24.2 Galaxy Release (February 2025)

A Wizard-like Export View for Workflow Invocations. The workflow invocation export process has been enhanced with a new wizard-like interface, making it more guided and user-friendly. This interface simplifies complex processes with many options, providing a step-by-step approach to exporting workflow invocations.
Workflow Editor Enhancements: Activity Bar and Undo Stack UI. The Activity Bar is now present in the Workflow Editor along side multiple interface improvements.
Masthead Revision and Activity Bar Improvements. The Galaxy masthead has been revised to achieve consistency and reduce redundancy, aligning its functionality with the Activity Bar.
Improved Navigation and Usability of Collection Builders. To guide users towards creating collections of the correct type, Galaxy now provides better navigation via buttons directly on data collection parameters. Users can create a collection with the required structure for the input, with pre-filtered items from their current history, also ensuring compatibility with required file extensions. Additionally, users can upload datasets directly to the collection builder.
Enhanced Workflow Invocation View. The Workflow Invocation View, introduced in the previous release has been significantly refined to improve the usability and visualization of workflow runs.
Display Metrics for Workflow Invocations. Galaxy now provides a Metrics tab in the Workflow Invocation View, allowing users to quickly summarize runtime, memory usage, and core allocation per invocation. This enhancement helps users better understand the resource usage of their workflows.
Libraries Modernization: Directory Dataset Picker. The dataset picker for user and import directories has been modernized, providing a more intuitive and user-friendly interface. Users can now easily import files or folders from their user directory or import directory into a library.
Live Reporting of Job Console Outputs. If enabled by the Galaxy administrators, it will now be possible to view live console output for running jobs. The job output will be available on the Job Information page where these logs have always been available for completed jobs.
ChatGXY - Job Error Wizard. With this release, we’re excited to introduce ChatGXY — AI assistance built directly into the Galaxy interface. The first functionality being rolled out is an AI-driven job error diagnoser that automatically inspects errored jobs and provides actionable insights. Users on supported servers can access this feature through the Dataset Error interface, where ChatGXY offers targeted suggestions to help diagnose and resolve job errors quickly and efficiently.
Please see the 24.2 user release notes for a summary of new user features.
Get Galaxy
The code lives at GitHub and you should have Git to obtain it.
- To get a new Galaxy repository run:
$ git clone -b release_24.2 https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy.git
- To update an existing Galaxy repository run:
$ git fetch origin && git checkout release_24.2 && git pull --ff-only origin release_24.2
See the community hub for additional details on source code locations.
Upcoming Deprecation Notices
- Deprecation of support for Python 3.8 in Galaxy release 25.0
This Galaxy release (24.2) will be the last release that supports Python 3.8. We encourage updating to a newer version of Python if possible.
Admin Notes
Migrating the database to 24.2 may require a short downtime. The 24.2 database migrations require exclusive access to the galaxy_user table. Therefore, it is recommended to shut down all Galaxy procesess while upgrading the database.
Database migration 04288b6a5b25 (make dataset uuids unique) requires function gen_random_uuid() which was added in PostgreSQL version 13.0. Prior to version 13.0, UUID generation functions were available in the external modules uuid-ossp and pgcrypto (see PostgreSQL 13.0 release notes). Thus, you need to upgrade your database to version 13.0 or newer, or, alternatively, load the pgcrypto extension (see this solution on Stackoverflow). * A user’s email address is no longer used as the name of their private role; instead, the association between a user and their private role is handled through a foreign key at the database level. Although a role name is no longer required to be unique in the database (automatically generated private roles have the generic name “private role”), manually created roles still must have a unique name; this prevents from accidentally creating duplicate roles.
The user/role/group association tables in the database have been given additional constraints which prevent accidental creation of duplicate or incomplete records. In addition to these changes to the database schema, the database upgrade includes data migration scripts (executed as part of the upgrade) which will automatically fix any inconsistent data in these tables. [#18777]
OAuth 2.0 enabled plugin for Dropbox has been added to the user defined file sources framework. See #18272 for updates to the admin documentation on how to build and configure a Dropbox app within Dropbox for a Galaxy instance.
