import datetime
import inspect
import logging
import os
import re
import socket
import time
from contextlib import ExitStack
from http.cookies import CookieError
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import mako.lookup
import mako.runtime
from apispec import APISpec
from paste.urlmap import URLMap
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.exc import NoResultFound
from galaxy import util
from galaxy.exceptions import (
from galaxy.managers import context
from galaxy.managers.session import GalaxySessionManager
from galaxy.managers.users import UserManager
from galaxy.model.base import (
from galaxy.structured_app import (
from galaxy.util import (
from galaxy.util.resources import (
from galaxy.util.sanitize_html import sanitize_html
from galaxy.version import VERSION
from galaxy.web.framework import (
from galaxy.web.framework.middleware.static import CacheableStaticURLParser as Static
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TOOL_RUNNER_SESSION_COOKIE = "galaxytoolrunnersession"
[docs]class WebApplication(base.WebApplication):
Base WSGI application instantiated for all Galaxy webapps.
A web application that:
* adds API and UI controllers by scanning given directories and
importing all modules found there.
* has a security object.
* builds mako template lookups.
* generates GalaxyWebTransactions.
injection_aware: bool = False
[docs] def __init__(
self, galaxy_app: MinimalApp, session_cookie: str = "galaxysession", name: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
self.name = name
galaxy_app.is_webapp = True
self.set_transaction_factory(lambda e: self.transaction_chooser(e, galaxy_app, session_cookie))
# Mako support
self.mako_template_lookup = self.create_mako_template_lookup(galaxy_app, name)
# Security helper
self.security = galaxy_app.security
# We need this to set the REQUEST_ID contextvar in model.base *BEFORE* a GalaxyWebTransaction is created.
# This will ensure a SQLAlchemy session is request-scoped for legacy (non-fastapi) endpoints.
[docs] def build_apispec(self):
Traverse all route paths starting with "api" and create an APISpec instance.
# API specification builder
apispec = APISpec(
RE_URL = re.compile(
DEFAULT_API_RESOURCE_NAMES = ("index", "create", "new", "update", "edit", "show", "delete")
for rule in self.mapper.matchlist:
if rule.routepath.endswith(".:(format)") or not rule.routepath.startswith("api/"):
# Try to replace routes various ways to encode variables with simple swagger {form}
swagger_path = "/{}".format(RE_URL.sub(r"{\1}", rule.routepath))
controller = rule.defaults.get("controller", "")
action = rule.defaults.get("action", "")
# Get the list of methods for the route
methods = []
if rule.conditions:
m = rule.conditions.get("method", [])
methods = [m] if isinstance(m, str) else m
# Find the controller class
if controller not in self.api_controllers:
# Only happens when removing a controller after porting to FastAPI.
raise Exception(f"No controller class found for '{controller}', remove from buildapp.py ?")
controller_class = self.api_controllers[controller]
if not hasattr(controller_class, action):
# There's a manually specified action that points to a function that doesn't exist anymore
raise Exception(
f"No action found for {action} in class {controller_class}, remove from buildapp.py ?"
action_method = getattr(controller_class, action)
operations = {}
# Add methods that have routes but are not documents
for method in methods:
if method.lower() not in operations:
operations[method.lower()] = {
"description": f"This route has not yet been ported to FastAPI. The documentation may not be complete.\n{action_method.__doc__}",
"tags": ["undocumented"],
# Store the swagger path
apispec.path(path=swagger_path, operations=operations)
return apispec
[docs] def create_mako_template_lookup(self, galaxy_app, name):
paths = []
base_package = (
"tool_shed.webapp" if galaxy_app.name == "tool_shed" else "galaxy.webapps.base"
) # reports has templates in galaxy package
base_template_path = resource_path(base_package, "templates")
with ExitStack() as stack:
# First look in webapp specific directory
if name is not None:
path = stack.enter_context(as_file(base_template_path / "webapps" / name))
# Then look in root directory
path = stack.enter_context(as_file(base_template_path))
# Create TemplateLookup with a small cache
return mako.lookup.TemplateLookup(
directories=paths, module_directory=galaxy_app.config.template_cache_path, collection_size=500
[docs] def handle_controller_exception(self, e, trans, method, **kwargs):
if isinstance(e, TypeError):
method_signature = inspect.signature(method)
required_parameters = {
for p in method_signature.parameters.values()
if p.name != "trans" and p.default is inspect._empty
missing_required_parameters = required_parameters.difference(kwargs)
if missing_required_parameters:
e = RequestParameterMissingException(
f"Required parameter(s) {', '.join(missing_required_parameters)} not provided in request."
