galaxy.webapps.openapi package


galaxy.webapps.openapi.utils module

Copy of with changes from

galaxy.webapps.openapi.utils.get_openapi(*, title: str, version: str, openapi_version: str = '3.1.0', summary: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, routes: Sequence[BaseRoute], webhooks: Sequence[BaseRoute] | None = None, tags: List[Dict[str, Any]] | None = None, servers: List[Dict[str, Any | str]] | None = None, terms_of_service: str | None = None, contact: Dict[str, Any | str] | None = None, license_info: Dict[str, Any | str] | None = None, separate_input_output_schemas: bool = True, schema_generator: GenerateJsonSchema | None = None) Dict[str, Any][source]