Support has been added for high-availability setups for the interactive tools proxy. [#18481]
Configuration Changes
The following configuration options are new
The following configuration options have been changed
preferences.onedata.inputs has changed from
{'name': 'onezone_domain', 'label': 'Domain of the Onezone service (e.g. datahub.egi.eu)', 'type': 'text', 'required': False} {'name': 'access_token', 'label': 'Your access token, suitable for REST API access in a Oneprovider service', 'type': 'password', 'required': False} {'name': 'disable_tls_certificate_validation', 'label': 'Allow connection to Onedata servers that do not present trusted SSL certificates. SHOULD NOT be used unless you really know what you are doing.', 'type': 'boolean', 'required': False, 'value': False}
{'name': 'onezone_domain', 'label': 'Domain of the Onezone service (e.g. datahub.egi.eu). The minimal supported Onezone version is 21.02.4.', 'type': 'text', 'required': False} {'name': 'access_token', 'label': 'Your access token, suitable for REST API access in a Oneprovider service', 'type': 'password', 'required': False} {'name': 'disable_tls_certificate_validation', 'label': 'Allow connection to Onedata servers that do not present trusted SSL certificates. SHOULD NOT be used unless you really know what you are doing.', 'type': 'boolean', 'required': False, 'value': False}
has changed from
{'type': 'dropbox', 'id': 'dropbox1', 'label': 'Dropbox files (configure access in user preferences)', 'doc': 'Your Dropbox files - configure an access token via the user preferences', 'access_token': "${user.preferences['dropbox|access_token']}"} {'type': 'webdav', 'id': 'owncloud1', 'label': 'OwnCloud', 'doc': 'External OwnCloud files (configure access in user preferences)', 'url': "${user.preferences['owncloud|url']}", 'root': "${user.preferences['owncloud|root']}", 'login': "${user.preferences['owncloud|username']}", 'password': "${user.preferences['owncloud|password']}", 'temp_path': '/your/temp/path', 'writable': False} {'type': 'posix', 'root': '/data/5/galaxy_import/galaxy_user_data/covid-19/data/sequences/', 'id': 'covid19-raw-sequences', 'label': 'COVID-19 FASTQ', 'doc': 'COVID-19 RAW sequences in FASTQ format'} {'type': 'posix', 'root': '/data/db/databases/pdb/pdb/', 'id': 'pdb-gzip', 'doc': 'Protein Data Bank (PDB)', 'label': 'PDB'} {'type': 'ftp', 'id': 'ebi-ftp', 'label': 'EBI FTP server', 'doc': 'European Bioinformatic Institute FTP server', 'host': 'ftp.ebi.ac.uk', 'user': 'anonymous', 'passwd': '', 'timeout': 10, 'port': 21} {'type': 'ftp', 'id': 'ncbi-ftp', 'label': 'NCBI FTP server', 'doc': 'NCBI FTP server', 'host': 'ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov', 'user': 'anonymous', 'passwd': '', 'timeout': 10, 'port': 21} {'type': 'ftp', 'id': 'ensembl-ftp', 'label': 'ENSEMBL FTP server', 'doc': 'ENSEMBL FTP server', 'host': 'ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/vol1/pub/', 'user': 'anonymous', 'passwd': '', 'timeout': 10, 'port': 21} {'type': 'ssh', 'id': 'writeable-ssh-dir', 'requires_roles': 'writeable-galaxy-role', 'writable': True, 'label': 'Push your files to me', 'doc': 'This is an example of a writeable SSH dir', 'host': 'coolhost', 'user': 'user', 'passwd': 'passwd', 'timeout': 10, 'path': '/home/cooluser/', 'config_path': '', 'port': 2222} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'My MinIO storage', 'endpoint_url': 'https://minio.usegalaxy.eu', 'id': 'galaxy-minio-storage', 'doc': 'Galaxy MinIO S3 storage', 'anon': False, 'secret': 'UHAJ6asd6asdhasd', 'key': 'MCJU76agdt98GGFAROIP7'} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Genome Ark', 'id': 'genomeark', 'doc': 'Access to Genome Ark open data on AWS.', 'bucket': 'genomeark', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': '1000 Genomes', 'id': '1000genomes', 'doc': 'Access to the 1000 Genomes Project with human genetic variation, including SNPs, structural variants, and their haplotype context.', 'bucket': '1000genomes', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'The Cancer Genome Atlas', 'id': 'tcga-2-open', 'doc': 'Access to the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)', 'bucket': 'tcga-2-open', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'COVID-19 Data Lake', 'id': 'covid19-lake', 'doc': 'A centralized repository of up-to-date and curated datasets on or related to the spread and characteristics of the novel corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) and its associated illness, COVID-19', 'bucket': 'covid19-lake', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE)', 'id': 'encode-public', 'doc': 'The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Consortium is an international collaboration of research groups funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)', 'bucket': 'encode-public', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Sentinel-3', 'id': 'meeo-s3-nrt', 'doc': 'European Commission’s Copernicus Earth Observation Programme. Sentinel-3 is a polar orbiting satellite that completes 14 orbits of the Earth a day.', 'bucket': 'meeo-s3/NRT/', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Sentinel-5P Level 2', 'id': 'meeo-s5p-nrti', 'doc': 'Observations from the Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite of the Copernicus Earth Observation Programme. It contains a polar orbiting satellite that completes 14 orbits of the Earth a day.', 'bucket': 'meeo-s5p/RPRO/', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6', 'id': 'esgf-world', 'doc': 'The sixth phase of global coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model ensemble', 'bucket': 'esgf-world', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'CMIP6 GCMs downscaled using WRF', 'id': 'wrf-cmip6-noversioning', 'doc': 'High-resolution historical and future climate simulations from 1980-2100', 'bucket': 'wrf-cmip6-noversioning', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'NOAA Global Forecast System (GFS)', 'id': 'noaa-gfs-bdp-pds', 'doc': 'The Global Forecast System (GFS) is a weather forecast model produced by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).', 'bucket': 'noaa-gfs-bdp-pds', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'NOAA Unified Forecast System Subseasonal to Seasonal Prototype 5', 'id': 'noaa-ufs-prototype5-pds', 'doc': 'The Unified Forecast System Subseasonal to Seasonal prototype 5 (UFS S2Sp5) dataset is reforecast data from the UFS atmosphere-ocean.', 'bucket': 'noaa-ufs-prototype5-pds', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM)', 'id': 'copernicus-dem-30m', 'doc': 'The Copernicus DEM is a Digital Surface Model (DSM) which represents the surface of the Earth including buildings, infrastructure and vegetation.', 'bucket': 'copernicus-dem-30m', 'anon': True} {'type': 'http', 'label': 'Custom http filesource', 'id': 'httpcustom', 'url_regex': '^https?://myprotectedsite.org/', 'http_headers': {'Authorization': '#import base64\nBasic ${base64.b64encode(str.encode(user.preferences[\'myprotectedsite|username\'] + ":" + user.preferences[\'myprotectedsite|password\'])).decode()}'}, 'doc': 'Only define this if you want custom control over http downloads. You should also define a stock http source (below) or only downloads from this site will be allowed.'} {'type': 'http', 'label': 'Stock http filesource', 'id': 'httpstock', 'doc': 'Make sure to define this generic http file source if you have defined any other http file sources, or stock http download capability will be disabled.'