if isinstance(e, MessageException):
# In the case of a controller exception, sanitize to make sure
# unsafe html input isn't reflected back to the user
trans.response.status = e.status_code
return trans.show_message(sanitize_html(e.err_msg), e.type)
[docs] def make_body_iterable(self, trans, body):
return base.WebApplication.make_body_iterable(self, trans, body)
[docs] def transaction_chooser(self, environ, galaxy_app: BasicSharedApp, session_cookie: str):
return GalaxyWebTransaction(environ, galaxy_app, self, session_cookie)
[docs] def add_ui_controllers(self, package_name, app):
Search for UI controllers in `package_name` and add
them to the webapp.
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import BaseUIController
for name, module in base.walk_controller_modules(package_name):
# Look for a controller inside the modules
for key in dir(module):
T = getattr(module, key)
if inspect.isclass(T) and T is not BaseUIController and issubclass(T, BaseUIController):
controller = self._instantiate_controller(T, app)
self.add_ui_controller(name, controller)
[docs] def add_api_controllers(self, package_name, app):
Search for UI controllers in `package_name` and add
them to the webapp.
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import BaseAPIController
for name, module in base.walk_controller_modules(package_name):
for key in dir(module):
T = getattr(module, key)
# Exclude classes such as BaseAPIController and BaseTagItemsController
if inspect.isclass(T) and not key.startswith("Base") and issubclass(T, BaseAPIController):
# By default use module_name, but allow controller to override name
controller_name = getattr(T, "controller_name", name)
controller = self._instantiate_controller(T, app)
self.add_api_controller(controller_name, controller)
def _instantiate_controller(self, T, app):
"""Extension point, allow apps to construct controllers differently,
really just used to stub out actual controllers for routes testing.
controller = None
if self.injection_aware:
controller = app.resolve_or_none(T)
if controller is not None:
for key, value in T.__dict__.items():
if hasattr(value, "galaxy_type_depends"):
value_type = value.galaxy_type_depends
setattr(controller, key, app[value_type])
if controller is None:
controller = T(app)
return controller
[docs]def config_allows_origin(origin_raw, config):
# boil origin header down to hostname
origin = urlparse(origin_raw).hostname
# singular match
def matches_allowed_origin(origin, allowed_origin):
if isinstance(allowed_origin, str):
return origin == allowed_origin
match = allowed_origin.match(origin)
return match and match.group() == origin
# localhost uses no origin header (== null)
if not origin:
return False
# check for '*' or compare to list of allowed
for allowed_origin in config.allowed_origin_hostnames:
if allowed_origin == "*" or matches_allowed_origin(origin, allowed_origin):
return True
return False
[docs]def url_builder(*args, **kwargs) -> str:
"""Wrapper around the WSGI version of the function for reversing URLs."""
kwargs.update(kwargs.pop("query_params", {}))
return url_for(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class GalaxyWebTransaction(base.DefaultWebTransaction, context.ProvidesHistoryContext):
Encapsulates web transaction specific state for the Galaxy application
(specifically the user's "cookie" session and history)
[docs] def __init__(
self, environ: Dict[str, Any], app: BasicSharedApp, webapp: WebApplication, session_cookie: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
self._app = app
self.webapp = webapp
self.user_manager = app[UserManager]
self.session_manager = app[GalaxySessionManager]
config = self.app.config
self.debug = asbool(config.get("debug", False))
if x_frame_options := getattr(config, "x_frame_options", None):
self.response.headers["X-Frame-Options"] = x_frame_options
# Flag indicating whether we are in workflow building mode (means
# that the current history should not be used for parameter values
# and such).
self.workflow_building_mode = False
self.__user = None
self.galaxy_session = None
self.error_message = None
self.host = self.request.host
self._short_term_cache: Dict[Tuple[str, ...], Any] = {}
# set any cross origin resource sharing headers if configured to do so
if self.environ.get("is_api_request", False):
