copy and paste it into your browser.
TXT_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_RELPATH = "mail/activation-email.txt"
HTML_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_RELPATH = "mail/activation-email.html"
[docs]class UserManager(base.ModelManager, deletable.PurgableManagerMixin):
foreign_key_name = "user"
# TODO: there is quite a bit of functionality around the user (authentication, permissions, quotas, groups/roles)
# most of which it may be unneccessary to have here
# TODO: incorp BaseAPIController.validate_in_users_and_groups
# TODO: incorporate UsesFormDefinitionsMixin?
[docs] def __init__(self, app: BasicSharedApp, app_type="galaxy"):
self.model_class = app.model.User
self.app_type = app_type
[docs] def register(self, trans, email=None, username=None, password=None, confirm=None, subscribe=False):
Register a new user.
if not trans.app.config.allow_user_creation and not trans.user_is_admin:
message = "User registration is disabled. Please contact your local Galaxy administrator for an account."
if trans.app.config.error_email_to is not None:
message += f" Contact: {trans.app.config.error_email_to}"
return None, message
if not email or not username or not password or not confirm:
return None, "Please provide email, username and password."
email = util.restore_text(email).strip()
username = util.restore_text(username).strip()
# We could add a separate option here for enabling or disabling domain validation (DNS resolution test)
validate_domain = trans.app.config.user_activation_on
message = "\n".join(
validate_email(trans, email, validate_domain=validate_domain),
validate_password(trans, password, confirm),
validate_publicname(trans, username),
if message:
return None, message
message, status = trans.app.auth_manager.check_registration_allowed(email, username, password, trans.request)
if message and not trans.user_is_admin:
return None, message
if subscribe:
message = self.send_subscription_email(email)
if message:
return None, message
user = self.create(email=email, username=username, password=password)
if self.app.config.user_activation_on:
self.send_activation_email(trans, email, username)
return user, None
[docs] def create(self, email=None, username=None, password=None, **kwargs):
Create a new user.
user = self.model_class(email=email)
if password:
user.username = username
if self.app.config.user_activation_on:
user.active = False
# Activation is off, every new user is active by default.
user.active = True
session = self.session()
with transaction(session):
# TODO:?? flush needed for permissions below? If not, make optional
except exc.IntegrityError as db_err:
raise exceptions.Conflict(str(db_err))
self.app.security_agent.create_user_role(user, self.app)
return user
[docs] def delete(self, user, flush=True):
"""Mark the given user deleted."""
if not self.app.config.allow_user_deletion:
raise exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException(
"The configuration of this Galaxy instance does not allow admins to delete users."
super().delete(user, flush=flush)
[docs] def undelete(self, user, flush=True):
"""Remove the deleted flag for the given user."""
if not self.app.config.allow_user_deletion:
raise exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException(
"The configuration of this Galaxy instance does not allow admins to undelete users."
if user.purged:
raise exceptions.ItemDeletionException("Purged user cannot be undeleted.")
super().undelete(user, flush=flush)
[docs] def purge(self, user, flush=True):
"""Purge the given user. They must have the deleted flag already."""
if not self.app.config.allow_user_deletion:
raise exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException(
"The configuration of this Galaxy instance does not allow admins to delete or purge users."
if not user.deleted:
raise exceptions.MessageException("User '%s' has not been deleted, so they cannot be purged." % user.email)
private_role = self.app.security_agent.get_private_user_role(user)
# Delete History
for active_history in user.active_histories:
for hda in active_history.active_datasets:
# Delete HistoryDatasetAssociation
hda.deleted = True
active_history.deleted = True
# Delete UserGroupAssociations
for uga in user.groups:
# Delete UserRoleAssociations EXCEPT FOR THE PRIVATE ROLE
for ura in user.roles:
if ura.role_id != private_role.id:
# Delete UserAddresses
for address in user.addresses:
compliance_log = logging.getLogger("COMPLIANCE")
compliance_log.info(f"delete-user-event: {user.username}")