} {'type': 'drs', 'label': 'Custom DRS filesource', 'id': 'drscustom', 'url_regex': '^drs://mydrssite.org/', 'http_headers': {'Authorization': '#import base64\nBasic ${base64.b64encode(str.encode(user.preferences[\'mydrssite|username\'] + ":" + user.preferences[\'mydrssite|password\'])).decode()}'}, 'doc': 'Define this if you want custom control over drs downloads. You should also define a stock drs source (below) or only downloads from this drs server will be allowed.'} {'type': 'drs', 'label': 'Stock DRS filesource', 'id': 'drsstock', 'doc': 'Make sure to define this generic drs file source if you have defined any other drs file sources, or stock drs download capability will be disabled.'} {'type': 'inveniordm', 'id': 'invenio_sandbox', 'doc': 'This is the Sandbox instance of Invenio. It is used for testing purposes only, content is NOT preserved. DOIs created in this instance are not real and will not resolve.', 'label': 'Invenio RDM Sandbox Repository (TESTING ONLY)', 'url': 'https://inveniordm.web.cern.ch/', 'token': "${user.user_vault.read_secret('preferences/invenio_sandbox/token')}", 'public_name': "${user.preferences['invenio_sandbox|public_name']}", 'writable': True} {'type': 'zenodo', 'id': 'zenodo', 'doc': 'Zenodo is a general-purpose open-access repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN. It allows researchers to deposit data sets, research software, reports, and any other research-related digital artifacts. For each submission, a persistent digital object identifier (DOI) is minted, which makes the stored items easily citeable.', 'label': 'Zenodo', 'url': 'https://zenodo.org', 'token': "${user.user_vault.read_secret('preferences/zenodo/token')}", 'public_name': "${user.preferences['zenodo|public_name']}", 'writable': True} {'type': 'zenodo', 'id': 'zenodo_sandbox', 'doc': 'This is the Sandbox instance of Zenodo. It is used for testing purposes only, content is NOT preserved. DOIs created in this instance are not real and will not resolve.', 'label': 'Zenodo Sandbox (TESTING ONLY)', 'url': 'https://sandbox.zenodo.org', 'token': "${user.user_vault.read_secret('preferences/zenodo_sandbox/token')}", 'public_name': "${user.preferences['zenodo_sandbox|public_name']}", 'writable': True} {'type': 'onedata', 'id': 'onedata1', 'label': 'Onedata', 'doc': 'Your Onedata files - configure an access token via user preferences', 'accessToken': "${user.preferences['onedata|access_token']}", 'onezoneDomain': "${user.preferences['onedata|onezone_domain']}", 'disableTlsCertificateValidation': "${user.preferences['onedata|disable_tls_certificate_validation']}"}to
{'type': 'dropbox', 'id': 'dropbox1', 'label': 'Dropbox files (configure access in user preferences)', 'doc': 'Your Dropbox files - configure an access token via the user preferences', 'access_token': "${user.preferences['dropbox|access_token']}"} {'type': 'webdav', 'id': 'owncloud1', 'label': 'OwnCloud', 'doc': 'External OwnCloud files (configure access in user preferences)', 'url': "${user.preferences['owncloud|url']}", 'root': "${user.preferences['owncloud|root']}", 'login': "${user.preferences['owncloud|username']}", 'password': "${user.preferences['owncloud|password']}", 'temp_path': '/your/temp/path', 'writable': False} {'type': 'posix', 'root': '/data/5/galaxy_import/galaxy_user_data/covid-19/data/sequences/', 'id': 'covid19-raw-sequences', 'label': 'COVID-19 FASTQ', 'doc': 'COVID-19 RAW sequences in FASTQ format'} {'type': 'posix', 'root': '/data/db/databases/pdb/pdb/', 'id': 'pdb-gzip', 'doc': 'Protein Data Bank (PDB)', 'label': 'PDB'} {'type': 'ftp', 'id': 'ebi-ftp', 'label': 'EBI FTP server', 'doc': 'European Bioinformatic Institute FTP server', 'host': 'ftp.ebi.ac.uk', 'user': 'anonymous', 'passwd': '', 'timeout': 10, 'port': 21} {'type': 'ftp', 'id': 'ncbi-ftp', 'label': 'NCBI FTP server', 'doc': 'NCBI FTP server', 'host': 'ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov', 'user': 'anonymous', 'passwd': '', 'timeout': 10, 'port': 21} {'type': 'ftp', 'id': 'ensembl-ftp', 'label': 'ENSEMBL FTP server', 'doc': 'ENSEMBL FTP server', 'host': 'ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/vol1/pub/', 'user': 'anonymous', 'passwd': '', 'timeout': 10, 'port': 21} {'type': 'ssh', 'id': 'writeable-ssh-dir', 'requires_roles': 'writeable-galaxy-role', 'writable': True, 'label': 'Push your files to me', 'doc': 'This is an example of a writeable SSH dir', 'host': 'coolhost', 'user': 'user', 'passwd': 'passwd', 'timeout': 10, 'path': '/home/cooluser/', 'config_path': '', 'port': 2222} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'My MinIO storage', 'endpoint_url': 'https://minio.usegalaxy.eu', 'id': 'galaxy-minio-storage', 'doc': 'Galaxy MinIO S3 storage', 'anon': False, 'secret': 'UHAJ6asd6asdhasd', 'key': 'MCJU76agdt98GGFAROIP7'} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Genome Ark', 'id': 'genomeark', 'doc': 'Access to Genome Ark open data on AWS.', 'bucket': 'genomeark', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': '1000 Genomes', 'id': '1000genomes', 'doc': 'Access to the 1000 Genomes Project with human genetic variation, including SNPs, structural variants, and their haplotype context.', 'bucket': '1000genomes', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'The Cancer Genome Atlas', 'id': 'tcga-2-open', 'doc': 'Access to the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)', 'bucket': 'tcga-2-open', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'COVID-19 Data Lake', 'id': 'covid19-lake', 'doc': 'A centralized repository of up-to-date and curated datasets on or related to the spread and characteristics of the novel corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) and its associated illness, COVID-19', 'bucket': 'covid19-lake', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE)', 'id': 'encode-public', 'doc': 'The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Consortium is an international collaboration of research groups funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)', 'bucket': 'encode-public', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Sentinel-3', 'id': 'meeo-s3-nrt', 'doc': 'European Commission’s Copernicus Earth Observation Programme. Sentinel-3 is a polar orbiting satellite that completes 14 orbits of the Earth a day.', 'bucket': 'meeo-s3/NRT/', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Sentinel-5P Level 2', 'id': 'meeo-s5p-nrti', 'doc': 'Observations from the Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite of the Copernicus Earth Observation Programme. It contains a polar orbiting satellite that completes 14 orbits of the Earth a day.', 'bucket': 'meeo-s5p/RPRO/', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6', 'id': 'esgf-world', 'doc': 'The sixth phase of global coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model ensemble', 'bucket': 'esgf-world', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'CMIP6 GCMs downscaled using WRF', 'id': 'wrf-cmip6-noversioning', 'doc': 'High-resolution historical and future climate simulations from 1980-2100', 'bucket': 'wrf-cmip6-noversioning', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'NOAA Global Forecast System (GFS)', 'id': 'noaa-gfs-bdp-pds', 'doc': 'The Global Forecast System (GFS) is a weather forecast model produced by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).', 'bucket': 'noaa-gfs-bdp-pds', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'NOAA Unified Forecast System Subseasonal to Seasonal Prototype 5', 'id': 'noaa-ufs-prototype5-pds', 'doc': 'The Unified Forecast System Subseasonal to Seasonal prototype 5 (UFS S2Sp5) dataset is reforecast data from the UFS atmosphere-ocean.', 'bucket': 'noaa-ufs-prototype5-pds', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM)', 'id': 'copernicus-dem-30m', 'doc': 'The Copernicus DEM is a Digital Surface Model (DSM) which represents the surface of the Earth including buildings, infrastructure and vegetation.', 'bucket': 'copernicus-dem-30m', 'anon': True} {'type': 'http', 'label': 'Custom http filesource', 'id': 'httpcustom', 'url_regex': '^https?://myprotectedsite.org/', 'http_headers': {'Authorization': '#import base64\nBasic ${base64.b64encode(str.encode(user.preferences[\'myprotectedsite|username\'] + ":" + user.preferences[\'myprotectedsite|password\'])).decode()}'}, 'doc': 'Only define this if you want custom control over http downloads. You should also define a stock http source (below) or only downloads from this site will be allowed.'