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Source code for galaxy.managers.rbac_secured

import logging

import galaxy.exceptions
from galaxy import (
from galaxy.managers import users
from galaxy.model.base import transaction

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RBACPermissionFailedException(galaxy.exceptions.InsufficientPermissionsException): pass
[docs]class RBACPermission: """ Base class for wrangling/controlling the permissions ORM models (Permissions, Roles) that control which users can perform certain actions on their associated models (Libraries, Datasets). """ permissions_class: type permission_failed_error_class = RBACPermissionFailedException
[docs] def __init__(self, app): self.app = app self.user_manager = users.UserManager(app)
[docs] def session(self): return self.app.model.context
# TODO: implement group # TODO: how does admin play into this?
[docs] def is_permitted(self, item, user, trans=None): raise NotImplementedError("abstract parent class")
[docs] def error_unless_permitted(self, item, user, trans=None): if not self.is_permitted(item, user, trans=trans): error_info = dict(model_class=item.__class__, id=getattr(item, "id", None)) raise self.permission_failed_error_class(**error_info)
[docs] def grant(self, item, user, flush=True): raise NotImplementedError("abstract parent class")
[docs] def revoke(self, item, user, flush=True): raise NotImplementedError("abstract parent class")
def _role_is_permitted(self, item, role): raise NotImplementedError("abstract parent class") def _error_unless_role_permitted(self, item, role): if not self._role_is_permitted(item, role): error_info = dict(model_class=item.__class__, id=getattr(item, "id", None)) raise self.permission_failed_error_class(**error_info) def _grant_role(self, item, role, flush=True): raise NotImplementedError("abstract parent class") def _revoke_role(self, item, role, flush=True): raise NotImplementedError("abstract parent class")
[docs]class DatasetRBACPermission(RBACPermission): """ Base class for the manage and access RBAC permissions used by dataset security. The DatasetPermissions used by the RBAC agent are associations between a Dataset and a single Role. DatasetPermissions are typed (but not polymorphic themselves) by a string 'action'. There are two types: - manage permissions : can a role manage the permissions on a dataset - access : can a role read/look at/copy a dataset """ permissions_class = model.DatasetPermissions action_name = None # ---- double secrect probation def __assert_action(self): if not self.action_name: raise NotImplementedError("abstract parent class needs action_name") # ---- interface
[docs] def by_dataset(self, dataset): self.__assert_action() all_permissions = self._all_types_by_dataset(dataset) return list(filter(lambda p: p.action == self.action_name, all_permissions))
[docs] def by_roles(self, dataset, roles): permissions = self.by_dataset(dataset) return list(filter(lambda p: p.role in roles, permissions))
[docs] def by_role(self, dataset, role): permissions = self.by_dataset(dataset) found = list(filter(lambda p: p.role == role, permissions)) if not found: return None if len(found) > 1: raise galaxy.exceptions.InconsistentDatabase(dataset=dataset.id, role=role.id) return found[0]
[docs] def set(self, dataset, roles, flush=True): # NOTE: this removes all previous permissions of this type self.clear(dataset, flush=False) permissions = [] for role in roles: permissions.append(self._create(dataset, role, flush=False)) if flush: session = self.session() with transaction(session): session.commit() return permissions
[docs] def clear(self, dataset, flush=True): permissions = self.by_dataset(dataset) return self._delete(permissions, flush=flush)
# ---- private def _create(self, dataset, role, flush=True): permission = self.permissions_class(self.action_name, dataset, role) self.session().add(permission) if flush: session = self.session() with transaction(session): session.commit() return permission def _roles(self, dataset): return [permission.role for permission in self.by_dataset(dataset)] def _all_types_by_dataset(self, dataset): return dataset.actions # as a general rule, DatasetPermissions are considered disposable # and there is no reason to update the models # TODO: list? def _delete(self, permissions, flush=True): for permission in permissions: if permission in self.session().new: self.session().expunge(permission) else: self.session().delete(permission) if flush: session = self.session() with transaction(session): session.commit() def _revoke_role(self, dataset, role, flush=True): role_permissions = self.by_roles(dataset, [role]) return self._delete(role_permissions, flush=flush)
[docs]def iterable_has_all(iterable, has_these): for item in has_these: if item not in iterable: return False return True
