""" This module contains functionality to aid in extracting workflows from
import logging
from typing import Optional
from galaxy import (
from galaxy.model.base import (
from galaxy.tool_util.parser import ToolOutputCollectionPart
from galaxy.tools.parameters.basic import (
from galaxy.tools.parameters.grouping import (
from galaxy.util import listify
from .steps import (
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
WARNING_SOME_DATASETS_NOT_READY = "Some datasets still queued or running were ignored"
def extract_steps(
# Ensure job_ids and dataset_ids are lists (possibly empty)
job_ids = listify(job_ids)
dataset_ids = listify(dataset_ids)
dataset_collection_ids = listify(dataset_collection_ids)
# Convert both sets of ids to integers
job_ids = [int(_) for _ in job_ids]
dataset_ids = [int(_) for _ in dataset_ids]
dataset_collection_ids = [int(_) for _ in dataset_collection_ids]
# Find each job, for security we (implicitly) check that they are
# associated with a job in the current history.
summary = WorkflowSummary(trans, history)
jobs = summary.jobs
steps = []
step_labels = set()
hid_to_output_pair = {}
# Input dataset steps
for i, hid in enumerate(dataset_ids):
step = model.WorkflowStep()
step.type = "data_input"
if dataset_names:
name = dataset_names[i]
name = "Input Dataset"
if name not in step_labels:
step.label = name
step.tool_inputs = dict(name=name)
hid_to_output_pair[hid] = (step, "output")
for i, hid in enumerate(dataset_collection_ids):
step = model.WorkflowStep()
step.type = "data_collection_input"
if hid not in summary.collection_types:
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(f"hid {hid} does not appear to be a collection")
collection_type = summary.collection_types[hid]
if dataset_collection_names:
name = dataset_collection_names[i]
name = "Input Dataset Collection"
if name not in step_labels:
step.label = name
step.tool_inputs = dict(name=name, collection_type=collection_type)
hid_to_output_pair[hid] = (step, "output")
# Tool steps
for job_id in job_ids:
if job_id not in summary.job_id2representative_job:
log.warning(f"job_id {job_id} not found in job_id2representative_job {summary.job_id2representative_job}")
raise AssertionError("Attempt to create workflow with job not connected to current history")
job = summary.job_id2representative_job[job_id]
tool_inputs, associations = step_inputs(trans, job)
step = model.WorkflowStep()
step.type = "tool"
step.tool_id = job.tool_id
step.tool_version = job.tool_version
step.tool_inputs = tool_inputs
# NOTE: We shouldn't need to do two passes here since only
# an earlier job can be used as an input to a later
# job.
for other_hid, input_name in associations:
if job in summary.implicit_map_jobs:
an_implicit_output_collection = jobs[job][0][1]
input_collection = an_implicit_output_collection.find_implicit_input_collection(input_name)
if input_collection:
other_hid = input_collection.hid
log.info(f"Cannot find implicit input collection for {input_name}")
if other_hid in hid_to_output_pair:
step_input = step.get_or_add_input(input_name)
other_step, other_name = hid_to_output_pair[other_hid]
conn = model.WorkflowStepConnection()
conn.input_step_input = step_input
# Should always be connected to an earlier step
conn.output_step = other_step
conn.output_name = other_name
# Store created dataset hids
for assoc in job.output_datasets + job.output_dataset_collection_instances:
assoc_name = assoc.name
if ToolOutputCollectionPart.is_named_collection_part_name(assoc_name):
if assoc_name.startswith("__new_primary_file"):
if job in summary.implicit_map_jobs:
hid = None
for implicit_pair in jobs[job]:
query_assoc_name, dataset_collection = implicit_pair
if query_assoc_name == assoc_name or assoc_name.startswith(
hid = summary.hid(dataset_collection)
if hid is None:
template = (
"Failed to find matching implicit job - job id is %s, implicit pairs are %s, assoc_name is %s."
message = template % (job.id, jobs[job], assoc_name)
raise Exception("Failed to extract job.")