} {'type': 'http', 'label': 'Stock http filesource', 'id': 'httpstock', 'doc': 'Make sure to define this generic http file source if you have defined any other http file sources, or stock http download capability will be disabled.'} {'type': 'drs', 'label': 'Custom DRS filesource', 'id': 'drscustom', 'url_regex': '^drs://mydrssite.org/', 'http_headers': {'Authorization': '#import base64\nBasic ${base64.b64encode(str.encode(user.preferences[\'mydrssite|username\'] + ":" + user.preferences[\'mydrssite|password\'])).decode()}'}, 'doc': 'Define this if you want custom control over drs downloads. You should also define a stock drs source (below) or only downloads from this drs server will be allowed.'} {'type': 'drs', 'label': 'Stock DRS filesource', 'id': 'drsstock', 'doc': 'Make sure to define this generic drs file source if you have defined any other drs file sources, or stock drs download capability will be disabled.'} {'type': 'inveniordm', 'id': 'invenio_sandbox', 'doc': 'This is the Sandbox instance of Invenio. It is used for testing purposes only, content is NOT preserved. DOIs created in this instance are not real and will not resolve.', 'label': 'Invenio RDM Sandbox Repository (TESTING ONLY)', 'url': 'https://inveniordm.web.cern.ch/', 'token': "${user.user_vault.read_secret('preferences/invenio_sandbox/token')}", 'public_name': "${user.preferences['invenio_sandbox|public_name']}", 'writable': True} {'type': 'zenodo', 'id': 'zenodo', 'doc': 'Zenodo is a general-purpose open-access repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN. It allows researchers to deposit data sets, research software, reports, and any other research-related digital artifacts. For each submission, a persistent digital object identifier (DOI) is minted, which makes the stored items easily citeable.', 'label': 'Zenodo', 'url': 'https://zenodo.org', 'token': "${user.user_vault.read_secret('preferences/zenodo/token')}", 'public_name': "${user.preferences['zenodo|public_name']}", 'writable': True} {'type': 'zenodo', 'id': 'zenodo_sandbox', 'doc': 'This is the Sandbox instance of Zenodo. It is used for testing purposes only, content is NOT preserved. DOIs created in this instance are not real and will not resolve.', 'label': 'Zenodo Sandbox (TESTING ONLY)', 'url': 'https://sandbox.zenodo.org', 'token': "${user.user_vault.read_secret('preferences/zenodo_sandbox/token')}", 'public_name': "${user.preferences['zenodo_sandbox|public_name']}", 'writable': True} {'type': 'onedata', 'id': 'onedata1', 'label': 'Onedata', 'doc': 'Your Onedata files - configure an access token via user preferences', 'access_token': "${user.preferences['onedata|access_token']}", 'onezone_domain': "${user.preferences['onedata|onezone_domain']}", 'disable_tls_certificate_validation': "${user.preferences['onedata|disable_tls_certificate_validation']}"}
mapping.galaxy.mapping.conda_auto_init.desc has changed from
Set to true to instruct Galaxy to install Conda from the web automatically if it cannot find a local copy and conda_exec is not configured.
Set to true to instruct Galaxy to install Conda from the web automatically if it cannot find a local copy and conda_exec is not configured. The default is true if running Galaxy from source, and false if running from installed packages.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.geographical_server_location_code.desc has changed from
The estimated geographical location of the server hosting your galaxy instance given as an ISO 3166 code. This is used to make carbon emissions estimates more accurate as the location effects the carbon intensity values used in the estimate calculation. This defaults to "GLOBAL" if not set or the `geographical_server_location_code` value is invalid or unsupported. To see a full list of supported locations, visit https://galaxyproject.org/admin/carbon_emissions
The estimated geographical location of the server hosting your galaxy instance given as an ISO 3166 code. This is used to make carbon emissions estimates more accurate as the location effects the carbon intensity values used in the estimate calculation. This defaults to "GLOBAL" if not set or the `geographical_server_location_code` value is invalid or unsupported. To see a full list of supported locations, visit https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/admin/carbon_emissions.html
mapping.galaxy.mapping.interactivetools_map.desc has changed from
Map for interactivetool proxy.
Map for the interactivetool proxy. Mappings are stored in a SQLite database file located on this path. As an alternative, you may also store them in any other RDBMS supported by SQLAlchemy using the option ``interactivetoolsproxy_map``, which overrides this one.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.object_store_cache_size.desc has changed from
Default cache size for caching object stores if cache not configured for that object store entry.
Default cache size, in GB, for caching object stores if the cache is not configured for that object store entry.
The following configuration options have been completely removed
Developer Notes
More concise, readable tool execution testing: infrastructure and some examples. [#18977]
More examples of new data access tests. [#18312]
Poetry replaced: Galaxy’s Python dependency management is now handled with uv. [#19075]
Upgrades to openapi-typescript cause some breaking changes. See #18532 for more details.
Release Notes
Backport of Workflow Editor Activity Bar (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 19212
Add onedata templates (thanks to @bwalkowi). Pull Request 18457
Add linter to check validity of output filters (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 19114
FITS file table graph visualization plugin (thanks to @francoismg). Pull Request 19003
Experimental galactic wizard (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15860
Allow OAuth 2.0 user defined file sources (w/Dropbox integration) (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18272
Add job metrics per invocation (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19048
Feature - stdout live reporting (thanks to @gecage952). Pull Request 16975
Vizualization enhancements
Fix MSA viz, new dependency specification options (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 18760
Parse stored config details to script-based visualizations (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 18651
Migrate NGL viewer to npm package (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 18946
Support deferred datasets in visualizations (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 19097
Openlayer update to npm package (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 19134
Replace static Cytoscape plugin with npm package (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 19127
Update tiff viewer to use script entry_point (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 19151
Migrate Venn Diagram to Script-Tag (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 19153
