23.1 Galaxy Release (June 2023)

Get Galaxy
The code lives at GitHub and you should have Git to obtain it.
- To get a new Galaxy repository run:
$ git clone -b release_23.1 https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy.git
- To update an existing Galaxy repository run:
$ git fetch origin && git checkout release_23.1 && git pull --ff-only origin release_23.1
See the community hub for additional details on source code locations.
Administration Notes
Configuration Changes
The following configuration options are new
The following configuration options have been changed
has changed from
{'type': 'dropbox', 'id': 'dropbox1', 'label': 'Dropbox files (configure access in user preferences)', 'doc': 'Your Dropbox files - configure an access token via the user preferences', 'accessToken': "${user.preferences['dropbox|access_token']}"} {'type': 'webdav', 'id': 'owncloud1', 'label': 'OwnCloud', 'doc': 'External OwnCloud files (configure access in user preferences)', 'url': "${user.preferences['owncloud|url']}", 'root': "${user.preferences['owncloud|root']}", 'login': "${user.preferences['owncloud|username']}", 'password': "${user.preferences['owncloud|password']}"} {'type': 'posix', 'root': '/data/5/galaxy_import/galaxy_user_data/covid-19/data/sequences/', 'id': 'covid19-raw-sequences', 'label': 'COVID-19 FASTQ', 'doc': 'COVID-19 RAW sequences in FASTQ format'} {'type': 'posix', 'root': '/data/db/databases/pdb/pdb/', 'id': 'pdb-gzip', 'doc': 'Protein Data Bank (PDB)', 'label': 'PDB'} {'type': 'ftp', 'id': 'ebi-ftp', 'label': 'EBI FTP server', 'doc': 'European Bioinformatic Institute FTP server', 'host': 'ftp.ebi.ac.uk', 'user': 'anonymous', 'passwd': '', 'timeout': 10, 'port': 21} {'type': 'ftp', 'id': 'ncbi-ftp', 'label': 'NCBI FTP server', 'doc': 'NCBI FTP server', 'host': 'ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov', 'user': 'anonymous', 'passwd': '', 'timeout': 10, 'port': 21} {'type': 'ftp', 'id': 'ensembl-ftp', 'label': 'ENSEMBL FTP server', 'doc': 'ENSEMBL FTP server', 'host': 'ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/vol1/pub/', 'user': 'anonymous', 'passwd': '', 'timeout': 10, 'port': 21} {'type': 'ssh', 'id': 'writeable-ssh-dir', 'requires_roles': 'writeable-galaxy-role', 'writable': True, 'label': 'Push your files to me', 'doc': 'This is an example of a writeable SSH dir', 'host': 'coolhost', 'user': 'user', 'passwd': 'passwd', 'timeout': 10, 'path': '/home/cooluser/', 'config_path': '', 'port': 2222} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'My MinIO storage', 'endpoint_url': 'https://minio.usegalaxy.eu', 'id': 'galaxy-minio-storage', 'doc': 'Galaxy MinIO S3 storage', 'anon': False, 'secret': 'UHAJ6asd6asdhasd', 'key': 'MCJU76agdt98GGFAROIP7'} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Genome Ark', 'id': 'genomeark', 'doc': 'Access to Genome Ark open data on AWS.', 'bucket': 'genomeark', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': '1000 Genomes', 'id': '1000genomes', 'doc': 'Access to the 1000 Genomes Project with human genetic variation, including SNPs, structural variants, and their haplotype context.', 'bucket': '1000genomes', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'The Cancer Genome Atlas', 'id': 'tcga-2-open', 'doc': 'Access to the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)', 'bucket': 'tcga-2-open', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'COVID-19 Data Lake', 'id': 'covid19-lake', 'doc': 'A centralized repository of up-to-date and curated datasets on or related to the spread and characteristics of the novel corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) and its associated illness, COVID-19', 'bucket': 'covid19-lake', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE)', 'id': 'encode-public', 'doc': 'The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Consortium is an international collaboration of research groups funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)', 'bucket': 'encode-public', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Sentinel-3', 'id': 'meeo-s3-nrt', 'doc': 'European Commission’s Copernicus Earth Observation Programme. Sentinel-3 is a polar orbiting satellite that completes 14 orbits of the Earth a day.', 'bucket': 'meeo-s3/NRT/', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Sentinel-5P