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Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.page_revisions
API for updating Galaxy Pages
import logging
from galaxy.managers.base import get_object
from galaxy.managers.pages import PageManager
from galaxy.model.item_attrs import UsesAnnotations
from galaxy.web import expose_api
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import (
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class PageRevisionsController(BaseAPIController, SharableItemSecurityMixin, UsesAnnotations, SharableMixin):
[docs] @expose_api
def index(self, trans, page_id, **kwd):
index( self, trans, page_id, **kwd )
* GET /api/pages/{page_id}/revisions
return a list of Page revisions
:param page_id: Display the revisions of Page with ID=page_id
:rtype: list
:returns: dictionaries containing different revisions of the page
page = get_object(trans, page_id, 'Page', check_ownership=False, check_accessible=True)
r = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.PageRevision).filter_by(page_id=page.id)
out = []
for page in r:
as_dict = self.encode_all_ids(trans, page.to_dict(), True)
self.manager.rewrite_content_for_export(trans, as_dict)
return out
[docs] @expose_api
def create(self, trans, page_id, payload, **kwd):
create( self, trans, page_id, payload **kwd )
* POST /api/pages/{page_id}/revisions
Create a new revision for a page
:param page_id: Add revision to Page with ID=page_id
:param payload: A dictionary containing::
'content' = New content of new page revision
:rtype: dictionary
:returns: Dictionary with 'success' or 'error' element to indicate the result of the request
page = get_object(trans, page_id, 'Page', check_ownership=True)
page_revision = self.manager.save_new_revision(trans, page, payload)
rval = self.encode_all_ids(trans, page_revision.to_dict(view="element"), True)
self.manager.rewrite_content_for_export(trans, rval)
return rval