if hasattr(assoc, "dataset"):
has_hid = assoc.dataset
has_hid = assoc.dataset_collection_instance
hid = summary.hid(has_hid)
if hid in hid_to_output_pair:
log.warning(f"duplicate hid found in extract_steps [{hid}]")
hid_to_output_pair[hid] = (step, assoc.name)
return steps
class FakeJob:
Fake job object for datasets that have no creating_job_associations,
they will be treated as "input" datasets.
def __init__(self, dataset):
self.is_fake = True
self.id = f"fake_{dataset.id}"
self.name = self._guess_name_from_dataset(dataset)
def _guess_name_from_dataset(self, dataset) -> Optional[str]:
"""Tries to guess the name of the fake job from the dataset associations."""
if dataset.copied_from_history_dataset_association:
return "Import from History"
if dataset.copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association:
return "Import from Library"
return None
class DatasetCollectionCreationJob:
def __init__(self, dataset_collection):
self.is_fake = True
self.id = f"fake_{dataset_collection.id}"
self.from_jobs = None
self.name = "Dataset Collection Creation"
self.disabled_why = "Dataset collection created in a way not compatible with workflows"
def set_jobs(self, jobs):
assert jobs is not None
self.from_jobs = jobs
[docs]def summarize(trans, history=None):
"""Return mapping of job description to datasets for active items in
supplied history - needed for building workflow from a history.
Formerly call get_job_dict in workflow web controller.
summary = WorkflowSummary(trans, history)
return summary.jobs, summary.warnings
class WorkflowSummary:
def __init__(self, trans, history):
if not history:
history = trans.get_history()
self.history = history
self.warnings = set()
self.jobs = {}
self.job_id2representative_job = {} # map a non-fake job id to its representative job
self.implicit_map_jobs = []
self.collection_types = {}
self.hda_hid_in_history = {}
self.hdca_hid_in_history = {}
def hid(self, object):
if object.history_content_type == "dataset_collection":
if object.id in self.hdca_hid_in_history:
return self.hdca_hid_in_history[object.id]
elif object.history == self.history:
return object.hid
log.warning("extraction issue, using hdca hid from outside current history and unmapped")
return object.hid
if object.id in self.hda_hid_in_history:
return self.hda_hid_in_history[object.id]
elif object.history == self.history:
return object.hid
log.warning("extraction issue, using hda hid from outside current history and unmapped")
return object.hid
def __summarize(self):
# Make a first pass handle all singleton jobs, input dataset and dataset collections
# just grab the implicitly mapped jobs and handle in second pass. Second pass is
# needed because cannot allow selection of individual datasets from an implicit
# mapping during extraction - you get the collection or nothing.
for content in self.history.visible_contents:
def __summarize_content(self, content):
# Update internal state for history content (either an HDA or
# an HDCA).
if content.history_content_type == "dataset_collection":
def __summarize_dataset_collection(self, dataset_collection):
hid_in_history = dataset_collection.hid
dataset_collection = self.__original_hdca(dataset_collection)
self.hdca_hid_in_history[dataset_collection.id] = hid_in_history
hid = dataset_collection.hid
self.collection_types[hid] = dataset_collection.collection.collection_type
if cja := dataset_collection.creating_job_associations:
# Use the "first" job to represent all mapped jobs.
representative_assoc = cja[0]
representative_job = representative_assoc.job
if (
representative_job not in self.jobs
or self.jobs[representative_job][0][1].history_content_type == "dataset"
self.jobs[representative_job] = [(representative_assoc.name, dataset_collection)]
if dataset_collection.implicit_output_name:
self.jobs[representative_job].append((representative_assoc.name, dataset_collection))
for assoc in cja:
job = assoc.job
self.job_id2representative_job[job.id] = representative_job
# This whole elif condition may no longer be needed do to additional
# tracking with creating_job_associations. Will delete at some point.
elif dataset_collection.implicit_output_name:
# TODO: Optimize db call
element = dataset_collection.collection.first_dataset_element
if not element:
# Got no dataset instance to walk back up to creating job.
# TODO track this via tool request model
job = DatasetCollectionCreationJob(dataset_collection)
self.jobs[job] = [(None, dataset_collection)]
dataset_instance = element.hda
if not self.__check_state(dataset_instance):
# Just checking the state of one instance, don't need more but
# makes me wonder if even need this check at all?
original_hda = self.__original_hda(dataset_instance)
if not original_hda.creating_job_associations:
"An implicitly create output dataset collection doesn't have a creating_job_association, should not happen!"
