Source code for tool_shed.webapp.controllers.user

import logging
import socket

from markupsafe import escape

from galaxy import (
from galaxy.managers.api_keys import ApiKeyManager
from galaxy.model.base import transaction
from galaxy.model.db.user import get_user_by_email
from import (
from galaxy.web import url_for
from galaxy.web.form_builder import CheckboxField
from galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.user import User as BaseUser
from tool_shed.webapp.framework.decorators import require_login

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    This %s has been configured such that only users who are logged in may use it.%s

To reset your Galaxy password for the instance at %s use the following link,
which will expire %s.


If you did not make this request, no action is necessary on your part, though
you may want to notify an administrator.

If you're having trouble using the link when clicking it from email client, you
can also copy and paste it into your browser.

[docs]class User(BaseUser):
[docs] @web.expose def index(self, trans, cntrller="user", **kwd): return trans.fill_template("/webapps/tool_shed/user/index.mako", cntrller=cntrller)
[docs] @web.expose def login(self, trans, refresh_frames=None, **kwd): """Handle Galaxy Log in""" refresh_frames = refresh_frames or [] referer = trans.request.referer or "" redirect = self.__get_redirect_url(kwd.get("redirect", referer).strip()) redirect_url = "" # always start with redirect_url being empty use_panels = util.string_as_bool(kwd.get("use_panels", False)) message = kwd.get("message", "") status = kwd.get("status", "done") header = "" user = trans.user success = False login = kwd.get("login", "") if user: # Already logged in. redirect_url = redirect message = "You are already logged in." status = "info" elif kwd.get("login_button", False): response = self.__validate_login(trans, **kwd) if trans.response.status == 400: trans.response.status = 200 message = response.get("err_msg") status = "error" elif response.get("expired_user"): change_password_url = url_for( controller="user", action="change_password", id=response.get("expired_user") ) message = f"{response.get('message')}<br>Click <a href='{change_password_url}'>here</a> to change your password." status = "warning" else: success = True if success: redirect_url = redirect if not success and not user and if create_account_str = ( " If you don't already have an account, <a href='{}'>you may create one</a>.".format( web.url_for(controller="user", action="create", cntrller="user") ) ) header = REQUIRE_LOGIN_TEMPLATE % ("Galaxy tool shed", create_account_str) else: header = REQUIRE_LOGIN_TEMPLATE % ("Galaxy tool shed", "") return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/tool_shed/user/login.mako", login=login, header=header, use_panels=use_panels, redirect_url=redirect_url, redirect=redirect, refresh_frames=refresh_frames, message=message, status=status, form_input_auto_focus=True, active_view="user", )
[docs] @web.expose def create(self, trans, cntrller="user", redirect_url="", refresh_frames=None, **kwd): refresh_frames = refresh_frames or [] params = util.Params(kwd) # If the honeypot field is not empty we are dealing with a bot. honeypot_field = params.get("bear_field", "") if honeypot_field != "": return trans.show_error_message( 'You\'ve been flagged as a possible bot. If you are not, please try registering again and fill the form out carefully. <a target="_top" href="%s">Go to the home page</a>.' ) % url_for("/") message = util.restore_text(params.get("message", "")) status = params.get("status", "done") use_panels = util.string_as_bool(kwd.get("use_panels", True)) email = util.restore_text(params.get("email", "")) # Do not sanitize passwords, so take from kwd # instead of params ( which were sanitized ) password = kwd.get("password", "") confirm = kwd.get("confirm", "") username = util.restore_text(params.get("username", "")) subscribe = params.get("subscribe", "") subscribe_checked = CheckboxField.is_checked(subscribe) referer = trans.request.referer or "" redirect = kwd.get("redirect", referer).strip() is_admin = trans.user_is_admin success = False show_user_prepopulate_form = False if not and not trans.user_is_admin: message = "User registration is disabled. Please contact your local Galaxy administrator for an account." if is not None: message += f" Contact: {}" status = "error" else: # check user is allowed to register message, status = email, username, password, trans.request ) if not message: # Create the user, save all the user info and login to Galaxy if params.get("create_user_button", False): # Check email and password validity message = self.__validate(trans, email, password, confirm, username) if not message: # All the values are valid message, status, user, success = self.__register( trans, subscribe_checked=subscribe_checked, **kwd ) if success and not is_admin: # The handle_user_login() method has a call to the history_set_default_permissions() method # (needed when logging in with a history), user needs to have default permissions set before logging in trans.handle_user_login(user) trans.log_event("User created a new account") trans.log_event("User logged in") else: status = "error" registration_warning_message = if success: if is_admin: redirect_url = web.url_for("/admin/users?status=success&message=Created new user account.") else: redirect_url = web.url_for("/") return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/tool_shed/user/register.mako", cntrller=cntrller, email=email, username=username, subscribe_checked=subscribe_checked, show_user_prepopulate_form=show_user_prepopulate_form, use_panels=use_panels, redirect=redirect, redirect_url=redirect_url, refresh_frames=refresh_frames, registration_warning_message=registration_warning_message, message=message, status=status, )