# Maybe there is some case in the future where an admin needs
# to prove that a user was using a server for some reason (e.g.
# a court case.) So we make this painfully hard to recover (and
# not immediately reversable) in line with GDPR, but still
# leave open the possibility to prove someone was part of the
# server just in case. By knowing the exact email + approximate
# time of deletion, one could run through hashes for every
# second of the surrounding days/weeks.
pseudorandom_value = str(int(time.time()))
# Replace email + username with a (theoretically) unreversable
# hash. If provided with the username we can probably re-hash
# to identify if it is needed for some reason.
# Deleting multiple times will re-hash the username/email
email_hash = new_secure_hash_v2(user.email + pseudorandom_value)
uname_hash = new_secure_hash_v2(user.username + pseudorandom_value)
# Redact all roles user has
for role in user.all_roles():
if self.app.config.redact_username_during_deletion:
role.name = role.name.replace(user.username, uname_hash)
role.description = role.description.replace(user.username, uname_hash)
if self.app.config.redact_email_during_deletion:
role.name = role.name.replace(user.email, email_hash)
role.description = role.description.replace(user.email, email_hash)
private_role.name = email_hash
private_role.description = f"Private Role for {email_hash}"
# Redact user's email and username
user.email = email_hash
user.username = uname_hash
# Redact user addresses as well
if self.app.config.redact_user_address_during_deletion:
stmt = select(UserAddress).where(UserAddress.user_id == user.id)
for addr in self.session().scalars(stmt):
addr.desc = new_secure_hash_v2(addr.desc + pseudorandom_value)
addr.name = new_secure_hash_v2(addr.name + pseudorandom_value)
addr.institution = new_secure_hash_v2(addr.institution + pseudorandom_value)
addr.address = new_secure_hash_v2(addr.address + pseudorandom_value)
addr.city = new_secure_hash_v2(addr.city + pseudorandom_value)
addr.state = new_secure_hash_v2(addr.state + pseudorandom_value)
addr.postal_code = new_secure_hash_v2(addr.postal_code + pseudorandom_value)
addr.country = new_secure_hash_v2(addr.country + pseudorandom_value)
addr.phone = new_secure_hash_v2(addr.phone + pseudorandom_value)
# Purge the user
super().purge(user, flush=flush)
def _error_on_duplicate_email(self, email: str) -> None:
Check for a duplicate email and raise if found.
:raises exceptions.Conflict: if any are found
# TODO: remove this check when unique=True is added to the email column
if self.by_email(email) is not None:
raise exceptions.Conflict("Email must be unique", email=email)
[docs] def by_id(self, user_id: int) -> model.User:
return self.app.model.session.get(self.model_class, user_id)
# ---- filters
[docs] def by_email(self, email: str, filters=None, **kwargs) -> Optional[model.User]:
Find a user by their email.
filters = combine_lists(self.model_class.email == email, filters)
# TODO: use one_or_none
return super().one(filters=filters, **kwargs)
except exceptions.ObjectNotFound:
return None
[docs] def by_api_key(self, api_key: str, sa_session=None):
Find a user by API key.
if self.check_bootstrap_admin_api_key(api_key=api_key):
return schema.BootstrapAdminUser()
sa_session = sa_session or self.app.model.session
stmt = select(self.app.model.APIKeys).filter_by(key=api_key, deleted=False)
provided_key = sa_session.execute(stmt).scalar_one()
except NoResultFound:
raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed("Provided API key is not valid.")
if provided_key.user.deleted:
raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed("User account is deactivated, please contact an administrator.")
newest_key = provided_key.user.api_keys[0]
if newest_key.key != provided_key.key:
raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed("Provided API key has expired.")
return provided_key.user
[docs] def check_bootstrap_admin_api_key(self, api_key):
bootstrap_admin_api_key = getattr(self.app.config, "bootstrap_admin_api_key", None)
if not bootstrap_admin_api_key:
return False
# Hash keys to make them the same size, so we can do safe comparison.
bootstrap_hash = hashlib.sha256(util.smart_str(bootstrap_admin_api_key)).hexdigest()
provided_hash = hashlib.sha256(util.smart_str(api_key)).hexdigest()
return util.safe_str_cmp(bootstrap_hash, provided_hash)
# ---- admin
[docs] def is_admin(self, user: Optional[model.User], trans=None) -> bool:
"""Return True if this user is an admin (or session is authenticated as admin).
