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Source code for galaxy_test.base.api_asserts

"""Utility methods for making assertions about Galaxy API responses, etc...
from typing import Any, cast, Dict, Union

from requests import Response

ASSERT_FAIL_ERROR_CODE = "Expected Galaxy error code %d, obtained %d"
ASSERT_FAIL_STATUS_CODE = "Request status code (%d) was not expected value %s. Body was %s"

[docs]def assert_status_code_is(response: Response, expected_status_code: int): """Assert that the supplied response has the expect status code.""" response_status_code = response.status_code if expected_status_code != response_status_code: _report_status_code_error(response, expected_status_code)
[docs]def assert_status_code_is_ok(response: Response): """Assert that the supplied response is okay. The easier alternative ``response.raise_for_status()`` might be perferable generally. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`requests.Response.raise_for_status()` """ response_status_code = response.status_code is_two_hundred_status_code = response_status_code >= 200 and response_status_code <= 300 if not is_two_hundred_status_code: _report_status_code_error(response, "2XX")
def _report_status_code_error(response: Response, expected_status_code: Union[str, int]): try: body = response.json() except Exception: body = f"INVALID JSON RESPONSE <{response.text}>" assertion_message = ASSERT_FAIL_STATUS_CODE % (response.status_code, expected_status_code, body) raise AssertionError(assertion_message)
[docs]def assert_has_keys(response: dict, *keys: str): """Assert that the supplied response (dict) has the supplied keys.""" for key in keys: assert key in response, f"Response [{response}] does not contain key [{key}]"
[docs]def assert_not_has_keys(response: dict, *keys: str): """Assert that the supplied response (dict) does not have the supplied keys.""" for key in keys: assert key not in response, f"Response [{response}] contains invalid key [{key}]"
[docs]def assert_error_code_is(response: Union[Response, dict], error_code: int): """Assert that the supplied response has the supplied Galaxy error code. Galaxy error codes can be imported from :py:mod:`galaxy.exceptions.error_codes` to test against. :: from galaxy.exceptions import error_codes assert_error_code_is(response, error_codes.USER_REQUEST_MISSING_PARAMETER) """ as_dict = _as_dict(response) assert_has_keys(as_dict, "err_code") err_code = as_dict["err_code"] assert err_code == int(error_code), ASSERT_FAIL_ERROR_CODE % (err_code, int(error_code))
[docs]def assert_object_id_error(response: Response): # for tests that use fake object IDs - API might throw MalformedId (400) or # or ObjectNotFound (404) - depending if the ID happens to be parseable with # servers API key. error_code = response.status_code assert error_code in [400, 404] if error_code == 400: assert_error_code_is(response, 400009) else: assert_error_code_is(response, 404001)
[docs]def assert_error_message_contains(response: Union[Response, dict], expected_contains: str): as_dict = _as_dict(response) assert_has_keys(as_dict, "err_msg") err_msg = as_dict["err_msg"] assert expected_contains in err_msg
def _as_dict(response: Union[Response, dict]) -> Dict[str, Any]: as_dict : Dict[str, Any] if isinstance(response, Response): as_dict = cast(dict, response.json()) else: as_dict = response return as_dict assert_has_key = assert_has_keys