# With API requests, if there's a key, use it and associate the
# user with the transaction.
# If not, check for an active session but do not create one.
# If an error message is set here, it's sent back using
# trans.show_error in the response -- in expose_api.
assert session_cookie
self.error_message = self._authenticate_api(session_cookie)
elif self.app.name == "reports":
self.galaxy_session = None
# This is a web request, get or create session.
assert session_cookie
if hasattr(self.app, "authnz_manager") and self.app.authnz_manager:
if self.galaxy_session:
# When we've authenticated by session, we have to check the
# following.
# Prevent deleted users from accessing Galaxy
if config.use_remote_user and self.galaxy_session.user.deleted:
if config.require_login:
if config.session_duration:
# TODO DBTODO All ajax calls from the client need to go through
# a single point of control where we can do things like
# redirect/etc. This is API calls as well as something like 40
# @web.json requests that might not get handled well on the
# clientside.
# Make sure we're not past the duration, and either log out or
# update timestamp.
now = datetime.datetime.now()
if self.galaxy_session.last_action:
expiration_time = self.galaxy_session.last_action + datetime.timedelta(
expiration_time = now
self.galaxy_session.last_action = now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
with transaction(self.sa_session):
if expiration_time < now:
# Expiration time has passed.
if self.environ.get("is_api_request", False):
self.response.status = 401
self.user = None
self.galaxy_session = None
message="You have been logged out due to inactivity. Please log in again to continue using Galaxy.",
self.galaxy_session.last_action = now
with transaction(self.sa_session):
def app(self):
return self._app
def url_builder(self):
return url_builder
[docs] def set_cors_allow(self, name=None, value=None):
acr = "Access-Control-Request-"
if name is None:
for key in self.request.headers.keys():
if key.startswith(acr):
self.set_cors_allow(name=key[len(acr) :], value=value)
resp_name = f"Access-Control-Allow-{name}"
if value is None:
value = self.request.headers.get(acr + name, None)
if value:
self.response.headers[resp_name] = value
elif resp_name in self.response.headers:
del self.response.headers[resp_name]
[docs] def set_cors_origin(self, origin=None):
if origin is None:
origin = self.request.headers.get("Origin", None)
if origin:
self.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = origin
elif "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" in self.response.headers:
del self.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]
[docs] def get_user(self):
"""Return the current user if logged in or None."""
user = self.__user
if not user and self.galaxy_session:
user = self.galaxy_session.user
self.__user = user
return user
[docs] def set_user(self, user):
"""Set the current user."""
if self.galaxy_session:
if user and not user.bootstrap_admin_user:
self.galaxy_session.user = user
with transaction(self.sa_session):
self.__user = user
user = property(get_user, set_user)
[docs] def get_cookie(self, name="galaxysession"):
"""Convenience method for getting a session cookie"""
# If we've changed the cookie during the request return the new value
if name in self.response.cookies:
return self.response.cookies[name].value
if name not in self.request.cookies and TOOL_RUNNER_SESSION_COOKIE in self.request.cookies:
# TOOL_RUNNER_SESSION_COOKIE value is the encoded galaxysession cookie.
# We decode it here and pretend it's the galaxysession
tool_runner_path = url_for(controller="tool_runner")
if self.request.path.startswith(tool_runner_path):
return self.security.decode_guid(self.request.cookies[TOOL_RUNNER_SESSION_COOKIE].value)
return self.request.cookies[name].value
except Exception:
return None
[docs] def set_cookie(self, value, name="galaxysession", path="/", age=90, version="1"):
self._set_cookie(value, name=name, path=path, age=age, version=version)
if name == "galaxysession":