Do not pass trans to simply check if an existing user object is an admin user,
pass trans when checking permissions.
if user is None:
# Anonymous session or master_api_key used, if master_api_key is detected
# return True.
return trans and trans.user_is_admin
return self.app.config.is_admin_user(user)
[docs] def admins(self, filters=None, **kwargs):
Return a list of admin Users.
admin_emails = self.app.config.admin_users_list
filters = combine_lists(self.model_class.email.in_(admin_emails), filters)
return super().list(filters=filters, **kwargs)
[docs] def error_unless_admin(self, user, msg="Administrators only", **kwargs):
Raise an error if `user` is not an admin.
:raises exceptions.AdminRequiredException: if `user` is not an admin.
# useful in admin only methods
if not self.is_admin(user, trans=kwargs.get("trans", None)):
raise exceptions.AdminRequiredException(msg, **kwargs)
return user
# ---- anonymous
[docs] def is_anonymous(self, user: Optional[model.User]) -> bool:
Return True if `user` is anonymous.
# define here for single point of change and make more readable
return user is None
[docs] def error_if_anonymous(self, user, msg="Log-in required", **kwargs):
Raise an error if `user` is anonymous.
if user is None:
# TODO: code is correct (401) but should be named AuthenticationRequired (401 and 403 are flipped)
raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg, **kwargs)
return user
[docs] def get_user_by_identity(self, identity):
"""Get user by username or email."""
user = None
if VALID_EMAIL_RE.match(identity):
# VALID_PUBLICNAME and VALID_EMAIL do not overlap, so 'identity' here is an email address
user = get_user_by_email(self.session(), identity, self.model_class)
if not user:
# Try a case-insensitive match on the email
user = self._get_user_by_email_case_insensitive(self.session(), identity)
user = get_user_by_username(self.session(), identity, self.model_class)
return user
# ---- current
[docs] def current_user(self, trans):
# define here for single point of change and make more readable
# TODO: trans
return trans.user
[docs] def user_can_do_run_as(self, user) -> bool:
run_as_users = [u for u in self.app.config.get("api_allow_run_as", "").split(",") if u]
if not run_as_users:
return False
user_in_run_as_users = user and user.email in run_as_users
# Can do if explicitly in list or master_api_key supplied.
can_do_run_as = user_in_run_as_users or user.bootstrap_admin_user
return can_do_run_as
# ---- preferences
# ---- roles and permissions
[docs] def default_permissions(self, user):
return self.app.security_agent.user_get_default_permissions(user)
[docs] def quota(self, user, total=False, quota_source_label=None):
if total:
return self.app.quota_agent.get_quota_nice_size(user, quota_source_label=quota_source_label)
return self.app.quota_agent.get_percent(user=user, quota_source_label=quota_source_label)
[docs] def quota_bytes(self, user, quota_source_label: Optional[str] = None):
return self.app.quota_agent.get_quota(user=user, quota_source_label=quota_source_label)
[docs] def tags_used(self, user, tag_models=None):
Return a list of distinct 'user_tname:user_value' strings that the
given user has used.
# TODO: simplify and unify with tag manager
if self.is_anonymous(user):
return []
# get all the taggable model TagAssociations
if not tag_models:
tag_models = [v.tag_assoc_class for v in self.app.tag_handler.item_tag_assoc_info.values()]
if not tag_models:
return []
# create a union of select statements for each tag model for this user - getting only the tname and user_value
all_stmts = []
for tag_model in tag_models:
stmt = select(tag_model.user_tname, tag_model.user_value).where(tag_model.user == user)
union_stmt = all_stmts[0].union(*all_stmts[1:]) # union the first select with the rest
# boil the tag tuples down into a sorted list of DISTINCT name:val strings
tag_tuples = self.session().execute(union_stmt) # no need for DISTINCT: union is a set operation.
tags = [(f"{name}:{val}" if val else name) for name, val in tag_tuples]
# consider named tags while sorting
return sorted(tags, key=lambda str: re.sub("^name:", "#", str))
[docs] def change_password(self, trans, password=None, confirm=None, token=None, id=None, current=None):
Allows to change a user password with a token.