Level 2', 'id': 'meeo-s5p-nrti', 'doc': 'Observations from the Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite of the Copernicus Earth Observation Programme. It contains a polar orbiting satellite that completes 14 orbits of the Earth a day.', 'bucket': 'meeo-s5p/RPRO/', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6', 'id': 'esgf-world', 'doc': 'The sixth phase of global coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model ensemble', 'bucket': 'esgf-world', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'CMIP6 GCMs downscaled using WRF', 'id': 'wrf-cmip6-noversioning', 'doc': 'High-resolution historical and future climate simulations from 1980-2100', 'bucket': 'wrf-cmip6-noversioning', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'NOAA Global Forecast System (GFS)', 'id': 'noaa-gfs-bdp-pds', 'doc': 'The Global Forecast System (GFS) is a weather forecast model produced by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).', 'bucket': 'noaa-gfs-bdp-pds', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'NOAA Unified Forecast System Subseasonal to Seasonal Prototype 5', 'id': 'noaa-ufs-prototype5-pds', 'doc': 'The Unified Forecast System Subseasonal to Seasonal prototype 5 (UFS S2Sp5) dataset is reforecast data from the UFS atmosphere-ocean.', 'bucket': 'noaa-ufs-prototype5-pds', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM)', 'id': 'copernicus-dem-30m', 'doc': 'The Copernicus DEM is a Digital Surface Model (DSM) which represents the surface of the Earth including buildings, infrastructure and vegetation.', 'bucket': 'copernicus-dem-30m', 'anon': True}to
{'type': 'dropbox', 'id': 'dropbox1', 'label': 'Dropbox files (configure access in user preferences)', 'doc': 'Your Dropbox files - configure an access token via the user preferences', 'accessToken': "${user.preferences['dropbox|access_token']}"} {'type': 'webdav', 'id': 'owncloud1', 'label': 'OwnCloud', 'doc': 'External OwnCloud files (configure access in user preferences)', 'url': "${user.preferences['owncloud|url']}", 'root': "${user.preferences['owncloud|root']}", 'login': "${user.preferences['owncloud|username']}", 'password': "${user.preferences['owncloud|password']}"} {'type': 'posix', 'root': '/data/5/galaxy_import/galaxy_user_data/covid-19/data/sequences/', 'id': 'covid19-raw-sequences', 'label': 'COVID-19 FASTQ', 'doc': 'COVID-19 RAW sequences in FASTQ format'} {'type': 'posix', 'root': '/data/db/databases/pdb/pdb/', 'id': 'pdb-gzip', 'doc': 'Protein Data Bank (PDB)', 'label': 'PDB'} {'type': 'ftp', 'id': 'ebi-ftp', 'label': 'EBI FTP server', 'doc': 'European Bioinformatic Institute FTP server', 'host': 'ftp.ebi.ac.uk', 'user': 'anonymous', 'passwd': '', 'timeout': 10, 'port': 21} {'type': 'ftp', 'id': 'ncbi-ftp', 'label': 'NCBI FTP server', 'doc': 'NCBI FTP server', 'host': 'ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov', 'user': 'anonymous', 'passwd': '', 'timeout': 10, 'port': 21} {'type': 'ftp', 'id': 'ensembl-ftp', 'label': 'ENSEMBL FTP server', 'doc': 'ENSEMBL FTP server', 'host': 'ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/vol1/pub/', 'user': 'anonymous', 'passwd': '', 'timeout': 10, 'port': 21} {'type': 'ssh', 'id': 'writeable-ssh-dir', 'requires_roles': 'writeable-galaxy-role', 'writable': True, 'label': 'Push your files to me', 'doc': 'This is an example of a writeable SSH dir', 'host': 'coolhost', 'user': 'user', 'passwd': 'passwd', 'timeout': 10, 'path': '/home/cooluser/', 'config_path': '', 'port': 2222} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'My MinIO storage', 'endpoint_url': 'https://minio.usegalaxy.eu', 'id': 'galaxy-minio-storage', 'doc': 'Galaxy MinIO S3 storage', 'anon': False, 'secret': 'UHAJ6asd6asdhasd', 'key': 'MCJU76agdt98GGFAROIP7'} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Genome Ark', 'id': 'genomeark', 'doc': 'Access to Genome Ark open data on AWS.', 'bucket': 'genomeark', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': '1000 Genomes', 'id': '1000genomes', 'doc': 'Access to the 1000 Genomes Project with human genetic variation, including SNPs, structural variants, and their haplotype context.', 'bucket': '1000genomes', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'The Cancer Genome Atlas', 'id': 'tcga-2-open', 'doc': 'Access to