Remove OpenLayers legacy files and add SVG logo (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 19135
Datatype enhancements
Add pod5 datatype (thanks to @TomHarrop). Pull Request 18419
Handle compressed content in dataset preview for all sequence classes (thanks to @PlushZ). Pull Request 18776
Improve usability of Directory datatype (thanks to @wm75). Pull Request 17614
Add some Zarr-based datatypes (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 19040
Add XML based vtk datatype (thanks to @tStehling). Pull Request 19104
Tool enhancements
Update GPU JupyterLab tool (thanks to @anuprulez). Pull Request 18220
Add Tool-Centric APIs to the Tool Shed 2.0 (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18524
Add BlobToolkit to the list of interactive tools (thanks to @Delphine-L). Pull Request 18630
Remove some unused dynamic drill down options (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18892
Add filter null collection operation tool (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18928
Jupyter Interactive Tool 1.0.1/24.07 (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 18861
Add Interactive Tool Ilastik (thanks to @lldelisle). Pull Request 16837
Fix problem with multiple layers in workflow metrics (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19283
Fix workflow metrics chart style (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 19291
Workflow enhancements
Fix usability of workflow best practice attribute checking. (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19230
Workflow Inputs Activity (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 19252
Fix default value handling for parameters connected to required parameters (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19219
Allow connecting text param into data column parameter (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18674
Allow specifying multi-select workflow parameters (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18715
Allow access to invocation via shared or published history (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18707
Modelling for Test Assertions (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18787
Implement Pydantic model for workflow test format. (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18884
Improvements to Planemo test format based on feedback/discussions (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18889
Allow CORS requests to /api/workflow_landings (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18963
Workflow landing improvements (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18979
Always validate hashes when provided (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 19110
Workflow Landing Requests (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18807
Implement Declarative Testing for Workflow Behaviors (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18542
Allow recovering a normalized version of workflow request state from API (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18985
UI enhancements
Enable verbatimModuleSyntax, fix jest usage (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 18595
Make vite tool shed client proxy configurable (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18988
Upgrade openapi-typescript to 7.0.2 + swap to openapi-fetch (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18532
Job enhancements
Record container id and type in core job metrics (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18579
Add type annotations to
and related code (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 19115Allow to overwrite real_system_username per destination (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 18945
Admin enhancements
Remove defaults channel for conda usage (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 18757
Allow setting a few global defaults for file source plugin types (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18909
Bring your own file sources: Add the WebDAV template and configuration (thanks to @sanjaysrikakulam). Pull Request 18598
Decouple user email from role name (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 18966
Support high-availability setups for the interactive tools proxy (thanks to @kysrpex). Pull Request 18481
Minor config documentation enhancements (thanks to @bgruening). Pull Request 18499
Better cleanup of sharing roles on user purge (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 19096
List private file sources first in Remote Files Dialog (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 19455
Various list of pairs builder usability fixes (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19248
Fix to not display upload when creating collections from existing datasets (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19373
Misc. enhancements
Activity bar add new workflow button (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 19281
Guide users to collection builders (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 18857
Updates the About Page (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 18461
Moves Libraries from Masthead to Activity Bar (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 18468
Adds an option to restore activity bar defaults (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 18469
Add errors fast api (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 18093
Add task expiration to persistent task monitor (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18551
Improve datasets permissions API schema typing (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18563
Group tool templating exceptions in sentry (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18570
Add a new version of the production s3fs file source template with the writable configuration variable added (thanks to @sanjaysrikakulam). Pull Request 18575
Move history multiview item actions to top (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 18265
Improve update user API payload schema (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18602
Improve update history payload schema (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18618
Rev pinned gxformat2 (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18624
Improve typing for archived histories API schema (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18586
Reduce unnecessary requests when browsing tool repositories in Admin Panel (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18632
Improve types around User in schema and client (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18645
Rip repository_registry out of tool shed 2.0 (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18647
Improve accept header API schema (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18668
Another round of parameter model improvements (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18673
Another round of parameter model enhancements and tool tests (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18678
Dynamic Models for Tool Test Validation (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18679
Implement tool upgrade assistant (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18728
Cache pip directory as part of setup-python action (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18789
Refactor FolderTopBar to TypeScript (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 18488
Update Visualization FastAPI (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 18792
Add Alireza to committers group (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18613