# Set an extra sessioncookie that will only be sent and be accepted on the tool_runner path.
# Use the id_secret to encode the sessioncookie, so if a malicious site
# obtains the sessioncookie they can only run tools.
tool_runner_cookie = self.response.cookies[TOOL_RUNNER_SESSION_COOKIE]
tool_runner_cookie["SameSite"] = "None"
tool_runner_cookie["secure"] = True
def _set_cookie(self, value, name="galaxysession", path="/", age=90, version="1", encode_value=False):
"""Convenience method for setting a session cookie"""
# The galaxysession cookie value must be a high entropy 128 bit random number encrypted
# using a server secret key. Any other value is invalid and could pose security issues.
if encode_value:
value = self.security.encode_guid(value)
self.response.cookies[name] = unicodify(value)
self.response.cookies[name]["path"] = path
self.response.cookies[name]["max-age"] = 3600 * 24 * age # 90 days
tstamp = time.localtime(time.time() + 3600 * 24 * age)
self.response.cookies[name]["expires"] = time.strftime("%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT", tstamp)
self.response.cookies[name]["version"] = version
https = self.request.environ["wsgi.url_scheme"] == "https"
if https:
self.response.cookies[name]["secure"] = True
self.response.cookies[name]["httponly"] = True
except CookieError as e:
log.warning(f"Error setting httponly attribute in cookie '{name}': {e}")
if self.app.config.cookie_domain is not None:
self.response.cookies[name]["domain"] = self.app.config.cookie_domain
def _authenticate_api(self, session_cookie: str) -> Optional[str]:
Authenticate for the API via key or session (if available).
oidc_access_token = self.request.headers.get("Authorization", None)
oidc_token_supplied = (
self.environ.get("is_api_request", False) and oidc_access_token and "Bearer " in oidc_access_token
api_key = self.request.params.get("key", None) or self.request.headers.get("x-api-key", None)
secure_id = self.get_cookie(name=session_cookie)
api_key_supplied = self.environ.get("is_api_request", False) and api_key
if api_key_supplied:
# Sessionless API transaction, we just need to associate a user.
user = self.user_manager.by_api_key(api_key)
except AuthenticationFailed as e:
return str(e)
elif secure_id:
# API authentication via active session
# Associate user using existing session
# This will throw an exception under remote auth with anon users.
except Exception:
"Exception during Session-based API authentication, this was most likely an attempt to use an anonymous cookie under remote authentication (so, no user), which we don't support."
self.user = None
self.galaxy_session = None
elif oidc_token_supplied:
# Sessionless API transaction with oidc token, we just need to associate a user.
oidc_access_token = oidc_access_token.replace("Bearer ", "")
user = self.user_manager.by_oidc_access_token(oidc_access_token)
except AuthenticationFailed as e:
return str(e)
# Anonymous API interaction -- anything but @expose_api_anonymous will fail past here.
self.user = None
self.galaxy_session = None
return None
def _ensure_valid_session(self, session_cookie: str, create: bool = True) -> None:
Ensure that a valid Galaxy session exists and is available as
trans.session (part of initialization)
# Try to load an existing session
secure_id = self.get_cookie(name=session_cookie)
galaxy_session = None
prev_galaxy_session = None
user_for_new_session = None
invalidate_existing_session = False
# Track whether the session has changed so we can avoid calling flush
# in the most common case (session exists and is valid).
galaxy_session_requires_flush = False
if secure_id:
# Decode the cookie value to get the session_key
session_key = self.security.decode_guid(secure_id)
except MalformedId:
# Invalid session key, we're going to create a new one.
# IIRC we did this when we switched to python 3 and clients
# were sending sessioncookies that started with a stringified
# bytestring, e.g 'b"0123456789abcdef"'. Maybe we need to drop
# this exception catching, but then it'd be tricky to invalidate
# a faulty session key
log.debug("Received invalid session key '{secure_id}', setting a new session key")
session_key = None
if session_key:
# We do NOT catch exceptions here, if the database is down the request should fail,
# and we should not generate a new session.
galaxy_session = self.session_manager.get_session_from_session_key(session_key=session_key)
if not galaxy_session:
session_key = None
# If remote user is in use it can invalidate the session and in some
# cases won't have a cookie set above, so we need to check some things
# now.
if self.app.config.use_remote_user:
remote_user_email = self.environ.get(self.app.config.remote_user_header, None)
if galaxy_session:
if remote_user_email and galaxy_session.user is None:
# No user, associate
galaxy_session.user = self.user_manager.get_or_create_remote_user(remote_user_email)
galaxy_session_requires_flush = True
elif (
and galaxy_session.user.email != remote_user_email
and (
not self.app.config.allow_user_impersonation
or remote_user_email not in self.app.config.admin_users_list
# Session exists but is not associated with the correct
# remote user, and the currently set remote_user is not a
# potentially impersonating admin.
invalidate_existing_session = True
user_for_new_session = self.user_manager.get_or_create_remote_user(remote_user_email)
"User logged in as '%s' externally, but has a cookie as '%s' invalidating session",
elif remote_user_email:
# No session exists, get/create user for new session
user_for_new_session = self.user_manager.get_or_create_remote_user(remote_user_email)
if (galaxy_session and galaxy_session.user is None) and user_for_new_session is None:
raise Exception("Remote Authentication Failure - user is unknown and/or not supplied.")
if galaxy_session is not None and galaxy_session.user and galaxy_session.user.external:
# Remote user support is not enabled, but there is an existing
# session with an external user, invalidate
invalidate_existing_session = True
"User '%s' is an external user with an existing session, invalidating session since external auth is disabled",
elif galaxy_session is not None and galaxy_session.user is not None and galaxy_session.user.deleted:
invalidate_existing_session = True
log.warning(f"User '{galaxy_session.user.email}' is marked deleted, invalidating session")
# Do we need to invalidate the session for some reason?
if invalidate_existing_session:
assert galaxy_session
prev_galaxy_session = galaxy_session
prev_galaxy_session.is_valid = False
galaxy_session = None
# No relevant cookies, or couldn't find, or invalid, so create a new session
if galaxy_session is None:
galaxy_session = self.__create_new_session(prev_galaxy_session, user_for_new_session)
galaxy_session_requires_flush = True
self.galaxy_session = galaxy_session
self.galaxy_session = galaxy_session
if self.webapp.name == "galaxy":
# Do we need to flush the session?
if galaxy_session_requires_flush:
# FIXME: If prev_session is a proper relation this would not
# be needed.
if prev_galaxy_session:
with transaction(self.sa_session):
def _ensure_logged_in_user(self, session_cookie: str) -> None:
# The value of session_cookie can be one of
# 'galaxysession' or 'galaxycommunitysession'
# Currently this method does nothing unless session_cookie is 'galaxysession'
assert self.galaxy_session
if session_cookie == "galaxysession" and self.galaxy_session.user is None:
# TODO: re-engineer to eliminate the use of allowed_paths
# as maintenance overhead is far too high.
allowed_paths = [
# client app route
# TODO: might be better as '/:username/login', '/:username/logout'
url_for(controller="root", action="login"),
url_for(controller="login", action="start"),
# mako app routes
url_for(controller="user", action="login"),
url_for(controller="user", action="logout"),
url_for(controller="user", action="reset_password"),
url_for(controller="user", action="change_password"),
# TODO: do any of these still need to bypass require login?
url_for(controller="user", action="api_keys"),
url_for(controller="user", action="create"),
url_for(controller="user", action="index"),
url_for(controller="user", action="manage_user_info"),
url_for(controller="user", action="set_default_permissions"),
# append the welcome url to allowed paths if we'll show it at the login screen
if self.app.config.show_welcome_with_login:
allowed_paths.append(url_for(controller="root", action="welcome"))
# prevent redirect when UCSC server attempts to get dataset contents as 'anon' user
display_as = url_for(controller="root", action="display_as")
if self.app.datatypes_registry.get_display_sites("ucsc") and self.request.path == display_as:
host = socket.gethostbyaddr(self.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])[0]
except (OSError, socket.herror, socket.gaierror, socket.timeout):
host = None
if host in UCSC_SERVERS:
# prevent redirect for external, enabled display applications getting dataset contents
external_display_path = url_for(controller="", action="display_application")
if self.request.path.startswith(external_display_path):
request_path_split = self.request.path.split("/")
if (
and request_path_split[-4]
in self.app.datatypes_registry.display_applications.get(request_path_split[-5]).links
and request_path_split[-3] != "None"
except IndexError:
authnz_controller_base = url_for(controller="authnz", action="index")
if self.request.path.startswith(authnz_controller_base):
# All authnz requests pass through
# redirect to root if the path is not in the list above
if self.request.path not in allowed_paths:
login_url = url_for(controller="root", action="login", redirect=self.request.path)
def __create_new_session(self, prev_galaxy_session=None, user_for_new_session=None):
Create a new GalaxySession for this request, possibly with a connection
to a previous session (in `prev_galaxy_session`) and an existing user
(in `user_for_new_session`).