the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)', 'bucket': 'tcga-2-open', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'COVID-19 Data Lake', 'id': 'covid19-lake', 'doc': 'A centralized repository of up-to-date and curated datasets on or related to the spread and characteristics of the novel corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) and its associated illness, COVID-19', 'bucket': 'covid19-lake', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE)', 'id': 'encode-public', 'doc': 'The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Consortium is an international collaboration of research groups funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)', 'bucket': 'encode-public', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Sentinel-3', 'id': 'meeo-s3-nrt', 'doc': 'European Commission’s Copernicus Earth Observation Programme. Sentinel-3 is a polar orbiting satellite that completes 14 orbits of the Earth a day.', 'bucket': 'meeo-s3/NRT/', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Sentinel-5P Level 2', 'id': 'meeo-s5p-nrti', 'doc': 'Observations from the Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite of the Copernicus Earth Observation Programme. It contains a polar orbiting satellite that completes 14 orbits of the Earth a day.', 'bucket': 'meeo-s5p/RPRO/', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6', 'id': 'esgf-world', 'doc': 'The sixth phase of global coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model ensemble', 'bucket': 'esgf-world', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'CMIP6 GCMs downscaled using WRF', 'id': 'wrf-cmip6-noversioning', 'doc': 'High-resolution historical and future climate simulations from 1980-2100', 'bucket': 'wrf-cmip6-noversioning', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'NOAA Global Forecast System (GFS)', 'id': 'noaa-gfs-bdp-pds', 'doc': 'The Global Forecast System (GFS) is a weather forecast model produced by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).', 'bucket': 'noaa-gfs-bdp-pds', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'NOAA Unified Forecast System Subseasonal to Seasonal Prototype 5', 'id': 'noaa-ufs-prototype5-pds', 'doc': 'The Unified Forecast System Subseasonal to Seasonal prototype 5 (UFS S2Sp5) dataset is reforecast data from the UFS atmosphere-ocean.', 'bucket': 'noaa-ufs-prototype5-pds', 'anon': True} {'type': 's3fs', 'label': 'Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM)', 'id': 'copernicus-dem-30m', 'doc': 'The Copernicus DEM is a Digital Surface Model (DSM) which represents the surface of the Earth including buildings, infrastructure and vegetation.', 'bucket': 'copernicus-dem-30m', 'anon': True} {'type': 'http', 'label': 'Custom http filesource', 'id': 'httpcustom', 'url_regex': '^https?://myprotectedsite.org/', 'http_headers': {'Authorization': '#import base64\nBasic ${base64.b64encode(str.encode(user.preferences[\'myprotectedsite|username\'] + ":" + user.preferences[\'myprotectedsite|password\'])).decode()}'}, 'doc': 'Only define this if you want custom control over http downloads. You should also define a stock http source (below) or only downloads from this site will be allowed.'} {'type': 'http', 'label': 'Stock http filesource', 'id': 'httpstock', 'doc': 'Make sure to define this generic http file source if you have defined any other http file sources, or stock http download capability will be disabled.'} {'type': 'drs', 'label': 'Custom DRS filesource', 'id': 'drscustom', 'url_regex': '^drs://mydrssite.org/', 'http_headers': {'Authorization': '#import base64\nBasic ${base64.b64encode(str.encode(user.preferences[\'mydrssite|username\'] + ":" + user.preferences[\'mydrssite|password\'])).decode()}'}, 'doc': 'Define this if you want custom control over drs downloads. You should also define a stock drs source (below) or only downloads from this drs server will be allowed.'} {'type': 'drs', 'label': 'Stock DRS filesource', 'id': 'drsstock', 'doc': 'Make sure to define this generic drs file source if you have defined any other drs file sources, or stock drs download capability will be disabled.'}
mapping.galaxy.mapping.cache_dir.desc has changed from
Top level cache directory. Any other cache directories (tool_cache_data_dir, template_cache_path, etc.) should be subdirectories.