def __register(self, trans, email=None, username=None, password=None, subscribe_checked=False, **kwd): """Registers a new user.""" email = util.restore_text(email) username = util.restore_text(username) status = None message = None is_admin = trans.user_is_admin user = self.user_manager.create(email=email, username=username, password=password) if subscribe_checked: # subscribe user to email list if is None: status = "error" message = f"Now logged in as {}. However, subscribing to the mailing list has failed because mail is not configured for this Galaxy instance. <br>Please contact your local Galaxy administrator." else: body = "Join Mailing list.\n" to = frm = email subject = "Join Mailing List" try: util.send_mail(frm, to, subject, body, except Exception: log.exception("Subscribing to the mailing list has failed.") status = "warning" message = f"Now logged in as {}. However, subscribing to the mailing list has failed." if status != "error": if not is_admin: # The handle_user_login() method has a call to the history_set_default_permissions() method # (needed when logging in with a history), user needs to have default permissions set before logging in trans.handle_user_login(user) trans.log_event("User created a new account") trans.log_event("User logged in") if is_activation_sent = self.user_manager.send_activation_email(trans, email, username) if is_activation_sent: message = f"Now logged in as {escape(}.<br>Verification email has been sent to your email address. Please verify it by clicking the activation link in the email.<br>Please check your spam/trash folder in case you cannot find the message.<br><a target=\"_top\" href=\"{url_for('/')}\">Return to the home page.</a>" else: status = "error" message = "Unable to send activation email, please contact your local Galaxy administrator." if is not None: message += f" Contact: {}" else: # User activation is OFF, proceed without sending the activation email. message = f"Now logged in as {escape(}.<br><a target=\"_top\" href=\"{url_for('/')}\">Return to the home page.</a>" return message, status, user, status is None
[docs] @web.expose def reset_password(self, trans, email=None, **kwd): """Reset the user's password. Send an email with token that allows a password change.""" if is None: return trans.show_error_message( "Mail is not configured for this Galaxy instance " "and password reset information cannot be sent. " "Please contact your local Galaxy administrator." ) message = None status = "done" if kwd.get("reset_password_button", False): message = validate_email(trans, email, check_dup=False) if not message: # Default to a non-userinfo-leaking response message message = ( f"Your reset request for {escape(email)} has been received. " "Please check your email account for more instructions. " "If you do not receive an email shortly, please contact an administrator." ) reset_user = get_user_by_email(trans.sa_session, email, if not reset_user: # Perform a case-insensitive check only if the user wasn't found reset_user = get_user_by_email(trans.sa_session, email,, False) if reset_user: prt = trans.sa_session.add(prt) with transaction(trans.sa_session): trans.sa_session.commit() host =":")[0] if host in ["localhost", "", ""]: host = socket.getfqdn() reset_url = url_for(controller="user", action="change_password", token=prt.token, qualified=True) body = PASSWORD_RESET_TEMPLATE % ( host, prt.expiration_time.strftime(, reset_url, ) frm = or f"galaxy-no-reply@{host}" subject = "Galaxy Password Reset" try: util.send_mail(frm, email, subject, body, trans.sa_session.add(reset_user) with transaction(trans.sa_session): trans.sa_session.commit() trans.log_event(f"User reset password: {email}") except Exception: log.exception("Unable to reset password.") return trans.fill_template("/webapps/tool_shed/user/reset_password.mako", message=message, status=status)
[docs] @web.expose def manage_user_info(self, trans, cntrller, **kwd): """Manage a user's login, password, public username, type, addresses, etc.""" params = util.Params(kwd) user_id = params.get("id", None) if user_id: user = trans.sa_session.get(, else: user = trans.user if not user: raise AssertionError(f"The user id ({str(user_id)}) is not valid") email = util.restore_text(params.get("email", username = util.restore_text(params.get("username", "")) if not username: username = user.username message = escape(util.restore_text(params.get("message", ""))) status = params.get("status", "done") return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/tool_shed/user/manage_info.mako", cntrller=cntrller, user=user, email=email, username=username, message=message, status=status, )
[docs] @web.expose @require_login() def api_keys(self, trans, cntrller, **kwd): params = util.Params(kwd) message = escape(util.restore_text(params.get("message", ""))) status = params.get("status", "done") if params.get("new_api_key_button", False): ApiKeyManager( message = "Generated a new web API key" status = "done" return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/tool_shed/user/api_keys.mako", cntrller=cntrller, user=trans.user, message=message, status=status )