job = DatasetCollectionCreationJob(dataset_collection)
self.jobs[job] = [(None, dataset_collection)]
for assoc in original_hda.creating_job_associations:
job = assoc.job
if job not in self.jobs or self.jobs[job][0][1].history_content_type == "dataset":
self.jobs[job] = [(assoc.name, dataset_collection)]
self.job_id2representative_job[job.id] = job
self.jobs[job].append((assoc.name, dataset_collection))
job = DatasetCollectionCreationJob(dataset_collection)
self.jobs[job] = [(None, dataset_collection)]
def __summarize_dataset(self, dataset):
if not self.__check_state(dataset):
hid_in_history = dataset.hid
original_hda = self.__original_hda(dataset)
self.hda_hid_in_history[original_hda.id] = hid_in_history
if not original_hda.creating_job_associations:
self.jobs[FakeJob(dataset)] = [(None, dataset)]
for assoc in original_hda.creating_job_associations:
job = assoc.job
if job in self.jobs:
self.jobs[job].append((assoc.name, dataset))
self.jobs[job] = [(assoc.name, dataset)]
self.job_id2representative_job[job.id] = job
def __original_hdca(self, hdca):
while hdca.copied_from_history_dataset_collection_association:
hdca = hdca.copied_from_history_dataset_collection_association
return hdca
def __original_hda(self, hda):
# if this hda was copied from another, we need to find the job that created the original hda
while hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association:
hda = hda.copied_from_history_dataset_association
return hda
def __check_state(self, hda):
# FIXME: Create "Dataset.is_finished"
if hda.state in ("new", "running", "queued"):
return hda
def step_inputs(trans, job):
tool = trans.app.toolbox.get_tool(job.tool_id, tool_version=job.tool_version)
param_values = job.get_param_values(
trans.app, ignore_errors=True
) # If a tool was updated and e.g. had a text value changed to an integer, we don't want a traceback here
associations = __cleanup_param_values(tool.inputs, param_values)
tool_inputs = tool.params_to_strings(param_values, trans.app)
return tool_inputs, associations
def __cleanup_param_values(inputs, values):
Remove 'Data' values from `param_values`, along with metadata cruft,
but track the associations.
associations = []
# dbkey is pushed in by the framework
if "dbkey" in values:
del values["dbkey"]
root_values = values
root_input_keys = inputs.keys()
# Recursively clean data inputs and dynamic selects
def cleanup(prefix, inputs, values):
for key, input in inputs.items():
if isinstance(input, DataToolParameter) or isinstance(input, DataCollectionToolParameter):
items = values[key]
values[key] = None
# HACK: Nested associations are not yet working, but we
# still need to clean them up so we can serialize
# if not( prefix ):
for item in listify(items):
if isinstance(item, model.DatasetCollectionElement):
item = item.first_dataset_instance()
if item: # this is false for a non-set optional dataset
associations.append((item.hid, prefix + key))
# Cleanup the other deprecated crap associated with datasets
# as well. Worse, for nested datasets all the metadata is
# being pushed into the root. FIXME: MUST REMOVE SOON
key = f"{prefix + key}_"
for k in root_values.keys():
if k not in root_input_keys and k.startswith(key):
del root_values[k]
elif isinstance(input, Repeat):
if key in values:
group_values = values[key]
for i, rep_values in enumerate(group_values):
rep_index = rep_values["__index__"]
cleanup("%s%s_%d|" % (prefix, key, rep_index), input.inputs, group_values[i])
elif isinstance(input, Conditional):
# Scrub dynamic resource related parameters from workflows,
# they cause problems and the workflow probably should include
# their state in workflow encoding.
if input.name == "__job_resource":
if input.name in values:
del values[input.name]
if input.name in values:
group_values = values[input.name]
current_case = group_values["__current_case__"]
cleanup(f"{prefix}{key}|", input.cases[current_case].inputs, group_values)
elif isinstance(input, Section):
if input.name in values:
cleanup(f"{prefix}{key}|", input.inputs, values[input.name])
cleanup("", inputs, values)
return associations
__all__ = ("summarize", "extract_workflow")