Top level cache directory. Any other cache directories (template_cache_path, etc.) should be subdirectories.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.container_resolvers_config_file.desc has changed from
Container resolvers configuration. Set up a file describing container resolvers to use when discovering containers for Galaxy. If this is set to None, the default container resolvers loaded is determined by enable_mulled_containers. For available options see config/container_resolvers_conf.xml.sample.
Container resolvers configuration. Set up a file describing container resolvers to use when discovering containers for Galaxy. If this is set to None, the default container resolvers loaded is determined by enable_mulled_containers. For available options see https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/admin/container_resolvers.html
mapping.galaxy.mapping.enable_tool_document_cache.desc has changed from
Whether to enable the tool document cache. This cache stores expanded XML strings. Enabling the tool cache results in slightly faster startup times. The tool cache is backed by a SQLite database, which cannot be stored on certain network disks. The cache location is configurable using the ``tool_cache_data_dir`` setting, but can be disabled completely here.
Whether to enable the tool document cache. This cache stores expanded XML strings. Enabling the tool cache results in slightly faster startup times. The tool cache is backed by a SQLite database, which cannot be stored on certain network disks. The cache location is configurable with the ``tool_cache_data_dir`` tag in tool config files.
The following configuration options have been completely removed
New Configuration Files
The following files are new, or recently converted to yaml
Deprecation Notices
The first Galaxy release of 2024 (24.0) will drop support for Python 3.7, which has already reached end of life (EOL).
The api/search API endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in the next release.
Release Notes
Empower Users to Select Storage Destination (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14073
Introducing the Activity Bar, initial concept and layout (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 14802
Beacon integration (thanks to @Paprikant). Pull Request 15131
OIDC tokens (thanks to @SergeyYakubov). Pull Request 15300
Expose additional beaker caching backends (thanks to @claudiofr). Pull Request 15349
Add support for visualizing HDF5 datasets (thanks to @jarrah42). Pull Request 15394
Unify url handling with filesources (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 15497
Move TS to Alembic (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15509
Explore tool remote test data (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 15510
Phylocanvas rebuild (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15521
Add Galaxy Notification System (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 15663
Adding fuzzy search functionality to front end search (thanks to @tcollins2011). Pull Request 15855
FITS data format (thanks to @volodymyrss). Pull Request 15905
Emit filterText to HistoryPanel from historyStore (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 15926
Add WorkflowBox to Activity bar Side Panel (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 15944
Add option to create list for all datasets in a history to dropdown (thanks to @assuntad23). Pull Request 15947
Add History Archival feature (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16003
Add carbon emissions reporting to job information page (thanks to @Renni771). Pull Request 16155
Add Processing for Custom Icons (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16157
Add zipped mongodb and genenotebook datatypes (thanks to @abretaud). Pull Request 16173
FITS file visualization plugin (thanks to @francoismg). Pull Request 16187
bring grids for (published) pages on par with workflows (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16209
Add Visium datatype for squidpy and spatialomics tools (thanks to @astrovsky01). Pull Request 16255
Display Tags in Workflow Editor (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16282
Fix tool remote test data (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16311
Small test decorator improvements (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16220
Improve display chunk generation for BAMs (thanks to @wm75). Pull Request 15972
Code cleanups from ruff and pyupgrade (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 16035
Dataset chunking tests (and small fixes) (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16069
Add hdf4 datatype (thanks to @TheoMathurin). Pull Request 16105
Allow pending inputs in some collection operation tools (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 15892
Updates MGnify interactive tool to v1.1.0 (thanks to @SandyRogers). Pull Request 16179
Include workflow invocations in default activity (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16338
Improve help text for conditional workflow step (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16355
Hide conditionally skipped output (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16356
e2e test for workflow license selector (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16243
Disable console instead of dropping (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16372
Stricter typescript config (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 15311
Updating build-related dependencies, static cleanup (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15527
Allow typescript unit testing with navigation YAML (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 15784
Vueify Select field (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 16010
Mock fetcher followup (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16011
New history selector with quick actions (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16040
Refactor a few client object store components (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16051
Fix font-awesome library types (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16068
TypeScript 5 (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16167
Makefile-based setting of NODE_OPTIONS for client build (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16324
Record input datasets and collections at full parameter path (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 15978
Add slack error reporting plugin (thanks to @hexylena). Pull Request 15025
Container resolvers: add docs, typing and tests (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15614
Add suggested Training material to Tool Form (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 15628
More object store documentation (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 15707
Migrate to MyST-Parser for Markdown docs (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 15844
Export tool citations configurable message (thanks to @minh-biocommons). Pull Request 15998
implement admin jobs filtering (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16020
unify workflows grid components (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16045
Add message showing console disable/enable, along with instructions o… (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16401
Add missing archived filter in saved histories (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16475