if not token and not id:
return None, "Please provide a token or a user and password."
if token:
token_result = trans.sa_session.get(self.app.model.PasswordResetToken, token)
if not token_result or not token_result.expiration_time > datetime.utcnow():
return None, "Invalid or expired password reset token, please request a new one."
user = token_result.user
message = self.__set_password(trans, user, password, confirm)
if message:
return None, message
token_result.expiration_time = datetime.utcnow()
return user, "Password has been changed. Token has been invalidated."
if not isinstance(id, int):
id = self.app.security.decode_id(id)
user = self.by_id(id)
if user:
message = self.app.auth_manager.check_change_password(user, current, trans.request)
if message:
return None, message
message = self.__set_password(trans, user, password, confirm)
if message:
return None, message
return user, "Password has been changed."
return user, "User not found."
def __set_password(self, trans, user, password, confirm):
if not password:
return "Please provide a new password."
if user:
# Validate the new password
message = validate_password(trans, password, confirm)
if message:
return message
# Save new password
# Invalidate all other sessions
if trans.galaxy_session:
stmt = select(self.app.model.GalaxySession).where(
self.app.model.GalaxySession.user_id == user.id,
self.app.model.GalaxySession.is_valid == true(),
self.app.model.GalaxySession.id != trans.galaxy_session.id,
for other_galaxy_session in trans.sa_session.scalars(stmt):
other_galaxy_session.is_valid = False
with transaction(trans.sa_session):
trans.log_event("User change password")
return "Failed to determine user, access denied."
[docs] def send_activation_email(self, trans, email, username):
Send the verification email containing the activation link to the user's email.
activation_token = self.__get_activation_token(trans, email)
activation_link = url_for(
controller="user", action="activate", activation_token=activation_token, email=escape(email), qualified=True
template_context = {
"name": escape(username),
"user_email": escape(email),
"date": datetime.utcnow().strftime("%D"),
"hostname": trans.request.host,
"activation_url": activation_link,
"terms_url": self.app.config.terms_url,
"contact_email": self.app.config.error_email_to,
"instance_resource_url": self.app.config.instance_resource_url,
"custom_message": self.app.config.custom_activation_email_message,
"expiry_days": self.app.config.activation_grace_period,
body = templates.render(TXT_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_RELPATH, template_context, self.app.config.templates_dir)
html = templates.render(HTML_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_RELPATH, template_context, self.app.config.templates_dir)
to = email
subject = "Galaxy Account Activation"
util.send_mail(self.app.config.email_from, to, subject, body, self.app.config, html=html)
return True
except Exception:
log.exception("Unable to send the activation email.")
return False
def __get_activation_token(self, trans, email):
Check for the activation token. Create new activation token and store it in the database if no token found.
user = get_user_by_email(trans.sa_session, email, self.app.model.User)
activation_token = user.activation_token
if activation_token is None:
activation_token = util.hash_util.new_secure_hash_v2(str(random.getrandbits(256)))
user.activation_token = activation_token
with transaction(trans.sa_session):
return activation_token
[docs] def send_reset_email(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
"""Reset the user's password. Send an email with token that allows a password change."""
if self.app.config.smtp_server is None:
return "Mail is not configured for this Galaxy instance and password reset information cannot be sent. Please contact your local Galaxy administrator."
email = payload.get("email")
if not email:
return "Please provide your email."
message = validate_email(trans, email, check_dup=False)
if message:
return message
reset_user, prt = self.get_reset_token(trans, email)
if prt:
reset_url = url_for(controller="login", action="start", token=prt.token)
subject = "Galaxy Password Reset"
util.send_mail(trans.app.config.email_from, email, subject, body, self.app.config)
with transaction(trans.sa_session):
trans.log_event(f"User reset password: {email}")
except Exception as e:
return f"Failed to submit email. Please contact the administrator: {util.unicodify(e)}"
return "Failed to produce password reset token. User not found."