Improvements to help terms & tool help (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18722
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 18578
Add wizard-like export view for workflow invocations (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18796
Improvements to parameter models for test case inputs (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18743
Add docs on indexing for filter column (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 18844
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 18864
Add unique constraints to the email and username fields in the galaxy_user table (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 18493
Replace History Dataset Picker in Library Folder (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 18518
Allow using tracks and groups in visualization xml (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 18779
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 18904
Add support for arbitrarily ordered image axes in image content assertions (thanks to @kostrykin). Pull Request 18891
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 18943
Add BioBlend tests (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 18975
Optimize to_history_dataset_association in create_datasets_from_library_folder (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 18970
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 18982
Add workflow to update PR title based on target branch version (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 18835
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 19031
Enable extra user preferences for remotely authorized users (thanks to @maartenschermer). Pull Request 18887
UI Improvements for Tool Shed 2.0 (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19041
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 19062
as generic type (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 19063Better logging around tool loading (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19029
Add galaxy-upload link to UploadModal (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19055
Do not skip CI tests on missing tools (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19002
Add a filter for labels (tags) in Tool Search (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19076
Replace poetry with uv (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 19075
Add Python 3.13 support (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18449
Allow deferred datasets to behave as URIs (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 19077
uv: Do not recalculate dependencies when exporting (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 19099
Test hash validation also for upload by path (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 19109
Integrate Tool Parameter Modeling into Linting (for Planemo) (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19073
Better search stuff in Tool Shed 2.0 (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19047
Enable specifying dataset hash in test jobs (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19113
Access public history in job cache / job search (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19108
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 19123
Also use miniforge docker for container building (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 19128
Silence the quota manager for updates (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 19046
Enhance relabel_from_file to work with any column pair in mapping file (thanks to @wm75). Pull Request 19022
Irods ssl connection (thanks to @pauldg). Pull Request 19014
Update Japanese locale.js (thanks to @manabuishii). Pull Request 19101
Update vizarr version to 0.1.5 (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 19142
Fix word wrapping in invocation panel list items (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19141
Add Workflow Title and Annotation sections (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 18762
Assert that data_column parameters have a valid data_ref (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 18949
Switch update annotate image to new script entry_point (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 19150
Workflow license and creator edit keyboard access (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 18936
More data access tests, some refactoring and cleanup (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 18312
Add hint to the tool schema about runtime conditional changes (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 18996
Undo stack UI (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 18548
Run installed Galaxy with no config and a simplified entry point (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 19050
A variety of improvements around tool parameter modeling (second try) (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19027
Parameter Model Improvements (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18641
Masthead Revision (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 17927
Workflow Invocation view improvements (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 18615
Add linters for datatypes (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 17600
Release testing - selenium tests for workflow invocation export (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19262
Update versions of GitHub actions (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18197
Update openapi-typescript dependency to version 6.7.6 (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18519
Mixed enhancements from CWL branch (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18539
Fix some Toolshed 2.0 development paper-cuts (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18538
Improvements to Tool Test Parsing (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18560
Drop unused datasets controller methods (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18568
Consistent type imports, fixes and linting (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 18589
Tighten user notification API response types (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18599
More tool test typing (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18590
Remove unused functions in dataset managers (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18631
Better Typing for Tool Execution Plumbing (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18626
De-couple XML from tool interface for test collections (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18676
Update ExportToRemoteModal.vue to use TypeScript (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18706
More typing, docs, and decomposition around tool execution (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18758
Migrate Visualizations API to FastAPI (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 18721
and fix type annotation issue (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18773Update Mypy to 1.11.2 and fix new signature override errors (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18811
Remove Build Dataset Pair option from history actions (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 18740
Backend handling of setting user-role, user-group, and group-role associations (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 18777
Refactor migration testing setup code (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 18886
mypy error code (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18898Raise exception if CompressedFile used on incompatible file (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18888