Bump bx-python to 0.10.0 (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16484
Add Storage Dashboard visualizations for histories (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14820
Install singularity in the integration GitHub workflow (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14922
External Login Flow: Redirect users if account already exists (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 15019
Decompress history data for testing assertions (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15085
Migrate history store to pinia (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 15108
Documents use of k8s_extra_job_envs in job_conf sample advanced (thanks to @pcm32). Pull Request 15110
Upgraded to new multiselect Tags component for Workflows, DatasetList, Attributes (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 15225
Add Storage Management API (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 15295
vueify formUpload with composition API (thanks to @assuntad23). Pull Request 15409
Outline Deployment Tests (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 15420
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 15435
Fix for new style conda packages (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15446
Protection against problematic boolean parameters (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 15493
Implement initial tool/wf test assertions module for JSON data (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 15494
xsd: add multiple to the list of attributes for all parameter types deriving from select (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15534
Add basic selenium test for shared histories (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 15538
Add new release tags to manage_toolshed_db.sh script (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15542
Use sentry-fastapi integration, expose sampling rate (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 15550
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 15564
Changes to match latest playbook (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 15647
Minor hid display tweak (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15662
Unpin Beaker requirement (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 15665
update the admin activation docs (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 15670
Verify that activation and reset emails are properly generated (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 15681
Use chevrons instead of eye for showing expandable/collapsible sections (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15688
Mention OpenAPI docs in Galaxy API Documentation (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15713
Add selenium test for history Related filter (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 15720
Fix/Enhance recalculate disk usage API endpoint (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 15739
Add StatesInfo component (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 15745
Add Laila as a committer (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15789
Remove jxtx from committers list (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15790
Initial end-to-end tests for separate quota sources per object store (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 15800
12875/form drilldown vue conversion (thanks to @assuntad23). Pull Request 15813
Add ensureDefined assertion utility (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 15834
Adding onFocus and onBlur functionality to editing the history name (thanks to @assuntad23). Pull Request 15853
Show backend search errors in hist panel (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 15874
Enable per-destination
(thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15884Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 15890
Exclude tests from TypeScript compilation (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 15900
Allow importing a workflow from a shared URL (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 15903
Advanced tool search result tweaks (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 15908
Summarize long Workflow annotations in WorkflowList (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 15925
Updated doc and tests for attribute value filter (thanks to @tuncK). Pull Request 15929
Convert legacy side panels to flex-compatible panels (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 15935
Migrate user and user flags stores to Pinia (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 15938
Update release notes footer (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 15941
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 15942
Make container builders use mamba (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15953
Build container with nodejs (thanks to @ksuderman). Pull Request 15979
Fetcher Mock utility (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 15992
Drop UserHistories provider (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 15993
reorganize user menu for consistency (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 15994
remove inherited title from masthead dropdown items (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 15995
Use Filtering class to get and set filter texts (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 15996
Add alter_column migration utility (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16009
minor tooltip and UI client changes (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16017
Rename object stores in config (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16029
Add missing fields to HistorySummary schema model (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16041
Change release note icon (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 16049
Add Repository owner field to ToolSearch (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 16061
Add count support for listing filters (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16075
Add create_foreign_key migration utility (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16077
Paginate History Store (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 16084
Selenium test for displaying workflows with problems in pages (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16085
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 16086
Use automated naming convention to generate indexes and constraints in database (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16089
Workflow Editor Infinite Grid with Landmark-Lines (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16097
Expand query selector list to encompass ‘a’ (thanks to @hexylena). Pull Request 16100
Workflow Connections Dynamic Radius (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16102
Improved Cache Monitoring for Object Stores (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16110
De-duplication and improvements to the in-process object store cache monitor (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16111
Allow HEAD request for requesting metadata files (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16113
Integrate accessibility testing into Selenium testing (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16122
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 16123
Add option to see invocations related to a history (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16136