Caller is responsible for flushing the returned session.
return create_new_session(
self, prev_galaxy_session=prev_galaxy_session, user_for_new_session=user_for_new_session
def cookie_path(self):
# Cookies for non-root paths should not end with `/` -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36131023/setting-a-slash-on-cookie-path
return (self.app.config.cookie_path or url_for("/")).rstrip("/") or "/"
def __update_session_cookie(self, name="galaxysession"):
Update the session cookie to match the current session.
self.set_cookie(self.security.encode_guid(self.galaxy_session.session_key), name=name, path=self.cookie_path)
[docs] def check_user_library_import_dir(self, user):
if getattr(self.app.config, "user_library_import_dir_auto_creation", False):
# try to create a user library import directory
safe_makedirs(os.path.join(self.app.config.user_library_import_dir, user.email))
except ConfigurationError as e:
[docs] def user_checks(self, user):
This could contain more checks around a user upon login
def _associate_user_history(self, user, prev_galaxy_session=None):
Associate the user's last accessed history (if exists) with their new session
history = None
set_permissions = False
users_last_session = user.current_galaxy_session
except Exception:
users_last_session = None
if (
and prev_galaxy_session.current_history
and not prev_galaxy_session.current_history.deleted
and not prev_galaxy_session.current_history.empty
and (prev_galaxy_session.current_history.user is None or prev_galaxy_session.current_history.user == user)
# If the previous galaxy session had a history, associate it with the new session, but only if it didn't
# belong to a different user.
history = prev_galaxy_session.current_history
if prev_galaxy_session.user is None:
# Increase the user's disk usage by the amount of the previous history's datasets if they didn't already
# own it.
for hda in history.datasets:
user.adjust_total_disk_usage(hda.quota_amount(user), hda.dataset.quota_source_info.label)
# Only set default history permissions if the history is from the previous session and anonymous
set_permissions = True
elif self.galaxy_session.current_history:
history = self.galaxy_session.current_history
if (
not history
and users_last_session
and users_last_session.current_history
and not users_last_session.current_history.deleted
history = users_last_session.current_history
if history not in self.galaxy_session.histories:
if not history:
history = self.new_history()
if history.user is None:
history.user = user
self.galaxy_session.current_history = history
if set_permissions:
history, dataset=True, bypass_manage_permission=True
self.sa_session.add_all((prev_galaxy_session, self.galaxy_session, history))
[docs] def handle_user_login(self, user):
Login a new user (possibly newly created)
- do some 'system' checks (if any) for this user
- create a new session
- associate new session with user
- if old session had a history and it was not associated with a user, associate it with the new session,
otherwise associate the current session's history with the user
- add the disk usage of the current session to the user's total disk usage
self.app.security_agent.create_user_role(user, self.app)
# Set the previous session
prev_galaxy_session = self.galaxy_session
prev_galaxy_session.is_valid = False
# Define a new current_session
self.galaxy_session = self.__create_new_session(prev_galaxy_session, user)
if self.webapp.name == "galaxy":
cookie_name = "galaxysession"
self._associate_user_history(user, prev_galaxy_session)
cookie_name = "galaxycommunitysession"
self.sa_session.add_all((prev_galaxy_session, self.galaxy_session))
with transaction(self.sa_session):
# This method is not called from the Galaxy reports, so the cookie will always be galaxysession
[docs] def handle_user_logout(self, logout_all=False):
Logout the current user:
- invalidate the current session
- create a new session with no user associated
prev_galaxy_session = self.galaxy_session
prev_galaxy_session.is_valid = False
self.galaxy_session = self.__create_new_session(prev_galaxy_session)
self.sa_session.add_all((prev_galaxy_session, self.galaxy_session))
galaxy_user_id = prev_galaxy_session.user_id
if logout_all and galaxy_user_id is not None:
stmt = select(self.app.model.GalaxySession).filter(
self.app.model.GalaxySession.user_id == galaxy_user_id,
self.app.model.GalaxySession.is_valid == true(),
self.app.model.GalaxySession.id != prev_galaxy_session.id,
for other_galaxy_session in self.sa_session.scalars(stmt):
other_galaxy_session.is_valid = False
with transaction(self.sa_session):
if self.webapp.name == "galaxy":
# This method is not called from the Galaxy reports, so the cookie will always be galaxysession
elif self.webapp.name == "tool_shed":
[docs] def get_galaxy_session(self):
Return the current galaxy session
return self.galaxy_session
[docs] def get_history(self, create=False, most_recent=False):
Load the current history.