Type annotations and fixes (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18911
Remove outdated fimo wrapper and galaxy-sequence-utils dependency (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18937
Migrate Library Contents API to FastAPI (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 18838
Fix extra files path type hint (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18958
Move TRS import into WorkflowContentManager (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19070
More concise, readable tool execution testing (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18977
Libraries Modernisation: Directory Dataset Picker (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 18638
Prevent cycling through failing conversion jobs in trackster (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19494
Vizualization fixes
Update visualizations package versions (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 19232
Install npm-package viz to the package prefix explicitly (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 18950
Restore access to saved visualizations (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 19136
Datatype fixes
Add gtf to auto_compressed_types (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19175
Tool fixes
Drop “Send to cloud” tool and associated cloudauthz code (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 18196
Fix commas that shouldn’t be in biotools_mappings.tsv (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18919
Fix error message when subworkflow input connection missing (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19526
Also check trs_tool_id for imported workflow indicator (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19460
Set a hard limit of 100 invocations per request in api/invocations (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19497
Fix import of previously-deleted TRS workflow (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19311
Workflow fixes
Fix workflows with optional non-default parameter input (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19332
Fix cancellation of workflow scheduling (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19238
Fix collection type drag and drop validation (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18623
UI fixes
Bump requirejs from 2.3.6 to 2.3.7 in /client (thanks to @dependabot[bot]). Pull Request 18610
Bump axios from 1.6.2 to 1.7.4 in /client (thanks to @dependabot[bot]). Pull Request 18717
Bump webpack from 5.89.0 to 5.94.0 in /client (thanks to @dependabot[bot]). Pull Request 18768
Bump express from 4.19.2 to 4.21.0 in /client (thanks to @dependabot[bot]). Pull Request 18808
Bump dompurify from 3.0.6 to 3.1.3 in /client (thanks to @dependabot[bot]). Pull Request 18821
Bump http-proxy-middleware from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 in /client (thanks to @dependabot[bot]). Pull Request 19060
Bump dompurify from 2.3.10 to 3.1.6 in /client (thanks to @dependabot[bot]). Pull Request 18880
Use instance wide default
if not defined on destination (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 19544Fix job parameter summary for inputs without label (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19427
Serialize message exceptions on execution error (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19483
Partial backport of #19331 (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 19342
Fixes for console logging (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19381
Job fixes
Fixes random job failures in kubernetes (thanks to @mapk-amazon). Pull Request 19001
Downgrade ‘InteractiveTools are not enabled’ to warning (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19518
Use visualizations api in trackster (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19495
Fix extracting workflows from purged and deleted histories (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19525
Fix WSGI response status handling in controller methods (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19520
Fix remap for parameter called id (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19532
Fix admin cancel job message not being displayed to the user (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 19537
Provide guidance in case of deadlock during db migration (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 19551
Update 24.2 db revision tags (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 19550
Fix to only show ChatGXY when available (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 19389
Display upload help highlight only once and include Rule-based upload info (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19393
Show message for mixed extensions in collection creator (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19404
Fix Activity Bar state lost on page reload (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 19426
Show Keycloak provider label in UI (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19447
mulled-build-tool fix for packages wo version (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 19450
Fix parsing of validators with inf limits (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19459
Fix help text overflow breaking tool inspector (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 19465
Fix object not found handling (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19468
Remove print statement (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 19469
Bump typescript target to es2020 (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 19473
Fail with error message when submitting invalid request (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19489
Fix invocation query in JobInformation.vue component (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19496
Fix minor typo in event name in collection creator (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19499
Fix library dataset current user potentially null (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 19505
Fix workflowID assignment in Markdown.vue (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 19507
Skip token refresh without refresh token in psa (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19514
Fix tool search constantly loading bug (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19528
Add tool_id index on job table (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19543
Outputs filter linter fixes (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 19208
Fix some collection builder help and language choices (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19244
Only allow moving activity bar icons when editing the bar (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19258
Fix CollectionCreatorModal being reopened on history (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 19276
Fix invocation metrics usability by providing job context (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19279
Fix inconsistent tab handling in invocation view (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19298
Don’t show published workflows in workflow activity of workflow editor (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19312
Fix timeout handling for planemo / galaxy-tool-util (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19384
Fix for empty string in regex validator message (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19387
Misc. fixes
Fix handling of step id offsets when duplicating selections (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 19351