Improve histories and datasets immutability checks (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16143
When writing test error debug directories, create a ‘latest’ symlink. (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16148
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 16153
Migrate display applications API to Fast API (thanks to @heisner-tillman). Pull Request 16156
End-to-end tests for new user welcome (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16158
Axe-detected accessibility fixes for some history-related things (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16159
adjust grid sharing indicators (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16163
Fix and Improve Workflow Editor Panning (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16178
class withCondaTarget
(thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 16181Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 16182
Allow user customization of the activity bar (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 16184
Update carbon emissions calculations explanation page styling (thanks to @Renni771). Pull Request 16192
Allow users to create new activity bar items (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 16196
Initial e2e test for history storage (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16221
Selenium test for page history links (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16222
tool_util: switch to mambaforge on non-32bit; add arm64 support (thanks to @mr-c). Pull Request 16223
E2E Tests for Edit Dataset Attributes Page (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16224
Show search in HistoryView (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 16225
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 16227
Selenium type fixes and annotations (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16242
Refine activity bar dragging behavior (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 16245
Marginally more storage management selenium coverage (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16263
Adjust notifications activity item (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 16265
Add interactive tools activity (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 16266
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 16267
Set Initial Filter for Paired List Collection Creator Based on Initial Elements (thanks to @assuntad23). Pull Request 16279
Fix Storage Dashboard missing archived histories (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16473
Filter deleted keys from api_keys relationship (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16321
Drop expunge_all() call in WebTransactionRequest (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16606
Towards decoupling datatypes and model (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15186
Various Tool Shed Cleanup (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 15247
Follow up to #15186 (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15388
Towards SQLAlchemy 2.0: drop session autocommit setting (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15421
Prettier targeting refinements (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15449
QUnit elimination (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15452
Move database access code out of tool_util (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15467
Use connection instead of session for ItemGrabber (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15496
Update browserslist and exclusions, linting (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15524
Another round of easy tool shed cleanup (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 15540
Handle “email_from” config option consistently, as per schema description (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15557
Drop workflow exports to myexperiment.org (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15576
Update database_heartbeat for SA 2.0 compatibility (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15611
Update supports_skip_locked, supports_returning for SA 2.0 compatibility (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15633
Wrap check_jobs_at_startup operation in a transaction (SA 2.0 compatibility) (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15643
Deprecate tools/evolution (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15656
Drop model mapping unit tests (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15669
Add transactional state to JobHandlerStopQueue (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15671
Add transactional state to workflow scheduling manager (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15683
Remove DELETED_NEW job state from code base (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15690
Convert utilities to typescript (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15718
Use Animation Frame in Workflow Editor (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 15725
Add API test and refactor code for related:hid history filter (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 15786
Utils refactor (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 15837
Enable no-throw-literal eslint rule (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 15849
Drop use_legacy_history from config (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15861
Fix WorkflowDisplay error message handling (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15865
Drop database views (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15876
ci: show test classes with non standard names (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15886
Remove legacy form fields from parameter factory (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 15983
Refactor badge parsing/serialization/typing for reuse (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 15987
Migrate job metrics store and component to use pinia and composition api (thanks to @Renni771). Pull Request 16056
(thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 16058Use jsdom-worker instead of mock (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16064
Refactor models enums to eliminate schema dependency on model layer (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16080
Use _.+ for unused variables (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16098
De-duplicate code around object store caches. (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16108
Refactor caching object stores ahead of adding task-based store (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16144
Remove involucro, add to .gitignore (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16176
Drop workarounds for old ro-crate-py and docutils versions (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16198
Remove various fallback behaviors (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16199
Drop TS unit mapping tests (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16206
Replace bootstrap_history.py with galaxy-release-util (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16231
Don’t error on missing parameters or unused parameters in UI controllers (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16246
Prepare Uploader Vueification by removing jQuery (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 16408
Copy the collection contents by default when copying a collection (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16717
