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Source code for galaxy_test.api.test_tool_data

""" Tests for the tool data API.

import operator

from ._framework import ApiTestCase

[docs]class ToolDataApiTestCase(ApiTestCase):
[docs] def test_admin_only(self): index_response = self._get("tool_data", admin=False) self._assert_status_code_is(index_response, 403)
[docs] def test_list(self): index_response = self._get("tool_data", admin=True) self._assert_status_code_is(index_response, 200) print(index_response.content) index = index_response.json() assert "testalpha" in [operator.itemgetter("name")(_) for _ in index]
[docs] def test_show(self): show_response = self._get("tool_data/testalpha", admin=True) self._assert_status_code_is(show_response, 200) print(show_response.content) data_table = show_response.json() assert data_table["columns"] == ["value", "name", "path"] first_entry = data_table["fields"][0] assert first_entry[0] == "data1" assert first_entry[1] == "data1name" assert first_entry[2].endswith("test/functional/tool-data/data1/entry.txt")
[docs] def test_show_field(self): show_field_response = self._get("tool_data/testalpha/fields/data1", admin=True) self._assert_status_code_is(show_field_response, 200) field = show_field_response.json() self._assert_has_keys(field, "files", "name", "fields", "fingerprint", "base_dir") files = field["files"] assert len(files) == 2, "Length of files [%s] was not 2." % files
[docs] def test_download_field_file(self): show_field_response = self._get("tool_data/testalpha/fields/data1/files/entry.txt", admin=True) self._assert_status_code_is(show_field_response, 200) content = show_field_response.text assert content == "This is data 1.", content
# Following test case rendered invalid by the fix in # https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/commit/48f77dc742acf01ddbafafcc4634e69378f1f020#diff-bfb557a99c1f7d646d4968d8d680b885R154. # TODO: Restore the test case when test framework allows actions from # admin users. # def test_delete_entry(self): # show_response = self._get( "tool_data/testbeta", admin=True ) # original_count = len(show_response.json()["fields"]) # dataset_populator = DatasetPopulator( self.galaxy_interactor ) # history_id = dataset_populator.new_history() # payload = dataset_populator.run_tool_payload( # tool_id="data_manager", # inputs={"ignored_value": "moo"}, # history_id=history_id, # ) # create_response = self._post( "tools", data=payload ) # self._assert_status_code_is( create_response, 200 ) # dataset_populator.wait_for_history( history_id, assert_ok=True ) # show_response = self._get( "tool_data/testbeta", admin=True ) # updated_fields = show_response.json()["fields"] # assert len(updated_fields) == original_count + 1 # field0 = updated_fields[0] # url = self._api_url( "tool_data/testbeta?key=%s" % self.galaxy_interactor.master_api_key ) # delete( url, data=json.dumps({"values": "\t".join(field0)}) ) # show_response = self._get( "tool_data/testbeta", admin=True ) # updated_fields = show_response.json()["fields"] # assert len(updated_fields) == original_count