[docs]class DatasetManagePermissionFailedException(RBACPermissionFailedException): pass
[docs]class ManageDatasetRBACPermission(DatasetRBACPermission): """ A class that controls the dataset permissions that control who can manage that dataset's permissions. When checking permissions for a user, if any of the user's roles have permission on the dataset """ # TODO: We may also be able to infer/record the dataset 'owner' as well. action_name = security.RBACAgent.permitted_actions.get("DATASET_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS").action permission_failed_error_class = DatasetManagePermissionFailedException # ---- interface
[docs] def is_permitted(self, dataset, user, trans=None): if trans and trans.user_is_admin: return True # anonymous users cannot manage permissions on datasets if self.user_manager.is_anonymous(user): return False # admin is always permitted # TODO: could probably move this into RBACPermission and call that first if self.user_manager.is_admin(user): return True for role in user.all_roles(): if self._role_is_permitted(dataset, role): return True return False
[docs] def grant(self, dataset, user, flush=True): private_role = self._user_private_role(user) return self._grant_role(dataset, private_role, flush=flush)
[docs] def revoke(self, dataset, user, flush=True): private_role = self._user_private_role(user) return self._revoke_role(dataset, private_role, flush=flush)
# ---- private def _role_is_permitted(self, dataset, role): return role in self._roles(dataset) def _user_private_role(self, user): # error with 401 if no user self.user_manager.error_if_anonymous(user) return self.user_manager.private_role(user) def _grant_role(self, dataset, role, flush=True): existing = self.by_role(dataset, role) if existing: return existing return self._create(dataset, role, flush=flush) def _revoke_role(self, dataset, role, flush=True): permission = self.by_roles(dataset, [role]) return self._delete([permission], flush=flush)
[docs]class DatasetAccessPermissionFailedException(RBACPermissionFailedException): pass
[docs]class AccessDatasetRBACPermission(DatasetRBACPermission): """ A class to manage access permissions on a dataset. An user must have all the Roles of all the access permissions associated with a dataset in order to access it. """ action_name = security.RBACAgent.permitted_actions.get("DATASET_ACCESS").action permission_failed_error_class = DatasetAccessPermissionFailedException # ---- interface
[docs] def is_permitted(self, dataset, user, trans=None): if trans and trans.user_is_admin: return True current_roles = self._roles(dataset) # NOTE: that because of short circuiting this allows # anonymous access to public datasets return ( self._is_public_based_on_roles(current_roles) or self.user_manager.is_admin(user) # admin is always permitted or self._user_has_all_roles(user, current_roles) )
[docs] def grant(self, item, user): pass
# not so easy # need to check for a sharing role # then add the new user to it
[docs] def revoke(self, item, user): pass
# not so easy # TODO: these are a lil off message
[docs] def is_public(self, dataset): current_roles = self._roles(dataset) return self._is_public_based_on_roles(current_roles)
[docs] def set_private(self, dataset, user, flush=True): private_role = self.user_manager.private_role(user) return self.set(dataset, [private_role], flush=flush)
# ---- private def _is_public_based_on_roles(self, roles): return len(roles) == 0 def _user_has_all_roles(self, user, roles): user_roles = [] if not self.user_manager.is_anonymous(user): user_roles = user.all_roles() return iterable_has_all(user_roles, roles) def _role_is_permitted(self, dataset, role): current_roles = self._roles(dataset) return ( self._is_public_based_on_roles(current_roles) # if there's only one role and this is it, let em in or ((len(current_roles) == 1) and (role == current_roles[0])) )