H5web updates (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16509
Update galaxyproject/charts utilizing visualizations (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16674
Fixes the parcel2 build for hdf5 viz when using node18. (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16047
mypy option (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 15808Improve robustness of collection edit E2E test (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16092
Remove render.py script from iSEE (thanks to @neoformit). Pull Request 16616
FileInput no longer accept ‘U’ in the file mode (thanks to @bgruening). Pull Request 16704
Fixes for conditional subworkflow steps (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16632
Fix invocation progress bar for skipped and deleted jobs (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16365
Fix workflow invocation detail reactivity (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16369
Fix replacement parameters for subworkflows (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16592
Backport tool mem fixes (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16601
Fix expression evaluation for nested state (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16656
Push to object store even if
fails (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16667Add missing join condition in job search (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16710
Fix job search query (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16714
Fix “database is locked” error (occurring in the context of workflow testing under SQLite) (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16208
Fix default when statement evaluation (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16332
Fix dataset create time convert (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 15329
Bump undici from 5.14.0 to 5.19.1 in /client (thanks to @dependabot[bot]). Pull Request 15609
Fix eslint / ts overrides (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16166
Workaround for XML nodes of job resource parameters losing their children (thanks to @kysrpex). Pull Request 16728
Add missing singularity_no_mount prop parsing (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16367
Job cache fixes for DCEs (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16384
Run through tmp_dir_creation_statement only once (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16529
Ignore errors with user-set job resources (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16579
make sure that TMP, TEMP, and TMPDIR are set (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 16594
Ensure Job belongs to current SA session (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16655
Fix metadata setting in extended metadata + outputs_to_working_directory mode (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16678
Fix closed transaction error on galaxy startup/check jobs (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16687
read job_conf directly from config_dir instead of computing it again from config_file (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15596
Change confusing pulsar logs message (thanks to @kysrpex). Pull Request 16038
Fix job failure handling when condor indicates job failure (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16096
Reload toolbox after forking when using –preload (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16620
Improve container resolver documentation (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16280
Fix unittest mocks to support us checking geturl() (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16726
Fix allowlist deserialization in file sources (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16729
force wrap long parameter names in the workflow form (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16731
force wrap long parameter names in the workflow form (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16732
prevent toolbox scrollbar (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16734
Update 23.1 release tags for migration scripts (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16294
Remove pin on
in packages (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 16322Fix ‘news’ webhook to account for the RC one more time. (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16328
Fix disk usage recalculation for distributed object stores (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16380
Fix histories count (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16400
Fix toolform creator (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16419
For display (only) allow control+click for new window opening (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16432
Swap datatype&convert tab to a static ‘datatypes’ tab. (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16466
Fix tagging component for anonymous users (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16481
Fix up unit tests for local use (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16483
Fix history item states help display to apply same styling attributes (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16500
fix font-weight disparity between browsers (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 16515
Fix for Accessibility, on Workflows List page Tooltip (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 16520
Fix double-encoding notification content (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16530
Exclude selenium version with broken type hints (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16531
Limit tool document cache to tool configs with explicit cache path (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16537
Fix multiple remote test data (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16542
Don’t use
docker run
–user flag on OSX (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16573Fix shared item notification link (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16581
Make datatype edit default value a string instead of list of strings (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16591
Bump minimum tpv version to 2.3.2 (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16597
Optimize getting current user session (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16604
Drop RecursiveMiddleware (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16605
Only reindex tool search once after forking (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16611
Account for expires/expires_in when refreshing token (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16621
Fix nested conditional workflow steps (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16641
Login/Register fixes (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16652
Make sort_collection tool require terminal datasets (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16661
xsd: allow name attribute of test collections (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 16663
Only show ‘edit’ on published pages when viewer is the owner. (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16680
Fix regex validation for global inline flags (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16683
Fix legend not scrollable in storage overview charts (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16703