# For REMOTE_USER, we need the ability to just edit the username
[docs] @web.expose @require_login("to manage the public name") def edit_username(self, trans, cntrller, **kwd): params = util.Params(kwd) is_admin = cntrller == "admin" and trans.user_is_admin message = util.restore_text(params.get("message", "")) status = params.get("status", "done") user_id = params.get("user_id", None) if user_id and is_admin: user = trans.sa_session.get(, else: user = trans.user if user and params.get("change_username_button", False): username = kwd.get("username", "") if username: message = validate_publicname(trans, username, user) if message: status = "error" else: user.username = username trans.sa_session.add(user) with transaction(trans.sa_session): trans.sa_session.commit() message = "The username has been updated with the changes." return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/tool_shed/user/username.mako", cntrller=cntrller, user=user, username=user.username, message=message, status=status, )
[docs] @web.expose def edit_info(self, trans, cntrller, **kwd): """ Edit user information = username, email or password. """ params = util.Params(kwd) is_admin = cntrller == "admin" and trans.user_is_admin message = util.restore_text(params.get("message", "")) status = params.get("status", "done") user_id = params.get("user_id", None) if user_id and is_admin: user = trans.sa_session.get(, elif user_id and (not trans.user or != message = "Invalid user id" status = "error" user = None else: user = trans.user if user and params.get("login_info_button", False): # Editing email and username email = util.restore_text(params.get("email", "")) username = util.restore_text(params.get("username", "")).lower() # Validate the new values for email and username message = validate_email(trans, email, user) if not message and username: message = validate_publicname(trans, username, user) if message: status = "error" else: if != email: # The user's private role name must match the user's login ( email ) private_role = = email private_role.description = f"Private role for {email}" # Change the email itself = email trans.sa_session.add_all((user, private_role)) with transaction(trans.sa_session): trans.sa_session.commit() if == "galaxy" and = False trans.sa_session.add(user) with transaction(trans.sa_session): trans.sa_session.commit() is_activation_sent = self.user_manager.send_activation_email(trans,, user.username) if is_activation_sent: message = "The login information has been updated with the changes.<br>Verification email has been sent to your new email address. Please verify it by clicking the activation link in the email.<br>Please check your spam/trash folder in case you cannot find the message." else: message = "Unable to send activation email, please contact your local Galaxy administrator." if is not None: message += f" Contact: {}" if user.username != username: user.username = username trans.sa_session.add(user) with transaction(trans.sa_session): trans.sa_session.commit() message = "The login information has been updated with the changes." elif user and params.get("edit_user_info_button", False): # Edit user information - webapp MUST BE 'galaxy' user_type_fd_id = params.get("user_type_fd_id", "none") if user_type_fd_id not in ["none"]: user_type_form_definition = trans.sa_session.get(, ) elif user.values: user_type_form_definition = user.values.form_definition else: # User was created before any of the user_info forms were created user_type_form_definition = None if user_type_form_definition: values = self.get_form_values(trans, user, user_type_form_definition, **kwd) else: values = {} flush_needed = False if user.values: # Editing the user info of an existing user with existing user info user.values.content = values trans.sa_session.add(user.values) flush_needed = True elif values: form_values = trans.model.FormValues(user_type_form_definition, values) trans.sa_session.add(form_values) user.values = form_values flush_needed = True if flush_needed: trans.sa_session.add(user) with transaction(trans.sa_session): trans.sa_session.commit() message = "The user information has been updated with the changes." if user and == "galaxy" and is_admin: kwd["user_id"] = kwd["id"] = user_id if message: kwd["message"] = util.sanitize_text(message) if status: kwd["status"] = status return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for(controller="user", action="manage_user_info", cntrller=cntrller, **kwd) )
[docs] @web.expose def change_password(self, trans, token=None, id=None, **kwd): """ Provides a form with which one can change their password. If token is provided, don't require current password. """ if kwd.get("change_password_button", False): password = kwd.get("password", "") confirm = kwd.get("confirm", "") current = kwd.get("current", "") user, message = self.user_manager.change_password( trans, password=password, current=current, token=token, confirm=confirm, id=id ) if not user: return trans.show_error_message(message) return trans.show_ok_message( "The password has been changed and any other existing Galaxy sessions have been logged out (but jobs in histories in those sessions will not be interrupted)." ) return trans.fill_template("/webapps/tool_shed/user/change_password.mako", token=token, id=id)
[docs] @web.expose def logout(self, trans, logout_all=False, **kwd): trans.handle_user_logout(logout_all=logout_all) message = f'You have been logged out.<br>To log in again <a target="_top" href="{url_for("/")}">go to the home page</a>.' if and trans.response.send_redirect( else: return trans.fill_template( "/webapps/tool_shed/user/logout.mako", refresh_frames=["masthead"], message=message, status="done", active_view="user", )
def __validate(self, trans, email, password, confirm, username): if username in ["repos"]: return f"The term '{username}' is a reserved word in the Tool Shed, so it cannot be used as a public user name." message = "\n".join( ( validate_email(trans, email), validate_password(trans, password, confirm), validate_publicname(trans, username), ) ).rstrip() return message