[docs] def get_reset_token(self, trans, email):
reset_user = get_user_by_email(trans.sa_session, email, self.app.model.User)
if not reset_user and email != email.lower():
reset_user = self._get_user_by_email_case_insensitive(trans.sa_session, email)
if reset_user:
prt = self.app.model.PasswordResetToken(reset_user)
with transaction(trans.sa_session):
return reset_user, prt
return None, None
[docs] def send_subscription_email(self, email):
if self.app.config.smtp_server is None:
return "Subscribing to the mailing list has failed because mail is not configured for this Galaxy instance. Please contact your local Galaxy administrator."
body = (self.app.config.mailing_join_body or "") + "\n"
to = self.app.config.mailing_join_addr
frm = email
subject = self.app.config.mailing_join_subject or ""
util.send_mail(frm, to, subject, body, self.app.config)
except Exception:
log.exception("Subscribing to the mailing list has failed.")
return "Subscribing to the mailing list has failed."
[docs] def activate(self, user):
user.active = True
session = self.session()
with transaction(session):
[docs] def get_or_create_remote_user(self, remote_user_email):
Create a remote user with the email remote_user_email and return it
if not self.app.config.use_remote_user:
return None
if getattr(self.app.config, "normalize_remote_user_email", False):
remote_user_email = remote_user_email.lower()
user = get_user_by_email(self.session(), remote_user_email, self.app.model.User)
if user:
# GVK: June 29, 2009 - This is to correct the behavior of a previous bug where a private
# role and default user / history permissions were not set for remote users. When a
# remote user authenticates, we'll look for this information, and if missing, create it.
if not self.app.security_agent.get_private_user_role(user):
if self.app_type == "galaxy":
if not user.default_permissions:
self.app.security_agent.user_set_default_permissions(user, history=True, dataset=True)
elif user is None:
username = remote_user_email.split("@", 1)[0].lower()
user = self.app.model.User(email=remote_user_email)
user.external = True
# Replace invalid characters in the username
for char in [x for x in username if x not in f"{string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits}-."]:
username = username.replace(char, "-")
# Find a unique username - user can change it later
stmt = select(self.app.model.User).filter_by(username=username).limit(1)
if self.session().scalars(stmt).first():
i = 1
stmt = select(self.app.model.User).filter_by(username=f"{username}-{str(i)}").limit(1)
while self.session().scalars(stmt).first():
i += 1
username += f"-{str(i)}"
user.username = username
with transaction(self.session()):
# We set default user permissions, before we log in and set the default history permissions
if self.app_type == "galaxy":
# self.log_event( "Automatically created account '%s'", user.email )
return user
def _get_user_by_email_case_insensitive(self, session, email):
stmt = select(self.app.model.User).where(func.lower(self.app.model.User.email) == email.lower()).limit(1)
return session.scalars(stmt).first()
[docs]class UserSerializer(base.ModelSerializer, deletable.PurgableSerializerMixin):
model_manager_class = UserManager
[docs] def __init__(self, app: MinimalManagerApp):
Convert a User and associated data to a dictionary representation.
self.user_manager = self.manager
self.default_view = "summary"
self.add_view("summary", ["id", "email", "username"])
# 'update_time',
# 'create_time',
# 'active',
# all tags
# all annotations
# 'annotations'
[docs] def add_serializers(self):
"id": self.serialize_id,
"create_time": self.serialize_date,
"update_time": self.serialize_date,
"is_admin": lambda i, k, **c: self.user_manager.is_admin(i),
"preferences": lambda i, k, **c: self.user_manager.preferences(i),
"total_disk_usage": lambda i, k, **c: float(i.total_disk_usage),
"quota_percent": lambda i, k, **c: self.user_manager.quota(i),
"quota": lambda i, k, **c: self.user_manager.quota(i, total=True),
"quota_bytes": lambda i, k, **c: self.user_manager.quota_bytes(i),
"tags_used": lambda i, k, **c: self.user_manager.tags_used(i),
[docs] def serialize_disk_usage(self, user: model.User) -> List[UserQuotaUsage]:
usages = user.dictify_usage(self.app.object_store)
rval: List[UserQuotaUsage] = []
for usage in usages:
quota_source_label = usage.quota_source_label
quota_percent = self.user_manager.quota(user, quota_source_label=quota_source_label)
quota = self.user_manager.quota(user, total=True, quota_source_label=quota_source_label)
quota_bytes = self.user_manager.quota_bytes(user, quota_source_label=quota_source_label)
return rval
[docs] def serialize_disk_usage_for(self, user: model.User, label: Optional[str]) -> UserQuotaUsage:
usage = user.dictify_usage_for(label)
quota_source_label = usage.quota_source_label
quota_percent = self.user_manager.quota(user, quota_source_label=quota_source_label)
quota = self.user_manager.quota(user, total=True, quota_source_label=quota_source_label)
quota_bytes = self.user_manager.quota_bytes(user, quota_source_label=quota_source_label)
return UserQuotaUsage(
[docs]class UserDeserializer(base.ModelDeserializer):
Service object for validating and deserializing dictionaries that
update/alter users.