- If that isn't available, we find the most recently updated history.
- If *that* isn't available, we get or create the default history.
Transactions will not always have an active history (API requests), so
None is a valid response.
history = None
if self.galaxy_session:
if hasattr(self.galaxy_session, "current_history"):
history = self.galaxy_session.current_history
if not history and most_recent:
history = self.get_most_recent_history()
if not history and util.string_as_bool(create):
history = self.get_or_create_default_history()
return history
[docs] def set_history(self, history):
if history and not history.deleted:
self.galaxy_session.current_history = history
with transaction(self.sa_session):
def history(self):
return self.get_history()
[docs] def get_or_create_default_history(self):
Gets or creates a default history and associates it with the current
# Just return the current history if one exists and is not deleted.
history = self.galaxy_session.current_history
if history and not history.deleted:
return history
# Look for an existing history that has the default name, is not
# deleted, and is empty. If this exists, we associate it with the
# current session and return it.
user = self.galaxy_session.user
if user:
stmt = select(self.app.model.History).filter_by(
user=user, name=self.app.model.History.default_name, deleted=False
unnamed_histories = self.sa_session.scalars(stmt)
for history in unnamed_histories:
if history.empty:
return history
# Don't create new history if login required and user is anonymous
if self.app.config.require_login and not self.user:
return None
# No suitable history found, create a new one.
return self.new_history()
[docs] def get_most_recent_history(self):
Gets the most recently updated history.
# There must be a user to fetch histories, and without a user we have
# no recent history.
user = self.get_user()
if not user:
return None
stmt = (
.filter_by(user=user, deleted=False)
recent_history = self.sa_session.scalars(stmt).first()
except NoResultFound:
return None
return recent_history
[docs] def new_history(self, name=None):
Create a new history and associate it with the current session and
its associated user (if set).
# Create new history
history = self.app.model.History()
if name:
history.name = name
# Associate with session
# Make it the session's current history
self.galaxy_session.current_history = history
# Associate with user
if self.galaxy_session.user:
history.user = self.galaxy_session.user
# Track genome_build with history
history.genome_build = self.app.genome_builds.default_value
# Set the user's default history permissions
# Save
self.sa_session.add_all((self.galaxy_session, history))
with transaction(self.sa_session):
return history
def template_context(self):
return {}
[docs] def set_message(self, message, type=None):
Convenience method for setting the 'message' and 'message_type'
element of the template context.
self.template_context["message"] = message
if type:
self.template_context["status"] = type
[docs] def get_message(self):
Convenience method for getting the 'message' element of the template
return self.template_context["message"]
[docs] def show_message(self, message, type="info", refresh_frames=None, cont=None, use_panels=False, active_view=""):
Convenience method for displaying a simple page with a single message.