Fix simple activity panel item style (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 19350
Fixes window manager scrolling and resizing (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 19308
Fix activity-bar-id handling wrt activityStore (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 19316
Login redirect followup (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 19251
Build collection only if populated in collection builder (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19250
Avoid a class of unhelpful accepted format drop downs (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19241
Improve the empty history message for guiding users to collections. (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19242
Fix PSA Redirect (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 19247
release testing - UI tests for new workflow parameters (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19182
Return generic message for password reset email (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 18479
Raise Message Exception when displaying binary data (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18503
Handle all requests error in
(thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18510Follow-up on #18212 (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18516
Fix “worklfow” typo here and there (thanks to @abretaud). Pull Request 18523
Fix MessageException handling in get_edit (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18529
Fix bugs in tool shed tool API (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18558
Fix Archive header encoding (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 18583
Fix for not-null in ‘column_list’ object (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 18553
Fix API key reveals on mouse hover (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 18593
Fix for Numeric form field to allow Null min/max values in validation methods (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 18585
xsd: allow change_format and actions also in statically defined collection elements, and break recursion (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 18605
Fixes for errors reported by mypy 1.11.0 (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18608
Bug fix for invalid duplicate id in function test tools (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18644
Handle output parsing when tool is not available for tool-centric API (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18643
Restore interactive tools watcher (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 18581
Strip whitespace when listifying admin users (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 18656
Update mercurial (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18686
Restore repository update in the tool shed 2.0 (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18655
Fix “Latest Updates” order in tool shed 2.0 (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16894
Replace types-pkg-resources with types-setuptools (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18708
Update ruff to 0.6.1 (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18716
Fix new flake8-bugbear B039 and mypy type-var errors (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18755
Fixing RegisterForm.vue not appending prefix when set (thanks to @mcuaya1). Pull Request 18786
Fix response if dataset requested by display application is deleted (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 18803
Fix alert handling in workflow label handler (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 18836
Fix transiently failing selenium tooltip issues (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18847
Fix flaky test/integration_selenium/test_toolbox_filters.py::TestToolboxFiltersSeleniumIntegration::test_toolbox_filters (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 18854
Fix migration data fixes tests (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 18885
data_column params: offer same columns with and without use_header_names (thanks to @wm75). Pull Request 18879
Allow users with ‘can_modify_folder’ permission to delete items in libraries (thanks to @npinter). Pull Request 18924
Fix WorkflowInvocationHeader import type and current user errors (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 18956
Explicitly display dataset preview in pages and workflow reports (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 18968
Ignore preflight options in API schema (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18983
Define environment variables in
section (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 18987Fix the bioblend test failures (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 18991
Fix job directory not being cleaned up (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18997
Fix job search statement building (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19010
Fix test_stock.py unit test (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 19037
add data source doc to the list in index (thanks to @PlushZ). Pull Request 18742
Fix auto-detect metadata from Edit Dataset Attributes panel (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 19025
Fix numerous issues with tool input format “21.01” (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 19030
Prevent purged users from logging in (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 19094
Fixes and tests for data fetch models (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 18834
uv lock
under Python 3.9 (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 19111Allow modes z and Z for docker volumes (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 18998
Fix handling of v2 hashes (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 18522
Dynamics options add library dataset (thanks to @gagayuan). Pull Request 18198
Add merge migration to merge 2 heads (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 19163
Disallow /tool_runner? in robots.txt (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 19020
Avoid possible negative offset in LibraryFolder (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 19090
Fix backend role sharing bug (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 18942
Update a localized word with a more appropriate one (thanks to @mpalmada). Pull Request 18910
Fix tag processing in library upload (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 18714
Update plausible script name in mako templates (thanks to @sanjaysrikakulam). Pull Request 18458
Fix issue with generating slug for sharing (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 18986
Consolidate tag validation (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 19166
Move invocation view running actions and improve styling of annotation section (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 19168
Fix mulled_hash (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 19199
Add requirement/resource to schema docs (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 19172
Normalize usernames to lowercase in OIDC authentication (thanks to @arash77). Pull Request 19131
Release Team
Release manager: John Davis, Ahmed Awan
Release testing:
A special thank you goes to everyone who helped test the new release after its deployment on usegalaxy.org.
To stay up to date with Galaxy’s progress, watch our screencasts; visit our community Hub; and follow us on Bluesky, Mastodon, and LinkedIn.
You can always chat with us on Matrix.
Thanks for using Galaxy!