model_manager_class = UserManager
[docs] def add_deserializers(self):
history_deserializers: Dict[str, base.Deserializer] = {
"username": self.deserialize_username,
"preferred_object_store_id": self.deserialize_preferred_object_store_id,
[docs] def deserialize_preferred_object_store_id(self, item: Any, key: Any, val: Any, **context):
preferred_object_store_id = val
validation_error = validate_preferred_object_store_id(self.app.object_store, preferred_object_store_id)
if validation_error:
raise base.ModelDeserializingError(validation_error)
return self.default_deserializer(item, key, preferred_object_store_id, **context)
[docs] def deserialize_username(self, item, key, username, trans=None, **context):
# TODO: validate_publicname requires trans and should(?) raise exceptions
# move validation to UserValidator and use self.app, exceptions instead
validation_error = validate_publicname(trans, username, user=item)
if validation_error:
raise base.ModelDeserializingError(validation_error)
return self.default_deserializer(item, key, username, trans=trans, **context)
[docs]class CurrentUserSerializer(UserSerializer):
model_manager_class = UserManager
[docs] def serialize(self, user, keys, **kwargs):
Override to return at least some usage info if user is anonymous.
kwargs["current_user"] = user
if self.user_manager.is_anonymous(user):
return self.serialize_current_anonymous_user(user, keys, **kwargs)
return super(UserSerializer, self).serialize(user, keys, **kwargs)
[docs] def serialize_current_anonymous_user(self, user, keys, trans=None, **kwargs):
# use the current history if any to get usage stats for trans' anonymous user
# TODO: might be better as sep. Serializer class
usage = 0
percent = None
history = trans.history
if history:
usage = self.app.quota_agent.get_usage(trans, history=trans.history)
percent = self.app.quota_agent.get_percent(trans=trans, usage=usage)
# a very small subset of keys available
values = {
"id": None,
"total_disk_usage": float(usage),
"nice_total_disk_usage": util.nice_size(usage),
"quota_percent": percent,
serialized = {}
for key in keys:
if key in values:
serialized[key] = values[key]
return serialized
[docs]class AdminUserFilterParser(base.ModelFilterParser, deletable.PurgableFiltersMixin):
model_manager_class = UserManager
model_class = model.User
def _add_parsers(self):
# PRECONDITION: user making the query has been verified as an admin
"email": {"op": ("eq", "contains", "like")},
"username": {"op": ("eq", "contains", "like")},
"active": {"op": ("eq")},
"disk_usage": {"op": ("le", "ge")},
[docs]def get_users_by_ids(session: Session, user_ids):
stmt = select(User).where(User.id.in_(user_ids))
return session.scalars(stmt).all()
# The get_user_by_email and get_user_by_username functions may be called from
# the tool_shed app, which has its own User model, which is different from
# galaxy.model.User. In that case, the tool_shed user model should be passed as
# the model_class argument.
[docs]def get_user_by_email(session, email: str, model_class=User, case_sensitive=True):
filter_clause = model_class.email == email
if not case_sensitive:
filter_clause = func.lower(model_class.email) == func.lower(email)
stmt = select(model_class).where(filter_clause).limit(1)
return session.scalars(stmt).first()
[docs]def get_user_by_username(session, username: str, model_class=User):
stmt = select(model_class).filter(model_class.username == username).limit(1)
return session.scalars(stmt).first()