`type`: one of "error", "warning", "info", or "done"; determines the
type of dialog box and icon displayed with the message
`refresh_frames`: names of frames in the interface that should be
refreshed when the message is displayed
refresh_frames = refresh_frames or []
return self.fill_template(
[docs] def show_error_message(self, message, refresh_frames=None, use_panels=False, active_view=""):
Convenience method for displaying an error message. See `show_message`.
refresh_frames = refresh_frames or []
return self.show_message(message, "error", refresh_frames, use_panels=use_panels, active_view=active_view)
[docs] def show_ok_message(self, message, refresh_frames=None, use_panels=False, active_view=""):
Convenience method for displaying an ok message. See `show_message`.
refresh_frames = refresh_frames or []
return self.show_message(message, "done", refresh_frames, use_panels=use_panels, active_view=active_view)
[docs] def show_warn_message(self, message, refresh_frames=None, use_panels=False, active_view=""):
Convenience method for displaying an warn message. See `show_message`.
refresh_frames = refresh_frames or []
return self.show_message(message, "warning", refresh_frames, use_panels=use_panels, active_view=active_view)
def session_csrf_token(self):
token = ""
if self.galaxy_session:
token = self.security.encode_id(self.galaxy_session.id, kind="csrf")
return token
[docs] def check_csrf_token(self, payload):
session_csrf_token = payload.get("session_csrf_token")
if not session_csrf_token:
return "No session token set, denying request."
elif session_csrf_token != self.session_csrf_token:
return "Wrong session token found, denying request."
[docs] def fill_template(self, filename, **kwargs):
Fill in a template, putting any keyword arguments on the context.
# call get_user so we can invalidate sessions from external users,
# if external auth has been disabled.
assert filename.endswith(".mako")
return self.fill_template_mako(filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def fill_template_mako(self, filename, template_lookup=None, **kwargs):
template_lookup = template_lookup or self.webapp.mako_template_lookup
template = template_lookup.get_template(filename)
data = dict(
return template.render(**data)
[docs] def qualified_url_for_path(self, path):
return url_for(path, qualified=True)
[docs]def create_new_session(trans, prev_galaxy_session=None, user_for_new_session=None):
Create a new GalaxySession for this request, possibly with a connection
to a previous session (in `prev_galaxy_session`) and an existing user
(in `user_for_new_session`).
Caller is responsible for flushing the returned session.
session_key = trans.security.get_new_guid()
galaxy_session = trans.app.model.GalaxySession(
referer=trans.request.headers.get("Referer", None),
if prev_galaxy_session:
# Invalidated an existing session for some reason, keep track
galaxy_session.prev_session_id = prev_galaxy_session.id
if user_for_new_session:
# The new session should be associated with the user
galaxy_session.user = user_for_new_session
ensure_object_added_to_session(galaxy_session, object_in_session=user_for_new_session)
return galaxy_session
[docs]def default_url_path(path):
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), path))
[docs]def build_url_map(app, global_conf, **local_conf):
urlmap = URLMap()
# Merge the global and local configurations
conf = global_conf.copy()
# Get cache time in seconds
cache_time = conf.get("static_cache_time", None)
if cache_time is not None:
cache_time = int(cache_time)
# Send to dynamic app by default
urlmap["/"] = app
def get_static_from_config(option_name, default_path, sample=None):
config_val = conf.get(option_name)
default = default_url_path(default_path)
if not config_val:
if not os.path.exists(default) and sample:
config_val = os.path.abspath(f"{sample}")
config_val = default
per_host_config_option = f"{option_name}_by_host"
per_host_config = conf.get(per_host_config_option)
return Static(config_val, cache_time, directory_per_host=per_host_config)
# Define static mappings from config
static_dir = get_static_from_config("static_dir", "static/")
static_dir_bare = static_dir.directory.rstrip("/")
urlmap["/static"] = static_dir
urlmap["/images"] = get_static_from_config("static_images_dir", f"{static_dir_bare}/images")
urlmap["/static/scripts"] = get_static_from_config("static_scripts_dir", f"{static_dir_bare}/scripts/")
urlmap["/static/welcome.html"] = get_static_from_config(
"static_welcome_html", f"{static_dir_bare}/welcome.html", sample=default_url_path("static/welcome.sample.html")
urlmap["/favicon.ico"] = get_static_from_config(
"static_favicon_dir", f"{static_dir_bare}/favicon.ico", sample=default_url_path("static/favicon.ico")
urlmap["/robots.txt"] = get_static_from_config(
"static_robots_txt", f"{static_dir_bare}/robots.txt", sample=default_url_path("static/robots.txt")
if "static_local_dir" in conf:
urlmap["/static_local"] = Static(conf["static_local_dir"], cache_time)
return urlmap