List extra files only for terminal datasets (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16705
Fix collection id encoding (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16718
linter: allow options elements in data params (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 14572
Fix resetting metadata on many repositories at once via the shed API (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14906
Fixes for two framework test tools (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15483
Added title on anchor tag on keyboard Focus for W3C Accessibility Compliance (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 15517
add missing f for f-string (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15584
Fix jest tests run on CI (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 15588
Fix call to docker_cached_container_description (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15598
Fix masthead element padding and improve brand text contrast (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 15689
Update selenium hid text assertion (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15691
Fix occasional package problems related to dependencies. (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 15734
Merge conflicting db migration branches into one (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15771
Fix some drs handling issues (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 15777
Fix filesource file url support (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 15794
Fix revision scripts, run migrations in CI, add repair option, improve migrations utils (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 15811
Fix log message (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 15838
Fix tool recommendations shown in a d3 js tree (thanks to @anuprulez). Pull Request 15852
Fix anonymous user uploads when vault is configured (thanks to @tchaussepiedifb). Pull Request 15858
Fix information popovers when displaying object stores for selection (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 15867
Fix Multi-History infinite loading loop (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 15931
Fix nullable deleted column in API Keys table (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 15956
Update locale.js (thanks to @undergone2345). Pull Request 15963
Add text-break to wrap long published titles (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 15980
Fix backbone-based data selector to materialize consistent attribute set (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 15981
Fix Activity Bar toggle reactivity (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 15988
Fix for link pop-up window/toaster after Data Library to History import (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 16008
Fix pasting file fails if text starts with file ` (thanks to `@ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16023
Ensure that unselected checkbox inputs emit null instead of an empty array (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 16059
Fix and test startup with Python 3.11 on macOS (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 16082
Improve robustness of collection upload tests (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16093
Fix minor Switch to History bug in HistoryView (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 16095
Attempt to fix mypy check (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16103
Place admin panel section data into computed prop (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 16115
add required_files to the tag list for linting (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 16129
Fix : Ignore error messages for admin created accounts (thanks to @jvanbraekel). Pull Request 16132
Scope pinned histories by user ID (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16142
Accessibility fixes for workflows, login, and registration (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16146
Disable invalid link for anonymous users (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16147
Raise configuration error if connection URL is unparseable (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16152
Fix transiently failing published histories test (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 16172
Hide Activity Bar for anonymous users (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 16200
Verify existence of default value attribute for user forms fields (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 16205
Ensure session is request-scoped for legacy endpoints (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16207
Fixes initial state of select all checkbox (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 16217
allow anon access for api/datasets/get_content_as_text (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16226
Handle appending to a results file that does not exists (thanks to @ksuderman). Pull Request 16233
Fix dropbox import to support newer versions (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 16239
Reset autocommit to True (temporarily) (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16283
Open latest version of tool from tool panel link (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16290
use router instead of hard links for certain page urls (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16297
Fix ordering of data libraries from API (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16300
handle prefix in dataset contents properly (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16301
Fix form builder value handling (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 16304
qualify querying for an api-key (thanks to @martenson). Pull Request 16320
Refactor workflow store to be more reliable (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16334
Fix tags ownership (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16339
Make tags in public histories read-only (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16348
Sanitize substring in matchingTerm (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16351
Fix Nested Tool Panel Labels (thanks to @ElectronicBlueberry). Pull Request 16376
Fix select statement syntax for SQLAlchemy 2.0 (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 16421
Fix multi-broadcast overlap (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 16444
Fix webhook release note seen pin (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 16446
Fix parsing tool metadata from bio.tools (thanks to @kysrpex). Pull Request 16449
Fix history items repeated search bug (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 16452
Bump version of chromedriver setup action (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 16461
Remove blinking animation from icons (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 16471
Restore resolution of Conda environments generated from non-lowercase package names (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 16474
Linter: fix regex for profile version (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 16480
Fix ToolBoxWorkflow search delay bug (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 16505
Make ToolBox v-b-tooltip.hover directives noninteractive (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 16506
Fix Published Pages and Pages view showing same content (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 16614
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